Newspaper Page Text
J. L. Dennis, Proprietor.
NOV KM HER 25,................... 1887
c. & It. R. R. SCHEDULE.
Columbus 3 i5 P- m. CN w 3
Leave Hamilton 4 35 P- m. OO p
Arrive Greenville 6 15 p. m. VO p
Leave 7 00 a. m. O 50 p
Leave Hamilton 8 30 a. m. M 00 y
Arrive Columbus 10 00 a. m. to y
Local Page.
His Last Appointment,
ev W D McGregor will fill his last
reg lar appointment for this year at the
Methodist church Sunday. The annual
conference meets at Saudersville Dec 14,
Bishop M"lyeire presiding.
Woman’s Missionary Society.
Tne Woman’s Missionary Society of
M tbodist church will hold their regular
month’y meeting next Wednesday at 3
o’clock. It is the last meeting of
quarter and a full attendance of all the
members is earnestly desired.
Shot in Chipley.
Joe Marsh »nd Lige Goodman, two ne
gics of Chipley, were handling a gun
Monday when it was accidentally dis
cnarged and Marsn was shot in the leg.
I)r Glass of Chipley, and Dr Riley of this
place, examined the wound and found
that amputation was necessary. The D8>i
gro has since died
Approaching Holidays.
Christmas is approaching and
hearts are beginning to throb with
ness iu anticipation of old Santa Clans’
visit. It iH a time of general feasting
hilarity, but only children whose
are untouched by sorrow are fully
pared to enjoy it. Those who 1 ave out¬
grown the pleasures of childhood oan
find compensation iu adding to the
piness of children. Let us forget
own selfish cares and make the little ones
Sad l¥ews*
A telegram announcing the death of
mother at her home in Montgomery
ty on Friday came here Saturday
ltav W D McGregor. He had gone to
his appointment at Mt Airy,
£did not reoeive the dispatch in
time to attend her funeral. His mother
had been in feeble health for some, but
wus not confined to her bed, and the let¬
ter received from her only a few days
previous contained no intimation that she
w r aa worse. The news of her death—
which he thinks must have been sudden
—was a sad blow to him, but he has tbe
comforting reflection that she a good
Christian aud has entered into the rest
that remaineth for the people of God.
He has the sympathy of many friends
throughout the Hamilton oirnnit
f ’ 1100 9IJt s ^ oe
dealer of C olumbns bag reduced prices
on boots aud shoes to meet your lessened
income by short crops.
Local and Personal.
Mr W A Harrison, of Augusta, was in
'Uie city Tuesday.
Dr G W Buck, of Ala., is registered at
the hotel this week.
Mr. W O Moss, of Ohiploy, spent
Wednesday in town.
Mr J W Livingston, of Columbus,spent
a day or two w'th friends he v e last week.
Mrs W B Ragland left Monday for Mil*
Ion, where she will spend a few weeks
with her parents.
Mr Felix Carlisle, ef Gpelika, traveling
salesman for a New York shoe house, was
in town Tuesday.
A cold wave struck ns Saturday night
and Sunday was the coldest and most dim
agreeable day we have had.
Mrs A E Beall and Miss Mary Murphey
of Waverly Hall, are in town on a visit to
the family of Mr 8 R Murphey.
Miss Eloise Bedell, of Colujabns, is
spending a few days in town, the guest
of her sister, Mrs 8 R Murphey.
Prof R B Brooks, of the Gordon Insti¬
tute, Barnesville, came Saturday and
spent Sunday in town with friends
Mr James Mitchell’s family arrived
here Monday from Goodwater, Ala. He
is a jeweler and has been here several
Dr J W Mitchell is remodeling his office
and fixing it up in elegant style. He
siys it will be a model of beauty when
Mrs C A Brooks, of Americus, left for
home this morning. She was accompanied
to Columbus by her sister, Mrs Mollie
Dr T J Crawford, practicing physician
of Cusseta, Ala., and his brother, Mr J H
Crawford, of Talbot couuty, wore in the
city Tuesday.
Rev I P Cheney was sick and cou.d not,
fill his appointment here Saturday and
Sunday. He will probably move here
before his d» xfc appointment.
A heavy white frost covered the ground
on Tuesday morning. It is the first
heavy frost that has fallen Ibis season,
and destroyed the last remains of summer
The friends of Dr T L Jenkins, of
Chipley, are glad to learn that ho is res
covering . from hi9 . recent severe illness,
aod hop. that he will soon be able to
serve them again.
