The Hamilton journal. (Hamilton, Ga.) 1887-1887, August 26, 1887, Image 4

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JOURNA _J • SUBSCRIPTION $1.00 A YEAR J. L. Dennis,........Proprietor. HAMILTON, GEORGIA, August 26,...................... 1SS7. Mulberry <»rove Hots. Miss Lney (’ox, «-f Columbus, is visits iiig her grandfather, Mr Jesse (Ax. Sir Jim McCoy spent a few days with his uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs G. w. Gordon on his return to his home in Florida, after visiting his mother of La. He is a pleasant young man and we regret his visit ■v 1 so short. Miss Alice Stallings, of Taibotton,Miss Clara Stallings and Mr Tom Moncrict, of Don, spent the day with Miss Christie Gordon Wednesday. Wo think Miss Alice one of the sweetest young lad; s wo ever mot. Mr Sam (Union killed a rattlesnake measuring three feet ten inches in length eight inches round, having ten ratties and a button Before S mi killed the snake it lot his favorite setter Blanche She died from the effects, also bit Whit’s hound puppy. He is recovering. Mr T L Hiding 'eft this morning for Meriwether with Mr M M Hadley, our revenue officer, lie Lu.h gone in pursuit of business. Mr L 0 Hightower has bougut him a new buggy. Ho carried one of onr root Saturday'and charming young ladies to emipmoeting staid until Sunday. Thai’s right Lucius, be accommodating. Begina. (Ihipley Chips. Mr J 1> Williams is visiting relatives at Midway, Ala. The family of Mr N II Sledge is visit¬ ing LaG range. Wo were much in hope that thoLum D. cave was a reality. Sanitary measures have been taken by our worthy council. Mr G A Pearce is very much troubled j about the “YVorrill. » 7 Miss Collins, of Columbus, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Everlyn. Messrs E H llugnley and Aaron Good¬ man arc ill with fever. Mi. Williard Harman, of Mount .Tile, and his friend Mr Butts', were in our city Wednesday. Mr S T Phillips has returned from Hanahatchoe, Ga , gladdening the hearts of his many friends* Glass Bros, soda fountain is in full blast. Buy yon a nice, cool, refreshing driuk for 5 cents. Mr Will Hutchinson has returned from Atlanta where he has been in business with thu Atlanta Homo Insurance Co. Glass Bros can sell you enough ready*, mixed materiel to paint your buggy brand new for ,f 1. Just think of it. Yon can apply it. Misses Mamie and Fannie Lou Moss, two accomplished young ladies of Whites ville, with their friend. Mrs. Sifers, of Oxfore, Ga., spent Wednesday with rela¬ tives m the city. A'sriosof protracted meetings is in progress at tho Methodist eburch, Much good has been done. A large number of converts has been added to the church. Ilevs. Bell, Askew and McGee have worked faithfully. l»o(s I'rom lion. [These notes were crowded out last week, j Gampmeeting is over and the people are now pul ling fodder. After so much rain the branches are drying up. ai d the farmers say that the cotton crop re failing short. Two gentlemen say that tkcj’ met a crawfish, two hundred yards from the river the other day which they supposed was getting back from the S. S. Associa¬ tion. Mr E A Winehest r was down last week on a short visit to bis brother G. H. Miss Alice Stallings, after a pleasant visit to her many relatives and friends has returnee to her home in Talbotten. Mr Wm Stallings, while tending some ; eiittlo this- evening o<» the river, shot and killed a red fox. All’s well but its negro preacher. ltring or send t/oar Job Print¬ ing to the JO l JLXA I.. i liiiMixn sisnsi. A Sick Man’s Wife Disregards the Druggist’s