Newspaper Page Text
u Tnw ? nilMAT
UMllLlUn jiitt U UU lUmLi,
The following unique letter, writ¬
ten to the Board of Education of this
county by a school teacher has been
handed us. It was written several
years since and the date and name
are suppressed is genuine for apparent and is reasons, rich
The letter as sin¬
and original as it is candid and
cere :
To the hon Board of Educa¬
tion—Esteamed Gentlemen:—I at
present seat my self to ask the Board
the following question. Gentlemen
yoil proraist me a Raise of compen¬
sation^) When you met in Jan last,,
And I ask you the following(.) Please
me, 11 - ’‘o-. a coun m- f or give
money to finish paying of my last
years accts. in ColurabusQ I ask for
the money beleaving you know that
I knead the money, &c. When I
have the time I will write this Board
a Letter of much Emportant &c.,
Because I am & trus to be a citizen
of Harris co & I no the members of
this Board to be the same &c Then
let us Refer to past and future Tense.
I want, a, better & larger school next
summer, & I want it in a differ¬
ent vicinity because this People is
solaid,, on future election I theirfore
wants to go to fcother vicinity to
teach school next summer, So I will
close by saying Let us always live
together citerzen & let us die the
same Such is my desire and crave
I am come to a close determend to
be a good citersen & Humble Truly
I ask you Gentlemen, to excuse mis¬
takes. & broken Scentance & Parten
me of bad writing & charge my bad
spelling to the slite chance I have
had to learn to learn to spell &c,
We Remember that Paul said that
money was the Root of all evil(,) But
citerzens of Harris Co, Must confess
that money makes the comfort come,
If you beleave it or beleave it not,,
Pay a Citerzen 30 or 40 dollars,
When they think their citersonship
created the swell, they are compel to
know that Home appreciations is the
Staff of life &c
We now compare the conversation
of the Lark and the farmer which
Says, when a man determ to do a
thing depend upon that it will be
done(.) & I truly trust that the hon
Gentlemen of the Board of Educa¬
tion will comply with their determina¬
tion to me today(.) Please let todaies
transaction answer for the pass look¬
ing to future &c I will expect you
too, And I will do it for—I
ever Remain Yours Humble,
Their Business Booming.
Probably no one thing has caused such a
general revival of trade at Cook B os. its
their giving away to their customers of so
many tree trial hot ties of Dr. Kin'gs New
Discovery for Consumption. Their trade
is simply enounous in this valuable article
from the fact that it always cures and uev
er disappoints. Coughs, colds, Ast ima,
Broncbitas, croup, and all throat and lung
diseases quickly cured. You can test it
before buying bv getting a trial bottle
free.large sine $1. Every bottle warranted.
Brace Up.
Yon are feeling depressed, your appe¬
tite is poor, you are bothered with Head¬
ache, yon ate fidgetty, nervous, and gen¬
erally out of sorts, and want to brace np.
Brace up, not with stimulants, spring
medicines, bitters, which have for their
basis very cheap, bad whisky, and which
stimulate you for an hour, and then leave
yon in worse condition than before.Whafc
yon want is an alterative that will purify
your blood, start healthy action of your
Live and Kidneys, restore your vitality,
and give renewed health and strength.
Such medicine yon will find in Electric
Bitters, and only 50 cents a bottle at
Cook Bros.
Bring or send your Job Frint
itig s*o the JOl 11 \AL,
A , Woman from Austria.
Near the ^ llage of Zilling
dorf, in Lower Austria, lives
Maria Haas, an intelligent and
industrious woman, whose story
of physical suffering and final
relief, as related by herself, is
of interest to English she women,
“I was employed, of 11 large farm- says,
“in the work a
house. Overwork brought by on
sick headache, followed a
deathly fainting and sickness
of the stomach, until I was
unable to retain either food or
drink. I was compelled °veral to
take +* .^ ocl f or c
weeks. Getting a little t better
from rest and quiet, I sought
to do some work, but was soon
taken With a pain m my side,
which in a little while seemed
to spread over my whole body,
and throbbed in my every limb.
