The Hamilton journal. (Hamilton, Ga.) 1887-1887, September 09, 1887, Image 7

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FACTS -k. *7 v hi TiiE cumoes. The Japanese make cheese from beans and peas. had Over 300 people in . Rome, Mich., the mumps at the same time. An average human pulse at infancy is 140 per minute; at two years, 100; from sixteen to nineteen, 80; at mannood, 76; old age, 60. Cairo in Egypt was founded in 073 by the first of the Fatimite caliphs. Saladin surrounded it with strong walls and mag " nificent gates. Six thousand houses were thrown down, 30,000 inhabitants killed, and a conflagration kindled, which spread earth- still wider destruction, by the terrible quake in Lisbon in 1755. The first auction ever held was in Great Britain in 1700, when Elishur, a Governor of Fort George, in the East Indies, publicly sold the goods he had brought home to the highest bidder. If a Chinaman desires the death of an enemy he goes and hangs himself upon his neighbor’s door. It is a sure cure to kill not .only that particular enemy, but members of his entire family will be in jeopardy of losing their lives. When a Chinaman desires a visitor to dine with him he does not ask him to do so, but when he does not wish him to stay he puts the question: “Oh, please stay and dine with me!” The visitor will then know he is not wanted. A new trade for women in Albany is that of “neighborhood darner.” The woman who follows it has for her cus tomers b, dozen or twenty households, each of which she visits "weekly, and spends a few hours in doing up the family darning and mending. A few years ago Wilton was one of the most flouishing villages in Minnesota A railroad built through that section left the village at one" side, and now the place is dead. One of its original pro prietors has just sold 115 lots to one purchaser, and the old town site is con¬ verted into farming land. A Frenchman recently rode t into . . Waterville, Me driving a big New foundland dog hitched to a small two wheeled cart, which the animal had hauled in inside of three of days from 150 a miles. town Canada, a distance could about outstrip in The owner said the do*; a day’s journey the best of horses. Haroun al Raschid, in 802, sent to Charlemagne, among other presents from Bagdad, a clock of curious workman cbb-i slll P- TKp clock clock with witna a, hnlancewns oaiance was made by DeVick m lob4, and the first with a pendulum in 1041. Watches with springs were first made at Nuremberg, about 1477, but the first successful ap plication of a spring to watches was by Dr. Hooke, in 1658. Music in China. Th*‘ Chinese play to-day just as they did 2,000 years ago, says II. E. Ivrehbiel The art as it was then has been petrified £ ‘by a fantastic system of mental philosophy and an adamantine conserva¬ tism.” So that in considering the con¬ dition of the musical urt in China to-day we have an actual sight of what was the system and practice at the time of Plato. The refinement in this knowledge side. of music is mostly on its metaphysical and publish The Chinese sages could do doctrine touching music which is golden doctrine in the art of to-day, but the sounds they produce are a din in which traces of order and of melodious sequence are not discernible except by a very patient and a very well trained ear. A barbarism rests on the music still, and to add to the many paradoxes which the Chinese hold before us. they concede that the art of to-day is a degenerate one, but speak with pride of one now lost which flourished at a time when Greece was yet shrouded in pre-historic gloom, Sensations of the Dying. It is doubtless the ease that in many instances—and perhaps they are the ma¬ into jority—dying persons lapse gradually an unconsciousness that ends their bodily pain, and saves tfiem from the anguish of the final parting with those they leave behind. It is not uncommon, however, for clearness of comprehension o persist to the last, and perhaps it is q more common for some of the special ses to preserve their activity. We ; nk it was Ernst Wagner who, in his General Pathology,” dwelt particularly “ the preservation of the sense of hear * in many cases long after the apparent Occurrence of unconsciousness, and who tenderly cautioned his readers that this Medical possibility Jo <hould be bor: in mind.