Advice ana So Saves the Life of Her Husband. J am a wood carver by trade and it is out of my line to write letters; but iny wife thought it was no more than right that I should let you know what your remedy has done for me, and 1 think so too. I li-\0 in East lb 7 th street, west of Third avenue, and have lived therefor about, twenty-three years, where 1 own real estate. Up to the time I am about to mention I had been a strong, well man. There was always more or less malaria in the neighborhood, but I had not per nmliy suffered from it. It was in iM'su 1 had mv first attack. It came on as such attacks commonly do, with headaches, loss of appetite and ambi¬ tion, chilly sensations with -slight fever afterwards, a oi-position to yawn and stretch, and so forth. I was employed at that time at Killians & Brothers, furniture manufacturers, in West 32 d Greet,, I hoped the attack would wear off, hut as it didn't 1 consulted a well known and able physician in Morris ania, who gave me <| inine and'told me wlmt to do. 1 can sum up the first, four and a half or five years of my experi cure in le \ oids. Occasionally I '• ;,h * 1 1 ’ \ ;l day or two, but. on , :l( 'vnoh* 1 slue, 7T to m\ work. I kept taking quinine, and in larger doses from year to year, kept on getting weak < r and worse, slowly but surely, all the time. and My trouble was now steady well and de¬ fined its symptoms were regular. I had dumb ague in its worst form, and it was grinding me down in spite of all that I could do or the doc¬ tors.could do. It held me in a gripfiTe /in in <1 burning von! 'mine. The poison had gone all through and over me and nothm , was able to touch it,. 1 was fast losiiv th’sh and strength, and about March, l ".8i, ! knobbed off work entire¬ ly and went home to be down sick, and to die for ad 1 could tell. I ran down so rapidly C M I soon became unable to walk am bbhamw. Liter ’ went from room b> room hi my own house only by fricmls'hoUi; yme up by each arm. The doses of o ’7 o. * w;■•••• bier creed until l o ften Inn . 7 '/ tins al <<• dose. The effects < a t:s I re iu< ndous stimulation was to nuib: ‘ mo neariv wild. II broke my sleep ; up, and 1 often walked the lloor, or > urge red about it, all night long, sear \ able to bear any noises or eve m speech. My temper was ext uiudy irritable, As to food, one of m it children would eat iuore in a meal food than i could in a day. 1 would or. r and then 1 urn from it in di-- pi.- on quinine and other stim'. oils ,ml on myself, like a bear i 11 w.r. o r. The quinine set, my head in a v. i sTl. ami the liquor -given as a m< I i I I ( 1 my stomach so . sick 1 could i ntc it. From i 75 p • v my propi'r weight) 1 ran *lo n to M or a', the weight of a light qirl- and wasseareelx better Ihan a sk ( -, -ion if u n ■ d > tii ’liken a hate Ip t and re n\.< . du r << id killed me I should re ,re oeeu During' tlm iaUv r part of this period, early in 1 mv physician said: «4 Miller, t! »re s no use i:i mv taking anv more money of you, 1 can t do you am H 1. 1 might pour and pounds wouldn't of qui nmeaown - vour throat it help you." strength this I the On tlit^ of gave up usi' of quinine altogether, and made up mv mind to do nothing more and take 11 n chances. Three weeks afterwards—about t lie last of M -- mv wife saw an advertise merit o M > i v ie in a New York paper. She told me of it 1 said: ** Stuff' and nonsense! it van t do me am KHl. But she went to a druggist's, neverthe¬ less. to got it. The druggUt advised h si Kaskinc: he said it was 11 lling bill s ar: that she ought not i ior