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J. L. Dennis,........Proprietor.
THIS PAPER maybe found on fie nt Oco.
P. Rowell H. Co a Newspaper
Ad vertisi ng Bureau (10 Spruce St.), in w h ere ad vert' <*
tug contracts may be made for it SfJ £W YOItr
September 23 , ... 1887 .
Leave Columbus. W H Ut FVW SSSEES 7 45 a. m
Leave Hamilton . O'4^ HW Ln *9 15 a. m
Arrive Greenville Lri 10 15 a. m
Leave it ^ 8 3 00 p. m
Leave Hamilton OO ° ? 4 30 p. m
Arrive Columbus —« O 8 ? 6 00 p. m
Local Page.
Index to Yew Advertisements.
Wholesale Grocer—W. J. Watt.
New Crockery and China Store—I. L. Pollard&Co
Special Notice—S. G. Riley.
Paint Your Buggy—S. G. Riley.
Oxen and Lumber—Bartow Brooks.
New Shoe Store—W. R. Bedell.
Candy stretching.
The children of the neighborhood gath¬
ered at Mrs Jane Ely's on Tuesday even¬
ing and enjoyed a candy stretching. In
the language of happy childhood, they
bad lots of fun.
Our Uornupondents.
Our large number of intelligent cor¬
respondents give us the news from all
over ihe county and thereby benefit their
own section by attracting public interest.
We thank them for past favors »»nd hope
they will continue to favor ns with week¬
ly contributions.
The College.
The college is not receiving the united
s ippoit of our people or the number in
attendance would bo much larger
There are many children in and around
town idling away the golden hours of
youth, and forming worthless habits,
that sh »tild he in school. W« can never
hope to have a better faculty Professors
Dozier aud Arnold are true men and
good teachers. All wish them success
iu a general way but how fe^r are work¬
ing for the college Remember that the
prosperity of a town depends in a large
degree upon a fine school* Your own
interest is identified with it and you can¬
not separate the two without injury to
yourself and the town. Let us go to
woik and never pause until the number
of pupils reaches a hundred.
The Literary Reading Circle.
Owing to the inclemency of the weath¬
er on Friday evening last the attendance
of the reading circle was not as large as
usunl. It was decided that the program
previously arranged by the committee on
entertainment should be postponed until
the next meeting which will be held this
evening again at the residenoe of Mrs A
B Copeland. The earnest solicitations of
friends drew Mrs Osborn Ely to the front
and she recited Longfellow’s “Excelsior’’
in a pleasing manner that won for her
the plaudits of the grateful company.
Some excellent music was rendered by
Mrs John Hudson, Misses Effie Mitchell
and May Hudson. The remainder of the
evening was spent in pleasant social con
A Strange Freak.
A negro woman living in the Lower
19th district of this county gave birth a
few nights since to a singularly formed
child. It had a well funned body with
perfect limbs, bat its face was singularly
formed. It bad but one optical cavity
and that was in the centef of the face
where the bridge of the nose is. The
socket had an upper and a lower lid, bat
contained two eye bails. There was no
nose below the eye or «yos, but a protu
berance trorn the centre of the forehead
whion much resembled the snout of an
elephant. Ihe mwiistrocity dud almost
immediately upon its birth. It, weighed
about nine pounds.
Dr J W Mitchell, who attended the
mother, tried to get the freak to preserve
it, but the parents were unwilling, so it
was buried. The mother, during the
early months of uer confinement, was
badly frightened by a cat. Did this cause
the freak ? Will Beience ever anawer ?
Troubles of a Reporter.
The reporter now and then gets names
mixed and the mistake is usually followed
by some unpleasant contretemps. Once
an irate husband whose good wife had
been mistaken for another lady stalked
into the office with an I-demand-satisfao
tioa sort of an air, and in tones that in¬
dicated his desire for an affray, stated his
grievance. Our warlike nature was
aroused and we were about to answer his
demand for redress in a manner becoming
the fignting local of the Joubnal, when
our mild y tempered chief g* ntly inter
posed with an apology that quelled the
gentleman’s rutiled feelings. Being re
minded that we were young and inexoe
rienced, he excused us on that scoi , and
quietly took his leave. We were for war
aDd this amicable a jus meat did not
tally with onr injured feeliogs. Howev¬
er we submitted with that grace we have
ever shown under simi'a** circumstances
Local Items.