— 7 - B.iker’s Teeth. Some singular statements have been made in the Deutsche Monatsehrift con cerning the effect produced by different trades and industrial occupations upon the general health. Prof. Hesse, of Leip sic, who points out the deplorable condi tion of the teeth of bakers, and who also asserts that he is'frequently able to indi cate the occupation of persons by the condition of their teeth. In the case of bakers, the caries is soft and rapidly pro gressive; the principal parts attacked are in the labial and buccal surfaces of the teeth. Prof. Hesse believes that the disease is owing to the inhalation of flour dust, the caries being caused by the ac tion of an acid which is formed in the presence of fermentable carbohydrates. Chloral Drunkards. Physicians in New York feel some a i urm at the increasing number of young women w ^ 0 indulge to a great extent in deadl} 7 stimulants and narcotics, like c hi ora i or opium. Both here aud in E 0 gl a nd u^er drops” are as much a part 0 f a fashionable married woman’s toilet as her cologne bottle, and are used with as much freedom as men employ in call¬ ing for cocktails at the club, “ with a dash of absinthe.” The prize offered by the French gov ernment 0 f $10,000 for the most valuable di scover y relating to the utilization of e i ectr i c i t y is to be awarded next Decern her. It is for auy use or application of electricity, namely, as a source ol heat, > of ]it , ht or of chemical action, as a means 0 f transmission of mechanical power, or q{ yerbal commuu i ca tion in any form, or, finall J} as a curati ve agent, | Children Slarving inability To to Death digest food, On account of their will find a most marvelous food and remedy in Scott’s Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphites. ^ Very palatable and easily s . w . CoH1 , s , „ £ Waco, Texas, •• i have use, 1 jour Emulsion in infan tile wasting with good results. It not only restores wasted tissues, but gives strength an ‘ ““ 8 -- A Yale lock is capable of 60,000,(MX) combina lltms ’ but ^nk daskier* know em aH. Those who are trying to break up the bam© ters. Liquors derange the system. Prickly Asn Bitters will remedy the evil results and restore the braiu st0 machandiiver to heaithy action, thereby strengthening the will power, thoroughly cleansing ami toning up the sys *•“£* STS MrS'tAh'S taste, it cannot be used as a beverage by reason of its cathartic pr operties. _ No Time To Soethe Her Own Baby. N rse (to faslli nable mother).—The baby is very restless, lnPam. 1 can’t do anything with h r. F. M.—She’s teething, I supp se. N.—Yes’in. 1 hina if you was to take her in your arms a little hile it might soothe her. F. M.—IV Impossible. 1 haven’t time to spare. I am just making ready to at ten a meeting of the Soc ety for the Prevention of Cruelly Diggers’ to Animals. Give baby some of Dr. iluckiebciry wni.irinibrrv ('nrtlifil Coiuia.. The railway system of the United States now aggregates in round numbers 141,600 miles. ____ — ... No investment pays so well as a record good educa- of the tion, as is clearly shown by the Louisville, Ky. Alumni of the ituGU Y School, It offers the best advantages, and enjoys the highest class of patronage, For fifteen years it has stood witn the foremost The in preparing boys lor college or business life. terms are reasonable, bend tor catalogue to A. L. McDonald, Principal. Ladies of tlie White llou.c Have found that their sometimes excessive duties produce a low, weak, tired and tremu¬ lous state of the system, and that iron restores richness and color to the blood, ealisuiya bark a natural, heaitntui tone to the digestive or gans, phosphorus mildly stimulates the brain —ail combined in JL>r. Harter's iron Tonic. Crawford County, Pa., has a “polecat