money on it. L i ■ de.’t keep it, but e< bid r, el on r uni¬ to gewaid, i ^ i v a bottle at dm store in '/ i\: ,tv Mlllt Ain re. >’:t i nst mv v p nd without t! 11 on ^ * t U III one wt i - 5 — a to SUH n t XUi i a the first of 1 J Line, 188 ( 5 , and by the end of that month I wa- buck at my bench at C. P. ’ Smith’s scr* 7 sawing factory in 116 th street, where I work now. ; Since tin iv ’VO V lost a day ! from sick' * : E rekine only, about forty 7 . > , i <j mil doses a day, I conk : > : u u. The ma lari a appear; i V > : >f» i in my sys tern, and now IV-* ; imck mv old weight— 17 b v t * an ; . my Old Guntil to •01 astonish l nic-st to no friernls, and if K rekine <i • ! < oi 1 n c-f know whut did. iter W: ing it could do \vi ’ >• a dead man i to life. . ilLLER, 630 I- ■. New York. P. S. a ■ ;. ’ 11 h of the i l "Z Dove Staten..; . • following g c uilh-n n. .re J i • - mally ac¬ ‘1 uainf <• ' l * • id r. A 1 ex !i : :ufan* YVi ID > i * \ Mr. George ) Seaman. . ret . • ’ourtlandt i avenue; •. A, .1,-. 151 th street am C< hi r t la n d t a veil ue: Mr. P. F. Va ’ourtlandt j. • i j . iii GUO East 1~ qh rut 1 , 1 * , -haw. 124 An si reel, , many < J I will j also reply to ’ (* its of ; ;; ■ 11!»r \. j \\ e siumut : a i 1 * astonisli J 1 n ’ ‘ * u rt “" ‘ ’ / * I in s it 7 by ropu t ; , I rough j V' I ) it VI >' 1 n 1. Fug j : pe< >]>;e. w iit tlnit M l! ‘•1 dniygi.-ts furn : * v customers ; falsify ing the /-* haravtcr of a remedy because thevd < > hi i npocn to have it on hand, they d > a en 1 ; ’vron g. If this afflicted man had not and disregarded el the { 1 rug-gist’s 0 <! Yiv"< :!<' sent without se¬ where for the remedy ,'l Wt ! doubt have been i Ins grave. Other ietlcrs of a similar character from ])!■< minent individuals, which stamp Ka-kine as a remedy applica¬ of un¬ doubted merit-, will be sent, on tion. Price, SI. 00 , or 6 bottles. $ 5 . 00 . Sold bv Dm (VO ists, or sent by mail on receipt of price. Company, 54 Warren The Kaskinc St., New York. kwsxsnsmm J. WILLIS MITCHELL j PHYSICIAN * AND J: SURGEON Tenders hi- : jirofessional services to the pt oplemf Hamilton and surrounding com munity, and thanking them for past pat ronage solicits a continuance of the same. Specialty: Surgery, Obstetrics and diseases peculiar to women. But special and care¬ ful attention to all the brandies of the profession. ~ - X CSf Krff, i j j M i . V ‘-S s i Commercial l rrff oi W: CblUiRSi: l [ 0 LCXINGTON, KY. Cheapest & Best Bus:irczf College :n ths Work! 'tjsh«t orld’s Honor .Exposition. nr.i Gol:i £•<• I j>t’< ! ovs of ii »’! otl* Sieopb’ea r CoU " is, r.i • • m General IIuwIneKR EsIlh. > <!,.:>. OiW GPi'.-ir'.'bl u Husincss. 10 Teachers em;>l6yt-r. CoHt-ot ■AT ’'..un rL Course. Including Tuition, ftationery and U.-nr.:,a v .ra V - N« Short-Hand, Tneatlon. Type-Wrltlnj: Enter Now. Graduates A; Toleurnohr, Guaranteed Sucec; po - . for circulars, address Ephraim \V. SnjlfH, Prir.ri ^ f Wilbur II. Smiih, President, Eexington, - wmm FEMALE INSTITUTE, ----I T AO TON, VniGDilA. M 7 k> ' - m eem - ■ ?J v*r k- * 4 -U.'a, at j*:': 1 : MSm , - ..y* ; e . - ws 1 ; I'N i s-FU' a. r.AuAhl Pupils from set .-en States V Y’. i h.-irg-e. Board . : ri r. 'Music, to , fig §{). F 0 r\ icaiosju; write Um. a. UAKiUS, D.D.. PtesidJilt, Stau ion, \'ir'ir.ia B^aBBrJSKMKFBrv M i ■ ■ 'in ■ i « ■' ii iih i " iTimn i innniTi- T i~rT~»rnnnri eoo- WHY HO T! -ooo ATTEND DUNSMORE’SBAss CM( Incorporated by the Legislature of Va.. and indorsed by leading busi¬ ness men an.. State officials. Indi vi i i.