Gourt is just two wecks from next Mon
A large number expect to go from here
to the Piedmont exposition.
Remember the lecture to-night and
be sure to come out and hear Mr. Cal¬
October will be an eventful month in
Georgia. We are to have the Piedmont
Exposition, the Macon Fair and a visit
from the President and his lovely wife,
The Columbus Baptist Association con
vened at Bethel churehWednesday morn
mg. Dr S G Riley, Messrs C H Cook
and J H Lynah went as delegates from
the Baptist church here.
The usual services were heH at the
Baptist church Sunday morning and
eveninR. Th. »in iu the moruiug ahd
the thre.te»ing Mpeot of the wither .n
the eveutug preveuted m,ny from yen
turihg out, but those pteset* listened ut
tentively to uninteresting andThpreasive
The store hous** on the corner known
as the old postofllce s.Lnd, formerly the
property of Mr B C Kimbrongh, hwsbeen
reoently bought by Messrs Hadley & Wil
liams. They expect shortly to place it
uuder the hammer aud convert it mto an
almost new building. They propose to
have it thoroughly repaired aud add an¬
other story with verandas on the south
andwest sides. When finished andfresh
ly painted 11 will be an ornament to the
Personal mention.
Mr W N Hames, ot Columbus, is iu the
Mrs i v ; spent Tuesday in
Mr a i mv sier returned to Co
Mrs J W Dozier went over to Macon
Tuesday to visi-t her mother
Mrs C H Cook and children are visit
mg relatives at Foit on’* this week,
j Mrs F S Howard left Tuesday mornitg
for Hurtsboro, Aia , to visit relative-,
Mrs H 8 Est* s and Mrs W W Bus e>
and cbildi n, ut Columbus, have re uiu
ed home.
Mrs J B Mobley returned Tutsdaj from
a several weeks visit to tnr mother at Pe.
rote, Ala.
Mrs G Beall, of Columbia, Ala., who
s P eDt l* 8 * week Lere with relatives, left
Tuesday for Columbus.
Mrs G R Copeland left for Americas
Tuesday where she will spend two or
three weeks with her daughter, Mrs G A
Mrs A J Burt, of Cataula district, and
jj 6 j. daughter, Mrs Eula Waiting, visited
the f am ii y of Mr B G Kimbrongh last
Rev W W Arnold and wife went down
to Bethel church Wednesday to attend
the session uf the Guluuibns Baptist Ass
80C ^ at j 0n
Miss Lula Griggs, of Columbus, who
has been visiting Miss Susie Jewett, at
St uson, came down Wednesday morning
and stopped over a few days with Miss
Lula MobUy,
Prof W E Aiurpney, of Americas, was
iu town Tuesday. Ho was called last
week to the l> dside of hm brother, Mr R
A Murphey, who has been lying very ill
at Waverly HaL for several days past.
R.ttv J J Ansley carried his wife to Rome
last week to place her under the treat¬
ment of a celebrated physician. Miss
Ella Barnes accompanied her sister to be
her companion during her stay in that
M s« Nettie Dozier, whv> l^f* w weeks
ago with the family ef Mr G J Boynton
for a trip up the country, after stopping
a week in G>>iumbu4 with relatives,is now
in Harris county, with her grand parents.
—Calhonn County Courier.
Deafness Can’t be Cured
by local app'ications, as thc*> can- «-t teach
the diseased portion of the ear. There is
only on ? way to cure deafness,and that is by
constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused
__ con(|it|on of the mucu8
ni fthe Eustachi;ul Tube When this
inflamed you hare a fambIing
or jm t h , ilrill) ,, alld when it is
ent , relj closeJ deafness ta the . suit, and
unless the in fl tuna lion can be taken out
an( j t u be restored to its normal eondi
^ on hearing will be destroyed forever;uine
ca;<e gout of ten are caused by catarrh,which
j s nothing but an inflamed condition of the
mucug surfaces.
