Newspaper Page Text
Cfiipley Chips.
Mr. Ed. Pearce is at home with
spell of fever.
The only son of Mr. J. C. Lang
ford died on Tuesday evening.
Misses Cxiiggs of Columbus are
visiting Misses Mary Lou and Lizzie
Prof. Pat Livingston closed the
exercises of his singing school at
this point.
Mr. E.arnest Jenkins has accepted
a position with the popular firm of
R. Spivey.
Dr. W. B. Tucker of Warm
Springs passed through Tuesday eve¬
ning en route to see his boys who
are ill with fever at Dr. Williams.
Mr. Wm. Hutchinson has accept¬
ed a position with Glass Bros, as !
collector. We feel satisfied those
promptly meeting his demands will
accommodate Glass Bros.
The W. C. T. U. meeting was an
interesting occasion on Tuesday
night. 'Phe efficient president, Mrs.
Evelyn presided with grace and dig
nity. A worthy chapter on educa
tion was splendidly rendered by Prof.
S. T. Phillips, after which the follow- j
ing programme for next meeting was
provided: Recitation by Mr. G. A.
and Miss Ida Dunlap. Lee- :
ture by judge Allen; subject, Court- !
ship. After arranging a few other j
matters, strictly business, the meet
ing adjourned until Tuesday evening.
‘Commenting we would like to add
that in our opinion the ladies have
begun anew their work with an ear
nest zeal which is hurriedly
creating an influence morally
ir resist able and unsuppressible.
The union, while their main point of
view is temperance, propose to add
many other forms of valuable instruc
lion. As we notice a large number
of street members we trust they will
turn out in numbers to be entertained
in the highest flights of courtship.
The Judge certainly has something
rich in this line his being on the ro¬
mantic ortler.
Ail Old and True Friend.
Such is Tnomas, the No-Shoddy’
clothier of Columbus, to the well
dressed portion of the people of the
county of Harris. He has done as
much as any man to educate their
taste in dress and to teach them that
it pays to wear good clothes and to
always buy the best. He proves the
last proposition on makes every establishes customer,
for every sale he
its truth. A man cannot buy a suit
of Thomas without being pursuaded
before be needs another that it pays
to buy the best.
Mr. Thomas, at his store next to
the Rankin House, is constantly re
ceiving his fall and winter clothing.
He makes a specialty of wedding
outfits and he can suit you if you
contemplate matrimony. He also
carries a full line of samples and he
can suit any taste tn his special order
An old Soldier T il ha of tlia Campaign In
Virginia —The K lemy in Ambush—
0 Twenty Years After.
Selma, N. C., Feb. 11, 1887.
Q en fi nilen: —Yours inquiring wheth
Qr nQt , ha( , bcen benefited by Kas
<ine, and if so to what extent, &c., to
land. In reply will say that my health
iag Jlot | )ecn iU good in twenty years
is now. I suffered with chills from
-nalarial poison contracted while serv
ng in the Confederate army on the
Peninsular Campaigns in Virginia. Did
not miss having a chill at least once in
iwenty-one days, and more frequently
ance in seven days, for more than fif¬
teen years.
In this condition I visited New York
| n November, 1885, on business.
While there I stopped with Mr. E. D.
Barker, of the University Publishing
Company. I told Mr. Barker of my
condition. He called my attention to
your Kaskine and procured for me a
bottle. After my return home I took
the pellets as directed and found much
relief afforded thereby. Of this change
I wrote Mr. Barker, who sent two or
three bottles during the past year. My
health greatly improved. I increased
in weight from 165 pounds to 200
pounds, my present weight. I believe
the Kaskine did it. Q unine had fail
ed, as had other remedies usually ad
ministered »n such cases,
Now? unless in case of exposure to
extra bad weather, 1 do not have chills,
' and my general health is quite good.
1 turned over a h° tt,e to a )' 0,ln g
lac, y frie “< 1 ;1 fe ' v "' l ' eks since - 1 learn
from her mother that she was much
benefited by it while it lasted.
I trust you may be able to introduce
Kaskine generally in this country, in
which many suffer from diseases con¬
sequent upon malarial poison in the
system. From my own experience I
can emphasize its excellence for such
diseases. If I can serve you call on me.
I am very truly yours,
John C. Scarborough.
Seven years ago I had an attack of
bilious remittent fever, which ran into
intermittent malarial. I tried all the
known remedies, such as arsenic, mer¬
cury and quinine. The latter was ad¬
ministered to me in heavy and contin¬
ued doses. Malaria brought on ner¬
vous prostration and dyspepsia, from
which 1 suffered everything. Last win¬
ter I heard of Kaskine and began us¬
ing it. A few bottles of the wonderful
drug cured me. Malaria and dyspep¬
sia disappeared, and as you have seen
a June day brighter for the summer
storm that had passed across the sky,
so the cloud left my life and my health
became steady and serving.
Mrs. J. Lawson,
141 Bergen St., Brooklyn. X. Y.
Mr. Gideon Thompson, the oldest
and one of the most respected citizens
of Bridgeport, Conn., says: “ J am
ninetv vears of nge. and tor the la>u
three years have suffered from malaria
and the effects of quinine poisoning.
