Newspaper Page Text
J. L. Dennis, Proprietor.
December 9,.................... 1887 .
•v. Columbus (S-l H m a. 3 6 10 a. m
Leave Hamilton s*-vO Wh m CL 3 8 15 a. m
Arrive Greenville \r> CX 3 9 50 a. m
Leave " t-'OO 8 C5 3 1050 a. m
Leave Hamilton 80 3 1 00 p. m
Arrive Columbus M O c4 3 2 35 p. m
Local Page.
Notice This!
A little more money needed. If you have
not settled >our acc< unt y< u are in
dividually and personally re¬
quested to call at the D* ug
Store and d<> so at once.
Very Respectfully,
Preaching Sunday- Night.
Rev W D McGregor will prech at tbe
Methodist church Sunday evening at 7
o’olook. He will leave Monday morning
following for conference.
The First Tuesday.
There were crowds of peoplo in town
Tuesday. A larger number ha* not been
seen ou our streets in a loDg time. But
litlle property was sold nod the bidding
on this was not spirited. Evidently tbe
many folks did not come to buy lard.
Mr Sum Hunt, the county tax collector,
occupied a corner in the grand jury room
in the court bouse and judging from the
crowd around him all day he was the at¬
traction. John Barleycorn got in seme
heavy licks and more people left town
drunk than wo have before Reen in a iong
They Want Him Back.
The following resolutions explain them¬
selves and we publish them with pleasure
as showing the high esteem in which his
churches hold Brother McGregor.
Whereas, the conference year is draw¬
ing to a close, and as this is the last ap¬
pointment Rev W D McGregor, our pas¬
tor, will fill for ua we cannot part with
him vithont an expression of our estima¬
tion of his services ns preacher in charge
of the Himilton circuit. Therefore be
solved 1 st, By the churches at Mt
Zion and Prospect that in Bro. MoGregor
we have had for two years a
zealous in the cause of the Master, uutir
ing m labors, abounding in good
end fearless in the discharge of any
which he believed would promote tbe
best interest of the church, and that
charge under his ministration has
and developed spiritually; and we
nestly hope he will be returned to
ue and enlarge the work so
begun. d, That this preamble
Resolved 2 und
resolutions be spread upon the
of the church conference, and that
Secretary furnish Bro. McGregor with a
copy of same.
B. H. Robertson,
Dec. 4. 1887. Secretary,
aoSe?of , reduc'd'
on boote rv , W uH your lessened
income b • >
Local and Personal.
We are having typical Xmas weather.
Mr. Rafe Kimbrough, ot Talbotton,was
in the city Wednesday.
Mrs J B Mobley spent two days in Co¬
lumbus this week with relatives.
Hou W A Little, Speaker of the House
of Representatives, was in town Monday.
The burglars made a water haul last
night. It was a typical night for such a
C.ipt T E Blanchard, of Blanchard,
Humber & Co., Columbus, was in town
Mr and Mrs Wru Gr*-e , of Eiler.-lie,
spent Monday m town, tbo guests of Mrs
Jane Ely.
Mr N S Solomon, of tbe fiim of S T
Coleman & Co , Macon, was in the city
Ibis week.
Misses Daisy and Sophie Wright, two
charming young Misses of Atlanta, are
visiting Mrs. J. L. Dennis.
Miss Emmie Sparks is on a visit to her
sister in M <rvyn, Ah*, She expects to
remain there several weeks.
Miss Maggie Cook, after a visit of sev
eral weeks to her brother’s family, re
turned to Columbus Wednesday.
If young men could be persuaded to
let whiskey alone how much less of heart¬
ache and miseiy there would be in this
Mrs M Wolfson left for her home in
Columbus Tuesday morning. Mr Wolfs
son has business that will detain him here
a few weeks longer.
Miss Bettie Crowder, of Meriwether
county, and Miss Tennie King, of Co¬
lumbus, were the quests of Mrs. B. C.
Kimbrough this week.
Judging from the number of drunken
men on our streets recently money mat¬
ters are easier than usual—that is unless
the stuff is sold on time.
Rev W A Farley and wife are now fully
intailed at the hotel and the traveling
public as well as the regular boarders find
ample provision made for their.wants.
Already the little tolks are
to the old folks what they would
Santa Claus to bring them and the old
folks are beginning to arrange forturkies
and the like
Miss B Combs Wood charmed a small
but select audience by her superior elo¬
cutionary powers in the college on Satur¬
day night' She would have had a better
audience on any other evening in the
week, and it is a matter of regret that
she could not be persuaded to remain
over and give another exhibition Mon¬
day night.
It is generally understood that the la¬
dies will have a public dinner and oyster
supper or something on that order daring
the coming holidays. They hope to se¬
cure the aid ot tbe entire community and
that of all sympathizing
outside of the corporate limits in
laudable effort to raise funds to
the Methodist church.
