Newspaper Page Text
amilton Journal.
J. L. Dennis, Proprietor.
November 11,................... 1887.
Leave Columbus. U> H IMAOl 3 7 45 a. m
Leave Hamilton . Ov*> NW 3 *9 i5 a. m
Arrive Greenville a io 15 a. m
Leave “ OOM 8 3 3 00 p. m
Leave Hamilton 80 3 t 30 p. m
Arrive Columbus O 3 00 p. m
Local Page.
Church Notice.
Rev I P Obeney of the Browneville,
(Ala.) Baptist church, will be in the city
Saturday and will preach in the Baptist
church Saturday and Sunday.
Cards are out for the marriage of Rev
G T Chandler, of Juniper, to one of the
fair daughters of Harris. There are none
more worthy of the prize he has won
than our friend George, and we wish him
oceans of happiness.
Expected Daily*
Rev I P Chenoy bee accepted the call
from the Baptist cbnroh, and his family
will oocnpy the residence left vacant by
the removal of Rev W W Arnold. They
are expeoted to move into their new borne
this week and will be warmly welcomed
by our oitizens.
Fine Turnips.
We received this week from Mr J H
Mobley several fine turnips, six being a
heavy turn for one person to carry. He
is one of the most progressive of Harris
connty farmers, and these specimens
prove that he has one of the finest tur¬
nip patches in the connty. He has our
Sale of a City Rcslidenee.
The town lot on College avenue, the
property of Mrs L E Walker, was sold by
administrator at public outcry Nov.
1st, and was bought by Mr Lem Brawner
of Mountain Hill. He comes here for
the purpose of educating his children,
and will move into his new home about
Married, at the residence of Mr Alfred
Smith, the bride's father, at Shiloh, Oot
23, Mr R E Griffin, of Gleola, and Miss
Arabella Smith, Rev S Maxwell officiat¬
The groom is a successful young farm¬
er who well deserves his good fortune.
We wlBh him and his bonny bride a suc¬
cessful voyage on the ocean of wedded
About the Crops.
If yon want to save money in your
foot wear and at the same time get first
olass boots and shoes, call at tbs sign of
tbe big Blaok Bear, Columbus, Ga., and
bay from 0. J. Edge.
Change of Superintendents.
After nearly a quarter of a century of
service to the church as superintendent
of tbe Methodist Sunday School, Col J M
Mobley presided Sunday afternoon for
the last time. He retired in favor of Mr
O S Barnes, who was elected by the last
quarterly conference as his successor.
At the close of the usual school exercises
he briefly stated the reasons for the
change and made a short farewell address
to tbe school. He said that his service
was ended, the record was made and
whatever there may have been of error
iu the discharge of his duties l e had done
the best he could.
When he took his seat Mr B C Kim¬
brough read a preamble and resolutions
eulogizing bis merit as a superintendent,
his prompt attendance through sunshine
and rain, bis devotion to the duties of his
office and the sincere regret of the school
at the retirement from the position he
had so long and faithfully filled.
Mr O S Barnes, Judge W I Hudson and
Prof J W Dozier added their tribute to
bis worth as a superintendent in brief
but eloquent terms. Mr R A Ru»sell
then stepped in front of the altar holding
in his hand a gold-headed cane. In well
chosen language he alluded to the time,
twenty-two years ago when Col Mobley
gathered a few children of the town in a
class and taught them in the old school
house on the hill. That was the origin
of the sohool which had continued almost
uninterruptedly up to the present time.
At the close of his remarks be presented
the cane in behalf of many friends who
chose this manner to express their esteem
and confidence in the retiring superin¬
Handkerchiefs were need freely dnring
the time consumed in these testimonials
of respect and esteem. The resolutions
were unanimously adopted by a rising
vote, after which the sohool filed out of
the church.
Mr O S Barnes, the new superintends
ent, is a young men and craves the co*
operation of parents and teachers that he
may discharge the duties of his office in a
manner that will be for tbe best interest
of tbe Sunday school.
Notice Renters or Bayers.
I will rent or sell 200 acres of land lying
on the waters of Mulberry creek, a part
of M C Farley’s, (deoeased) H Lnttrell land. Q Any T
information call on W or
Pnrsell, Obipley, Ga.
