The Hamilton journal. (Hamilton, Ga.) 1887-1887, August 26, 1887, Image 8

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AMILTON JOURNA Li. SUBSCRIPTION SUO A YEAR J. L. Dennis,... ... Proprietor. HAMILTON, GEORGIA August 26,..................... 1SS7. A Temperance T.ecture. Miss M. II. Stokes, of Atlanta, Sec¬ retary ot the Georgia W. C. T. L\, ar¬ rived here this morning from Chipley and will give a lecture at the Methodist church to night. She addresses the la¬ dies ot the community this afternoon, at the same place. Death of Mrs. JSlIie Johnson. Mrs Elbe Johnson, living on the La Grange road, in Smith’s district, died Monday evening of bronchitis. She has been in ill health for some time and her death was not unexpected to her family and friends. She leaves a devoted hus¬ band and one child, who in their deep uflhcti-n have much sympathy. A IVew Press Purchased. Last Friday the editor ran up to At¬ lanta, going by way of Griffin on the Georgia Midland. While in the Gate City lie purcjuised a steam power press, of the most approved make, with which the Journal will hereafter be printed As soon at it and other necessary ma¬ terial arrive the Journal will be very much improved and enlarged. Improving Slowly. Miss Victoria Hargett, of Ilariis coun¬ ty, the young lady who had tier arm bro¬ ken about ten days ago, is improving slowly. She is still under Dr. Jordan’s treatment, at the residence of Mr. J. J). Ridonhonr, on It >se Hill. Her father, Jut ge L. 0. Hargett, thinks that it will bo several weeks yet before bis daughter will b,o well enough to be carried home. — Columbus Enquirer. The llevival at Waverly Halt. The revival services ol Waverly Hall, conducted bv the pastor, Rev VV D Mo Gregor closed Thursday evening of last week having.been in progress nearly two weeks. It was one of the best meetii gs the church has had in years. The pres¬ ence of the Holy Spirit was manifested in converting power and.eight or ten were received into the church. The pastor was assisted by Rev W A Farley. The Georgia midland. A ride over the Georgia Midland last Friday confirmed fully all the words praise we have heard of the road. The damage done by the recent Hoods has been fully repaired and a fast schedule is now made with great ease Track laying will be finished tomorrow to Mc¬ Donough, on the E. T., V. N CL railroad which is to be the northern terminus. A schedule will probably be put on to this point Monday. Dcntb of an Infant. Annie May, tho infant daughter of Mr J M Parker, died of congestion of the brain Mo.cdav evening about eight o’clock Many of our leaders will remember sad death of the mother which occurred about four mouths since, leaving the helpless babe to the care of the bereaved father. The little one has joined tier m that bright world where it will never again know sorrow or pain. The nfiliot ed father has the sympathy of the entire community. The funeral services, con ducted by Rev W \V Arnold, took place at the residence of Mr Parker, after which the remains were interred beside the mother in the cemetery. Eclectic, Ala., Oct 20, 188C Pr. A T Shallenberger. Rochester, Pa. Dear Sir.— Last Februa rv I received from you 11 bottle of your Anti ’ote tor Malaria,and gave it to a young lady attending schot 1 here, but who had rot been well enough to go for several weeks, and was quite luokeu down in health. In a lew days after taking the medicine she was back in schot 1 again,and has not lost a day the entire summer. I think it is the best medicine I ever knew. Yours, v vv trulv. 11 C WILLIAM x That 01*1 Grandmother ir.-ints on the mother giving the little one l’iggeis Hueklcb rry Cordial. She knows it will cure both joung and < Id ot all bowel troubles, and not constipate as many preparations do with injurL us elect, LOCAL. The college building at West Point is neaiing completion. Head the change in the notice of the West Ga. A A M College. Remember our college opens Septem¬ ber 12 th. He sure to enter yonr children the first day. A large crowd from the conntry and adjacent towns attended religious services here Saturday and Sunday. The reading circle seems to have gone into summer quarters. Why can it not I e revived since tke meetings have closed. Salem Campmeeting, ten miles north of here, begins to-day We presume it will be attended as usual by a largo num¬ ber from Hamilton on Saturday and Sunday. Now is the time to h .ve your job work done. We keep a full line of stationery and our prices will be made os low as anybody can make them. The best work for the least money is our motto. Cur correspondents will confer a favor by timing their letters so they will reach ns on Wednesday or Thursday of cash week. The last form of the Journal is put to press Friday morning in time to mako the 8,3 ) mad. Capt H W Pitts informed us yesterday that he had two bales of cotton picked and ready to gin. He will commence ginning for the public next week, His einimry is one of the best and most convei