The journal. (Hamilton, Ga.) 1887-1889, November 18, 1887, Image 11

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RAZER & DOZIER, Wholesale stud Retail HARDWARE, Eolumbus*.(Georgia. ..... The Tea Drinker's Disease. According to The Journal of the Amer Medical Association, attention has been drawn to a new nervous said to be especially prevalent in land and America. It is called •theism,” or tea drinker's disease. It lists in three stages—the acute, subacute ad chronic. At first • sytaptoms W Tliese physiological effects, being “'re^nmikSVmen^TLS ly depression. The tea drinker be ies impressionable and nervous, pale, ^Iror^th^^m^oniTin^fr^her im ulgence in the favorite beverage, which £ a time restores him to a sense of well ring. These symptoms characterize the •0 first stages. . x 8;he heart, and of the VaSo raotorsT a disturbance of nutrition. The pa becomes'subject to hdlludinatibhs, and nervous trembling, those al to*with vdwtoke plenty ofmee^e a tapunity, but with and young people who follow occupations tins is not thb cased best treatment fer theism is said to indulgence in free exercise, such as and open air life-scientific Why Snow Destroys Marble Statuary* The results of the examination of snow iken from different places in Munich ad its neighborhood by Mr. Sendtner *>uld seem to indicate not only that iow has a considerable faculty for ab >rbing sulphurous acid from the atmos here, but that the absorption goes on rntinuouslv for some time. Mr. Sefldt ascertained that, on one day when ow fell, sulphurous and sulphuric acids ?ere present in it in fairly equal propor- all ions, but on the second day almost p sulphurous acid had been ozonized to iphuric acid. In the vicinity of chim ys and gas works the absorption would tu^L^uriS course be greater. rr idered of great destrtictive practical interest influence as ex- of ilaining the now Upon marble statuary.—London ?harmaceiitical Journal. Power of a Windmill. | istence One of is the used largest for driving wind motors flouring in ex¬ ma Sinery at Great Yarmouth, England. f iches wide, and extend 100 feet from int to point. With a wind of ^e miles an hour, the ,windmill nas ! ty-five horse power, and wilt daeily appartltu|jai 3 yippoijii^ motor is of eleven stories, stands ninety feet above foundation, and is thirty feet hi dimeter at the base, and six at the top.—Arkansaw Traveler. Hydrophobia in China. When a native in China is bitten by a , and symptoms of hydrophobia kfit thsinfcflTe%’ iff thdJpodr such ca^es, ffefl{>w chained is,' ding to chstom [ fa his hands anchTael fkita A tq hia^uffprings^—Chicago New*; T j Harris County s. §. Association. The quarterly meeting of the Har ris County Sunday School Association was held with the Bethlehem school Wednesday, Nov. ad, 1887. Presi dent Wisdom not being present Judge A. A. Allen, second V.ce President, presided. After ‘ he °P enin f eXerds “’ C °"' . of and Mi. K. sisting songs prayer, E. Fort, superintendent of the school, introduced Mr ‘ i °- Barnes > who very cordial and eloquent terms made a speech of welcome. Ca P L 1 • H - Kl '" b,ou S h . > ln . bchalf . . u ° f th C aSSOC,aUOn ; reSp ° ndeii m h ' S usual , earnest and impressive way. t he minutes of the annual meeting then , read , and , approved. , were The roll of the several schools composing the association was then called and interesting reports were ma ,’ le f rom many of them. These made by Judge * ... W. 1. T reports were Hudson, Col. T. M. Mobley, M. M. Rev , w D . McGregor, Capt. T. H. Kimbrough, Rev. M. Page, J. M. Kimbrough, Dr. E. D. Swan, Judge A. A. Allen and B. F. Hill. After the reports were in a recess was taken for dinner. The afternoon session was devoted to general business and interesting addresses were made by Judge Allen j j an ^ Rev. D. __ McGregor. _ . J Judge ® A. A. Allen was elected ist Vice-President to fill the vacancy oc casioned by the removal from the county of Rev. W. W. Arnold. Rev. I. P. Cheney was elected 2d Vice President to fill the vacancy oc¬ casioned by the promotion of Judge 41 len. New Hope church was unanimous¬ ly elected as the place of holding the next quarterly meeting, on the first in February Q n mo tion of Rev. W. f). McGreg • % r or ^ was resolved that . . the . thanks . _ o the Associatiop be tendered the Beth m Sunday '! ch001 a,,d T Mr. R. E. Fort, for the cor diai entertainment extended the . * k Tadies of * K Bethle- Lu Association . td the u _ t hen? community for the very elegant and bouatiful.dinner; and to Choris ter Livingston for the very excellent music led by him. The association then adjourned. X.'1L AtLEN n.9SL hit. r i. *j t *»? j i Dennis, Pres. Rec. Sec. In Brief mid to tlie Point. Dyspepsia is dreadful. Disordered jj ver jg misery, Indigestion is a foe to good nature. The human digestive apparatus is one of the most complicated and won deiful things in existence. It eas]ly put out of order. Greasy food, tough food,sloppy food b*1 cookery, mental,worry, late hours » regular