Dr S G Riley has a most tempting dis
play of French candy in a new -how case,
It is fresh and pure and in sufficient
quantities to supply all demands in town.
See his nd elsewhere
Mr M Wolfson will move his family to
Colnmbos next week where he will rneke
his fui ore home, He has been a resident
’ •
of Hamilton far quite a number ot years
and A regret . that .. . . ne now finds « v it .. , to . his -
interest to leave here. He is a good cit
izen and popular . gentleman , and will be
missed _ ID (ha the AAmmnnilp C y. M Mr g S T? R Mur* if,,.
r»hey will take immediate charge of the
The editor-in-chief of the Hamilton
Journal T is . off _ , locking for President
Cleveland and . tus . wife, be railed , to
find them at the Piedmont Expo. Better
success this time, Joe. —We found the
above office „ table . on VVednfsiay , ,
on our
morning after our chief had left for Tal
betton. It was written, of course, by
some disappointed lodging seeker at , h e
exposition whose sympathy m the eentor 8
disappointment arises from a feeling
recollection of what it cost him
An Arm Broken.
Mr J T Copeland, Sr., happened to a
pailful accident Saturday, His foot
touched the wheel of his gin and in an
attempt to remove it he fell on his arm and
broke it at the elbow. Dr J W Mitchell
adjusteed the wounded member, aDd the
patient is doing well.
He Must Have Been Excited.
Some young ladies entered one of our
dry goods houses.
One Young Lady—Mr have you
any jerseys?
Mr (much excited)—Well,no’am,
we have some half jerseys.
A Laudable Purpose.
The ladies are still considering the
question of giving a festival for the pur*
pose of raising funds to repair the Metb
odist church. Our noble women have
only to decide that an enterprise is laud¬
able to enlist their energies iu its support
and what they undertake is usually a suc¬
cess. Let them conclude to put the
church in first-class order and in a few
weeks they will rejoice in the knowledge
that the house of worship has been pre¬
served from decay and decay and ruin by
their efforts.
Thanksgiving Service.
A very good congregation of worship¬
ers gathered at the Methodist church yes¬
terday to acknowledge their dependence
upon Him “who giveth the early and
the latter rain." The pastor led the ser¬
vices and i.a a short discourse briefly re¬
viewed the blessings and benefits that
crowned us as a nation and as a corneous
rnunity the past yeai. At the close of
the sermon the congregation bowed in
humble gratitude and returned thanks to
that kind Providence who has vouchsafed
us so many blessings.
An Attempt to Wreck a Train.
Attempts to wreck trains on roads com
ing Into Columbus are becoming alarm
frequent. Another was made Sat
urday night on the Columbus and Rome
road, one mile this side of White Sulphur
springs. A heavy piece of scantling was
driven in a cow- gap and protruded about
» foot above the level of the track. The
engine struck the obstruction, but fortu
nately not camaged. .
Oo Friday night several email polls
were found on the track near the same
place, but it was thought at the time that
they were placed there by careless chi!
dren.—Columbus Enquirer.
1 hese would be assassins will be caught
some day and examples made of them
that , will ... such . . to others
prove a warning
tbet there will be fewer ettemplsto wreck
^ little more money needed. If you have
not settled i our acccunt you are in
mviauany ana »n/l personally , , jrc , Ar .„u„ ie- ,
quested w> Call at the D*llg
Stoi e and do so at once.
Ve-v Re<nectJFullv ’
e’- hlLlSil. it uv
The success of some C f the ag6nts ern
ployed kr by Bh Ob' Johnson .. * A Co Richmond va
is truly marvellous It is uot an unusual f hi
Bg for their agents to make as high as $20
«r.d $30 a day,and sometimes their profits
run up as high as $40 and $50—even
n20re> But we hesitate to tell you the
whole truth, or you will scarcely believe
we are in earnest. Write them and see
^ yourself what they will do for yon.
Many people think a baby Is born to
swa ) ow nasty medicine for months, until
so ne thoughtful friend tells them of Dr
U6e Lax ad or for the distress and disco
resul ing from indigestion an.i be at
relieved. This wonderful remedy is ; *
by all diuggists.
DrBulls Cougli Syrup takes tb.eleatfc I
cough preparations on our shelves.
penter I heartily & Palmer, recommend Jamestown, Salvation N. Y. Oil 1 I V
neuialgii, f>*r it acts 'ike a charm. J. %
McCaulley, Balio fPolieeman). .ml. Residence 2o._^
N B; d tst.
A Positive Gentleman.