iontly arranged in the state. Hon. T. II. Kimbvougli. Tnis highly esteemed citizen of Harris county he; been doing much work in the interest of the Grange for some lime, making speeches in various carts of the state, We give room to the following article as showing the character of the work ho is doing: In accordance with the arrangement published last week in the Progress quite a crowd assembled at the Grange Hall, in the -fiord District, on the 28ih ult., at the annual Festival. At 11:30 o’clock Hon. T. 11. Kimbrough, Master of the State Grange, was introduced to the audience from a platform in the grove* Mr. Kimbrough is a resident of Harris comity, and is thoroughly iuuentitiad with agricultural interests, being one of the largest and most successful planters in his section. He began his excellent speech by stating that he was pround to say he came from the plow handles of Harris, The oration was at once inter¬ esting, able and instructive. The worthy Master is blessed with a splendid physique sonorous voice and graceful manners, file grangers present were proud of him, and endeavored to make him feel that he was verily in the midst of brethren.— Sandersville Progress. Tiie General Meeting. The general meeting of the 1 st or Ham¬ ilton district of the Columbus association was held at the Baptist church in Hamil¬ ton last Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Several noted preachers from tub and other associations were present and per¬ haps 500 people were in attendance. Rev W W Arnold, pastor of the Hamilton church, was elected moderator by accli nrnb'on and Mr C H Cook clerk. Rev W C Johnson, of Atlanta.preached the introductory sermon at it o clock Friday morning. At night Rev A R Cal lawny, of LaGrange, preached At S) a m j Saturday Rev W W Arnold led a prayer ! meeting and Rev J W Wilson, of this j subject county, “God preached is love.' at 11 Rev. o’clock W 0 or J hn the ! son preached at. 8 p. m. a sermon which proved conclusively to every rational mind that we can obtain salvation only through (Jhri-t. A Sunday^ school mass meeting was held at ten o e.oek Sunday morning end excellent addresses were made by IT or. L A hrjsce’l of this place, nTl d Dr E C Hood, of Lake Weir, Fla. Rev \V W Arnold preached 11 o'clock and a’ night. The afternoon’s sessions were devo’ed j 0 business and the discussion of snhjecbs of interest to the church. At Friday af¬ ternoon’s session several cnmmit’ees were appointed, tho subject, “The best means of securing the attendance of church members to the church conference, was discussed, and Piney Grove church was selected ns the next place of meeting for the general meeting. Rev W W Arnold to preach the introductory sermon. Sabir day’s business session discussed the sub ject of prayer. id! fine , doubts The sermons were ena less productive of much good. Personal Mention. A full report of the barbecue will be given next week. Mess '8 Dixie Harris and Sim Sparks, of Shiloh, were in town last Sunday. Capt, and Mrs Jenkins, of Chipley,came dovvu Friday to the general meeting. Mr J J Tucker and Pleas Hutchinson, of Chipley, were in the city yesterday. Miss M-dtio Truett returned yesterday evening from a pleasant fisit to friends in Columbus. Mr Tom Hogan, of Whitesville, spent a portion of last week with the family of Mr A. F Truett, Messrs Edwin K' nbrongb, Van Marcus and B E Dewberry of Columbus, were m the cuy Sunday. Miss Alice Watt, of Columbus, who was the guest of Mr B C Kimbrough, has returned home. IIsv J J Ansley came up Friday on a visit to hit; wife, who is, thought to be convalescing rapidly, Mr. Pope Tbrelkeld, who has been here several weeks on a visit to his moth er, returned to his home Sunday. Mrs O S Preddy, of West Point, after a vi-ifc of two weeks to hnr parents, Air and Mrs West left Friday to visit relatives in Troup ’ county. Messrs , T ?v T m Watt ... w and , , Leslie Mess and Misses I an me Lou and Amy Moss were the guests Saturday and Sunday of Mr I> C Kimbrough. Mr Felix Kimbrough aud sister, Misses Blannie and Willie Thompson and Miss Loy McAfee came up from Cataula Sun¬ day and spent the day with friends Mr and Mrs John Buchanan left for Marvyn, Ala., Sunday. They were ac¬ companied home by Miss Carrie Sparks, who will spend some time with her sister. Misses Annie O’JNeal and Georgia Brooks, of Waverly Hall, attended the general meeting at the B ptist church. They were the guests of Dr aod Mrs T J Brooks. A Novel Bet. While I am not a betting man, said F J Cheney, of the firm of F J Cheney & Co.,I considered it my religious duty to make that fellow a bet, you see he was about dead, and I guess he would of died before spring, if I bad not of got him on the bet. You know some men bad rather loose their life than lose a hundred, ’.veil lie was one of that kind, and we both came near being out, but I saved my hundred and it only cost him ten dollars. How’s that ! He sent for me one day and said the doctors had. ill given him up to die, with catarrh I told him that I would bet him S 100 tint Hall's Catarrh cure would cum him or I would give LI n $100 if it failed. He took the latter ] roooeition This was three months ago You see how he looks now, don't you, as well as any ore,and a dandy. —American. Toledo. 