aabits, and may other things which ought not to be, have made the American people a nation of dispepsia. But Green’s August Flower has done a wonderful work in teforming this sad business and making the Ameri «? people so healthy that they can enjoy their meals and be hippy. Rc-mem ber:-No happiness without ‘health. But Green s August r lower brings health and happiness to the dyspeptic. Ask your druggist for a bottle. Seventy- fi ve cents. BU§Y„AS ohcv*ac dccc “Please say to the readers of the Journal that wh.le ... we are too bus . to wrl,e an ad ^rtisement, we are not t0 ° b " syto S ,ve * b em careful alien tlon lf they are ln need of anyth,n * in the way of clothing, hats, furnish¬ ing goods, &c. Our stock is full and complete and the great rush upon us is evidence that our prices are satis¬ factory. Never before haue we been so well assured of the wisdom of our motto “Quick sales and small profits." Thus spoke the senior of J. K. Harris & Co., Clothiers, Columbus, to this scribe, as he hurried off to at¬ tend a waiting customer. Thc finest line of Toilet Soaps ever exhibited in Hamilton just re ceiveti at the Drug Store. tf Abo at the Crops. If yon want to save money in ^our foot wear and at the name time get first o'aaa boots and shoes, call at the aign of the big Black Bear, Columbus, Gs , sod buy from O. J. Edge. --- ■ < ! Oh! ye who teach the Ingenious youth of our great nation, let'them learn the noble act of self-defense, as Salvation Oil is Ike specific for hurts. Little Annie toK^ns y»T)tcrday, in her own waj , what a good medicine fis.. Bulls Cough Hyrup is. it had a very severe cold. Heated Heoeee. Has been the cause of mu h bronchial troubles. C >ming out into the ej«n codgh air *s a slight eobl. followed by a severe contract e<l. Take in time Taylor’s CBero ee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullein A Eaby Dike a «-le of Wind. Why in a newly bom baby like a gale of wiDd? Because it begins wltb k gquall.Obld ga'es induce cougks and croup. Tayhw’s Cherokee remedy of Sweet Gum and Mul- THE MORNING NEWS STEAM PRINTING HOUSE. Printing. Lithograph i ng. Kngra ving , Stereotyping, Hook lan¬ ding and Htank Hook M <\n uiuct uri ng. Tbs Larg^t Coaesm of Uie kind m the SoutL l'bcroughlj’, mid com!• b in it elljihe Mh t v a***ry imd *l.»* most bkit ful wo k » o i. Corporations, g Bankers, Manufacturers, County Officers arks EarmerSj^Mcrchante. and Mechanics, A«FB 0 si!« 5 fe M^XJENt rally shunt pheir t* otthr* for ,mi yttM»>g 1,1 »•!>• vw liucH. from « v-Fi ii v r n I f » n nif'iiituotli |M*»tt-r. o r tr* in n uif raoouolum bo.U Ion tnmuinoth ledger, nr»» Mrju»t* *-«i tu giro Ibis U umh h * rinl. J. H. ESTILL, Prop.. 3 Whitaker StSavannah. (hi. _ m *, \ *. i * /, . it you art? bothered ftih hard turns unit want to Kuril i ow to turn your time into money quic*ly ami pleasant) Y,wii t* to IS F Johmon & Co , Richmond, Va Thev K v h plan on li>< >t that you ought carefully t*» consider. Mason, Ala .Nov 2 , 188 U MRears A T Hhallrnbkbokh & Ou. Rochester, Pa.— Qeffilf Ybnf Antidote for Malaria is the boat chill ami fever remedy I bare ever known or tried. It neret failw to core every case. Since you neot me that stmaplo bottle I have m.KI over one dcis-n, and not a single person he* token it who h»a not b«»-u cared. PJeatte nend me m duzeu by mail iuuueiiiv atoly. Yours renpeoifully, N B. Dixon. Personal. Mr. N. H Frohlicfigtiriti; Mobile Ala , wiiUK,I take k ieat pleasure in rtcommend¬ ing Dr Ki ;gs N-’w Discovery fur cum-imi p~ tion, having used it for a severe atttu k of Bronchitis nnd catarrh. It gave n e in¬ stant relief and Entirely cured me and I h *ve not been atliieted since. I also beg to state that I bad tiied other remedies with no good result. Have also used Elec trie. Bitters f*n<i New LifJ HUh, both of wnkh 1 can re. otutnend. Dr. Kings New DWorery for Cuiisuinp tlon, coughs and colds is nob! on a posi¬ tive guarantee. Trial bottle tree at (look’s WondeFf5rX3ureH. W D. Hoyt & Co*, Wholesale and Hetaii selling Druggists Dr of King's Kuinejia., New Discovery, say; We have Keen Electric Bitters and Bncklen’s Arnidi Halve for two yctMF. Have never handled femwiies that sell as well or give such universal satisfac¬ tion, There have been some wonderful cures effected By these medicines in this city?. Hovers! cases of pmnbuncrd con¬ sumption have been entirely*cured bv us¬ ing* few hittlea of Dr. King’s New Di** uv*. ery # taken in connection with Electric Bitters We guarantee them always. Hold by Cook Brothers Renews Her Youth. Mrg Phoebe Chesley, Peterson, Clay Co., Io.. tells the following story, the truth of which is vouched yefcr* tor by old, the residents of town: *‘I am 78 hare been trou¬ bled with kidney complaint and lameness for many yea rs -could pot dress myself without help. Now f am free from all soreness, and able to do mv housework. I owe my thanks to Electrkf Bitteis tor hav ing renewed my yotub, aud removed com th*. pletely f the 50c disease si Cbbk and Bros. pain.” Try a l>ot on