The Hamilton journal. (Hamilton, Ga.) 1887-1887, August 19, 1887, Image 8

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Journal Personal Mention. Mr. D. P. Dozier and family, of Co¬ lumbus, were in town Sunday Mrs. Lizzie Johnson, of Millen, is on a visit to her sister Mrs. W. B. Ragland. Miss Alice Howard, of EHerslie, is the guest of her cousin, Miss Nannie How¬ ard this week. Miss Alice Watt, of Columbus, is visit¬ ing Miss Alberta Johnson, at the home of Mr 8 It Mnrphey. Mrs. Dr. Hurt, of Columbus, has been in the city several days visiting the family of Col J. M. Mobley. Mrs J. A Kirven and fa nily of Co ambus, returnedd home Monday, after a month’s stay in our city, Mrs. S. J. Salisbury, who has been M omering in our city, returned to her home in Columbus Sunday. Mr. W. N Hames, a former resident of this place, but now of-Columbus, was in town a day or two this week. Mr and Mrs Johu Buchanan, of Mar . vyn, Ala , are spending this week htre with the family of Maj T N Sparks. Mrs J. Greenwood, of Columbus, who has been a guest of the Hotel the past two weeks returned home Wednesday. Prof. J W Dozier has been talk : ng school all over middle Georgia the past week. He returned home yesterday afternoon in fine spirits. Miss Joe Williams, of Columbus, came up last Friday to spend the summer with rolatives here. She is at present the guest of Mr. and Mrs- B. II. Walton. Miss Sallie Howard, ©f Columbus, a sister of Mrs. W. D. McGregor, stopped over a day this week on her return home from a visit to relatives at Snelson. Mrs. W A Hill and two children, of Georgetown, arrived in town Thursday evening and will spend several days with the family of her brother Dr J W Mitchell. Capt. L L Stanford and family loft for north Georgia Wodnesday morning to visit his father. Mrs. T. H. Martin, of Liucoln, Ala., who has been visiting her sif ter, Mrs. J. W. Mitchell, left Wednesday for Pleasant Hill to spend some time with her mother before returning home. Rev A U Calaway, of LsGrange, a ven eruble Baptist divine, and father of Mrs W W Arnold, is in town this week assist¬ ing the pastor in the protracted services at the Baptist churoh Mr T H Cowsert, of Newnnn, sp«nt last Sunday with home folks. He was ncoorupanied by bis sister, Miss Carrie Mny, who has been on a visit of several we.ks to relatives at Newnan. Mrs J T Johnson and her daughter, of Columbus, are among the numerous vis¬ itors bore this wetk. Mrs Johnson is stopping at H:s Emma Parker’s aud Miss .1 e is the guest of her friend Miss May Hudson Airs J II Hamilton and Miss Susie Rid¬ dle, of Columbus, and Miss Augusta Rosser, of Eatonton, are the guests of Mr B C Kimbrough. Mr Hamilton came up With his lady Saturday but returned home Tuesday morning. Rev Crawford Jackson, pastor of Cen¬ tenary church, Macon, was the guest of Dr. T J Brooks a day or two this week. He is in ill health and has gone out to spend Kotuo time with relatives a few miles from town where he hopes to rccu l erate. LOCAL. Postponed. —The opening exercises t ar the i«ll term of the West Ga. A. & M. -’oilege will be postponed until Monday, •'opt. 12, for reasons satisfactory to those concerned. The protracted services at the Baptist church this week have been quite inter i sting and two candidates for baptism have bee.i received. They will be im¬ mersed in the pool this afternoon at four o’clock. A number went from here to Cstnula c impmeeting Sunday. It was largely at¬ tended and one of the most memorable meetings in the history of the camp¬ i ground. there Some end of our correspondents they will ve near we suppose f 1 vor our readers with particulars of the meeting. The general meeting of the Baptist churches in this district will begin to-day ? nd conrinne Sur day. Ample prepara¬ tions have been made to entertain the visitors and basket dinners will be spread 'he Baptist church yard. The meeting ; i- expected to be pleasant socially and of great spiritual interest to the church. Revival services at- Alt. Zion church ‘ continued the throngh Inst week, conducted j I r pastor, Rev W D McGregor, who was as-isted t y Rev W A Farley There were three accessions to the church uj to Saturday as a result of the meeting. We learn that it wa° a good meeting and trust it will be of lasting benefit to the church. The city council has had much work done on the streets of late that has made walking more tolerable in good or bad weather. A vigorous use of the broom in front of our business houses would be another improvement that would make visitors regard our little city as one of the neatest as it is one of the prettiest towns in the state. On returning Dorn campmeeting Sunday afternoon Mr Win Winfree was thrown from his horse and had his arm seriously broken. Miss Victoria Ilargeit of this county sustained a similar injury in a runaway near Catania on the same day. She was taken to Columbus and the bro¬ ken metnbet was adjusted by Dr S N Jordan. At last accounts she was doing well. The News is in receipt of a catalogue of the West Georgia A. & M. College, a branch of the State University at Hamil¬ ton, Ga., President Jno. W. Dozier. This is a good school, located in a good com¬ munity, and was attended by 100 pupils during the last scholastic year. The cat¬ alogue was printed in the JoUbnal office and is a good piece of work.