Newspaper Page Text
Don’t Experiment
You oi net atf Td w st lium in ex
nm ntin ween \o r ng- an* in <ui •
: r. Ciav-m Ii n w;s 1 *{* at r-t
t a * a » D ie n i rt 4 j iit il v I u
Hin,s. Hon upon you uii som< el eip imita
of D. King 1 ." New Diroveiy to
iConsumption [sure cough.- and olds, but bv
you get the genuine Because he ca:.
make more profit he may tell y ou he has
t-ome hing just as good, or jut the same.
D -n’t lie deceived hut insist upon g- tting
Di King’s New Discovery wtiich is gaium
teed to give ielief in all tlir. at. luog and
chest a If etions. X'ial bottles free at Cooa
Bro-. Large Bo tli-s One Doll .r.
A Sound Eegal Opinion.
Bunbiidge Munduy Esq., Uoun y Any
co , Tex., s»\s, “H.»vo used E ectnc
v/ith most happy results xYly
also w s v.-ry low with malarial
uuoicc, hut cuied l>y
use of ;his medicine. Am suti*ti d
jp, H t E'ectrie Bi'ti-rs laved his life
Me. D I WrtcwXson,of llor-e Cave.K' ,
a like testimony, saying he positive
believes he won! i have died bad it
been for Elec ric Bdiers.
This great remedy wi 1 1 ward off as well
its cure all malarial diseases, and for all
kidney,liver and *tomhch disoidersstands
uaequaled. Price 50c and $1 at Cook's.
A A Good One From a Reliable Man.
htr'iggs’ or four days after giving him
Nuanbetter Tonic Pills he did a
whole days work in the field, being so
much improved. Ho now has a go id ap
t 'eriie a; d is rapidly improving iu stregth
md color. 1 kno-* ihePiijs have given
h in a new h s« of fife, and I recommend
them 'above ever* m-oh me on earth. My
ikde Am'-aifOi been m Teet>fe condit on for
|ome t;m , and they l ave improved her
Ll-o veiy much. If anybody need- a ton
oL my a i vice i«, buy B >g ;s’ Nnunl et er
Tonic Pil s Ii H Hutchinson.
I S Id by D S G Biley. AhII or< him for
few samp e- Nil nhetter Liver Pills, <fce.
SL p man Br s , Wboioale Druggists,
BVholesa c Agents, Sav»nn«b, Ga.
[ Bucklen’s Arnica Salve,
I he best S dve in the world to cits,
[bruises, [sores, s tvs, cb-ippcd u'cers, salt hands, rh*nni, chilblains, fever
[corns, bively and »d piles, skir- eruptions, ai d [O i
cur< s or no pay rrqn red It
guaranteed to giv perfect sans f act’on,
lor >jonev refunded. Price 25c i ei h> x
Georgia, Harris County.
Executor’s Sale.
Bv vii »ne ot thelaM wib and iesiame- t
of W L Worrill, late of said county de¬
ceased, I will sell before the court Lon-e
door ir the town of Hamilton on th first
iTuesd<y in November uext the follow it g
fdcscrib»d lar;d belonging to said decors*d
to-wit — Lot of land No. 94 containing
202^ acres more or le-s, and the south
Imore half of lot No. 67 containing 101 % acres
or loss, lying in the 19th di -irict o?
* Raid county, known as tho Brincifield
Lkice. Terms cash. August 2nd, 1887
W F Nvnnellee,
Exeetor of W L W« bbill, Dec’d.
Georgia, Harris County.
By virtue of an order from the court of Ordinary of
»iid county,'we will sell before the court house door
in the town of Hamilton, in said county, on the first
Tuesday the following in November, described next, land within belonging the legalhoursof the
ale to es
of Parnell G. C Hies, 1 te of s id county, deceas
^ .V >-wit: Lot of land N0.173 containing 202 y 2 acres
H‘ > re or less, and lo f No. 172 containing 202^ acres
Hore He 5th or district less, and of two riginally acres of Tr. lot No. 114, Harris ying in
> up, now cun
H. Ho. A so 75 cres of lot N o. 390 snd 20 acres of lot
Hgeenow 358 lyi gin h 20th district of O iginally Sept.5,1887. Mus
H Ha: ris county.—Terms cash.
H R. E. Collins,
H T. P. Collins,
H J. A. J. Cochran,
H A. Ward, dec'd.
Administrators of P. G. Collins,
The Verdict L nauimous.
W D >uif, dru^g at,, Ind , U>&
iti X : “I c«u rreotmm n-1 E metric B iters
v f y * d sf remedy Ev» ?y bottle
ha g vh r -bet 111 every ea-r • One
.» u t ok n x hoi tie*, ai.d was cnrtd of
ihenmaiiMu • f 10 years Ntanding.’' A ra^
bam Hare, DiU^gis', BtdlviUe, Ohio.,
effitm: ‘’The he-t selling medieiuo I
havf* ever handled in my 20 years « xpe
ricocr, is Elec* ric Bitters Thousands
of otb is have adc ® er (estimoi y, so
that the verdict is 5 S o in that Elt'C
tdt* Bit'e-s ilo cure >dl dism-en < f the
Liver, K.d eys, ur Biood. Onh a half a
dollar hot Me at Co< k Hit us.
