Newspaper Page Text
Mr. N. il Frohlichetein, of Mobile,Ala ,
writes,I take great pleasure in recommend¬
ing Dr Ki"gs New Discovery for consump¬
tion, having used it for a severe attack of
Bronchitis and catarrh. It gave n e in¬
/ relief and cured and I
stall et entirely me
h ive no et> been afflicted since. I also beg
to state that I bad tried other remedies
with no good result. Have also used Elec
trie Bitters ana New Life Pills, both of
I which I can recommend.
ft Dr Kings New Discovery for CuDsump
ation, coughs and colds is sold on a posi,
^Hive guarantee. T rial bottle free at (look’s
H Wonderful Cures.
<|| I)ruggi>ts W D. Iloyt Home,Git., & Co,, Wholesale say; We and have Retail t
or een
( selling Dr King’s New Discovery, Electnc
Bitteis and Bucklen’s Arnica Salve for two
years. Have never ham lied remedies that
sell as well or give such universal satisfac
‘cures effected by these me• domes in this
city cevertl cases of p’onouncvd con¬
sumption have been entirely cured Iw us
iriga few bottles of Dr. King’s New Diseov
cry, taken in connection with Electric
Bitteis We guarantee them always. Sold
\ by Cook Brothers
A Good One Prom a Reliable Man.
dropsy, his blood was almost like water.
He has never had any appetite or color,
and was unfit for a'»ythiug, being in such
an awful condition. I have during the
last ten years expected him to die at any
moment, he could not walk 100 yards
without restiug two or three times, tn
three or four days after giving him
Briggs’ Nunnbetter Tonic Pills he did a
whole days work in the field, being so
much i mi proved. He now has a good ap -
petite and is rapidly improving in stregth
and color. I know the Pills have given
him a new lease of life, and I recommend
Tonic fills R H Hutchinson.
Sold by Dr S G Riley, call on him for
few samples Nunnbetter Liver Pills, Ac.
Llppman Br s , Wholesale Druggists,
Wholesale AgeDts, Savannah, Ga.
The best Salve in the w-orld for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
* sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skiD eruptions, ar d posi
lively cures piles, or no pay rt qn red It
is guaranteed to giv? perfect satisfaction,
or money refunded. Price 25c per box.
[Executor’s Sale,
By virtue of the last will and testameut
of W L Worrill. late of said county de
ceased, I will sell before the court bouse
^ * the of Hamilton th* first
,door it town on 1
^Tuesday in November next th ® following
described land belonging to said • decease d
to-wit —Lot of land No. 94 feoutajning
202^ acres more or less, and the south
half of lot No. 67 containing 101 % acres
more or less, lying in the 19th district of
said county, known ns the Brincifield
i place. Terms casb^ August 2nd, 1887.
i Vf F Nunneltee.
Exector of W L Worrill, Dec’d.
Georgia, Harris County.
By virtue of an. order from the court of Ordinary of
said county, we will sell before the court house door
in the town of Hamilton, in said county, on the first
Tuesday in November, next, within the legal hours of
sale the following described land of belonging said to the deceas- es¬
1 tate of Parnell G. Collins, late containing-202^ county,
ed to-wit: Lot of land N0.173 containing 202^ acres
more or less, and lot No. 172 acres
more or less, and two acres of lot No. H Harris 4 > lying in
the 5th district of originally Troup, now of coun¬
ty. Also 75 acres of lot No. 390 snd 20 acres lot
No. 358 lytng in the 20th district of Originally Sept.5,1887. Mus¬
cogee now Harris county.—>Terms cash.
R. E. Collins,
T. P. Collins,
J. A. Cochran,
A. J. Ward,
Administrators of P. G. Collins, dec’d.
The Verdict Unanimous•
W D Suit, druggist, liippus, Ind , tes
tifi* s: “I can recommend Electric Bitters
as the very best remedy. Every bottle
sold has given relief in every case* One
man took s;x bottles, and was cured of
rheumatism of 10 years standing,’’ Arira"
ham Hare, Druggist, Bellville, Ohio • *
affrms: “The best selling medicine I
have ever handled in my 20 years cxpe*
rience, is Electric Bitters.’’ Thousands
of others have added their testimony, so
that the verdict is unanimous that Elec¬
tric Bitters do cure all diseases of the
Liver, Kidneys, or Blood. Only a half a
dollar h bottle at Cook Bros.
c I TAT I ON.—GEORGIA, Harris County.—
Whereas, certain petitions have made their ap¬
establishment plication in this of court, praying road, an order commencing granting the
a new public church, at
the forks of the road beyond Smyrna so as to
run by Smyrna church, and intersect the Whitesville
road about one-fourth mile from top of mountain,and,
Whereas, certain commissioners appointed for that pur¬
pose have reviewed and marked out said contemplat¬
ed road, and reported to me that said road will be of
much utility and convenience. Now this is to cite
and admonish all persons that thirty days after the
publication of this citation in the Hamilton Journal shown
said road will he granted if no good cause i<
to the contrary,
By order Commissioner’s Court.
