Newspaper Page Text
mm iiiitfif M i ifit *fifi m 111111 ii 11 n ui in 1111 nn 111111 h 1111 n 11111 in 111111111111 in 11 n i
1 jFm |E have just opened an immense stock of i
| Crockery, China and Silverware, 1
E Glassware, Wood and Willow Ware , r
I Baskets in Endless Variety, Lamps of Kinds, E
I *
And Novelties too Numerous to Mention. E
Our stock embraces everything to be found in a well ordered CROCKERY and CHINA “
Store. Our motto is: “First class goods, low p;ices and polite attention." Our place “
1033 West mZ
S Side Broad St., Columbus, Ga.
■s? Two doors below Brannon & Carson's Drug Store. Mr. R. W. Williamson will be in charge.
I. L. POLLARD 8c CO. 3
Willi 1111111 i 111 III Mil 111111 III II III HI I HI I 111 JHI1111111111 III I 111 II111IIIHIJIII III 11111 ll
The Act of tine General Assembly tbat
Does tlie Good Work.
Below we publish the full text of
the local bill passed by the General
AW nobly regulating the saieof spirit
uoua liquors in Harris county. It is
presumed that the effect of the law
will be to close the saloons in the
county. The certified copy is as
follows :
\To amend an amended Act, appro
ved March 5 th, 1875, which
amended an act approved March
the 20th, 1873, so as to apply the
provisions ol said Act of 1873 10
thc 'fu POralCd l T S a V,lla '
Sec. i. Be it enacud b vr the Gen
era! As ernhly of the Slat n of Geor
gia: 1 ha* from and idle* the passage
of tins Act, that the Act approved
March the 5th. 1875,- amendatory of
the act of Marco 20th, 1873, be
amended in the fourth and fifth lines
m the first section o said Act, by
adding the words “or Mayoi and
Councilmen of incorporated towns
and villages in Harris county,” after
the words Ordinary and County Com
nnssiontrs ; and also at the end of
the ninth l ne in said section by ad¬
ding the words “01 Mayors and
the first section of the Act of 1 gyj,
by adding the words “the corporate
limits of said towns and villages,”
and after the word “Harris” in the
second section of the Act of 1875. j
by adding the words “or incorporated
towns and villages in said county of
Harris,” so that said amended ac s
shall read as follows: That it shall
not be lawful for the Ordinaries,
County Commissioners, or the May
ors and Councilmen of incorporated
towns and villages in Harris county
to grant a license to any person to
sell intoxicating liquors in said coun¬
ty, in any quantity, unless the appli
cant for license shall, in addition to
complying wi ii a.l the requisites of
the law as it now stands, present to
said Ordinaries, County Commis¬
sioners, 01 Mayors and Councilmen
of the incorporated towns and villa
ges in said county of Harris, to be
filed in their office, * the written con
sent to the granting of said license, j
signed by two-thirds of the citizens 1
freeholders within the corporate iim- ;
it* of said towns and villages in
Harris county.
Sf.c. 2. That any Ordinary, Coun
to Commissioners, or Mayors and
(j OU nciImen of sait incorporated
towns and villages in Hams county
violating this act shah be guilty of a
misdemeanor and upon conviction
j thereof shall be punished as prescri¬
bed in Section 4310 of the Code of
i8 73 *.
Section 3 repeals conflicting laws.
Approved Sept. 20, 1887.
A Feather for Hamilton’s Cap.
| Last week of Harris county’s
i one
best men, a good farmer and a man
Q f some means, concluded that the
Hamilton cotton buyers were not
doing'all they promised to do-lhat
they were not paying Columbus pn
ces for cotton. He determined to
tesi jj ie matter to his full satisfaction
and he did. He sold two bales in
Lhe morning to Hudson & Johnston.
Two bales he sent to Columbus by
wagon, and he got for them exactly
t j ie pu Ce he did in Hamilton.
He had groceries to buy, but after
. . around the , , lea ling
P ncln K at grocery
houses in the city, he put his money
in his pocket and said : “Hamilton
p r j cej f ur groceries are the same as
and buy my groceries and save freight
01 hauling by my own team, I have
learned a good lesson. I am going
tb stay at home, work at home, and
buy and sell at home.
Looking in upon the well .filled
shelves and counters of Messrs J. K.