farm ” where fur is raised for ladies’ cloaks. “What i*« VVoinan’H Worth?” Asked a fair damsel of a crusty old bachelor. He did not know, so she said: “W. * >. man” (double you. O man.) But a woman feels worth little if disease has invaded her system and is daily sapping her strength. For all female weaknesses. Dr. Pierce’s “Favorite Prescrip¬ tion” stands unrivaled, it cures the complaint and builds up the system. Send fit cents in stamps for pamphlet to World's- Dispensary Medical Association, 6»>i Main street, Buffalo, N. Y. _____ _____ John Gomez, living at Marco, Fia., has the reputation of being 111 years old. Use tlie great specific for ‘'cold in th<- head” and catarrh—Dr. .Sage's Catarrh Remedy. If this is any particular dog’s day he can come and get it. and no questions asked. l>nnght«*r«*, \Viv*-n and Hoibcr-*. • for Pamphlet n Female Diseases, free; g irely sealed. Dr. J. B. Marchisi, L tica, N.Y. If a cough .isturbs your sleep, take Piso’s Cure for Consumption and rest well. The best and surest Remedy for Core of *11 diseases caused by any derangement of the Liver, Kidneys* Stomach and Bowels. Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Constipation, Billons Complaints and Malaria of all kinds yield readily to the beneficent influence of A*3 jJ msm It 1* pleasant to the taste, tone* up the system, restores and preserves health. It If purely Vegetable, and cannot fail to prove beneficial, both to old and young. s a Blood Purifier it is superior to all others. Sold everywhere at $1.00 a bottle. mirry iJUllIi OF OnilTU uUU I THE w ■ 11 II ———— It PORTABLE MILLS n ■] SELECT rnr f-nrnmm, FRENCH BUHRS, For S£rt2B5Ee . ,, . r Family us . j Mention Otrail0 fliacn 1 neryt O., thi* piper. ClNC.tNNATX.oaxo. t ■ THE OMLT TEDS 'IRON S' TONIC , : j j \ v l fivL’n' \ A S‘ Rmtom thejmj the HEALTH gaafij mdVH* ^ Restork I)yspepsis,Want iqvw ^ ^ >-:• m OR of 3 strjnstb jj>|, Appetit* of YOUTH * t Yt«, <i SSSS^tsSi of ■ W ol<> 9 » nd < A lv * ^’! . | peculiar to their *e* win find ! U 1EaC9 .piSycw.- In D». HABTEB'B Giv«aci..r I ?° k.ii 1 5 r | tonic« and ittimpti it countei ; th 7 wmpiixion. Frequent o.Knsi, notr.riin.ut “t'ih. ,Mn Ini.' fneidieh*. \h‘e DR°.VaTtER°MEDICInV Simple Don imi Dre«m Book ) COMPAN V St.Louii. Mo. One Agent ( Merchant only) wanted in every town for mmflmsES’ m ! Your “Tan -ill’s Punch a.-. cigars are as staple a* sugar aud they ne< erjail toigire Mahan, perfect satisfaction ill, 11 W. Champaign, Your ‘‘Tansill’s P inch” 5cclgara are undoubtedly better titan you J represent them. il. KI)a vis, Mt.Ol ead, Ohio. Address It. W. TANBILL Sc VO., Ghicaffo. j J.P. STEVENS &BR0. j ! ; j i JEWELERS. Atlanta, ’ Ga. *•■4 far Cttilo(>«. Central University, RICHMOND, KY. Next Session opens Sep.(4,'87 Fa]] ¥ ^ tj< thorough in8trQC tion. healthy location, moderate expense. For information nnd C ■ ; to L. H. Blanton, I>. I>„ Chancellor . FINE Blooded Cuttle. -^cgangs Sheep, Hog*, r&z’i fIDIIIEI UrlUm rirrf. Or J fclepben.. Uta—n,Ohio. opium ssssxs,sassasa A Ik mk r a*"* L •••' a 7 ^ ms « 9 /; 8 * * »/ This represents a healthy life. Jn*t urirh a lif* thov enjoy Throughout its various scenes, Who u»e theSomh'a ffilc Beans. Smith’s BILE BEANS purlfiTlW tlie Liver* blood, Skin by acting liiu- Tiie original Photograph, directly an a conmlttt promptly of on vegetable combination ana that panel size, of this picture ____, neyn. Iiuh fhef * eqnal medical a. science* They Constipa¬ sent on receipt of J Oc. iD no In cure saftmiard btarops. Address. tion* fflalarla, aud Dfipepsia, and are a BILK BEAN'S, agaiiiMt all forms of fevers, cliilla and fever* gall atones* HU L«ul(, Mo. and Hr ight*» dlweawe. Send I i-enl» postage for a sam- bottle» pie package aud test the TKLTIl of what w e say. Price, 25 cents per luaixed to any address, postpaid. DOSE ONE BEAN. Sold by druggists. CO., 1’IiOPILLLTOIt*, ST. LOUIS, MO 1 Wm m z* gig iy 111 if x 8 lii / A* iS mk V WLM ■•1 t TUe treatment of many thousands of eases of those chronic weaknesses and distressing ailments peculiar to females, at