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1<T ID
And don’t be deceived,but come direct to A. G. Rhode &: Co, the regulators and controlleis of low prices, where you will find the largest collection of firstcl a
I I & 1 I
In this city at even less price than the inferior goods kept by second class houses. We buy Furniture for seventeen stores, consequently we buy and s
more goods than all the combined furniture dealers in Georgia. In doing this we get the “inside track” on everything. We have a full assortment
Chamber Suits from the cheapest to the finest. Large lot of Fancy Rockers just received in Walnut, Antique Oak and Mahogany, something entii\
new. Large lot of Baby Carriages will arrive this week—from $5 to $45. YVe can save you at least 20 per cent in these goods, and on any otha arti<
in our store. Dont buy a single article of Furniture until you get our terms and prices. Call on or address
A. G. RHODES & CO., 1017 Broad Steet, Columbus, Ga.
Chips from Chipley.
Rev W T Bs!l visited West Point
The atmosphere is some cooler
the ruin.
Mr W F Glass, who has been quite sick
for Several da}*, is improving.
The Rev Mr Maxwell, of
w us called as pastor to Bethany near here
Mr JT Gilbert and wife of
Mill, spent Tuesday night wi h Mrs Q
Tbe friends of Mr Ed Ptarce will
glad to know be is improving after a
three week’a attack of typhoid fever.
Cayt E G Tucker and Mr Willie Wil
lianas ginned siitj 7 bales of cotton last
week on a fifty saw working only in the
The sereuacUrs m i de some calls on
Friday night last. The music was well
rendered and highly appreciated by the
sleepers. L.t ns have a hint next time
and we’ll have the trest ready
Qaite a number of our citizens are at¬
tending tbe txposition this week, whi’e
some are at conrt in Hamilton. One
yonng juror, teen relensed on
Monday morning, decided he would count
cross ties to Chipley.
Dr Cheney, of Brownvilie, preached
two very able sermons at the Baptist
chutch im Sunday. The obnrch, being
highly pleased w h him, made choice of
him for their pastor. He wil! answer
them in about three weeks.
Mr U H Laj field, one of our rao^t en*
terpri8ing farmers, made tl is year with
one mule, not two, enough co~n for hi*
family and mule, oats, peas, potatoes and
vegetables a plenty; has up to this time
gathered seventeen bales of cottoo, aver*
aging five hundred pound*, and thinks
he’il get three more This is a test that,
farming will pay. If one can do this
why can't all; eimp ! y beouuse tl ey lack
that energy i nd industry with which Mr
Layfield is endowed.
An Old and True Friend.
Such is Thomas, the ‘No-Shoddy
clothier of Columbus, to the wel
dressed portion of the people of the
county of Harris. He has done as
much as any man to educate their
taste in dress and to teach them that
it pays to wear good clothes and to
tZXSS.'?£ &s? tL “s .““1"
of Thomas without being pursuaded
before he needs another that it pays
to buy the best.
.. Mr. Thomas, , his • next . to .
at t store .
the Rankin House, is constantly
ceiving his fall and winter clothing.
He makes a specialty of
outfits and he can suit you if you
contemplate matrimony. He also
carries a full line of samples and he
can suit any taste in his special order
Live Oak, A a , Dec. 13 h, 1886.
Messrs A T Sballenberger & Go
Rochester, P*. Gents. — Last spring I
received by ru iil from yon a bottle of
yonr Antidote for Malaria for my bjoth
«r er, who wuo had uau chills cuius for lor more more than tnan six sit
mootbs. He frequently broke them with
nninine quinine,oor hnf thev mey wnnl^i wonia r soon /1 o retnrD. n rn 1 1
gave htm the medicine von *tu», and he
has no* had a chili since It ha.* made a
permanent core in hi* case.
Yogis trnlv,
-- AND -
H' .uK: 1 in
Met? S
L5 tial fciSif fcfiSi **?
A ^Qu^' J\ y
Mejiw Mgy? jf*
v & ‘ VfVJV J/yl ‘' X Sj&Kf
'>7 /^\?vV A VT ■
>•'' fa 1 aSi-*
< 4/ y^rm. m
11 ''
The sweet irum, a p frathered front a tree of the
earne name, growing along the email streams in
the Southern States, contains a stimulating ex*
pectoraut principle that Jooanne the an«f phlegm stimulates pro
ducing the e>trly morning cough, in
the child to throwot the tu!‘ emoniorane with croup tho
an d whoopiriR-<ouKb. When coroblned
healii»K mucllaatnons principle in the mullein
plant of the old Ueliis, orwentl In TAVLOK8
Cherokee Remeoy or sweet Gvm an» Mul¬
lein the finest known tem*4f for€ou*rhs. Croup,
WhoopingHNnigh and consumption; and no pala¬
table. any ehild Is rdea^ed to take It. Atk your
drugKi-t for it. Price and S1 .OO.
i\ ✓
to ST C/ilTE o
V . .
a. „y t
LL. i i r 1 5 jl V Engineer rA to-. 8 . /
EES , i
m * a
Am •uLL’i”.
Macon, Georgia.
iNsm«sasC 00 °- mg Jtart -«
0 \\w! v£
'&! ’’
T!V mn ‘\ u ' J l •‘^,7"—’*? R ml ! 11
> • 101... . A .tTv.l(it, . r.taunt >m,
atrtctly rhe!M«ttoqti!pr.*-f1 prhool heated in theState; aorommivluf Uvbteti by i*
HH-chw, by steam and faeultjf a
onlv two vmin? Indies to the room; splendid Mond
e* |M* i* I «*n **«•*! teachers. Stusion iw-trin* ?nd
In September. For purticnlars or Catalogue*. a«Llr>
J . T. PA TTEUSOS , Prt »., Lexington, H
A delicious temperence drink.
Try it at the Drug Store.
(MET LODGE, Ho, 10, F, & L K.
Regular communications on second and fou
Saturdays in each month. M. T. McGee,W.
Benj. F. Hill, S<*<