Newspaper Page Text
E have just opened an immense stock of
Crockery , China and Silverware,
Glassware , Wood and Willow Ware ,
Baskets in Endless Variety, Lamps of Kinds,
And Novelties too Numerous to Mention.
Our stork embraces everything to be found in a well ordered CROCKERY and CHINA
ivtore. Our motto is: “First class goods, low p;ices and polite attention.” Our place
1033 West Side Broad St., Columbus, Ga.
l'wo doors below Brannon & Carson’s Drug Store. Mr. R. W. Williamson will be in charge.
A Marvelous Change Since our Boyhood
Columbus , . Ledger. « *
, In youth , there . always ,
our J was
something . . . and , repulsive , .
about the , dreary , , little , shops , most of r
the doctors , of „ day occupied. . _ 1 he
extent of their “furniture and fixtures
being limited . chairs, , . rickety . ,
° to two a
lounge , and a few bottles of drastic
drugs, , always rusty , lancet, and , per
b a
, haps . of r toolli , pullers ,1 on a
a pair
small shelf, just to the , right . . of . a saf- r
fron , coloreil half-of-a skeleton, . . which ...
grinningly . , . hung there. , ,,,. 1 nese , bones
heirlooms, , , having served .
are a gen
of . doctors . . the dou- ,
eration oi two in
... ble role , of illustration . and . education, .
ami , . aud . to the ,
to imprest awe-inspire
innocent beholder. We were , born
in and , this , . . fair . .
the country, J is a pic
ture of „ the , practitioners . . surroundings ,
as we saw them. It , was an eye-open
therefore, when . first .
er to us, we
summed up .* courage & to examine into
and , physi- -
a orogressive ‘ surgeon s
. belongings. Columbus . . has .
cian s f
ot . the , best arranged i offices of ,
this , . charecter probably , , , to be , found r i
America. L Par excellence n • this * •
lo in
line is one we visited a few days
since. In this progressive and thought¬
ful age the educated physician no
longer jumps at conclusions from
cursory pulse-beat, or a chance coat¬
ing of the tongue, a careful examina¬
tion into the cause of the disease is
his first move. Diagnosis is the great
secret of success, then perfect appli
ances and a clear head and a steady
hand to execute, ’ go b to make up a
essiul . and , physician. , . .
suc< surgeon
“lie who foUow* one thing in life, a*;d ° n, y one,
May hope‘o atireve it e e life be done.”
So said Owen Meredith and so say
we. No finer illustration of this can
be produced than in the physician’s
life. He must devote his time, his
talents , and , his . • this ,.
. energies to one
love ot his life con amore. Neither
a farmer or merchant be but march-
ing along with his profession
apace or ahead of it. We had
often heard of the perfection in
pliances to be found in Dr. Seth N.
Jordan’s J office, 7 and asked the favor
examination . of it few days
an a since.
It T cheerfully . , .. accorded , , r „.
was us.
reception . docorated , ^ ,
rooms are par
. lors, the , . filled with
operating rooms
all .. the . aids . . the , ioth . century
electric . . appliances, .. thermic . . .
mechanical . . , devices, . . microscopical . .
and . chemical , . , each ...
apparatus, m its
own place, , abound. , , .... Whatever
. research , could ...
vention or give seems
^ to be aggregated here. Cheerfulness c ,
. mixed . °.° with ... the ,
is science in arrange
and , if .. . . have . leg
ment one is to a cut
off, . looks possible , for . , be
it now it to
done . in a . laugh. . TT Happily r for man
.... kind local . and inhaled . , . . and , ansesthet- ,
have robbed . . , of , most of r its .
ics pain
. Research . . doing , . much ,
sting. is to
make medicine ...
a certain science,
I he countless uses that ...... electricity,
heat and , mechanism , are , being . put
to in . surgery shows , the . world ,,, s pro
gress. ° If you would educate yourself,
and find _ , Dr. ... Jordan T , with • , tew
can a
moments leisure, take word , tor
. and , . how surprised . , will .... be
it see you
his . of . . ^ Car¬
in suite rooms, just over
ter’s drug store. Life has its ills and
woes, but study and well directed
efforts are conquering many of them.
We but do a duty when we call at¬
tention on oui own account to what
we have seen here in our midst
(■o to See Him.
i t will pay you to call at the shoe
store of W. R. Bedell, in Columbus,
when you need shoes. He has an
entirely new stock exhibited in an
entirely new store, that is arranged in
an en drely new fashion, and although
he is no new man at the business, he
, , , let , his • shoes ,
to A . get
t propose
jf j ow prices will move them.
