The journal. (Hamilton, Ga.) 1887-1889, September 30, 1887, Image 8

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IE have just opened an immense stock of
Crockery, China and Silverware,
Glassware, Wood mid Willow Ware,
Baskets in Endless Variety, Lamps of Kinds,
And Novelties too Numerous to Mention.
Our stock embraces everything to be found in a well ordered CROCKERY and CHINA
Store. Our motto is: “First class goods, low p;ices and polite attention.” Our place
1033 West Side Broad St., Columbus, Ga.
Two doors below Brannon & Carson's Drug Store. Mr. R. W. Williamson will be in charge
J. L. Dennis, Proprietor.
September 30,.................. 1887.
Valley Plains Notes.
Botbel church hns enjoyed a granotiH
revival. Fi?e accessions to chnrch on
profession of faith. Rev Hiram Dorman
ono cf the oldest, Methodut preachers in
Georgia is a member of this church. Mr
Osoar Barnes and Wilkerson Sparks, two
of Harris ceuniy’s oldest citizens are
members also. By inc'uding Mr Mar
shall Stevens of BetblehtmBap'ist chnrch
in same community, with the above
named worthies I don’t suppose Hny
neigh! orhood in the county can piesent
four men who have Reived this genera¬
tion longer than these faithful antiqnari
Bethel church is located in oue of the
most picturesque localities of the Valley
region, but the roads to the hospitable
homes of the people who worship there
lead over the rockiest hills in Georgia.
Mr Ja« Matthews says if he owed a man
a billy road and he weald not accept the
oue from Hamilton to Bethel be would
never pay the debt. As an evidence of
the fact that there is some good religion
in t his old church some delicate women
drove a hard headed Bslirns over these
hills five or six miles very dark nights for
a whole week Revs W A Farley, Craw
ford Jackson and the circuit rider did the
From Bethel to Mt Airy is over Oak
mountain via Dowdie s Mill and Waverly
llali. I aiu surprised that the enterprising
people of Waverly Hall don't open up a
good road .to Dowdell’s Mill to intersect
other roads to Hamilton and the
region. If they don’t do it they
will prove to the world that they are
wanting in enterprise, Three water
mills lay iu our route, Oapt. W C John¬
ston’s, Dowdell’s and Marshall and Lcod.
ard’s, all of whidi were damaged by the
recent floods, hot have siuce been repair*
ed and are now doing the usual grinding,
ginning Sen , for their respective custom
ers. Alas! how many bushels of western
corn T.ill ho hauled thousands of miles
for these old Georgia mills to grind be¬
cause the people planted all their bread
in the bottoms and enthroned King Cot- j
ton on the hills for the fall drouth to j
come along and cat his head off. If they
had only devoted some of his territory to
corn they would have had bread. Ob!
When will «e cease to worship King Cot
Mt Airy is holding her own with the
l same upright, clever citizens who have
ocoupied (heir respective positions in the
community for several years \ ast. Moral¬
ly and religiously the community »s as
good as Georgia can produce. The pto
pie are at this time lamenting the proba¬
ble loss of two of their best citizen ,Cap
John Kennon and his son. But they are
congratulating themselves that a good
and upright man with lu excellent family
will take their places, n«mJ\, Mr Dun
c»n Phillips, of Talbot county. Capt
Kennon has sold out to Mr Phillips, and
if Capt K. does not get into satisfactory
business by the 1st of January he speaks
of going west.
Rev Sam J Smith has just returned
from Stewart county where he has been
teaching school daring his college vaca¬
tion. Misses Anna and Nitiio Smith, his
sisters, who attended him to Stewart for
the benefit of his instruction returned
with him. This section it seems is deter¬
mined to have their children educated.
From Mt Ai»y to WaverlyHttll,fonr miles,
Pricbitt Hill, eight miles, Ellerslie, four
miles. At th(8s four points schools have
been kept up all the year with over two
hundred scholars in attendance a good
part of the time. Prof Calhoun teaches
at Waverly Hall, Miss Elda Huff at Mt
Airy, Prof King at Prichitt Hill. Miss
Kate Neal taught at Ellerslie the spring
term and Prof Ed Rodgers the snmmer
From Mt Airy we went to Shiloh via
the Georgia Midlund. A year since we
were at Shiloh. George Cook, the only
merohant one year ago, has for his neigh¬
bors D xie Harris, formerly of Ha nilton,
Tom Neal, of Mt Airy, and Dr Crawford.