(Vr-Lm Which is Taylor's \ he m jst Cher pos‘ -k t i \ e Remedy a «•et!cma»|
e ^
S.' e t Gum and Mullein is certain pleisail to ci*
otiiih , < olds an j croup. It is j
am. effective. 1 <
Like Fainting Ladies.
Why ate good resolutions like faintin| ]
ladies? Toney should be carried out, au
parents should not forget the resolutions'!
that would never suffer them to be without"
that tough niid croup cure. Tayloi’s Mullein.! Cher
osee R ruedy of Sweet Gum and
3 1 alh nbergcis Pills are a true antidow
foi malaria. Intermittent fever,
reinitient ache well fever, regular dumb ague, chi’is periodic all heac| thf i
as hs are
re-ults of malaria in the system. Ttlj
Pills do not purge or sicken the stomacl^ > ►
but improve tLe appetite and digestii .
They lirious cure immediately in the by des?ro\ing and cfiLi tbgH
) m poison system,
be takeu under any circumstances witbj
p. rf' t t safe y.
pEORGIA—HARRIS ministrator COUNTY.—JAMES of James N. Suttoi IT *4
VJ Humphries, ac deceased, makes application fcfcl
late of said county D
letters of dimission. v
All persons if they concerned have, are by hereby the first notified Monday to sh(fi
cause, any why letters of dismission should L, _ i
March next, not
granted Given said applicant. hand and official signature Nov,
under my
34th, 1887. J F C WILLIAMS, Ordinary.
\J istrator's Sale. By virtue of an order from thej the!
court of Ordinary of said county I will sell before Tuesday!
court house door in said county on the first
in tollowing December, described next, land within belonging the legal hours the of saleth<l
Seaborn Meadows, late of said to decea-ed, estate < 'I j
of No. containing county, acreVj »
wit: Lot land 147 202% I
more or less, also 152^ acres, more or less, of lo I
No. 143, and 120 acres on the north side of lot No ]
144 containing in all 475 acres, more or less. Sole
for distribution. Terms cash. Nov. 3d, 1887.
Adm'r of Seaborn JESSE MEADOWS, Meadows, dec j
Harris County Sheriff’s Sales.
Will be sold before the court house doori
in the town of Hamilton, Harris count .!
Ga , within tbe legal hours of sale, to the!
highest bidder, tor cash, on ^he first lues *2 |
day in Dec. 1887, the following desciibec 1
property, viz: n”m™ Cl n )
0 named Roll, CharK old;
one bay Tennessee horse mule two-horse six Levied years also
one of wagon. upon as
the property Nelson Thornhill, to satisfy two fi
Sen’G.'M™If'Jidf” Nelson “ r issued*
& Green vs Thornhill, and the other
vs Nelson Thornhill.
mule named Ned, about io years old, and one dark
and from Jacob Harris Land, Superior Jr.,to Court satisfy a favor mortgage of Geo fi P. fa issued Swift,
Sr., surviving partnei, &c., vs J. N. Land and Jacob
La n d ;,>- p
A , s the same tun. and place on. medium s e
bay lbs seed mule, one red speckled cow bushels and heifer of calf, 2,0 %
cotton, more or less, 25 corn,mo
or less, 1500 pounds of fodder, more less, grown up*
the lands of S C Goodman in Harris county. Levie®
upon fa issued as the property Harris ot Superior Thomas Court Davis, in to satisfy favor cf s
fi from
rhe Pacific Guano Co., vs lhomas Davis.
Also at the same time and place one hundred N(M an& ,
sixty-five acres of land, the more north-east or less, being lot of sail
242 except acres in comer
lot in the 21st district of said county, and boundedaS
follows: North and east by lands of Oscar Barnes,
sou«.h by lands of M. Stevens and west by lands A qj
Wm. Smith. Levied up as the property of M.
Barnes, to satisfy a fi fa issued from Hams Supeno|
Court in favor of Hudson & Johnston vs MF Barnet
and notice given according time and to place, law. |^ g
Also, at the same one small v, »
horse u ule, 4 years old, one ^rrel
mule name Pomp, 15 years old, one I S;
mouse-colored or black mule, metMj
size, pounds name of seed Mike, cotton, 14 years old, also, less, 2j| ,
more or j.
bushels of corn, more or less, and IL
pounds of fodder, more or less Levie
to satify a fi fa issued from Hams Sope-|
rior court, in favor of The Pacifio GaaDC
Co., vs Jas M Culpepper. t
F. M. Talley,