Newspaper Page Text
FRAZER & DOZIER, Wholesale and Retail
HARDWARE, Columbus, Georgia.
rntLisiiKi) every Friday.
J. L. Dennis,. ... .... Proprietor.
November 25, 1887
Capt. W. Harrison, of the Georgia
Executive Department, has had print¬
ed copies of the act “to carry into ef¬
fect the last clause of article 7, sec¬
tion 1 paragraph 1, of the constitu¬
tion, and the amendment thereto.”
The act provide.: that anyone who
enlisted in the service of the Confed¬
erate States, or of this state who was
a citizen of Georgia on Oct. 26,1886,
who lost a limb or limbs while en¬
gaged in service, and by reason of
said service, or who may have re¬
ceived wounds which afterward caused
a loss of limbs,or who may have been
permanently injured while in said ser¬
vice, and who may be a bona fide cit
lzen at the time of making application
for the benefits herein provided for,
shall be entitled to receive once a
year the following compensation for
purposes expressed in article 7, sec¬
tion 1,paragraph i,of the constitution,
lo-vvit: Total loss of sight $100; loss
of one eye $15; for total or partial
loss of hearing, disabling party from
ordinary pursuits $15; loss of leg
above the knee $35; loss of leg below
the knee $25; loss of arm above the
elbow $30; loss of arm below the el¬
bow $20; permanent injury from
wounds, rendering leg or arm sub¬
stantially and essentially useless $25;
permanent injury to any part of the
body, rendering party permanently
and practically incompetent for the
performance of ordinary manual avo
cations $25.
Applicants are required to make
afliuavits stating company, regiment
and brigade serving in when loss or
injury occurred, , and , setting f o .. „ii
attending facts and circumstances.
Upon the filling of the affidavit and
certificates required the Governor
draws , .. his warrant . annually ,, favor r
ot the applicant the sum he is entitled
to. Parties that have heretofore re¬
ceived compensation from the state
participate in the provisions of this act
until the expiration of the time for
which compensation has been paid,
has expired, which will be Sept. 26,
1889. Parties who have heretofore
made proof of their injuries will only
be required to submit proof of contin¬
ued citizenship.
Marriage at Catania.
A happy event took place on
Thursday afternoon at the residence
of Mr. J. U. Brawner, in the Catan¬
ia district. The occasion was the
marriage of his daughter Miss Janie,
to Mr. J. M. Parker, of this place.
Rev. W. A. Farley performed the
ceremony in the presence of a few
friends, and two hearts were blended
into that mystic union
that constitutes the happiness of
wedded life.
The pretty young bride was
becomingly attired and never looked
so charming. The groom war at his
best and looked confident and hap
Immediately after the ceremony
the couple, came to Hamilton,
where they begin life together.
They have the best wishes of many
friends for their future happiness.
An attempt to put in pocket size
the contents of a large reference Atlas
is usually accompanied by rough, in¬
accurate, and inelegant engravings
and printing, but in the New Pocket
Atlas of the World, published by
Iverson, Blakeman & Co., 753 &: 755
Broadway, New York, this is not the
fact. Ninety-one Maps containing
nearly every geographical point of
interest throughout the world, are
given, and each is a gem of the en¬
graver’s art. Delicately but distinct¬
ly colored, these maps are exquisite
illustrations of the best color printing
to-day obtainable. While these Maps
leave nothing to be desired by way
of fullness, they are fully up to date,
and show every recent discovery, or
change of boundary.
One hundred and twelve pages of
telsej we ]j arranged, and accurate in
f ormat j on concerning every important
countTV ^ J or state on the globe, 0 follow
the maps in this compact volume. In
f ac t, the book is not only a compre
hensive Atlas but also a condensed
Gazetteer of the w a , P
m attractive and substantial binding,
an j so ^ fo r fifty cents. If not found
at vour booksellers, on the receip of
this . ■ sum the , publishers will will mail mail it It tn to
any address.
Glorious! Grand!!
“Double Decker” at the
Drug Store,
Made from Pure Sugar. No adultera¬
tion. All are invited to call and inspect
the finest display of Candies ever made
in in T-inmiifnn i lamiitoii.
All Goods Cheaper than ever for
The wonderful remedy for
All Bowel Troubles,
Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cramp Colic,
Cholera Moibua and all bowel affection?,no
matter ot how long standing. The gem ol
remedies for teething children. Pleasant to
take, cure guaranteed, and only 25 cents
Below is the verdict of those that have
tried it:
Dr W A Gillespie, White Siilihur Springs
Ga. says. “I know the formula of Shakers
Cordial and cheerfully endorse it. I u.-e it
with suet;38* in my practice.” Oakland, Ga
Dr. Thos. D. Goodwin, ,
says no family should be without it.
