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Chicago’s g&me to-day is four
instead of seven np.
The elections Tuesday point to
the nomination of Cleveland in ’88
as the democratic standard bearer,
knd promise his successful triumph.
A pressure erf job printing has oc¬
casioned the omission of much mat
ter. designed for this issue. It will
keep, however, and our readers shall
have it due * * «#
m season.
The stock law enacted for the
several districts of this county will
go into effect on the ist of January,
next. We have the full text of the
bill and will publish it next week.
V' r~ ♦ ‘
Soyernor Gordon has done. |he
democracy and the stmny south both
good service in Ohio. The truth is
Governor Gordon is one of the most
eloquent and effective stump speak¬
ers the sunny south has ever pro¬
The attention of our readers is
called to our Sunday School lesssOn
department. This is a new feature
and those of our readers interested
in the Study of file scriptures,
in or out of the Sunday school, will
find it full of interest and value.
Louis Lingg, one of the condemn
ed anarchists of * Chicago, who was
to'be hanged to-day, committed sui¬
cide yesterday in a most hoirible
manner. He placed a fulminating
cap, a little over an inch long^ that
had been filled with mlminate of
mercury, in his mouth and lighting, a
fuse exploded the cartridge. His
head was blown into atoms, yet fie
fingered at the point of death Suf
fering indescribable agonies for sev¬
eral hours. The Governor has ‘coin
* •« *-> . I- 1 1U
muted the sentences of Fielding and
Schwab to imprison went for life.
other four hang to-day. Their
fate is bard, but just. They have
been convicted of murder, and it is
but just that they should pay the
penalty. * The way of the transgress
or is hard.
For the Hanriton Journal.
• >* Years ago the Columbus bar, as
now, was the equal of any in Geor¬
gia. ^JsSif were eminent in law
learning, refinement,shrewdness,cour¬
tesy and all that makes a distinguish
Jed barrister. Among these none
stood higher than Col. Hines Holt.
He k>v$d the law for its own sake as
the faithful and beautiful science
human right . He loved to analyze
its principles, reconcile apparent con
iradicttoBi-arid harmonize its utter
ante's ii^p symmetrical form
beauty. He wis an eminent lawyer
in the'courts and shrewd beyond
many of bis compeers.
A notable case was :S» n the
Super|af p
court of the county of R—.
Cot Alexander McDougald repre*
sealed the plaintiff and Col. Holt
th&defendank Lrsfe The case involved^
attention. Both announced ready
and a large number of witnesses were
examined. The case was complica
' 5 } r -,yt > *• *
ted, but the weight of evidence was
decidedly with the plaintiff. Col.
McDdtlgald made one of his grand
speeches, pungent and convincing,
4tl( j concluded with an eloquent eo : -
Ipg/ on the right of trial>y jury. He
consumed nearly three hours in its
delivery, and it was evident that the
jury was very tired,
Col. Holt, in a conversational way,
spoke about as fo ows : “Gentle
uicn of the jury, my brother McDou
^ald has made an eloquent speeches
Jo, is so capable of doing. As you
all know he is a very shrewd lawyer,
and if he hail not known that such
speech was necessary he would not
have made it. He hoped to gain his
case by his eloquence and no by the
testimony. Now gentlemen, the de¬
fence needs no speech and I shall not
make any. You are sensible men;
do justice between these partirt.
Simple justice is ail my client asks
and I believe you will give it to him,"
and he sat down. After the charge
of the court the jury retired and soon
returned with a verdict for defebd
All Resent decided that there nev¬
er had been a shrewder defetise ifi
One 1 of the jury was afterwards in¬
terrogated how he reached that ' 1 ver¬
dict. “Why” says he, ‘don't you
know that Col. Holt would have
made a speech if it had been riecek
sary ? ” - Sex. r,i
-i "i
>> i i—
For the Hamilton Journal.