Harris & Co., of Columbus, one
would not think that less than a year
ago their store was the scene
of a devastating confla- 1
gration. Such was the case, j
however, but pluck and energy know
no such word as fail and upon the
ruins of their former store they have
now erected a more lasting and valu- \
a p] e superstructure.They have now no '
old . . stock , , to work .1 off, a- v but everything .1 •
is new and stylish. They handle (
grades of good such as t ic people '
demand and they can fit you out in a
wedding suit, a Sunday suit, a busi¬
ness suit, or a work suit, as you ma y
need and they cm give you goods at
prices that will be truly astonishing.
They keep a full line of boys and
youth’s clothing, hats and furnishing
goods and anything they have you
may, be assured is to be had on the
lowest margin of profit.
Go to Wee llim.
It will pay you to call at the shoe
store of W. R. Bedell, in Columbus,
when you need shoes. He has an
entirely new stock, exhibited in an
entirely new store, that is arranged in
an entirely new fashion, and although
he is no new man at the business, lie
doesn’t propose to let his shoes get
old if low prices will move them.
In the line of school shoes, work
shoes and ladies shoes his stock is
replete with bargains and he can of¬
fer special inducements on any of
these goods. It will pay you to go
to see him before making your winter I
In Brief and to the Point. 1
Dyspepsia is dreadful. Disordered j
liver is misery. Indigestion is a foe
to good nature.
1 he human digestive apparatus is
one of the most complicated ai d
wondeiful things in existence. It is
easily put out of order.
(> 1 easy food,tough food,sloppy food
rregular habits and many other
things which ought not to be, have
made the American people a nation
of dispepsia.
But Green’s August Flower has done
a wonderful work in leforming this
sad business and making the Ameri
can people so healthy that they can
enjoy their meals and be hippy.
Re-member:-No happiness without
health. But Green’s August Flower
brings health and happiness to the
dyspeptic. Ask your druggist for a
bottle. Seventy-five cents.
lle/ul-ir wjcetiin'rt on first and ii 10
'I’ii mJ av 8 tit each month
jii 111111 mm mu 11 ii 111111 ii hi 11 in in nn 111 in 1111 mi 1 mu mini 11111111111111111 mi in,, k
W. J. WATT, =
a* wholesale grocer I
1000 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga.
s Having ntered into fhe\Vh*d«sa!e Hu-mess with a largely ineteased trad • r
jjj h r necessitated In* l.nil*ii* z of a column nous and roomy B irk Warehouse E
z on the railroad with s*l traek facilities I buv mv good* for ca-h in rat t
E load lots ‘tad nn <*a 1 'be nr* into mv own warobou e thus in king a gro 1 ~
• jj savin/ in r forage and draya e. I have in wateuou e and in store and mn z
; p ep 11 -d to offer to lhe trade n E
At price* which e;y co:nj>ctit on. Co* K G Halford, so well and favotably E
known to tin- pub ic, i* will me as travel ng S,ih>man. and will call )ti -
tt-e metchant*. al* uj the lints of tool leading to the <ity with .“ample r nn
price*. Tho*-e w! o wonl»* l»u> advanta/eou • 1} -to them* s are Kolicite *■
to try me L« fore pur'ha ing eJ*r-where. 1 s x. v* ttr tr C. *% n^d aru stt e
z can «et it if you will K i • me a tair tri s ft have in my Warehotise
z • *r loads of superior ♦-ifas Uns* I’ <>of h. by the sack or car h»ail
z pecial attention paid to the filling of order* entrusted to mv (*:» re
W. J.WATT. f
^iimtiiitiioimimfiiiiHiiMiimiiiMiiiiiiiiitiiiiiimiifMimmiiMtmiiiiiiimimMiiiniii mmr
Attention Farmer*.
Ninety days lime at cash price, one new
Centennial Gin — 45 saw and Condenser
cheap Will pay for Jf« nae in ginning
n P crop - Hollin Jeffrrson.
Operating Surgeon and Physician,
Broad St. # Columbus. Ga.
The publisher has arranged
with Mr. B. F. Hill to can¬
vass tiie county north of the
mountain in the interest of
the JOURNAL, lie will
call upon subscribers w hose
time is out or who arc in ar¬
rears for subscription, as well
as those who do not take their
county paper, and we ask for
him a patient hearing and
liberal treatment. lie will
receive and receipt for
subscriptions, and contract for
advertisi ° J j ob pnntint 1 p _ r ,
TT lie will . n also . write . up the
interesting features of the
neighborhoods he visits and
J 1 j s ready pen will make these
letters of much interest to
our readers. Every man in
the county should subscribe
for the JOURNAL and we
] 10 pe many will be induced to
10 S<) A Hill s effoits.
Ready-M ixed Paints,
Any Color.
Any person can put it on nicely. V
nice assortment of
White Lead by the quantity.