Dr. A. G Floyd. Greenville, Ga , says,
‘*1 recommend Shakets Cordial without
hesitation to any one suffering with bowel
trouble as 1 know the formula and use
in practii e. t y
same my Greenville, Ga.
Dr. R. F Hall, says,
Have been prescribing Shaker’s Cordial
for several years and consider it as safe and
reliable remedy as can be had for any one
suffering whh bowel or summer Columbus, complaints Ga
Dr Jno. W. Cameron. ,
says. “1 have never been disappointed in »
single instance in prescribing Shakers years/’ cor*
dia 1 and have used same several
Hon. T. A. Atkinson, Greenville, Ga.,
says, “I recommend Shakers Cordial for
all compl tints lor which it is intended I
have used it with happy results. I f
A J Hinton. Ordinary Meriwether Co ,
says,“It comes nearer being what is claim¬
ed for it than any medicine in the world.
It is a splendid remedy.’
Manufactured only by
Sold by
Dr. Cook S. G. Bros., Riley, ) V Hamilton, Ga.
S, R. Murphey,) Chipley, Ga.
Glass Bi os.,
T ecutors Sale.— By virtue Of tbe last
and testament of H K Stanford, late
of said connty, deceased, I will sell before
tbe court bouse door in the town of Ham
jpon, on the first Tnesday in December
next, the following described land be
gores, more or less, in 17 th district of s»id
COQU ty and 5 acres of south-east corner
of MNo 5 in 22 d district. Also part of
lot No 210 in 17th district, containing 76
acres, more or less. Terms cash Nov.
^ jggj l w STANFORD,
Executor of H K Stanford, dec d.
i C'
When I say Cur® I do not mean merely to
them for a time, and then have them re¬
again. I mean A RADICAL CURE.
I have made the disease of
life long study. I warrant my remedy have to
the worst cases. Because others
is no reason for not now and receiving a cure.
at once for a treatise a Free Bottle
my Infallible Remedy. Give Express
Post Office. It costs you nothing for a
and it will cure you. Address
ROOT, M. C. 183 Pearl St., New York
<0 or Bisques!
Albums, Pocket Books, Pictures, Bronzes. Ms
Groods Boxes,
Inkstands, Portfolios. JPeach Blow Glass , Bronze
Mirrors, Stationery, Chr istmas yym ■■ Jft ■ ■
logue FiLEE free. by mail Goods' or delivered|J express. jj HflPULl
LU uthern Music House.
I a<n agent for the celebrated LxCONTE
ERIES, W .W Thompson, R roprie or,
Smithvilie, Ga. 1 will he glad to show you
specimens and to take your order tor
tree? or vines you need. Mv prices are
as low as any and thettees are unexcelled.
Last Round.
will be at the following places on the dates named
for the purpose of receiving State and County
taxes for 1887. Executions will be issued against
all parties who have not settled by or before the
last date:
X Roads Monday, Nov. 14, from 9 o’clock
ton am
Nov. 14th, T from 1 o’clock to 5 p m
X Roads uesday, Nov. 15, 8 a m
Plains Tuesday, 15, 10 a m to 4 p m
Wednesday X Ro ids 16, 8 a m
Hall Thursday Wednesday 16, 10 a m to 4pm
17, 9am to 3pm
Airy Thursday 17, 4 p m
Ashford’s Friday 18, 8 a m
Spring Friday 18, 10 a m to 3 p m
Wednesday Tuesday 22, xo a m to 3 p m
23, 10 a m to 3 p m
Grove Shop Wednesday 23, 4pm
19th—Court Thursday 24, 8 a m
Shop Friday ground 24,10 a m to 3 p m
25, 8 a m
19th Friday Saturday 25th, 10 a m to 4 p m
Hill 26, xo a m
Mill Monday Saturday 26, 2pm
28, 10 a m to 4 p m
Point Tuesday Wednesday 29, 10 a m to 4 p m
30, ir am
hitesville Saturday, Dec. 3d, 8 am to 4 p m
Monday and Tuesday S. Dec. HUNT, 5th and 6th.
Tax Collector.
-y AJ* -y- 1 a* o X jnLJN A Jj V_/JL> U
Attorney at L»w
Hamilton, _ - - Georgia,
Will practice in all the courts of the
S fatfe F pedal attention given to eolbetions
Also money to loan on improved
farms, on 2 3 and 5 yeais time, at 8 per
cent Per annum. Conn* and see me.