—Blakely News. The College. The West Georgia A. and M. College will open on the 12th of September. Prof. Dozier has visited a number of tGwns in the interest of his school and has received much encouragement. The prospects cow are most favorable for a good opening and a fine school. Rev. W. W. Arnold will be associated with him in his school, Both are well known gentlemen whose superior worth Las won them the confidence and esteem of all who know them. Tney are a strong team and the patrons of the college are to be congratulated in securing the serv¬ ices of such popular educators. IVew Hope Dots. [These notes were crowded out last week.J It seems that the Hargett dots are on a boom. The overseers are putting the roads in good conditoa in this district. Mies Ellen Blanton from Newton coun¬ ty, has been visiting her relatives for the past few weeks. The County Commissioners will have something to do now, as most of the bridges need repairing. 1 he bridge on Flat ISheal creek, known as the Gamble bridge, is gone. Mr.. Editok:— We would like to hear from ail parts of the county, how the rains are serving the farmers. Tl e crops are considerably cut off by the past ten days raiu which has fallen and is still I ailing. Bottom lands both cotton and corn ore i.cjnred by overflows. River is still up. Some two horse formers say that their damage can’t be short of £>5O0). Tom. If you arc suffering from Malaria in any form, ask any druggist who has sold Shal lenbergers Anti ’ote what he knows of the medicine. Ignorance in regard to its w n derful power over all malarious disease, is the only possible reason why it is not in universal use,b cause it never fails to cure, never injures the system, and strikes di¬ rectly at the cause of suffering. Sold by druggists. Personal. Mr. N. II Frohlichstein, of Mobile. Ala , writes,I take great pleasure in recommend¬ ing Dr Krugs New Discovery for consump¬ tion, having used it for a severe attack of Bronchitis and catarrh. It gave v e in¬ stant relief and entirely cured me and I have not been afflicted since. I also beg to state that I had tried other remidies with no good result. Have also used Elec trie Bitters and New Life Pills, both o which I can recommend. Dr. Kings New Discovery for Consump¬ tion, coughs aid colds is sold on a posi¬ tive guarantee. Trial bottle tree at Cook’s Wonderful Cures. W D. Iloyt & Co.,Wholesale and Retail Druggists of King’s Borne,Ga., say.* We have ieen selling Dr. New Discovery, Electric Bitters and Bucklen’s Arnica Salve for two years. Have never handled remedies that sell as well or give such universal satisfac¬ tion, There have been some wonderful cures elfected by these medicines in this eity. Several cases of pronounced con sumption have been entirely cured bv use of a few bottles of Dr. King’s New Discov cry, taken in connection with Electric Bitters We guarantee them a 1 ways. Sold by Cook Brothers 'FTJRlff I TTJR El SUITS FROM $12 TO $200. BUREAUS FROM $5 TO $50. We have the best $2 Bedstead, the best $4.50 Bureau, the best $5 Bureau. Large arm rockers at $2.25; Baby Carriages from $3.50 to $35. Rocking chairs from 50 cents to $15. Alt kinds baby cribs mattresses at your own price, and other things too numerous to mention, all of which we will sell you 20 per cent, lower than can be bought elsewhere. Don’t buy a piece of Furniture till you have seen our stock. We can and are de¬ termined to sell you Furniture cheaper than anybody. Remember the place. 1222 Broad Street, Opposite Express Office, Southern A. F. GIBSON & CO., Columbus, Ga A Novel Bet. While I ara not a betting man, said F J Cheney, of the firm of F J Cheney & Co.,I considered it my religious duty to make that fellow a bet, you see he was about dead, and I guess he would of died before spring, if I had not of got him on the bet. You know some men had rather loose their life than lose a hundred, well he was one of that kind, and we both came near being out, but I saved my hundred and it only cost him ten dollars Kow's that ? He sent for me one day and said the doctors had ill given him up to die, with catarrh I told him that I would bet him S100 that Hall’s Catania cure would erme him or I would give hi u $100 if it failed. He took the latter proposition. This was three months ago You see how he looks now, don’t you, as well as any one,and a dandy. —American, Toledo. 