This was followed by a cough
and shortness of breath, until
finally I could not sew, and I
took to my bed for the second,
and, as I thought, for the last
. • My friends told that
time. me
my time had nearly come, and
that I could not live longer
their «■? e*« Then I
green once more.
gel happer pamphlets. ■e it, and
my dear mother bought me a
bottle of Seigel’s Syrup,
which (Shaker Extract of Roots)
I took exactly according
to directions, and I had not
taken the whole of it before I
last felt a illness change began for the better. June My 3d,
1882, and continued to August
9th, when I began to take the
Syrup. Yery soon I could do a
little light work. The cough
left me, and I was no more
troubled in breathing. Now 1
am how perfectly cured; and oh,
happy gratitude I ami I cannot
express Seigel’s Syrup (Shaker enough for
tract of Roots). Now I must
tell you that the doctors in our
district distributed handbills
cautioning the the people against
medicine, telling them it
would do no good, and many
were therebv influenced to de¬
stroy the Seigel pamphlets; but
now, whenever one is to be
found, it is kept like a relic.
The few preserved are bor¬
rowed to read, and I have lent
mine for six miles around our
district. People have come
eighteen medicine miles to get me to buy
the for them, know¬
ing that it cured me, and to be
sure to get the right kind. I
know a woman who was look
ing like death, and who told
them there was no help for her,
that she had consulted several
doctors, but none could help
]»« JHI. r I I 101(1 told her nei of OI Seip-cVs oeigei s
Svrup, and wrote the name
dow uowu n for 1UI her liei that liitU she bue mio-ht migia
[ pnak© hq Illistttko. bhe took
my J advice and the Svrilp, and
now 8Iie 1 is m TKTIt'Ot neflltn. .
and the people I around us are
amazed. , ri 1 lie medicine . . has
made such progress in our
neighborhood that people doctor say
they don’t want the any
more, but they take the Syrup.
Sufferers from gout who were
confined to their beds and could
hardly move a finger have been
cured by it. There is a girl cold in
our district who caught a
by going through some water, with
and was in bed five years
costiveness and rheumatic pains,
and had to have an attendant
to watch by her. There was
not a doctor in the surrounding
district to whom her. mother
bad not applied to relieve her
oKlld, but every one crossed
themselves and said they could not
help her. Whenever the little bell
wll ich is rung in our place
gurely it was for her; but Seigel’s
Syrup and Pills (Shaker Extract of
Roots) saved her life, and now she
lB as llGalt hy as anybody, goes to
g^g Everybody was astonished knowing
when they saw her out,
how many years she had been in
bed. To-day she adds her grati
t,^e to mme for God s merces and
Maria Haas.
Shaker Medicines are now bein 5
sold in all parts of the world, an
are working wonders, as shown in
The finest line of Toilet Soaps
ever exhibited in Hamilton just re
ceived at the Drug Store. tf
»»• » >
Will be kept at the Drug Store for
sale. Persons wishing it in quantifier
please give me notice in time to have
it shipped.
A* ■■iii isssi.
A 'll m
Commercial College
Cheapest# Best Business College in the World.
Highest World'* Hoaor end Gold Medal over Rook-Kecplng all other Colleges, aui at
General Exposition, Baslasst Education. for Syiteta of 8000 Graduates In
Business. Course, 10 Teachers employed. Cost of Full Business $00.
tnsludiog Tuition, Stationer/ and Board, about
Skort-lVaad, Type-Writing A TclecropRy, specialties.
No Taaattoa. KnturHow. Graduates W. Guaranteed Principal, Success.
For sirsakurs, address Ephraim Smith. .
