The journal. (Hamilton, Ga.) 1887-1889, September 23, 1887, Image 2

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mmtmm ABOFT SHODlfi SIIOKS. BOLES 1 HAT LAST A WEEK, AND WILL NOT BEAR WETTING. UnpoHltioi s*n*t ji«c«.|^fun Carried on ri tli* Exp*»i«i« of the Poorer daettre. Canine, Home U»r.lo, i»ti-Mannr. o -nr« «f Mmm dy Goods. ^ Jbr In the manufacture of hot md > m>-s men, women and chiklreirsome of the g ossosfc impositions and dee ptions are earned on. A well informed mechanic said to a reporter the other day: “It is aw outrage that manufacturers of boots find shoes should be permitted to throw such trash as they do ,pon the market. I only Why, just look at my »hoen, and bought them last wer g. .My test arc almost on the ground. I might >*** said to be ‘walking on my uppers. > ) I “What’s the trouble?” wiIh asked. “Trouble! wh , there’s trouble* enough; and i am only to out of thirty or tarty thousand person. in thb city who have Shui victimized by the Manufacturers arid retnlhu's of U;esc dio< dy shoes ' Tu n 1 first pu* on tiie jo/noee I am nov oaring they looks d as welt as any to Kj se,»n m the Itroad'.vay or Fifth avenue stores; bn wifi; the first rainstorm the notes began to peel off, and upovi exam jjion l found that, tho bottoms a? my «hres were made up of paper and sen m of leather, which at first had the upper ranee of leather I Went to the store \vu re, hod pure ha *©<5 them, but Ik bens gave me no fac¬ faction. He sail ho didn’t tuskb 1 wuu told tm*. ! had < .ght them chcr *, a.. , * mevvhet iusoieutiy \vnnt»! tokn «v >, hat e.vpocteil to get for $8. 1 told *i p i,i plain wards that 1 expected to ^f t .. shoe for that money, j Uhbvrrd him t u jpaper .vfics m toy shoes, but ti.ahs nil toe goo» 0 did me’. I licenced hiir, Mug a swindler, pointed to Dk* '•.itmicn o« hoxe^ rf shoes abmil thi* store from whiel, i ha Eecu him Like the same is no u:, but ho took the matt* r bo e Hilly that l made up my mind he wes t\E-*d to t He h - d a well u *a iii* V • *>d store and! =1 ofes^wt to :ia*y good &. toe 9T , which on «c uuuv of X big trade, he could - r-~ ord to ceil coin T* are tively cheap. A c* iht turn there wa.- *1 number of \vt»W dressed women ii:j the Stan, and vvl n they saw Uu p iper r u d shoes 1 h-du up, and heard what I he . say about the goods on hand, they U cwl up their akiiaj and walked o.a ■*- ut the proprietor didn’t K«r 11 to miud U. as lrn knew that his low priced sH that w r.v labeled 1a the winoow'S would draw in plenty of e.tstom. 1 tell yc ^ir, I’m u hard vvork’.nj, and haven large f.itr.ily to car*, in r, but ith money, money all the time tu buy uhoes for my vlilldren. I’m a mechanic, and 1 know iow good work ought to” Another workman with whom tor \e porter tor.ver^nl ro*at©il pretty much tbo same e'qierieuoe :'n eguM to sh- *» that he lnvd ’nought, for his boys, and U ent ally im ntioned a rei'ent experience his wife, bhe lia t on a pair of iowcu u. ne s, h*td, cbunctng to get tsrugbt in u heavy ruluotorm, came home ulmost barciooted. The water 3 id soaked through the paste or comjrosiUon, and ihe outer sole. ap. r cutty