I recently began with Kaskine which
broke up the malaria and increased
my weight 22 pounds. ”
Other letters of a similar character
from prominent individuals, which
stamp Kaskine as a remedy of undoubt¬
ed merit, will be sent on application,
Price $1.00. or six bottles, $ . 00 .
1 Sold by 1 >ru., r ;ios, or t,eiu by mail on
receipt of price.
The finest line of Toilet Soaps
ever exhibited in Hamilton just re
ceived at the Drug Store. tf
Will be kept at the Drug Store for
sale. Persons wishing it in quantities
please give me notice in time to have
it shipped.
I respect fill ly tender the public my hin
cere thanks for the veiv liberal patrev a.ue
extended to me during the year 1886, ai d
respectfully solicit a continuance of same
for 1887. Specialties. Ocgtetrics, Chronic
and Priyate Diseases. Will k-ep also a
full and complete line of lirst-class Dnurs
at the lowest prices tr ssible tor puie coeds
and hope that with an experience of thirty
\cars in the practice of medicine to give
entire satisfaction.
Very respect ftul V,
8. G RILEY, M. D.
Ji|L- 3 l 3 ; L mh*«
WWcAfc X wfe X
1 fl m
1 1 3 ? B n^ipeeP . / i
1 1 ; J ^T- 7 - 7 - 4 • V V r W Xs§mmm U
S* K~V . 1
Macon, Georgia.
BSiTAll Diseases of the Mouth and
Teeth treated in the best manner.
A delicious temperence drink.
Try it at the Drug Store.
Regular communications on second and fourth
Saturdays in each month. M. T. McGee,W. M
Benj. F. IIill, Sec.
ooo- WHY WOT!-ooo
Incorporated by the Legislature of
Va., and indorsed by leading busi¬
ness men arm State officials, indi¬
vidual instruction. others Teaching teach by by theory Theory and Actual
practice what only. Catalogue
containing full information and testimonials free.
Add. re .to <J G. L.L IsiiMOiU.. M.A.,President, Staunton, Va
The best 00 nipped school in the State: accommodations
; trietlv first-class: heated by steam and lighted by gas;
m!v two Tor.fig Ladies to the room; splendid faculty Monday 'or
fipcrlrncoi teachers. Session begins 2nd
! in September. For particulars or Catalogues, address
| J. T. I’A TTEl:SO.\, Trex., Lexington, Ky,
b ' •*'5 iir
* •
I ^edku mE I
I .!
SE- i
fe .....
w^lplslf. 3 i
TorpH and h ac’ive Liver, Billiousness,
Malaria, Chills and Fever, Jaundice and
all complaints from a diseased liver.
Difc-pcpsia and indigestion in all its foi'S*
k headache and ^ ick stomach, colic n%
asthma when dependent u on indigo tlb
an< P* l a disordered U Hoods uomach time-tiled . and ^j\t| in%I
effec iye prescription, used tyldrn for iJ m
ye^ts in practice for disease of the liver.
R I 1 ' mpily cures and prevents CONS'fM
PA J ION, ho wove, oostinate and t»oub«
some yi-dds to tire curative rower of Hoof j
Eureka im re directly and certainly than/ 9
any other remedy in u e. It has Uej
most effectively tested for ibis,and i°i witli
out doubt a perfect household medicine,^
TAKE lTorpid I Aver, I
Sick Headache, 1
HOOD'S Constipation, t J
Indigestion, I
Chilis and Fever, I
languor and blue; )
Sick Stomach .
general debility p
depressed feeling^ .
No remedy acts so delightful y nd etiee
ual y as a household leaie ly
as Hood’s Eureka.
Hood’s Eureka is without a rival in till
treatment of all those affections. Such i 9
our confidence in the prep nation that >vc 1
ohnlhrnre all coropvtuors to compounc 1
amthing equal to it. Wi evever tned i l
has given unbound el satisfaction, and mu J
c* alienee is founded upon the experience ■ 1
o! intOiliiont pat ons. tl
Dr N. J Bnssm , Pi evident of the Georj.isrH Eagl
& Phenix Mf’ir Co., < f Coiumhus.
writes : ‘ l lnwe used Hood’s Eur< ka lor a*,
number of rears in m}' family, and I eon- 1
s’der it a valuable family medicine, and I | 1
do not hesitate to say it is all he claims
for it.’’ 1
Me s s LI. D nood & Co — Gent Linen 1
i have tr ed Hood’s Eureka Liver Me icme I
well best and medirine I unho-itat I have ngly pronounce used it inval-j, tU**^l
ever ■'•o
uablo do I regard it that 1 keep commend)J a supply‘s,
on hand till the time I hereby satisfactory^
it to at] as a most iffichnt,
and rebaUe househoh i«medv. J
Put up in liquid and dry form, and bottles] sold i
by a'l drug: ists at 25. 50 and $1 a
PATTERSON Columbus, & THOMAS, (in. M ' ^ 1
Oglethorpe St., Columbus, Ga.
Dealer In
Rags, j $
Old Cotton, Bagging, Hemp, Furs, Gunik \ ^
Rope, .1
Beeswax,Old 3letal. Vi
Ootton in the Seed and Cotton SeeciJ
Ol’)e s tor v> ropi'ini.' * paper * ’-in,
, a , , .
Pntjs tl. c*. , >t- U Tice