Special Notice.
All persons indebted to me either for
medical services cr drugs are EARNESTLY
REQUESTED to come up and settle prompt
ly by 1 st of October.
When you feel that you are dangerously
ill you will send for an educated physician
of acknowledged skill, without considering
the cost. You wish to get well. Have you
malaria in your system, and do you wish
to get rid of it? Dr 3 hallenbergers Antidote
is tbe remedy. The doctor is a graduate
of Jefferson Medical college, thirty years
in practice. The medicine will cost you
$1 00, but it will cure yeu, and is safe in
any dose. Sold by druggists.
Bucklen’s Arnica Salve,
The best Salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all akin eruptions, and posi¬
tively cares piles, or no pay required. It
is gu&run eed to give perfect satisfaction,
or refunded. Prioe 25c per box.
Messrs Hag
Chester swapp
tbe trade Mr
boot. He set * >'u<j difference w ; a
bound pnppie at <§5 on
chuckles wher \ . ii
disposed of tt a o y-:. v . :
Crops are snort m. G J Ldge, A Col
ambus, has reduced the prees on
tock of boots and shoes.
A Good One Prom a Reliable Man.
Valdosta, Ga,, Oet. 20 , 1886.—My
boy is now eighteen years old, and bus
been sick all his life, and not able to do
any work of any kind. I thfeught he hart
dropsy, He has bis blood had was almost appetite like water. color,
never any or
and was unfit for anything, being in such
an awful condition. I have daring the
last ten years expected him to die ut any
moment, he could not walk 100 yards
without resting two or three times. In
three or four days after giving him
Briggs’ Nunnbetter Tonic Pills he did a
whole days work in the field, being so
much improved. He now has a good ap -
petite and is rapidly improving in stregth
and color. 1 know the Pills have given
him a new lease of life, and I recommend
them above every medicine on earth. My
wife ha* also been in feeble condition for
some time, and they have improved her
also very much. If anybody needs a ton¬
ic, my advice is, buy Briggs' .Nunnbetter
Tonic Pills. R H Hutchinson.
Sold by Dr S G Riley, call on him for
few samples Nunnbetter Liver Pills, &c.
Lippman Bros., Wholesale Druggists,
Wholesale Agents, Savannah, Ga.
WHOLESALE grocer, »
lOOO Broad Street, Columbus, Ga.
Having entered into the Wholesale Business with a largely increased trad j
has necessitated the building of a commodious and roomy Brick Warehouse
on the railroad with side-track facilities I buy my goods for cash in car
load lots and nnload the ears into my own warehouse, thus m iking a gre t
saving in storage and draya-*e„ I have in warehouse and in store and am
prepared to offer to the trade a
At prices which defy competition. Col E G Raiford, so well and favorably
known to the public, is with me as Traveling Salesman, and will call on
the merchants along the lines of ro;id leading to the city with samples and
prices. Those who would buy advantageouslj to themselves are solicitel
to try me before purchasing elsewhere. 1 want your trade, and am sure I
can get it if you w.iil give mo a fair trial. I have in my Warehouse several
cir loads of superior Texas Rust P oof Oats, by the sack or car load.
pgr Special attention paid to the filling of orders entrusted to my care
^“Repairing Watches, Clocks and Jewelry a Specialty.
No. 1115 Broad St, Columbus, Ga.
I T m g. r- jt'L \ \r I. 1
Li 1 «* Br?*ad St c intvtU)
The Largsst &, Siere at tb kth.
A$6,00GStocK s ail Bargains
Pay it a visit and. see the PRINCE
I am agent for the celebrated LsCONTl
NURSERIES,W.W Thompson, Proprte#
Smithyille, Ga. I will be glad to show yo
my specimens and to take your order lo
any trees or vines you need. My prices art
aH * ow an 3 r an « thetree^ara tmexcelled
l.l. Stanford;
Attorney at Law,
Hamilton, Georgia!
W ill practice in all the courts collection! of"tbl
State. Special attention given to
^Sfc-Also money to loan on improves
farms, on 2 , 3 and 5 yeais time, at 8 pel
cent per annum. Come and sec me. 1