of kathe** luul nearly peeled of*, The inside sole was cuy paner. T« m man’s experience W'«s <ba' these shoea would wear off -0 gradually in very dr west nor that a good v>iiv.y couldn't 1 tic it; but let them be worn out once or t vice m .» rainstor. n and then the wearer would wonder w h.P made the . ulss pot! off. lie said that he hod to buy ss cheaply as poss’bie, t. I no matter in what store on (h B*iw< or about the avenues he traat-i. *\ie proprietot or hi» ck*rk wm always vri)’:lag to take an natn that the shoes v ere "cgulrrly aew*>- “l * ell you what, sir ” hi said, bluntly, “these are th days for trying men’s soles,*’ and the apeaL'n* laughed rn, the old joke. Several reputable libotmakers denouncod the in»rmsitk>us that wei*o practiced in the iranmacture of shoddy ahovs, as j» was very severe upon men who h* c to work hard for their money, nini only gel small wages the best. One of these slioe i vvl w* s&id: “Most $t ihe cheap goods sold in 2 .*v 1’ork and elsutvhere a- made in Mavs-v ciiuscltes, mostly by 'tiacbinery, opd the niauafiiclv'tvrs u -c t’ .* oibi 1 of Ica.'hev # A*. split6, Hk.'vuj’.v* rape* or i cun position leather, m hph<,hor.seh le In many men’s, W( men’s iruJ .JJHrnT cdioes the inside is of pud ah..ard. ami te linin: is coarse «h" enow ,a ••a through; and then the ■4 >U s . i-,1 heel balled Only expei * • • n .». L* ha do crenee *etween thk ri :■> of sho Wy shoos and haiu.1 made v.o.-k, u i an isooiciy are they finished F’roi Uu, top to the bottom of the shoo the lvhoi.' thing !s! doccpf.Te. The man; i * competing with each other, and every one daily studies * n r. tui out the che,i|/cst and v • look good*. These shoddy shoes ; sent all over die United Suites, and p rsons whose means &r i grumped are taken in by them. The bar gains they dunk they are getting arc The worst sort of fells.” .Seven-.; other custom work shoemakers, c;lk.u £ ; of J- s dd that in ub I he - - machine Cm mrtr nal a us used m aien won en sa u , ^ c' .ire ll.uon .. '. : rfm»os. fi renwmt liurrwhide fil, iicmg «od ^phr vomit and , burned fcef.s rr, , uutuc ap in <ml tat,ion t cobb.'- ;1 o ■. Iron* -he vcnoua mantu.iotorjee .io ■.> east t he; t shoddy goods are ship pen wholesale bou;«-\ whc'ce they find r heir Way to »Ytvuer* abor. town, by w ove they arc - >hl n, > dy u. h poor •* j, eopie, who think .1:*. y are gc dug bargaiu*. It h variously oat?muted that from #8,/-0 to U ‘DO a flay would or;, nn r toe quan / of t s i' 1 •t of trash that Is sol'm th ed ik r A,’ul it i h lop bj d \h *,; Tie c: ’ vai-i t -b opon l.bosp who ;'au aft 1 f There ar sc*>r»:’ >f shou .ho «U n.c, . ™.r. 5 nd to ••»>••; cer i fc. A°sr ihor* a had frui-i Lie ;?**••'*« cost o. . c . ; k l j a oati'i'. of a goo^ art!c>e wt alone the cost of i:i .mg up iit -Kv goon* ."U’fi ku^v » V the trull e- “ urn dices ”from th- “• t» iflt the .ns* If papn' sole i» first Secured U ■ I;e Upper and then • hi* Shoe !*• turned iusideom, when 1 fie sole is secured b.v in ; . t. ■> >*:»,- > 0 <1 <;f "iwipB a Stitch or ' ... 1 * t rK he ,.•'?