the Invalids’ Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., htis afforded a vast experience in nicely adapt¬ the ing and thoroughly testing remedies for cure of woman's peculiar maladies. Dr. Pierce’* Favorite Prescription and is the outgrowth, or result, of this great valuable experience. Thousands of testimo¬ nials, received from patients and from physi¬ cians who have tested it in the more aggra¬ vated and obstinate cases which hod battled their skill., prove it to be the most wonderful remedy ever devised for the relief and cure of suffering women. It is not recommended as a “cure-nil,” but as a most perfect Specific for woman's peculiar ailments. tonic, Aa a powerful, invigorating whole It imparts strength to the system, and particular. to the For womb overworked, and its appendages out." in worn - r ‘run-down," debilitated teachers, milliners, dressmakers, seamstresses, "shop-girls,” house keepers, nursing mothers, and feeble women & generally. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription unequaled the greatest earthly boon, being aa an appetizing nootfilug cordial and restorative tonic. Am a “Favorite and Prescription" strengthening la nervine* une Qualed and is invaluable in allaying and aub duing nervous excitability, irritability, ex haustion, prostration, hysteria, spasms and other distressing, nervous functional symptoms aud organic com¬ monly attendant upon disease of the womb. It induces refreshing and de Bleep and relioves mental anxiety spondency. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription compounded is a legitimate experienced medicine, carefully Hkillful by an and physician, and adapted to woman’s delicate organization. It is purely vegetable harmless in in Its its composition effects in n C d onnition perfectly of the system. For any « from whatever morning sickness, or stomach, nausea, indigest dys¬ cause arising, kindred weak »n, small pepsia and symptoms, beneficial., n doses, will prove very “Favorite Prescription’ 5 is a posi¬ tive cure for the most complicated and ob¬ stinate cases of leucorrhea, excessive flowing, j painful menstruation, unnatural suppressions, prolapsus, or falling of the womb, weak back, ! “female weakness,” anteverslon, chronic retroversion, congestion, 1 bearing-down sensations, the 1 inflammation and ulceration of womb, in¬ flammation, pain and tenderness in ovi. \ i C, accompanied with “ Internal heat.” An a regulator and promoter of func¬ tional action, at that womanhood, critical period Favorite of change Pre¬ from girlhood to “ scription ” is a perfectly safe remedial agent, and can produce only good results It is equally efficacious and valuable in Its effect* when tuken for those disorders nnd derange¬ ments incident to that later and most critical period, known as “ The Change of Life.” “Favorite Prescription,” when taken in connection with the use or Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery, and small laxative doses of Dr. Pierce's Purgative Pellets (Little Liver Pills), cures Liver, Kidney nnd Ilindder diseases. Their combined use nlso remove* blood taints, and abolishes cancerous and scrofulous humors from the system. ‘‘Favorite Prescription druggists, ” is the under only medicine for women, sold by a positive thatlt guarantee, from the manu¬ facturers, will give satisfaction in every case, or money will be refunded. Tills guaran¬ tee has been printed on the bottle-wrapper, and faithfully carried out for many year*. bottles Large bottles $5.00. (100 doses) $1.00, or six for For large, illustrated Treatise on Disease* of Women (160 pages, paper-covered), send ten cents In stamps. Address, World’s Dispensary Medical Association, 063 IHaln SL* BUFFALO* N. Y. JONES KX> PAYSthe FREIGHT Scales, * Ton WstKOfi lr«a L«*«r*. kw«l ts**rU(*. Brstf Tin Srara and Brim B»x tw Wrtr, gti* $ Sell*, 60 for fTM . pr,«* ■•alio* <M« pap*, and tddrMi JINIS Cl BlNSHAMTII. % BINGHAM TtlN . N. Bit* ni • * H*||_ Great English Gout an* *, -*' 1 F " 'J , ' > . <•................... ................• ^