We wi H p i V e One Hundred Dollars for
any case ot Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that we cannot cure by taking Hall's Ca
t rrh Cure, .“end u*i eircnlar, free.
F. J CHEvEY & CO.. Toledo, 0
^«rSo d by druggists, 75 cents.
Renews Her Youth.
Mrs Phoebe Chtsley, Peterson, Clay »
Io.. telis the following story, the truth < i
which is vouched tor by the resident
town: “I am 73 >ear* old, have been i ' n
bled with kidney complaint tnd lamm<
for many years could not dress
without help. Now 1 am free Iron
soreness, and able to do mv housework
owe ray tha ks to Ele trio Bdt< rs tor
insr r< n- -M-d tr.y youth, and remove,! ,
plete y the disease and pari ” Try a ! t
tl* on y 50c it Conk Bros
Special Notice.
All persons indebted to me feither
medical ser ice- t.r drugs are RARNE '
REQUESTED toc-me up and settle pr •>:.
ly by 1st of October.
oomiLiicr »
Complete Authors, Almost Novel* and Oth.r Work*, by F ■’» • , ”
Oiven A way. The loUuwii
are published in neat pamphlet lurju, and all are -i:
from good type subjects, upon good paper. They tr
great \ariety of ami we think no one can < 81
the list without finding therein many that he or nt Ul
like to possess. In cloth-bound form these books ,ic ,t
.00 eueli. Each book is complete in itself.
1. The Widow Bedott Paper*. This is t. boos
over which your grandmothers laughed till they ci, I, • odl
it is just as funny to-day rr it ever w as.
2. \V inter Evening Recreation*, a large c. .<■.. |
eial of Acting gatherings, t hitrades, private Tahituux. theatricals, Games, and Puzsles, evenings etc f I
r.t ! ■;
Cecil 5. Rack to the Old Home. A Kovel. 1. Va 1
l!«y, author of “Hidden PeriU.''
4 IMulopue*, Recitation* and Heading*. f* lam tl
»nd ciioice collection for school exhibitions and p\ ill.
1 mate entertaiiumats.
5. The standard Letter Writer for Ladies a « . i
tlemeu, a complete guide to correspondcsce, givi j.;.
direcuons fir the composition of letters of every ki • , «:
ianunit rafcle levins and examples.
6. The Frezin Beep. A Novel. By Wilkie
•tuber of “ The Woman in White,” etc.
7. lied Court Fnrin. A Novel. By Mr: ‘ n '
Wood, author of •• Hast I.vnne,’’ l.eke. etc
Lady ». Tit e 1. »dy l ake” of the is By in Sir Walter See
of ihe a romance verse, and ©
works i f sco t, none is more beautiful thnu this.
a. Ju Cupid’* Net. A Novel. By the a
“ Dora 'I horn©.''
16. Amu* Burton. A Novel. By George 1
tl.or t f "Ad»i» I tde,” •• The Billon (he Floss," tU
11. I t.ti)’ Vnintlvllne’e lireunt. A Novel
mul l rot ■ lu va Theme."
12. r J 3ieMy*tery Thorne.” of the Holly Tree. A I
the aulhor of ” Dora
13. The Hiulgtt of Wit, Humor and Fur>,
colivi tioii of the funny stories, sketches, anecdote
and jokes.
14. John Kowerbcuk’s Wife. A Novel.
ilulcck, author of ” John Halifax, Gentleman," et
lj. The dray Woman. A Novel. By Mrs 11
tu. lior of “ Wary Barton,’’ etc.
Hi. Sixteen Complete humorous and Storle* detective by Popular
en.liiacitig sucieiv love, of adventure, railway life, .kt-r *e«.
tcrextiug. liie, of etc., al o
17. Jit*per Dane** Secret. A Novel. By >
E. Biathlon, author of "Aurora Floyd,” etc.
10. 1 ant y \Y ork this for subjru. II tunc containing Adonusent, and s t .]
new wot k upon easy era;kc.[ yract;
iustrm lions for making fancy baskets,wall pockets j
illnstriUT needle work, embroidery, etc., etc., profusely and h g t
1 I I
finest 1». (iriionrs coileclioii Fairy Stories xunics for the You < Mr,|
ot them'. fairy published. The . b
&ro delighted with *
20. Kiuiiua) of Etiquette for Ladies and Gei "'men
guide to p„!i<« ui-sb all and occasions. i o« d breeding, giving ti m
modem etiquette for hiiml .
