Newspaper Page Text
iu.Ir’'AihanyTca.^and «ra» " t.non^th^
killed seventy-six.
A man in Giles county, Tenu., fired both
loads in his gun into a flock of twenty-five
ducks and killed twenty-two of them.
A hen in Woodford county, Ills., chased a
cat away from her two kittens and then
adopted them. The lien cuddles them, and
when she clucks the kittens have learned to
hover under her wings for protection.
Two well to do men of Fort Gratiot, Mich.,
stole nine hens from a farmer near that
town. The farmer an<l several of Lis neigh
bors, armed with pitchforks,' surrouuded
fchem as they were departing with their plun
der and compelled them to pay $30 for the
A carrier pigeon sent from Cortlandt street
New York, alighted the other day on the
window of a shop in Spencer Mass. Under
the bird s wmg was a paper with this written
on it: “Give me corn, and water to drink and
bathe in, and requested; let me go.” The owner of the
shop did as and the pigeon, much
refreshed, flew away.
A Jackson (Mich.) father bought his sona
handsome target rifle with which to kill spar
rows. The lad has owned the gun nearly a
year, has shot off one of his fingers, ruined
two suite of clothes, has been thrashed by a
a neighbor’s boy for shooting at the family
cat, and has managed to kill one sparrow, for
which he is entitles! to 1 cent bounty.
On the flock Blue mountains, near Pine Grove,
Pa., a of fifty wild turkeys we^e started
from the brush by a teamster driving along
the road. In Vising they frightened the man’s
horses and they ran away. Hunters fol
lowed the flock of turkeys and succeeded in
bagging ten. Three other large flocks were
flushed by the hunters. Wild turkeys, it is
reported, have not been * so plenty in thirty
years as they are this fall on the Blue moun
‘T: A restaurant * m Providence, R. BI I., secured ,
a dozen or 80 c l uails a few days before the
game law Was off aud was arranging them in
his fee b6x one morning when a friend told
him that he was liable to a fine of $20 for
^ach.biydi^vmd m bis {wssession. The birds
of hifeustomers looked over the bill of faro
and asked: “Have you any quails?” “No,”
replied the proprietor, “the law won’t let me
keep them, but I have some of the best imita
fcions of .quails that you ever saw.” lheimi
fco thfi real
Swinburne’s new volume is called “I^o
Max Muller is to publish “Biographies of
“Charles Egbert Craddock” will spend
most of this winter in Boston.
Robert Louis Stevenson’s favorite novel is
Dumas’ “Vicomte de Bragelonne.”
Marion Crawford, with his wife, a daugh¬
ter of Col. Berdan, is about to settle in Wash¬
ington, D. C.
The Turks are coming forward in history.
Lieut. Col. Talat Bey has written the “Bat¬
tles of Plevna.”
The Woman’s World, to be published in
London under the editorship of Oscar Wilde,
promises to show a high order of typographi¬
cal and illustrative art.
It is said that once in happy Finland the
average publication of books was one yearly.
In 1855 the average had increased to ten. But
the the world world is is growing growing worse worse and the yearly
jleld numbers 1,290 volumes,
“The, Fr<yen Pirate,”,Harper & Brothers,
by W. Clark Russell, Ts a Franklin Bquare
library edition of one of the author’s clever¬
est and mastr.readable of iflhktratlons sea tales, with the new
feature by process engravings
from drawings by Macnab.
J The DonneUy-Shakespeare incident has in
duced Messrs. Funk & Wagnalls to republish
a fac simile edition of the 1623 folio edition
of Shakespeare, on which the Donnelly cipfeer
to^raphic reproduction >t the nZrinnFrZ original re
duced to crown octavo size, and is now in
P ress ”
There are over 15,000 Italians in New
■Jenny fcm Lind once had an offer of marriage
Dean Stanley.
■Mrs. J. A, Logan has sold the Logan home
Wm Chicago for $40,800.
empress of Brazil, who used to be plain
jp^st wancing to ugliness, has grown beautiful with
Mrs. Cleveland shook hands with 3,000
■rking girls during her recent reception at
■idgeport, Conn.
f Mrs. Sachs, the St. Louis cook who threw
y pancake at Mrs. Cleveland, is on exhibi
on in a dime museum.
|Mrs. Hubbard, Attorney General Garland’s
lother, will join the cabinet ladies in holding
Igular I receptions this season. She has been
too poor health heretofore to do so.
