The journal. (Hamilton, Ga.) 1887-1889, October 28, 1887, Image 9

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Money to Loan! o H- H o ? o * Apply to H3NRT C. CAMERON. LUMBER FOR SALE . 1 T 1 have „ at my „ u home near tt Hamil- -i — ton- 200 teet r . Ot r good, i merchant- , , 000 ° able iii lumber i which , t I r Wish » to clear i . bargain • . Come and J out at prices. see or write to me. —I also offer for sale two yoke of large, well broken oxen > in good condition, cheap. Bartow Brooks. r~. ■ fi v mj f! ffl® plMP A mjJLM I n •; 1 m. liiip nw ii# %Lm 11 rd ft NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE G.0KE,MASS. CHICAGO - 30 UNION SQUARE,NX- DALLAS, I LL. ATLANTA, GA. TEX. 1 ST LOUIS. MO. FOR SALE BY sanfba|(c SEE t ^ THE <>♦ •L pal '! mm ifC 09 ^ m as 3 7 . ! / I gse S rT I ' i 11 V i A KISS! --- LT T 5 BEFORE BUYING. Easily Understood, o SUIT SEND FOB PRICE LIST. American B. H. 0. & Sewing Machine C 304- N. Charles Street and G W. Saratoga Street, LALTNySCRE, IY 1 D. Fer Sale by MOBLEY BROS • * Hamilton, Georgia. $100 TO $300 ferred A made ns. Month Agents working- who can pre¬ can for be urnish their own horses and give their whole ime to the business.Spare moments may be prof itably employed also A few vacancies in tiwns and cities. B. F. JOHNSON St CO., 1013 Main St. Richmond, Va. WESLtyAi* i-tMALE INSTITUTE, -STAUNTON, o M A m* ,1 - r =*»* n ; 7 Mil i *? " 1 " m r- r^r- V f Opens young September ladies sxst., 1S87. One of the FIRST SCHOOL: m in thf union, ah Departments tuoromjh. l»-n,.titui. Uuiidiiu's .-letrant Steam heat. Gas liifht. Situa ion Chill uespien ftl. 1 ’upiK from nineteen States Ail imwirtaiit advantages m<> lie sjreativ reduced charge. Board * -tsmag. Lights. Kuglish. Latin. French. German. Music, fo. Sehola.ti -ar. from Sept, to June, *se« 0 . For Catalojru • writ* 1 * * a. uak kis, d.d., President.smnunn. vinrim« •is. ' % ■V. r 1§ "fig 1 >:,U A J -A’j m in Coiiege^vS;^: s Commercial Cheapest & Best Business Coliege in the World. Highest World’s Honor and Gold Medal over all other Colleges, aul at General Exposition. Business Ed.ieutlo f>r Svstetu of 8000 Book-Keeping Graduate* In *. Business. 10 Teachers employed. Cost of Full Business Course. Ineloding Tuition, Ptatioucry and Hoard, about $00. No Short-Hand, Vocation. Enter Type-Writing Kow. Graduates & Teleffruphy, Guarantied Success, specialties. for circulars, rs, Wilbur address address B. Ephraim Ephraim W. W. 8mlth, 8in 1th, Lexington, I’riuclpsl, Principal, If r <• — Smith, President, ■v 1 5- k ST! v; Mexican Mustang Liniment Sciatica, Scratches, Contracted Lumbago, Sprains, Muscle^ Rheumatism, Strains, Ernptionf, Burns, Stitches, Hoof Ail, Scalds, Stiff Joints, Screw Stings, Backache, Worm*, Bites, Galls, Swinney, Bruises, Sores, Saddle Gall*, Bunions, Spavin Piles. Corns, Cracks. THIS GOOD OLD STAND-BY accomplishes for everybody exactly what Is claimed for it. One of the reasons for the groat popularity of the Mustang Liniment is found in Its universal applicability. Everybody needs such a medicine. The Lumberman needs it in case of accident. The Housewife needs it for generalfamily use. The Cannier needs it for his teams and his men. The Mechanic needs it always on his work bench. The Miner needs it In case of emergency. The Pioneer needs it—can’t get along without It. T|,c Farmer needs it in Ids house, his stable, and his stock yard The Steamboat mu a or the Bontman needs