> ' T, shoes R * 1 °' ; <he 111 m nek :u . ‘vt 1 ere leather, and so t a, 'rally are, but it is not the dressed * ah tutaet. h cey a called “pa.ent sol* lag, Aral are ^rupoved of scraps gjouud up, aki’vn* ami .othov t r u’t- fi.A'enah iorulica into a eotupouHon - m v oll d into various thicknesses b> puvertul niach n *'vy From ouch strip, when it comes Iroin the roihu’s and is drieu, two p 1 *- e. <-ies can be cut, and the waste *■« asc .for hu In dry weather «uch so! will wear \oi ~"'-dy well, bn' hi wet v.- athef they soon melt away. This pa tern; soling ism v'ly used by manufacturers 1 their 1 wept priced goods though many cobblerf a 1 1 *rit t >uu t*se it in half soling and het-1 iixg. Thera i- a grade of iuachine made sloe coir, ‘sod of pood stock, brt thfl great bulk of this .industry is shoddy ■— N6w York Commercial Advertiser. Sc. #r*<*ul Hcspitib** in th<. Mountain,. Gtm. Thomny Kane’s idea o f pti;ting up a rn jicti hospital among the crisp mountain breezes of county, Penn svlvania, so t-httt in capital cases, both the surge or an. 1 th-3 patient could repair for tm, op* .n tion fco a craclng atmosphere, vs.**rthinly at sighted. It would al ^ t> > t much wiser, we belicvo, even at the add *d '*-'M \ hick a great surgeon’s i-hr.. cutails, f o have f.trekal ojatratlons in thv mi acj ^ea£.*n performed outside of the depressing ufltieii 'os that any larg city is r. bjeot ro. It vould not have takeo nuic a more man a %w 0. gccesmom of cpprissi > e heat and humidity during tie recent a sated fortnight to have ex hausted a numbs? of perron in th ir usual state c«f health who ha »e managed to keep alive and attend io their business. A very slight iddition to the dey ssing >n the ner^ centers might have beta fatil to hand xis wLc Have felt themselves brought a. .rar a, y ues T fco ue danger TKiirt of b«ur* er.dnrarce. It may he weF to koep the K .te id ' in iaind wbenever fi>r that n»ountain air surgery, and, practice r’c, tc tet the surgeon a ’>ise an operatic fob*? done in an at u«a-pJiere that is bracing and sttmulat ing-—Philadelphia Iiedgcr. and Bitter. “ r n*i.s is h had sud bitter world,” marked a gentleman o, Irish extraction, »We nev»*r furew fiowvis on » van’s grave nutil af1»r he &i deau.*’ • * M bk|* ttm Hlitbhr ammm < A NEW GEFiMAtt COLor-Y Prep ,j*«d IS* * orient of a Vast 'Jftrmei o, I'tttd in Fa .* /ifrif#-^oll *.n*i U:a»«^e. Theattemp 'an mg :..«a»h--. by G-w many to fom OtODV in * asf- Africa will he watch l in this country'v fib in terest. Shcu it -.dtcn.d3»i «1r.& -'uccef,> it cj’.mot Sc..l v * *••••-.<» avtrv marked eftect uu the irmriigu ~:oa of Chmasm s*'o&yte io America, while the t; c • : ^ States **> than other nations xvui ui .1 V*ane'dts ac*"'' • g to the opeiang o’ a new ■uiarket for western pi •outlet T‘*u m mission try handed over to Uerm^mv by the com appointed io delimit ih** territory of the a a! tar. of T&nrJuu* efrccches from the Osi river in the nonu s ;j the Ilcvnu-a river in the south This latter river also farms f lie northern boundary of ih<- Port ugnege province of Mozambique. Its eastern limit »s defined by a line drawn ten miles inland trorn the Indiau ocean between these two points, and the port <} j pangani is ceded temporarily by the .,-.,1 tan of Zanzibar, to tkwt .4. «j» iliecL ^eranui poi»i«w)uns arc rave where they march the tex^ltory of ‘ha Congo Freer State as de¬ fined by rie i -ace of Berlin, Jt is tti% of conwe, propose-T to ttompt the setilemert ot tliis vast rat of land except bj slo v degrees. T ix* first at .