21. Vat-ivtl Krewletl^e motion for the Million, loi r
book ot useful iol< for nil, upen matiy at .
subject x. Cook Rook y*|
22. The Home and Famil? r" t '•*,1
cl:*.n, hiiitx 4 fotiUi-ii'ing h;■uxfkeupers, hundreds air.o of telling excellent how cooking
to to euro a
ailments by simple heme remedies.
2d. M miner* and CuKtomsIn Far Away t\
very interesting aud instructive hook of trtivels,
the peculiar life, habits, manners ana customs of
of foreign countries.
24. NT Popular liall&d*. Fame size as sh
V oi ds of all tb.e o d tu d rev songs.
Is. l ulifll Htifk. A Novel. By Hugh Oonw
2C. At liie Woild’n Morey. A Novel. B. e 1
V aiiUn. niitlxor ot “ The Douse on the Marsh," et
27. Mildred Trov inion. A Novel. By “ ' |
ess.” author of " Molly Dawn. "etc.
2ft. Hark Kay*. A Nor el. By the author <
29. efSiudowa on the Snow. A Novel. By F
ier i. anther of" Bn au-acd-t lieese-and-Kisses,”
3(. 1 eol tie. A North By Mary Cecil Hay
“ Brenda T orse."
SI. Gabriel’* Marriage. A Novel. P.y Will e Hi
*i tb r of " No Name,” etc.
•'2. Penpiiia tfcc W Itlrlwind. A Novel. i
Ctcii I ay. author of " Old iiiddletoti’s Money," -t
S3, liiicky 1'nrleon. A Novel. By lliss S
d< n, utclmr ot -I adv Andlev’s Fecret,” etc.
St. A Gnlt't a liuwn. A Novel. By the i t
“ Doia Thorne." etc. udcr.l’ „
35. Valerie’* Fate. A Novel. By Mr*. Alex
tin l of “ The B ooing U t.” etc.
36. Plvte-r Ros«v. A Novel. By Wilkie Coll
c! “The Woman in White,” etc.
S7. Anne. A Novel. By Mrs. Henry Wood, t.
“ l ast i.' r;t e."
3d The I atiri ] Hash. A Novel. By Mi nt
aiithi r of “ Ji hu 1 aiifr.N. Gentleman,” etc.
19. ilolilnson Cntsce. A thrilling morrativ' II
De Foe, describing the adventures of a castaway ii t
Pacific Ocean*
49. Mow i '"Make article* Poultry by Mr. Pay. A pr: i j
iiistineine series of P. H. Jacob
Fdit< r of ’ The Farm end Garden." Phi!*.; illus
41. ParlorMagio and Chemical Expcr*
book which tells howto perform experiment* hundreds of amus!
in ma ic and instructive with simp!
42. Gem* of the Port*, containing chare
tit>n< fr- in Tciinyso:.. Lcngfellow, Whittier, Byre
Mis>rc, Bryant, and many others.
4 . Huihiii'g Plan* for Practical. ’
lion* *. A lull dc.- ri;>tion and jdans of Ki| ranriut in pri-e from f5n0 to $4500. I lu
4f. Anecdote* of Public Lincoln. Men—Washing! Scott.
Bn. We x«ter, f'iay. Tildeu. Gran
Glads,me. Ilwt'.er. Hr.ncock, Lee. and all the le
of thec rtlnrr
45. AZr.fijC* FfiBIt f 1 . The work r *f at< nitcif '
Children f.ave rta t ihvut for cenruri s. : :.d gr
^uote them ev“*» 4 ;-.
\V - i iv.i vrranred i'uYnish with tne puhi
Li »s-.i Smwijcs to the whole !
with onci v ‘tir's suLscription to o' f
for onlv ^-1.73; or we will send nny I
cts., or tli * wh.ole fort -five for -
dress nil orders to pi; 1 ' t>. ■r ol
“THE JOURNAL.** I la ‘t