Almost every paper you tahe ^
announces a number ol n**ri*g&;
and the instances are »y hOmett**s *S
to attract Special attention.
parties in Atlanta, Mr. Amdrus 4 nd
Miss Williams were married Wice
the same dhy—fiwt by a ; Catholic
Priest and by Dr.IHawthdrne. H This
very naturally produced a great sea*
sation. t r {& & fb r >a
Of all the relations in h'fe-isiafpagt
is the most important, f Its*
are unmeasured bf lime,imt
pass through the cycles of eternity*
Divine truth announced the fact that
it was not good for man to be flooe,
hence the be utiful Garden of Eden
of primal innocence lacked the pres*<
ence of woman to complete the /pic
ture. In ail the ages docefihis truth
has remained. But how few enter
this sacred relation with that card,
caution and circumspection its im«
portance demands. Away with /the
idea that matches ate made ini heav*
en. It is an idle delusion.; Maw
fixes his own destiny in this as id
other things. The first diArriage -ocr
curred in the Grfrdfeh W Edew, ^and
ire may readily imfegfnC Adam's sur
prisk oh aWkki hg frdrtt steep to ’ ? fikd
the beautiful Eve at side. T SRlH
that magic hour womatf his be€!» thd
centre Hence o the f he m^ wedding weddmg i n x I,?lls b^ll ^d hc ringing, r g es *
but will the sequel ^ 'Vidw show that the
choice . i* ,» has V been wisely made, based
on* *1 . mutual s ;ji y# love • ootutpipuiH and, that diyme birtwoj affin
ity ;uJiTh which . , I draws Jis > H' l il 3 wining wjyb.«#J hearts? . fMjf
Has ^ mercenary mmW
the union ? ) Is it a bu^eas.Ttags^r
lion based on doMare
geited the necessity ^thc' ofV’lmtoikWltet f tog
mi^eret^^og^ arripgerUint
induced the tonibieWenticq/ t Jfiany
erf these causes have produced ^this
and oomes ^(^TafeP^X
t ’-
.*ffi simoon producing % moral desolation
‘T? 1 °,T b IiRhted beart >
«d death alone cau give . relief. Ev
ery man needs a getilk, tender wife
to aid him in the great battle of life.
Without female society men would
(soon degenerate into brutes- To a
»>' so important
a* a. spirit ,of devotion to his life com¬
panion whose image occupies his
heart and is a sure defense against
hint on
all sides. iGne thing is sure: if mat
rimony hartisJolre^ sotiibecacy has
no pleasures. &\\ tpen heed that
guardian angel, the loving wife.
For the Hamilton JotritNAi.
. ft^f 1 * 0 **’* In Ohio
1 done much to show the
northern people qr hat true union is
^dlhe^elgpicntt 01}jpansjypprq^ated which the constitute noble Geor it.
8 ,a ^P ve fW god M> T I will result
* • 3m #
-n$ rhe 3 L WKWidfBL <,%!sMm aril Imp { ter.
m * hc V'S-S^reme
J" flpSpi c m »™ <Jec,sl0n and was oi heard ‘he
atate cour^,^ i 1 ■... ^d the
parties will ,
bang on Nov. u.
fcfll lawle ' s infidels
rfiouM *vS penalty of death.
Public rtfrw safety r>3fiVfi*TL» req it ires it.
• 9 • *
J(l Tfk xsdst&f the hist legislature has
ifRtfliabiWpi 1 rhe f Wlntei session
33 . The summer ses-
70 , ftufkihg a total of
'Sotne of the papers
have commented flippantly on this
apWhWrt patitftf* ihdiffiply a waste of the
Brefinike. It is easy to find
faiult withbUt due considerktidn. In
Anffldlb iH! action of the legislature
#Ss>WM ihrf beneficent and deserves
tjritom&er thin ^1 blame. v 1
YH :29 Ol rn.i.m '> i>
•*. Ru®W Uj* Ukm the Oiitval R. R.
will txritd a railroad from Eden, near
3 a**BMh, to Fort Vziijy, m^ing an
4IMMW BiOBingharo.'* .
- i.Ji'ii - *i * *
, .
The route of the Chattanooga,
tUtie t Cofembos R. R. has been
settled to Cedartown, Crrrofltbn and