In the line of school shoes, work
shoes and ladies shoes his stock is
re P^ e ^ e with bargains and he can of
fer special ‘ inducements on any of
thes goods . i t will pay .you o go
see him before making your winter
A wild deer ran about the streets of
Thorpe, Wis., for some time one morning
recently, Its life was protected by the
game law.
A Lawrence county (Pa.) hen, failing to
hatch any chicks, has adopted a litter of kit¬
tens, and clucks vigorously at them when
they become playful.
Edward Davenport, of Atlanta, Ga., saw a
large snake with a little king snake wrapped
about it just back of the head. It had choked
the large snake to death.
The dog of George Marion, of Rensselaei,
Ind., began barking at a hole in the ground.
Marion dug down and killed 123 blue racers
and twenty-seven bull snakes.
A little alligator was shipped in a box from
Florida to Boston. When ho arrived he was
apparently ytiff dead. After a warm bath he
revived, bn'o for six days he had not eaten &
James Hamilton, of Philadelphia, has a cat
which gave birth to six kittens which were
joined together a la Siamese twins. It would
have been a nice thing for him if the kittens
had not got to quarreling among themselves
to find out which was the kitten. The quar
reling resulted in their death.
Capt. Tom Brabson, a well known farmer
living on the French Broad river, near Boyd’s
creek, Term., is the owner of a white mule 45
years of age. The venerable beast was
in the harness until two years ago, when
was retired on a pension. He has been in
r:^.^^a^ U,il ' ty '
In Brief and to the Point.
« Dyspepsia is dreadful. Disordered
liver is misery, Indigestion is a foe
to good nature. digestive apparatus
The human is
one of the most complicated^ and
wonderful things in existence, It IS¬
easily put out of order.
Greasy food,tough food,sloppy food
bad cookery, mental worry, late hours,
rregular habits, and many other
things which ought not to be, have
made the American people a nation
of dispepsia. Flower has done
But Green’s August this
a wonderful work in leforming
sad business and making the Ameri¬
can people so healthy that they can
enjoy their meals and be happy.
Rem ember :-No happiness without
health. But Green’s August Flower
brings health and happiness to the
dyspeptic. Ask your druggist for a
bottle. Seventy-five cents.
nmm lodge no, m, a. o. u. w.
Regular meetings ou first and third
Tu sdays in each month.
J. L BLACKMON, Recorder.
1000 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga.
Having ntered into rheWholesale Business with a largely increased trad?
has necessitated t’ne l*«ildimr of a commodious and roomy Bdck Warehouse
on the railroad with side-track facilities I buy my goods for cash in
load lots and unload the cars into mv own warchou-e, thus tn king a
saving in storage ami draya:e. L have in warenou-e and in store and a
p epuvd to offer to the trade a
At prices which defy competition. Col E G Kaiford, so well anti favorably
known to the public, is with me as Traveling Salesman, and will call on
the merchants alont: the lint s of road leading to the city with samples and
prices. Those who would buy advantageous!} to themselves are solicite 1
to try me before purcha ing elsewhere. 1 want your trade, and am sure I
can get it if you will give me a fair trial. I have in my Warehouse several
c»r loads of superior Texas Rust P oof Oats, by ike sack or car load.
«s^”Specirtl attention paid to the filling of orders entrusted to my care
Attention Farmers.
Ninety days time at cash price, on<
n'fltmi >1 Gin — 45 siw and Good
P W»!i r>i»v for n^e in g<tj
< or it LLIN ! EFFEld
Operating Surgeon and Physici|
Broad St.„ Columbui
The publisher has arraii
with Mr. B. F. Hill to !
vass the county north of
mountain in the interes.
call upon subscribers w
time is out or who are ir
for subscription, r : ' ES
- ,
RS thOSC WHO CIO not take
COUntV paper, and We asl i
Him a natient paticni hearing neai mg !' |
liberal treatment. He
• ceiot
lLCeive anu re icceipt
subscriptions, . and COlltrai; prirf
advertising or job
He will also write up
interesting features of
neighborhoods he visits
his ready pen will make t
letters of much interes;
our readers. Every ma
the county should subsc
for the JOURNAL and;
hope many will be induce
do so by Mr. Hill’s efforts
Ready-Mixed Pairi
Any Color. ’
Any person can put it on nicely;
nice assortment ol
White Lead by the quantity.
S. G.