0. d by druggists, 75 cents. Buck-leu’s Arnica Salve, The best Salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi¬ tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25c per box. The finest line of Toilet Soaps ever exhibited in Hamilton just re¬ ceived at the Drug Store. tf SHAKER’S CORDIAL The wonderful remedy for All Bowel Troubles, —SUCH AS— Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cramp Colic, Cholera Morbus and all bowel affections,no matter of how lonsr standing. The gem ot remedies for teething children. Pleasant to take, cure guaranteed, and only 25 cents Below is the verdict of those that have tried it: Dr W A Gillespie,White Sulphur Springs Ga., says, “I know the formula of Shakers Cordial and cheerfully endorse it. I use it with sueciss in my practice. Oakland, Ga Dr. Thos. D. Goodwin, , savs no family should be without it. Dr. A. G Floyd. Greenville, Ga , says, ‘T recommend Shakeis Cordial without hesitation to any one suffering with bowel trouble as I know the formula and use in practice. 11 same my Dr. R.F Hall, Greenville, Ga. ?ays, Have been prescribing Shaker’s Cordial for several years and consider it as sate and reliable remedy as can be had for any one suffering with bowel or summer complaints Ga., Dr J no. W. Cameron. Columbus, says, ‘ ‘1 have never beeu disappointed in a single instance in prescribing Shakers cors dial and have used same several vears.” Hon. T. A. Atkmson, Greenville, Ga., savs.* “I recommend Shakers Cordial for all tor which it if intended I have used it with happy results.” A . >1 . Hinton, TT . . Ordinary Mt-Ii^etlm •>, . Co , stirs, “It comes nearer being what is claim ed tor - ;+ it * than 1 ,,, any meui<.Hie m fi.p tiie rv-i.rld woiitl. It is a splendid remedy.’ Manufactured only i,_ by JOIIX P TVBXEB X BUG •3 COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. Sold by Dr. S. G. Riley, j Gn. Cook Bros.. Hamilton. S. R. Murpliey, \ G1j«s Bros., Chlpley, Ga A Good Investment—300 to 1—Read. Quitman, Ga., May 16,1887. M. A. Briggs: i Dear Sir:—My step son, 16 years old, has been sick 9 years, suffering with sallow complexion, thin blood, loss of appetite, great weakness and swelling of his feet, legs and stomach. His face was bloated,puffed and watery looking (dropsical) his complexion be¬ ing very pale and yellow. He bad no regular appetite and was too weak to work, not having worked six months, all told, in two years. I had tried 6 or 7 doctors and spent $300 to cure him,but all failed. I had offered one doctor $150 to cure him, but he re¬ fused to take the case. I had heard so much about your Nunbetter Tonic Pills I got 5 bottles (for $1) and gave them to him. He is now entirely well and has worked for 3 months in the field steadily,and I consider him finally cured. Your pills are a paying in¬ vestment for sick and puny people. Yours resp., W H Cooper. For sale by S. G. Riley. Call on him for a free sample of Briggs’ Nunn better Liver Pills and descriptive matter of other remedies, Er. SETH N. JORDAN, Operating Surgeon and Physician, Broad St., Columbus. Ga. !■'! UiJlJi % Ben&gj \ l A m3. j. *■ gmpjj 'mm @5 M Iks 5a mgm m. wm | ^ ; '--h pm. The Great Southern Remedy for all ps E®ty* 1* g Si ■ VRtfiEB sw g IsSL& F c* B ss j AND CHILDREN TEETHING. There are very few who do not know of this I little bush growing alongside of our mountains aud hills: but verv few reaSize the fact, that the little purple berry, which so many of us 1 <£•?,' £58? bowels. Dr. Digger's Huckleberry Cordial is l theonEAT southern' EiciiKDY that restores the little one teething, and cures Diarrhoea , Dvsentery when and cramp Colic. 1 it is considered that nt ibis season of the year sudden and dangerous attacks of the > bowels are so frequent, Eli.! we hear of so many : deaths occurring fmnoctani before a physician can be : called in, it is that every house - I hold should provide titemseives with some I speedy relief, a dose of which will relieve the I pain and save much anxietv. fir. Diggers’ j ' Huckleberry child Cordial is a simple remedy which any is pleased to tak. i Price. 50 cents a bettie. vrsnnfactnred by i WALTER A- TAYLOR. At-ama, Ga. 1 and Taylor's Mullein Cherokee will Rut'Ady'bf Coughs, Sweet Hum ! ?*mption. Price Sets, cure and SI Croup bottle. and Coa a