Newspaper Page Text
J. L. Dennis, Proprietor.
October 21,..................... 1887.
(I. Sl It. B. B. SCHEDULE.
Leave Columbus. 3 15 P- ,n - in a. S
Leave Hamilton . 4 35 P- m - in a. 6
Arrive Greenville 6 15 p. in. io i to a. £
Leave tt 7 00 a. m. 3 oo p. E
Leave Hamilton . 8 30 a. m. 4 3* P- 6
Arrive Columbus . 10 00 a. m. 6 00 p. 6
THI8 PAPER maybe found on file at Geo.
P. (lOSpruceSt.), Howell & Co’s where Newspaiif advert!* r
*ng Advertising Bureau be made tor it in NEW YOl IV
contracts may
Local Page.
Good Cotton Picking.
Mr Calvin F.oyd, a son of H D Floyd,
of Troup county, picked in one day re¬
cently 605 pounds of cotton. He Hays
that ut xt season ho proposes to pick a
bale in two dayH. He picked i)l pounds
in one hour and a half. If ho has a peer
ns a cotton picker in the state we have
Been no notioe of it.
Personal Mention.
Mr A H Cmbou, of Appalachicola, spent
a day or two in town with the family of
Mr Jas Lovelace. He returned Wednes¬
day morning accompanied by Miss Eva
Lovelace, and his little duugtiter, Moutie,
who spent the summer here.
Rev W M Hayos will preach at the
Methodist ohurch here next Thursday
evening ot 7:30 o’clock. A full attend
mice of the membership of the church is
especially desired. He will preroh also
at Bethel on Friduy morning at 11. From
thenoe he goes to Mt. Zion church where
be will hold lhe fourth and Ja«t quarter
ly meeting for this circuit.
Gin House Burned.
Last Saturday, about two o’clock iu the
afternoon the gin house of Hon B H W»1
liaois caught fire and was burned. A
spark from the engine set fire to the house.
Tt e engine, being on wheels, was saved.
Everything else was destroyed. Eight
bales of cotton and a large quantity of
seed wore burned, besides a superior gin¬
ning outfit. Mr Williams was partially
insured, his loss exceeding the insurance
about $500.
Roll of Honor.
List of pupils who obtained the maxi¬
mum for the month ending Friday, Oc>
lober 14 b.
Mamie Cameron, Tinie Dozier, Mamie
Dozier, Dvdie Farley, Ketnrab Floyd,Nets
tie Holt, Mamie Jones, Mamie Maul, Ma¬
mie McDonald, Imogene Thompson, Jens
Williams.—Walter Dennis, Willie Farley,
Jas A Kimbrough, Claud Livingston,Jim¬
mie Livingston, Rolla Trnett.
Happily Mated.
Tuesday morning, Mr W H West,Jr.,of
Oxford, Fla . and Miss Ella Andrews, of
Colam bus, were united in the holy bonds
of matrimony, at the residence of Mr Da¬
vis A Andrews, the bride’s father, many
friends witnessing the ceremony. The
contracting parties have many friends
here whose best wishes go with them as
they embark npon the 3ea of matrimony.
Married at the residence of the bride's
parents, Mr and Mrs T J Rich, near Wa
verly Hall, on Sunday, the 16 b, iu?>t.,Mr
Dan Boswell, of Mansfield, 1 expand Miss
Nona Rich. The ceremony was perform
ep by Judge S M Brannoj in his usual
appropriate manner.
The groom, formerly a Harris county
boy, adopting the lone star state last win
ter as a future home, is a sterling young
man of good moral qualities, industrious
and enterprising habits. The bride ha3
many qualities of head and heart, such as
justifies the fidelity shown in the return
of the groom to take her for a future
companion. The young couple leave this
week via the Piemont Exposition for
their future home.
Notes From Bayard.
You are ad acquainted with onr quiet
little place called Bayard and I will take
the liberty to inform the much apprecia¬
ted Journal a few of its happenings.
We are having a nice rain at present.
Miss Maggie Ely, in 00 npany with her
aunt, Mrs J H Lynch, left for Atlanta
Thursday. Their many friends wish them
a pleasant visit.
Miss Ida Beach, of Kingsboro, was the
guest of Miss Pattio McGregor Saturday
Mules must be scarce near Hamilton,as
Messrs Will Boyd and John Baldwin came
to the singing both on one mule. A good
way to save baggies, young men, but we
don’t think you made any mashes—only
on the mule.
Our annual staging came off last Sun¬
day The day v:as spent qnite pleasants
ly Ihere was a large congregation and
dinner in abundance.
Mrs A McLeroy has some of the oldest
fabrics we ever heard of. She has a ta¬
ble that was made before nails were in
vented. She also has a dress that was
her mother’s great-grandmother’s, It is
a good deal over two hundred years old.
She will show tbem to any one wishing to
see them. Tbey are quite a curiosity.
There was a sad burial at Harmony
ehurch cemetery the 17th. It was Mr.
Taylor Ham’s little daughter, tged 15
montbp, of Columbus. We extend to the
broken hearted family our heartfelt sym¬
There was a stranger called at^,Mr Jack
Cordrid’s Monday. No telling how long
the little thing will stay. Its visit is verj
much appreciated by the family.
I do not know wbat one of onr young
ladies will do now. She did’nt have but
one Sunday hat and she carelessly laid it
on a chair. And a pet dog cache along,
picked it up, oarried it out doors and tore
it iuto pieces. Such is life in the piney
We hear that some of our Oataula friends
had to whip thf’r children to keep them
from going to onr nice exhibition at Olive
Branch and then let them go to Thorn¬
ton’s. We reckon he is not aware that
T’s was in the piney wooes, too.