0. jssrSo d by druggists, 75 cents. The Little Orphan. Mrs Se«go,one of the trustees of the New Orleans Orphan Home gives Dr. Riggers Huckleberry Cordial for the iel 5 ef ot all bowel troubles. She never suffers be;self to bo without it Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. The best Salve in the world for cuts, ; brui-es, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever SJ res, letter, chapped l ands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and j osi Hve’v cures piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25c per box. * - 4 * * The finest line cl Toilet Soaps ever exhibited in Hamilton just re¬ ceived at the Drug Store. tf > -♦ 4 CE ■* Vv ill be kept at the Drug Store for §a.!e. Persons wishing it in quantities please F give me notice in time to have Shipped. . ^ • R cm ik si o. tut Saturdays Regular communications in on second and fourth each month. M. T. McGee,W. M. Bent. F. Hill, Sec. 5 SMALL FARMS B —AT— EXECUTOR’S SALE. By virtue of authority vestec in the executors by the wili of Thomas Hail,late of Harris county, Ga., deceased, we will sell to the highest bidder, for cash,on the the premises, 8 miles north oi Hamilton, at f he old homestead, beginning at 10 o’clock Tuesday, September 27th, 18S7. all the lands belonging to estate of said decea-ed, consisting of G3G acres of ex¬ cellent farming land, divided into 5 small farms, 4 of which have improvements sufficient to accommodate a family com fortably, and the 5th has a beautiful , building cite on a public road. These j lands are of good quality, jay well, easy | to cultivate, convenient to churches, schools, Ac., and surrounded by good i neighbors, in the most prospeious portion j of middle Georgia, admirably adapted to the production of grain, grasses cotton | and fruits. Titles Indisputable. Farm 1 No 1 consists of 150 acres of lar d lot No j 1R1 in 3rd district of Troup Co.,Ga ,about j 100 acres in good condition for cultiva¬ ' tion. Plenty of old field pine timber, w ell watered, small house, stable, & \ 1 No 2 consists of fractional lot No 102 j . 87 3 . 4 acres in the 3rd district and Gl 3 4 acres of land lot No. 6 in 4th district of Troup Co., Ga. This place has on it sev I eral small, comfortable houses, a good gin house aud screw, over 100 acres of cleared,land, plenty of timber and is well watered. No. 3 embraces fractional lot No. GO, 87f acres in 3rd district of Harris Co., Ga, with all the old homestead im¬ provements. No. 4 has 101 1-4 acres being the east half of land lpt No. 30 in 4th district of Harris Co. Ga. Has small house, crib, stable, Ate., about 75 acres in cultivation. No 5 contains 150 acres of land lot No. 4 in the 4 h district Har¬ ris county 110 acres of wlich is original forest. Very strong land, wod watered and abundance of fine timber. E. G. Tucker. John T Hall, Executors. SHAKER'S CORDIAL The wonderful remedy for j 111 Bowel Troubles, —SUCH AS—• Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cramp Colic, Cholera Moibus and all Kovel affect ions,no matter of how long standing. The gem ot remedies for teething children. Pleasant to take, cure guaranteed, and only 25 cents. Below is the verdict of those that have ^tried Dr it: \Y Gillespie,White Springs A Sulphur Ga., says, “I know the formula of Shakers Cordial and cheerfully endorse it. I use it with pitccis- in my practice. 1 > Dr. Tlios. D. Goodwin, Oakland, Ga , says no familv should be without it. Dr. A. G Fioyni. Greenville, Ga , says, ‘T recommend Shakes Cordial without hesitation to any one suffering with bowel trouble as 1 know the formula and use same in mv Pruett- e.” Dr. It. F Hull, Greenville, Gi. sav?. Have been presetibing Shaker’s Cordial for several years and consider it as safe and reliable remedy as can he had for any one suffering with bowel or summer c mplaiuts Dr jno. W. Cameron. Colmnb s, Ga , says. ”1 have never been d!sa; pointed in a single instance in prescribing u bakers cor dia 1 and have used same se era! years, 1 ■ lion. T. A. Atkmsnn, Greenville. Ga., ! says, “I recommend Shakers Cordial for all com pi- infs for which it is intended I have used it with happy results.” A .1 Hinton. Ordinary Meriwether Co , says.“It come- nearer being what i? claim¬ ed for it than any medicine in the world. It is a splendid remedy.’ Manufftc ured only by johx r tubs Ell a a no « 5 COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. Sold bv Dr. S. G. Riley, ) Cook Bros.. Hamilton, Ga. £. K. 3Iurphey, ' Glass Bros-, 1 hipley, Ga. Money to Loan! -c ! Lsnsr Ti^e,Sasy Terms,Lew Hates. :o: 1 Apply to HENRY C. 0AMEEC2T L 2 U 0 ST CIS ■bi ' A delicious temperence drink. Try it at the Drug Store. S, G, EILEY,