WUhnr &. Smith, President, Lextagtoa, *J
F f=^
3 ¥
L pN j
JE “
Opsin September cist., 1 SS 7 . One ol the FIRST SCHOOLS
FOR Young La DIBS in thr Union. All Departments
.norouijh. Buildings eletjant Stesun heat. Gaslight. Situa
ion ,i-.»utif.i!. Climate splendid. Pupils from nineteen States
Ai 1 important advantages in one yearly reduced charge. Board
‘O'mjf. L.ahts, from hn^iish, Latm. French. German. Music, fo
> ‘I Rl o:; .tic year, HARRIS, sept, to Tune, «8«0. For Catalogue write
to \ M A. D.D., President. Staunton. Virginia
ooo- WHY HOT!-000
at-teno ^ V\\
|| I 1|I|LT U r#|1 - —
I J OKf| E V - h k|lb
i Th^best «trtotIvfirit-<W: equipped school in theSUtei’accomniodations
heated by steam and li<rht«l faculty by sras; of
oiUy two yownr ladle* to the room: splendid 2nd Monday
rxpcrirnrctl teachers. Session begins
orc f tal ?^ s -
J. T. VATTERSOy. Pres., Lexington, Ky.
_ \
. t ,f... OR.HOODS m
Jr^EotoJiE if?;.
GA. B i m
mm AS
wim i JZ7T.
Torpid and inactive Liver, Billiousness,
Malaria, Chills and Fever, Jaundice and
all complaints from a diseased liver.
Dispepsia and indigestion in all its forms
Sick headache and sick stomach, colic and
asthma when dependent upon indigestion
and a disordered stomach
Dr. E. C. Hood’s time-tried and most
effective prescription, used by him for 30
years in practice for disease of the liver.
It promptly cures and prevents CONSTI¬
PATION. however obstinate and trouble¬
some yields to the curative power of Hoods
Eureka more directly and certainly than to
any other remedy in use. It has been
most effectively tested for this,and is with¬
out doubt a perfect household medicine
'T' A Jlx. A TF JlY. U X2r Torpid Liver,
Sick Headache ,
HOOD'S Constipation,
Dyspepsia, Chills Fever,
* nTTTVTITf 11 rf K I and
LikJikLL n. n. kill LX languor and blues,
sick Stomach .
FOR general debility or
depressed feeling •
No remedy acts so delightfully and effect¬
ually as a household remedy
us Hood's Eureka.
Hood’s Eureka is without a rival in the
treatment of all those affections. Such is
our confidence in the preparation that wo
ohallenge all competitors to compound
anything equal to it. Wherever tried it
has given unbounded satisfaction, and out
challenge is founded upon the experience
of intelligent pat ons.
Dr. N. J. Bussey, President of the Eag I
& Phenix Mf’g'Co., of Columbus, Georgia,
writes : ‘*1 have used Hood's Eureka for a
number of years in my family, and I con¬
sider it a valuable family medicine, and I
do not hesitate to say it is all he claims
for it."
Messrs M. D. Hood & Co —Gentlemen.
I have tr ed Hood’s Eureka Liver Medicine
well and I unhesitatingly pronounce it the
best medicine I have ever used So inval¬
uable do I regard it that 1 keep a supply
on hand all the time I hereby commend
it to all as a most efficient, satisfactory
and reliable honseholc lemedy.
Put up in liquid and dry form, and sold
by all druggists at 25. 50 and $1 a bottle.
M. D, HOOD & CO,, Manors,
Columbus, Ga.
Oglethorpe St,, Columbus, Ga.
Dbalir In
Rags, Hides,
Old Cotton, Hemp, Gunny
Rope, Bagging, Furs,
Beeswax,Old Metal,
Cotton in the Seed and Cotton Seed
Orders tor . wrapping paper and
paper bags filled at shor notice.
I respectfully thanks for the tender the liberal public Peonage m,
cere very
extended to me during the year 1886, and
respectfully solicit a continuance of same
forl8S7. Specialties: Obstetrics, Chronic
and Private Diseases. Will ktep also A
full and complete line of fiist-class Drues
at the lowest prices pi ssible for pure goods
* } e^^ ears in t the }Je a practice r ^tL a of Ot eX S medicine e H^ °L to tb give rflZ
| entire satisfaction.
Very respectfully.