Dixie was as clever and looks as clever
ont there as he did in Hamilton.
We spent several days in the neighbor¬
hood of Sardis church and beard Revs.
W E Mumford and N D Moorehonse of
Talhotton preach some soul stirring ser
mons. A gracious revival iu and ont of
the church was the result of their labors
We were the guest of Dr Frank Ellison,
a more clever man Georgia doei not poa
sess. We had the pleasure to see him
unite with the church the last night o?
our stay with him.
We returned to Waverly Hall, where
we met Harold Williams o & his way to
Baltimore to he gone two years to finish
his course in medioine. We oonld
feel sad as we grasped bis hand for a good
bye at the thenght we may never see him
again. But Harold said he was going to
be a good boy, and if he will keep bis
promise we will meet again.
Joe Luttrell is quite sick with malarial
Miss Emmie Sparks was the guest of
Miss Nannie Pitts.
Clay Farley and family from Thomas
ton, are visiting relatives.
Col McCulloughs and John Neal have a
new ginnery at the depot.
A new stock of goods has been put up
by a man whose name is too long to re¬
I H Pitts Sc Son seem to be doing well.
Henry and Archie Byrd, two thrifty
farmers, have a ginnery right on tt o rail¬
road half a mile from depot.
Mr J E Appier keeps rnuking additional
improvements to bis already elegant home
and farm be has recently purchased aud
The Georgia Midland pulls a through
car for the Central of Georgia from At¬
In Brief and to the Point*
Dyspepsia is dreadful. Disordered
liver is misery. Indigestion is a foe
to good nature.
The human digestive apparatus is
one of the most complicated and
wonderful things in existence. It is
easily put out of order.
Greasy food,tough food,sloppy food
bad cookery, mental worry, late hours,
rregular ha bits and many other
things which ought not to be, have
made the American people a nation
of dispepsia.
But Green’s August Flower has done
a wonderful work in leforming this
sad business and making the Ameri¬
can people so healthy that they can
enjoy their meals and be happy.
Rc-member:-No happiness without
health. But Green’s August Flower
brings health and happiness to the
dyspeptic. Ask your druggist for a
bottle. Seventy-five cents.
CSI7LEY LODGE, So. 10, P. & A. i
Saturdays Regular communications in on second and fourth
each month. M. T. McGee,W. M.
benj. f. hill, Sec.
HAMILTON LOUGH No, 24, L 0,0, W.
Regular meetings on first and third
Tuesdays in each month.
J. L BLACKMON, Recorder.
1000 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga.
Having entered into the Wholesale Grocery Bu-incsg with a largely in
creased trade has necessitated the juilding of a commodious anti roomv
Brick Warehouse, with side track fa( ilities. thus making a great saving in
s'oiage and dwyage, I have now in store and ofLr to lie trade a
Full Line of Groceries.
At prices which defy competition. Ool. E. G. RAIFORD is with me as
dalesman, and will call at an early day on the merchants along
lines of loads leading to the cit> with samples and prices. Those who
buy advantageously to themselves are solicited to try me be ore
My Warehouse is now completed and open to the merchants of Columbus
the storage of goods at moderate rates, and your patronage is solicited.
W. J. wait.
Attention Farmers*
Ninety days time at cash price, oue ne^
Centennial Gin—45 saw aud Condense
cheap Will pay for its use in ginniD'
up a crop. Rollin Jepfebs'
Operating Surgeon and Physiciai
Broad St.* Columbus, t
The publisher has arrange
with Mr. B. F. Hill to ca
vass the county north of t\
mountain in the interest <
call upon subscribers who<
time is out or who are in a
rears for subscription, as w
as those who do not take the
county paper, and we ask f<i
him a patient hearing an
liberal treatment. . He w
receive and receipt fd
subscriptions, and contra- ■ I
a uvertisi , . job . . .
ng or pri
He will also write up J
interesting features of t)
neighborhoods he visit an
hls ,. read y P en wlU . ri raake , '
letters of much interest
our readers. Every mai
th e county should subscr l I
f or the J TOTTRN tJ UKin AL AT nr-l an - * i
: hope will be induced
many t
do so by Mr. Hill’s effoi s.
j n 1
Any Color.
you one dol *r
person can put it on nice
nice assortment of
PAINT brush: -
White Lead by the quantit
S. G. RIL, r