|Mrs. W. F. Storey says that for ten years
£e accompanied her husband daily to his
picago Times office and assisted him in his
fork there, missing only two days in all that
The queen of Corea is the real sovereign at
loul. She has recently insisted upon the
tpulsion of the Chinese readmit by the king,
er majesty is now making overtures to
toladeleine Gamier, a niece of Joaquin Mil-
5r, is a clerk in the first assistant postmaster j
eneral’s office. She lives entirely alone in
ke tog cabin erected by MUlor on Meridian
til, L-have just outside of Washington. She seems
I lit no danger in her out of the way re
and attributes her lack of nervousness ,
I par conscience and the possession of a
■ rJiss _revolver.
lint Hildegarde Oelrichs, whose engage*
to Mr. Henderson, of the Anchor line
|steamships, ^ion is announced, has won a repu
in fashionable circles for her pluck in
|e jadlfcy hunting field. When visiting at the
Martins shooting box in Scotland
P brought down a stag with her rifle, and
kt year she excited the enthusiasm of the
fountains. IS “ 6 a ^ ta " in the E0Cky
Affctotle founded the science of botany
joub«47 B. C.
itantine, king of the Scots, punished
inness with death, A. V. 870.
> engraved plates first
ts from copper
heir appearance about 1450, and were
i [helart produced in Germany.
of making glass bottles and drink
to gasses was known to the Romans befofe
© year 79. Bottles were made in England
sj|ring fc|jL04 an the English hair long, prelate and preached moved against his
(‘arfrs pjregation. that he was allowed to crop the entire
^Btead v/as known in the patriarchal ages,
u the baking of it became a profession at
J70 B. C. Bread was made with yeast
jr English bakers in 1634.
[In the second Punic war the Roman consul,
laudius Nero, with a picked body of 1,000
1 and 6,000 foot, marched 225 miles in
k days, or at the rate of over thirty-seven
lies a day. v •
[The compass box and hanging compass
;ed by navigators were invented by William
V%>we, an English divine and natural
iSsopher, in 1608. the The Chinese, compass 1115 is said B. C., to
rvm been known to
id/l)rought to Europe by Marco Polo, A. D,
. D. 1302.
Books were originally bound in oakeri
^ards, such being the manner in which was
tund tho : manuscript copy-bf the four Evan- Evan
the book qn which the kings of Eng
ad, from Henry I to Edward VI, took their
ronation oath. Velvet was used in the
iurteenth century, and silk 4bon after.
^■pxry, Aikmi was introduced early in the Fifteenth
and leather about the same time.
^Hh binding came into general use in 1831.
the ugliest of the finny tribe is the •
|^K^dld ■ y Vp, a slimy creature not even an enthus
venture to touch. The enormous
extends in a semi-circle from side to
is the most prominent feature of the
1|H l^Ked wedge shaped body. The colors are ill
and impress one with their dirtiness,
to the disagreeable effect. Repulsive
::g as the toadfish is, it is said to mani
^Hunore 'Big fishes, care redeeming for its young its than is usual by
HI * appearance
oral character.
We must eat or wo cannot live,
This We all know. But do we all
know that we die by eating ? It is
said we dig our graves with our
teeth. How foolish this sounds.
Yet it is fearfully true. We are ter
rifled at the tnmroaoh 4 of the cholera
nml j ellow lVv. r yet then, is a dis
ease-constantly at our doors and m
our louses ai mole dangerous and
destr uctive . Most people have m
their oWn stomachs a poison, more
slow, but quite as fatal as the genus
of those maladies di which sween \ men
»»to . . eternity . •+ i by thousands without .
"anung in ® urn s o gieatepi- if
demies. But it is a mercy that,
we are watchful, we can tell when
we are threatened. The following
ore f 6 ninono* among the the symptoms, HvninirmiH jet vet thev they
a ,° not »«ceManly appear al in
the same order, nor are they ways
y ie same ill difleient cases. i here
is a dull and sleepy feeling; a bad
taste in the mouth, especially ill the
morning* g^ the appetite is change
y 8 etimes poor ftnil P ft
seems as though 1 fi tile patient ,. could , .
not eat enough, and occasionally no
appetite at all; dullness and slug
gishness of the mind; no ambition
f 0 study or work ; more Ol* less head
ft( .p 0 an( j heaviness ill tlie head* *
dizziness . . . , to the ,, ictd . ,
on using oi
moving suddenly; furred load and coat
ed tongue; a sense of a on the
stomach that nothing removes ; hot
and dry skill at times* yellow tinge
in tho ejres; ’ scanty ami bigli-colored
mme . ? . soui, taste taste in 111 the month nioutU, fre tre
quently attended by palpitation of
the heart; impaired vision, with
spots that seem to be swimming in
<fc} ie a j r Before the eyes; a cough,
w \ tb a greenmh-co oreJ exp. cto
ration; pool* nights rest; a sticky
slime about the teeth and gums;
hands and feet cold and clammy;
irritable temper \. and bowels bound
^ p0Htl p Thi(J (1iK( , nKfi , ms
puzzled iiai tlie physicians i * * and ia.*h Htill puz¬
zles them. It is the commonest of
ailments and yet the most compli¬
cated and mysterious. Sometimes
it is treated as consumption, some¬
times as liver complaint, and then
again as malaria and even heart dis
ease. But its real nature is that of
constipation and dyspepsia. It arises
in the digestive organs and soon
- affects all the others through the
corrupted and poisoned blood.