< pt la to be made in the Chaga country, which l*es to the north of the. port of Mombassa, ‘a iir hiuluder; within i r s li^ts the *r> un C? nous district of T • w;ajui'o This t mfifcry, of which t it lip va* k >wn a f .w years ago, has lat Ay fc en thocony v ^UorL^^^v V admiLljy ft™, tbot- r, rts to be adapted for suec^ssna oolomzatb n. High rolling downs Hornate w? i* bean afrilv water '’u s. and the slopes of trhe grek Tt infcai f range ore loverod wir.i formats o* v&j ?*■ hi >*£ ' J rmc r» d* nr ^ tue «UOW ill -■* T rf r ]>ri W.ipal het ural K odacts 1 Abe duTricr, ar? indif ru rnF.lwr ^ ’ Hmw / l ’ re T! a«*« ■' nr ? * ,. r ,t ..mi AU * * gum arahic, and - oc tuu -ar f . kmv, several hin«is of rosewood and Atrh jut fo&k. The {swell adapted for io raising o grain crops, and, 4 ad iul, n. ueb of it is ai ready nod or cu tivutioii, Chrga huiiug for y ta.* chief ree. ailing forcaravanr trading between the >2vansa and the east <orst Indian com, millet, dhurra and rice are oh i«..?.ed in ^oriMVier* uole quantities. "‘•>bneco *s grown to yjhagee, and in the low lylnrr l;:nas cotton of very god qualit ’ raised, Experime .ts are to be made will coilee, cloves and tea, ail of which should do we ip The climatv of the plains a unhealthy and likely to pro'*© trying to white set tle^s but on the hiii slopes, A»t a height o: about ' 500 feet above the sea eve!, a beautiful climate can he enjoyed. The thermometer at iij# ''nt rarely registets more than 80dees., n it night i lisas low as 00 (legs. The rain/ season com mences in November and IhSts ii!l i eh. j ary, after wnHi inert» but little rain falls till th© no.;: t rainy sc. j son eommenoes. j a her can be eastH i ocured d» the Chaga district, as the u«..T,es &rn peuc .a dy i» «,p.ned ttd ice*st >mra t„ gric dturnl pur stii f s. At first the ,on settlers may ej-p^rien^e diffi ic*' with the Masai tribes, who iniialu the couiitt r 0 >e northwest. These people are iaviterate mfti&uders. but if tliey are oner taugnfc the lesson hat the white man Is not to be lightly interbred with they wd« loubtle s intake themselves to (.,* 10 * par. ~ Fh delphia Times. . —--- AvoiM-m tc th? Hoapit*!. In mj expexieuce here I h*vve nctieed the great a oiakai to being - at tc tue hospital by ue%TOto and Fishmeu. V.'ith the negroes it s a up- r$ ‘ttoxis fee of medical \nstUnlvnns They fear ih% . th*y will be luade medidue of, and the “night doctor” or body snatcher has all of its old time horrors for v im. In the matter of orcken down, decrepit-, alcoholized Irish men they are the worst form of what we call ‘hospital dead bears,’ but the IrLa laborer or mechanic is. as a rule, as proud as a Hidalgo, and when he is brought in here all biokeu up by an accident be will ,*nslss upon being HR sent to his hximhm « l a? U> pome tenement, where he can be but illy«ared for. He will accept the tern ?x**v charity of his friends and live in ’ r i * o: necessities, lui he vn: 4 no- be* on * -i ge upon the city.