Georgia, Harris County *
B. F. Lancaster Libel for Divorce.
vs Harris Superior Court,
Julia Lancaster. April Term, 1887.
Ir appearing to the court by the return
of the Sheriff in the above stated c«se
that the defendant does not reside in
said county, and it further uppearing that
she dues not reside iu this state. It is
therefore ordered by the court that ser¬
vice be perfected on the defendant by
the publication of this order once a
mouth for four months, before the next
term of this court,in the Hamilton Jour
NAL, a newspaper published in Harris
County, Georgia.
Henry C. Cameron, J. T. Willis,
Pl’ff’s Atty. Judge S.C C.C.
A true extract from minutes ‘of Harris
Superior Court, April Term, 1887.
A. F. Truett,
C. S C H. C Ga
The wonderful remedy for
All Bowel Troubles,
iJiarrncea, ^ Dysentery, n OrampOolie, n r
Cholera Moibng and all bowel affections,no
Ynatter of how long standing. The gem ot
remedies for teething children. Pleasant to
take, cure guaranteed, and only 25 cents
Below is the verdict of those that have
tried it:
Dr W A Gillespie, White Sul| liur Springs
Ga., says. 4 4 I know the formula of Shakers
Cordial and cheerfully endorse it. I use it
with puecis- in mv practice. * >
Dr Thos. D. Goodwin, Oakland, Ga ,
^ays no family should be without it.
Dr. A. G Floyd. Greenville, Ga , says,
“I recommend Shake)s Cordial without
sit ition to any one suffering with bowel
troube as 1 know the formula and use
in practice. 9 9
same my
Dr. li. F Hall, Greenville, Ga. says,
Have been prescribing Shaker’s Cordial
for several years and con-ider it as safe and
reliable remedy ns can be had for any one
suffering with bowel or summer complaints
Dr Jno. W. Cameron. Columbus, Ga ,
“I , have . been disappointed .. . ^ ..
snys. never m a
sinme instance in prescribing .-bakers years." cor-,
dia’ ami have used same several
Hon. T. A. Atkinson, Greenville. Ga.,
►ays, “I recommend Shakers CorJial for
all complaints lor which it is intended I
have used it with happy results.’’
A .1 Hinton, Ordinary Meriwether Co ,
says,“It comes nearer beiug what is claim
ed for it than any medicine in the world.
It is a splendid remedy.'
' Manufactured only by
Sold by
Dt. Cook S. G. Riley,) Hamilton, Ga.
Bros., r
S. R. Murphey,) Chipley, Ga.
Glass Bros.,
r>, Successors to
/» ‘ r A. C. CHANCELLOR,
V. Our buyer is in New York
< purchasing the largest and
most complete stock ever car
sied by the house.
Mr. J. W. Ferris, (late of
New York), who is acknowl¬
edged the finest and most suc¬
5 cessful cutter in the South, is
^ in charge of
: our
■ - We solicit a call. Prices
■ fat.
guaranteed the lowest.
Have added to their stock of general merchandise a complete line of
Of suyerior make, which they will sell at prices lower than ever before
h earc * °f in this section. If you need a stove call and examine their stock
an( j g et th e ir prices. They keep in conneceion a full line of iron and tin
cooking utensils and stove furnishings.
Fall and Winter Millinery
Just received direct from the importers and manufacturers.
New shapes as they come out. Come and judge for your¬
self and you will be convinced that you cannot do better.
Dress Making in the Latest New York Styles, at lowest prices.
I have worked very J hard to build up the trade and return
sincere . thanks to all for c patronage and \ kindness . . shown me
s j nce J came to Chipley. Very respectfully,
Attorney at Law,
Hamilton, Georgia.
Will practice in all the courts of the
state Special attention given to colUctions
money to loan on imDroved
farms, on 2. 3 and 5 >eais time, at 8 per
cent per annum. Come and see me.
I am agent for the celebrated LkCON'J K
NURSERIES,W.W.Thomnson, Proprietor,
Smithville, Ga. I will l>e glad to show )ou
my specimens and to take your order fur
any trees or vine* you need. My prices are
as low a* any and ihetree* are unexcelled.