Often the whole body—-including
the nervous system—is It eraUy
started , even when there is nc
emaciation to tell the sad story.
Experience has shown that there is
put one remedy that can certainly
cure this disease in all its stages,
namely, Shaker Extract of Roots or
Mother Seigel s Curative Syrup. Ii
never fails but, nevertheless, no time
should *be lost in trying other so
called remedies, for they will do n<
good. Get this great vegetable
preparation, (discovered by a vener
able nurse whose name is a house
hold word in Germany) and be sure
to get the genuine article.
Shaker Extract of Roots or Sei
gel s Syrup has raised me to good
health after seven doctors had given
me up to dife with consumption.—
writes R F Grace ’ Kirkman
Viile, loud Go., Ky.
"I had been about givdnhp to
die with dyspejisia when I first wtw
the advertisement of Shaker Extract
using four bottles I was able to at
tend ta my business as well its ever
I know of several eases of chills and
! fever that have been cured by if
So writes Mr. Tbos. Puli uni, of Tay
lor. Geneva Co., Ala.
^ Evans, of the firm
of Evalm A Bm . Merchant*. Horn
JoWu. Accomack Co., Vn. writes
^ , |0 , t t )0ell Mirk wi n, digestive
, f h .,,1
’ ‘
^* , UH • ^ , 1IUU1 V pbysu*«uis , ■; rtlu i , De a¬
cities without bene At. lb* began to
U(je s , lftkel . fotrtM . k „f U , HtU or , Sci .
j g e ]' s Syrun about the 1st of Jan.
ES87, niid was so much better in
, ^ „ , 0( „, sl . t . ,, !(l him .
ae u * ptrtetieiiln - ,, a , VMit it ,, null, , He
ad(la . -J l mV c at this time one hot
„ hand, ami if I could not get ?
mor ,. / , r ,„ M no( t(lke a en
dollar bill for it. ”
All driu^dsts V or Address A J
w >* . line, .. T n 1 eu. * r .t 1 xy ' • 1 * ui ‘ v y *
Au Old and True Friend.
Such is Thomas, die ‘No-Shodti
clothier of Columbus, to the we
dressed portion of the people of th
county of Harris. He has done a
much as any man to educate the
taste in dress and to teach them th;
it pays to wear good clothes and t
always buy the best. He proves th
last proposition on every establishc custome
for every sale he makes
its truth. A man cannot buy a su
of Thomas without being pursuade
before he needs another that it ptq
to buy the best. his
Mr. Thomas, at store next L
the Rankin House, is constantly ri
ceiving his fall and winter clothing
He makes a specialty of weddin
outfits and he can suit you if yo
contemplate matrimony, He als
carries a full line of samples and h
can suit any taste in his special ordt
U’anietl For This Week
j 15,000 aide bodied customers to bu
| Boots and Shoes at W R Be deli’s, and t
j indneo you to come I will tu«ke yon tl;
! following lihersl offer : Wtiole stock k;
j boots, double sole, long legs $1 und 75. roi.u I)
$2 25, and a good boot codd u
ble sole brogans $1 25 and a good ou<
whole stock at S$1 00. A womst*'s c**l
hoe for $1 50, and a good une fur $1 2
j ud<3 #1 0(7
We v n*d cull e«peci«l after. tioii f o on
Gent’s calf, seamless Congress and Bal
morals at $2 99 and our Ladie’i* IGngaru
button at $2 49 and $2 00. These
h re warranted and every pair is made t
ordfe' and for retail trade. My stock i
shoes is larger than ever and I would es¬
1 pecially invite my friendt and the pnhli
to an inspection of it.
W. K. Bkdkix,
1130 Broad Street,
Columbus, G >.
BllCklen’S AriUCil Sill ve,
Tb* best Salve io the wurld for ents,
brnnes, snrep, ulcers, suit rhtnoi, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblain*
I corns, and all skin eruptions, and po m i
tively cures pile*, or no p»y required I
\'* ik chttanleed to give per feet satisfaction
or money refnnded. Price 25e jer box.