I hope these notes are not too piney
woodsy to be pnblished; if so, I will not
call again; if not, I will come again when
Pinky Woods Rose.
About tike Crops.
If you want lo save money in your
foot wear and at the same time get first
c’ass boots and shoes, oall at the sign of
the big Black Bear, Columbus, Ga , and
buy from C. J. Edge.
J. FREISLEBEN having assigned for the benefit of
creditors, notice is hereby given that all persons
indebted to J. Freisleben will please come forward at
once and settle their accounts.
CASH. So if you desire BIG BARGAINS come early and get your
and choice.
West Point, Ga., Sept. 15, 1887.
Millinery Opening.
Mrs L Lequin has removed her milline¬
ry establishment into larger quarters one
-outh of her former stand. She has now
in stock one of the fiuest millinery dis
playR ever seen io the city of Colombo*
and she is constantly receiving new goods.
fine _ trade , , which , . , she , , has built . ...
The Very
up is a tribute b her skill aud taste os a
miliiner as well as to her honest goods
and , low , . She pupil -1 of - one . _
prices. was a
of the finest milliners of Pario and she
can suit you in stylish hats and bonnets
if you will oall on ber. She has a iBrge
force of assistant and it will be a p'eas
are to them to wait on yon w hen you are
Remember , , that . . she . Cleans ,
in the city,
gloves and dies feathers and if you wish
anything of the kind done give her your
J s
Live Oak, A a., Dec. 13 h, 1886.
Messrs A T Shal Jen berge r & Oo.
Rochester, Pa. Gents.—Last Spring I
received bv mail from you a bottle of
y° ur Antidote for M.Uri. for my birth
er, who had chills for more than SIX
months He frequently broke them with
qoinioe.bnt they woo.d soon retoro. 1
gave him the medicine von sent, ana no
h»S not had a chill since. It ha-; made a
permanent core in his case.
Yours truly,
A Woman’s Discovery
Another wonderful discovery has been
tnafie end that too bv s lady in this coun
«T. D,sense fastened its oln.ohes on her
and for seven years she withstood its
severed tests, but her vital organs were
undermined and death seemed imminent
For three months she corghedincessantly
boitle and could f Dr, not Rings sleep, New She ^>ught Dissovery o us or a
consumption and was so much relieved
oo taking first dose thst she slept altaight
andwith one botjle has been muacu ou-ly
cured. Her nsme Mrs. Luther Latz
Thus write W G Hamrick and Go.,of r»nei
by, N C —Get a free trial bottle at Cook s
■ . ...... ■ ■ .......
U^«offfi«s \JT makes application for letters of administration on
H Prk*ard>« 0 fs U <loounq,.
All persons concerned are hereby notified to show
cause, if any they have, by the first Monday in No
vember next, why said applicant should not be ap-
3 d, 1887 . J F C WILLIAMS, Ordinary.
Local Items.
Crops are short hut C J Edg*" 1 , of Col
umbns, has reduced the prices on his
slock of boots ard shoes.
a DMINISTRATOR’S SALE. — Georgia, Harris
the eourt house door in the town of Hamilton, on the
first Tuesday in November, 1887, the ThosMcClung. following de
scribed land, belonging to the estate of
bounded on the north and west by T F Brewster, on
the south by J B Pate, on the east by B H Williams
and ^Jold Mrs for s distribution^Terms^a^This McClung. O^rd
M _____________
her deceased husband, Seaborn Meadows,and where
as, the appraised appointed to set apart the same.
having Therefore, filed their report in this office.
all persons concerned are hereby noti
fied to show cause, if any they have, by the first
Monday be in November, next why said report should
not admitted to record, and stand as the judgment
of this court.
Given under my hand and official signature Oct. 3rd.
1887. J. F. C. WILLIAMS, Ordy.
H A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.— By virtue of an
order from the honorable court of Ordinary of
Harris county. I will sell on the first Tuesday in
real estate of Mrs Lucinda E Walker, deceased, the
house and lot, her late residence in said town con
thirl cash, the balance in «« 2%
interest at 8 cent, two annual bond payments,wiA for title’
ing given. per per annum, He.
/1 EOKGIA, Harris County.—Administra
U tor’s Sale.—By virtue of an order from
the honorable court of ordinary of said
county we will sell before the court house
door in the town „(f Hamilton on the first
^e«lay m November next w.,bin the le
££ £ l 1 Vl.mgingt fhet.ate wi?
la ze , late of .aid county, hi deceased to If
Un(liv ided liatf interest the west half *
]ot of land Xo 35 in lhe lgth <ii*t tr | ct wf
Mll , togee ct)lmty% and undividw , hft|f
teiest j n f,, ur acr es m< re ess lying near the
city ]j m i ts ot Columbus,in Muscogee e>
ty> tl.ree-fourths of a mi e fast of
i l0USt% bounded on the south bv road
j n g to Lumpkin and nor h by Southwestern
^ r and east by Davis Andrews and west
p, c^aiter. Also one hundred and fifty
acres of land of lot No 62 and one hundied
acres of lot No 61. 67 acres of lot No 63
end undivided halt in f e>-r 8 t in one hundred
anc J twenty / acres of 1 t No 67 lvine £™ - in “ rh.* L •
18lh ( , btr to f ori?in , lly linsa now
Harris county. -N>lo for distribution,
Ter i.S cash. Oct. 31. 1887.
Adm’ ■ . Wm Nancy H Jr.|
i s of Glaze, dec’d.