-d instructi. a. 1- a -l; g by by theory Theory and Actual prui-tw v. full >.t> lnforniation . . i, :i i atid only. Catalogue containing testimonials free. ro.»o j. g. nuxsxoi: . N.A.,President, Staunton, Va «*«S»»dC -*-T CJCC: A PI il" g LEXINGTON, KY. The b"<t eouiruet school ir. the State: a coowwodations r. hv steam and litrhttHi by tras; only two youn-r 1 •? Y lid faculty of experienced t s sslon beg-in* 2nd Monday address in Soptemlvr. F. uartieulars or Catal J. T. rATTi:USOX, Fres., Lexington, Kg, FAULTLESS FAMILY KBDICIK 7 U \ •i'v 5 ® j^iF**^** ==^S§ r "'i ill \ ll ' l : .. y 1 DR.H 0 CDS "" IS EUREKA % if i* ( j 1,1' V L LIVER II 3 31 I'riil ^ kaici Ui I ■ff ■; ML is# COLUMSUS, 10 ggrs -•■7 9 GA. -d jgfUff - 3 1 : m . I “-i L, J”-.'' • • S- - Sag ... - . vsre ..... re. 1 : T-'" : ’’ .. ' _ ;*=•- ii am '•M d’orpid and inactive Liver, Tilliousness, Malaria, Chills and Fever, Jaundice and all complaints from a dis-ared liver. Dispepsia and indigestion in all its forms Sick lieadacte and rich stcmacb. colic and asthma when dependent n on indigestion and a disordered stomach Dr. E. C. Hood’s time-tried and most dice ive prescrifition, used by him for 60 yems in practice for disease of the liver. It v rcmptly cures and prevents CONSTI¬ PATION, liowever obstinate and tiouble some yidds to the curative rower of Hoods Eureka more directly and certainly than to any other remedy in me. It has been most effectively lested for <his,and is with¬ out doubt a perfect household medicine TAKE Torpid Liver. Sick 11eadach e 9 %ft \ Constipation, Indigestion, Dyspepsia , Fever, W K A Ft Chilis and languor and blues, ****Sick Stomach . FOR general debility or depressed feel iny. No remedy acts so delightfully and effect¬ ual. y as a household remedy as Hood’s Eureka. Hood’s Eureka is without a rival in the treatment of all those affections. Such is our confidence in t lie preparation that wc challenge all competitors to compound anything equal to it, Wherever tried it has given unbounded satisfaction, and out challenge is founded upon the experience of bite,lb-rent pat ons. Eagle Dr N. J. Bussey, Pie idcnt of the Georgia & Plienix Mf’g Co., < f Columbus, writes : ‘T have used Hood’s Eureka for a number of years in mv family, and I con shier it a valuable family me ieine, and I do not hesitate to say ft is ail he claims for it. ’ Me-S''K M. I) Hood & Co — Gent]-men i have tr ed Hood’s Eureka Liver Medicine well and I unhesitatingly pronounce it the best medicine. I have < v<-r used to inval¬ uable do I regard it that 1 keep a supply on hand all the trine I hereby commend it to all as a most Gibb nt, satisfactory and reliable housebok reme iv. CLIFF F>. GUIMES, Mayor. Put up n liquid and dry form, and sold by nil druggists at 25 . 50 and il a bottle. 31. D. HOOD d CO., Manf’rs, Ooli 1111 Ii 11«« G- <1 • .1. 'W . HOWAB O Oglethorpe St., Columbus. Cff. De.vlee In It Hides 3 Old Cotton, Hemp, G 1111m Rope, Rag^iug*, Furs, Beesiva-XyOld Metal. Cotton in the Seed and Cotton Seen gvc Orde s tor wrapping paper arid paper baus filled at shor notice. SOJE--.W — i ----- riTTi rirTHi i M A CARD. I respectfully tender the public my He cere thanks for ihe veiy liberal patronage extend d to me during the year iSSfi, and re.'pocffully solicit a cmdlneai te of same for D?S 7 - Specialties. 0 stctiios. Chronic and Private Diseases. Will keep also a full and complete line of first-class D r wa¬ at the lowest price- p ssible f r puie sroods and lope *4 e a at with an ex: t Fence : of thirl a in U * practice of * tears c to giv i-T, outlie satisreeffon. Very respectfully. S. G. BI LEY