—City Di&- 1 -> F in Globe Deinocrit |fssart ■ t— "** ■f-VS > yj'srrf; Ay/-'-:*/; v ? v . * v t. yrim'ft Vtfb i 3 ^ * tf r*fJ trir fS trr tfh > ! • I 3>£*n 111 iwA- i pezBij it, i I V - 4., As — f { > i—r - r ~A vV5sB*.j>''< -i S'Ci:: ;»v , iViaeor., G**.or^ria K ST A N f-"' A ? tew V 1 | A..* e ? V. > ... X Kitiuitton, s-eor^i ---- Will wacliee .a all the com - of' *^ & t» .-pe d attention 'given to UtcM lean ' ys^Alf .0 money a; o m $>r far min on e 0 *, 3sos tinu at 8 cert Th. * m. mm. <;onu • aud sec me ■mm ss r.-*f ■ ■vr.7 - * D O. W- T. Ti;u 'SsmJ TOE'S us r. OVER COLTJMBUS BaX f Xa.1 ^ 5 ®Alt Dise ,c cs of d\z hftrnth ? * - eeth treated in the bes-t manner l t StrflS A .^OurUV , OPG?t r%) m •> $ n.«.i WUlbe S oU :.he *urt h<,«.e * // f ‘ rl^S'i'w'"-’‘“l ' ^!, -r! higher. ■■<(. f 4 R n X" : ' L, <3a -t m J ■- •» ‘ A * T Li. . pl £K7.!: /t K.’irL, ,S cn an j/vied ,i -j 5 :, ,• c owy up>n t.* '• rr< ,-rt • of W » i Tnomrsor o < •. i t'y ». ii *a from Mu^cotye Superior Court i * Lvo* of “ “ t i nompson Also at the amue rune rnd piaoa, t 1 y »» . rhr.m,i* m ~ m d it 0 icr i o, 1 t ©1 and & >. i. ifce 1 dia*riot v H«*ri8 oonu v a) hette? jh own ss the fan 1 d ided •: ' t «v**enters o' .1 I> Thortu .on c* Ho? via J. v II j rid testament r<-s ; Jan * *Vj •**»D , loceased, and Uueinda Ann TLi 1 -OC. Levied apoti as the uj’Cj v. tt F Phoir hsco to satisfy a it fa fr Mn.npRe-i Superior ec irt in fa^or of h Enifiuitu, Charles he sfruau iri>csfer trn I F Thomason. A *o at 1 he seme 1 me and place, I y ar s of iane in the ifiitfc*distnef of Sa 001 .tty, b'».UK' on the north by J* Osborn’s land, .a. Ibe east by ianJ <■ ' ' Boon.on the west by lend of C I .h -.r ml the eomte by . ; ann f-F M v ht v-i ? cres of iano in ihe 29ih a rri t aid county bounded on hie nort? •a; Osbo?t\ by /' i: ’4h'*>u, no t y M bidweii an! wmt by H 3K ■ 1 upon «f. iht* property of Iht Mh. to satisfy a 8 ( { . from Han r \ a ** c a rf ;n favor o? Win a Baa ' .* v J3 m( • -> iM. B<.‘v-rs. ■ F. M Tai.l by, Shi Gi 1 org'til, Ha rris (;o *uri \ Executor’s ^ale. p i ,, ? , r: ae i he is i w'*! and ?e? ^ r .« L Worrdl, late Wtore of said coenu- ir/ f " ^ I will cown'o! sail tbo co heu , , Gtmiiton or tis* g. cecd.iiy in November next *he fodowj i escr bed lard belong*ug to said decor to- wic -« Lot of lard No. Si oolUavtk Vw °l K»*' ***\ tii^Vsth di^- * T ' w df* - tvina' ‘ " ’ ,h ^ p//* ** / ' 4 .~ : V ,l } . _ fc 9 1 v K ' * 1 ‘ v . L * T iJ \" '! , e r .....: '* **’*““ w ~ ... m+m heortfin, Harris Count, Tesae Me' low 5 , Rbmmislrrtcr of 8: M i ioWN,!a‘0 of suid county, dec*. >-» *n'.« for ve to *e . ianii b ,uvgirg to the estate of Raid . ceased, Ali persor.b eont.-eTced arc* ncreby fiec* to sh< w cau*e. if any they b vo, order the 5ist should Moods: HH| not in be October grant J uext, said HRi *fc' V /*snt io sells :d land. Lsnd and cffioisi \ " Oiyen un k my 3 tore 8epr dth, 1887. | J P O Willi* 1 **, Ordim