P IT AT I ON.—GEORGIA Harris County.—
Vy Whereas, certain petitions have made their ap¬
plication in this court, praying an order commencing granting the
establishment of a new public road, at
the forks of the road beyond Smyrna church, so as to
run by Smyrna church, and intersect the Whitesville
ro d about one-fourth mile font iop of mountain,and,
Whereas, certain commissioners appointed said for that pur¬
pose have reviewed and marked out contemplat¬
ed road, .,nd .eported >o me that said road will be of
much utility and convenience. Now this is to cite
and all persons that thirty days after the
publication said of this citation in the Hamilton Journal shown
road w 11 hr granted if no gooil cause i;
to the contrary.
Bv order Commissioner’s C“>urt.
Georgia, Harris County.
B. F. Liueaster | L i>bl for Divoice,
vs j > Harris Superior Court,
Jnli a Lancaster, April Teim, 1887
It appearing to the eouit t y tho return
ot ;he Sheriff in ibe above s ait d c .se
th»t the defrndent do* s not reside
said county, and it fuitt er nppearirig tiiat
she does not in this state. D is
therefore ordered by the court that ser¬
vice be perfect* d on the defendant by
the publication of this older once a
month for four months, before the next
term of this conit,in the Hamilton J< nn
nai., a newspaper published in Harris
County, Georgia
Henry C Camer* n, J T Willis
Pl’ff's At«y . J dge S.C C.C.
Atiu**<x ract troni minutes of Hiriis
Saj.ertor Com*, / prii r J'e'U’, 1887.
A. F Tbuett,
I C. fe 0 H C Gi\
The wonderful remedy for
All Bowel Troubles,
—such as—
Diarrhoea, _ Dysentery, n OrarnpOoiiC, n v
Cholera Mm bus atal nil b wel iifiVca ion.-,no
matter ot t o\v lonsr standing. The gun or
remedies for teething cfrildrtn. Pleasant t»
take, nii't! guaranteed, and only 2~ cents
Below is the verdict ot those that
tried it:
Dr W A Gillespie. White Sul; liur Springs
Ga., says. “I know the toroiula of Shakers
Cornjal and cheerfully endorse it. I u-e it
with in practice. i i
*-u c js m\
Dr Thos. D. G« oewin, Oakland, Ga
hays no famih should he without it.
Dr. A. G Fioyd. Greenville, Ga , says,
‘•I uTommend Shakes Cordial without
h sitoion to any oiie suffering with bowel
troub e as f kti >w the torn* la and me
in nracti e. 9 9
same my nville. Ga.
Dr. K. F Hall, Giet say? ,
Have been prescii hi ng Shaker's Cordial
for several years and con tder it as safe arid
reliable n rued;; as can he had for any one
.-urtierint; wi h ho«e ! or summer complaints
Drjno. w. Cameron. Coiumb s. Ga,
says. “1 ha ve never been d.sanpointed in
single instance in prescribing >hai<» rs cor'
dia* »1..I Imve »»«<i *».m- «>.vmi
Hon. 1. A. Atkinson, Greenville. Ga.,
►ays, “ I recommend Shakers Cordial for
all compl ints tor which it i- intended I
have used it with Tnppy itsu'ts.”
A .1 Hinton Ordinary Meriwether Co ,
sacs ‘It comes nearer t t ... ng what is claim¬
ed tor it than any medicine in the world.
It is a splendid remedy.’
ManufuC ured ordy by
Sold by
»• S. G Riley, )
C ok I - Hamilton, G*.
8. R Mnrphey.
GUm Bros., Chlpley, <;».
A. 0. 0HA2T0ELL0S. r. J. PEARCE.
r ^ Sucoessurs to
v-. ■* - A. C. (’llAAiTCLLOl *•» ,
r u
* /? \ i ! I
V L> \A \ -a*. Our buyer is in New York
iLJ i < purchasing the largest and
h i
i ii most complete stock ever car*
i U . sied by the house.
I » Mr. J. W. Ferris, (late of
i New York), who is acknow l¬
Irn edged the finest and most sue
■ cessful
0 euiter in the South, is
in charge of our
« ■*** <5 TAILORING
h We solicit a call. Prices
v guaranteed the lowest.
S T O V E F I T T I N (i S .
Have added to their stock of general merchandise a complete line ol
Of SU yerior make, which they will sell at prices lower than ever before
heard of in this section. Jf you need a stove call and examine their stork
anc j g et their prices. They keep in conneceion a full line of iron and tin
cooking utensils and stove furnishings.
Fall and Winter Millinery T
Just received direct from the importers anti manufacturers.
New shapes as they come out. Come and jud#c for your*
self and you will be convinced that you cannot do better.
Dress Making in the Latest New York Styles, at lowest prices.
j } iave worked very hard to build up the trade and return
. tlianks . . all .. foi i and i i kindness * i show i
sincere to patronage A ii me
s j nce i came to Chipley. i J Very j respectfully, i j
Attorney at Law,
Hamilton, Georgia.
W ill practice’n all the courts of ti e
State special alt* i.ti* n given t<i colhction*
A I s 11 tnonet to i trail on iniprov- d
farms, on 2, 3 and 6 \ea;s time, »l 8 | er
cent pc* annum Com un i M*e me.
I a ' ngeuv for t lu it 4 f orated LuCOISTK
NrH'KKlEs.W.W Tliom»^.n, i’l. prie or.
Smi’li vile, G,i. 1 will 1 e g'ad <o ih«»w \ o
my ‘•pe imei*- and to take your order n r
any t sees or vims you need My pra es lied. ar.*
as h w as any an< (better* nr- nncxo*