it in liberal supply afloat and ashore. ( The Uorse-fancler needs it—it is his best friend and safest reliance. The Stock-grower needs It—It will save him thousands of dollars and a world of trouble. The Baekwoodvir-in needs it. There is noth lng Idee It as an antidote for the dangers to life, his employees. Accidents wiii happen, and when these come Yhe Mustang Liniment is wanted at once. Keep it iivuie.uthe IIouse. ’Tis the best of economy. Keep n Bottle in the Factory, lisimmediate in case Q f accident saves pain and loss of wages, Keep a Bottle Alwuysi:: the Stable for uho when wanted. 'West Georgia A. & U. College ft HAMILTON, GEORGIA. West Ga. A. & M. College will be opened for business on Morula) ciated ^. e P l * I2t with ^> un< him ^ er the management of Jno. W. Dozier, who will have assc Arnold, the following competent corps of teachers: Rev. W. W Mrs. W. W. Arnold, Miss Berta M. Dozier and Mrs. B. C\ Kin brough. No pains will be spared in giving thorough instruction to the i pupils in the literary, art and music departments. Hates of Tuition Ter Month of Four Weeks: Tuition in Primary Department Cl 00 Tuition in Academic u - N Tuition in Collegiate u 3 00 French and German, each extra - Cl Music - ------ O Drawing and Painting ------ Cl Incidentals for Fall Term - »o Incidentals for Spring Term - 1 o Board in good familes from $8.00 to $10.00. Tuition due monthly in advance; will be charged from time pupil enter till close of the term and no deduction except in cases of protracted sick ness of three weeks or more. Discipline mild but firm. Monthly report issue. All pupils entitled to public school fund will be credited their pr rata at the close of session. Send in the first day—Sept. 12th — that classes may be organized at once August 20, 1887. FACULTY. Catalogues furnished upon application. HEW CROCKERY AND CHINA STORE. — , , — - — ^S 1 ||E have just opened an immense stock of Crockery, China and Silverware, Glassware, Wood and Willow Ware , Baskets in Endless Variety, Lamps of Kinds, And Novelties too Numerous to Mention. Our stock embraces everything to be found in a well ordered CROCKERY and CHINA Store. Our motto is: “First class goods, low p;ices and polite attention.” Our place 1033 West Side Broad St., Columbus, Ga. Two doors l>elow Brannon & Carson’s Drug Store. Mr. R. W. Williamson will be in charge I. L. POLLARD & CO. •MFREKCB ♦ MILLINERY.F 3 fr Owin^ to the increase of our business we have rented tin larger store one door south of the present one, and from to day up to January next Mr. A. Lequin, our buyer in New York, will constantly select and ship every week all the nov elties in hats and trimmings. As formerly we will sell cheaj for cash. tgT’Feathers dyed, Gloves cleaned at MRS. L . LEQUIN’ COLUMBU JJ , iF. IA 1117 BROAD STREET, - K SUITS FROM $12 TO $200. BUREAUS FROM $5 TO $50 \y e ] ia ve the best $2 Bedstead, the best $4.50 Bureau, the best $5 Bureau. Large arm rockers at $2.25; Baby Carmges frorn $3.50 to $35 Rocking chairs from 50 cents to $15. All kinds Da by cribs mattresses a Qur Qwn p r j ce an ti other things tOO numCTOUS tO mention, all of whici we Will to ell you ao per cent, lower than can be bought elsewhere Don’ buy a piece . of Furniture till you have seen our stock, n e can and are oe t erm j ne( i to sell 3 you Furniture cheaper 1 than anybody. ' ' Remember the place 1222 OPOBQ StFG0t, Southern F.xpreft* Offirr, F. GIBSON & CO., Ga