For the first time m a long while
peace and quiet of our town was disturb¬
ed Saturday night by drunken men.
may have been their first offense of
kind, and we admonish them in ail kind
ness to let it be the last. If they wan
tba re 8 P 8ct “ d c0D,idence of ali good
people they can soo^win it by a
and gentlemanly deportment
The following jurors have been drawn
to serve at the April term, 1888, of Har¬
ris Superior Court:
J W Williams C P Murrah
L M Brawner W H West
G A Myhand T R Ashford
H C Jones Geo W Poer
G W Andrews W I Hudson
J D McGee £ J Holt
L C Averett R P Robinson
W L Bryant J R Thompson
U H Lavfield J M Kimbrough
J A Murrah J F Sutton
Jno S Hadley S J Smith
Jno F Harris Mai Wolf son
J D Robinson R C Milner
T H Kimbrough J F Jenkins
L W Stanford J W Wyche
Geo E Grant B J Hamer
W M Jones J W Nix
J D Myband M H Grant
W B Boles J L Binns
Edgar R Kilpatrick B C Bennings
Ehsba Mallins J T Hnff
B N Blanton B F Hill
a J Hubbard T N Porter
C C Murray Thos R Greene
L T Wood Carter Griffin
H T McDaniel Jno T Roberts
T J Brown B F Hudson
Sam Moore R E Mason
J T Jackson Chas J Herring
A J Haling Jno Moultrie
Jno I Wright J M Greer
JT Kilpatrick B G Whitten
G N Murrah J Y Moore
W F Smith W H Grant
W L Jenkins •8 8 Sivils
G M Hcl ! a: d A H Crawford
T B A nder 8 on J T Dorougb jr
W J Gun moll J T Sanrls
W P Talley J M Muhins
J A Hastey J W Mitchell
E A McCord E H Huguley
Geo G Davis J T Moncritf
W F Mullins C M Hamby
H H Milner G W Babb
T F Moon S H Harrington
Marion Smith Jno B Story
E W Champion B F Bryant
J C Hargett L G Haines
8 H Hendry T P Hutchinson
Jas H Hawkins Jas Hubbard
Wm Carrington H L McOalla
Burglars at Work.
Last night about half past eleven o’clook
an attempt was made !o open the iron safe
in the office of Hudson & Johnston,adjoin
ing their ootton warehouse. The attempt
was evidently made by professional bur¬
glars. One of the hinges of the safe door
was blown off and a bole was drilled in
the upper part of the safe, but for some
cause the blast was not made. Several
parties were on the street and giving the
alarm the burglars made good their es¬
cape, leaving an axe and a pick behind.
The night was pitchy dark and rain was
falling so that pursuit was impossible. It
is hoped that they may yet be captured.
. Consumption Surely Cured.
To the Editor Please inform your
readers that I have a positive remedy for
the above named disease. By its timely
use thousands of hopeless cases have been
permanently cured. I shall be glad to
send .■ two bottles of my —1 emedf free to
any of your readers who 13* ave consumption
if they will send me their express and
post office address Respect’y, N.
T A Sloobm, M 0, 1SJ Pearl at., Y.
f {
Operating Surgeon and Physician,
Broad St.* Colnmbu
I have sold out Sold my Out. entire stock o i
goods, Ac., to Blanchard, Humber & Co.
J. S. Garrett & Sons and J. W. Murphey.
and have ceased to do business.
1887. S R MURPHEY. J
Nov. 29 tb, 1
Harris County Sheriff’s Sales
Will be sold before the court house door
in the town of Hamilton, Harris county.}
Ga highest , within the legal hours of sale, to the}
bidder, for cash, on * he first Tues
day in Jan 1888, the following described
property, viz:
Forty acres of land, more or less, situated in the
17th district of Harris county, with all the improve¬ of
ments thereon, bounded on the north by lands J
E Appier, trustee, east by lands of W H McCullohs,
sou th by J H Byrd, and west by J H Byrd. Levied
on as the propety of W H McCullohs to satisfy a fifa
issued from W Harris H McCull Superior Court in favor of T J
Pearce vs hs.
Also, at the same time and place, two bales of lint?
cotton, 3,000 pounds of seed cotton, more or less, un¬
gathered of in field, 35 bushels of cotton seed and
pounds of C O and seed C cotton. H Trammell Levied upon found as the proper¬
ty and in their pos¬
session, the same being the property described in
and levied upon to satisfy a mortgage fi fa issued
from Lacy Harris C H Superior Trammell Court in favoPof John M De
vs and C O Trammell.
Also, at the same time and place, 3,000 pounds of
seed cotton, more pounds or less, 20 bushels of corn, more -
or less, and 500 of fodder, more or less.
Levied upon as the property of Charles Johnston to I *
satisfy Court in a mortgage favor of James fi. fa. issued from Harris Superior |
A. & A. W. Grant vs.
Charles Johnston.
Also, at the same time and place, 2,500 pounds of
seed cotton, more or less, 40 bushels of com, more |
or less, and 1,500 pounds of fodder, more or less.
I .evied upon as the property of Charles Waters to
satisfy a mortgage n. fa. issued from Harris Superior I
Court in favor of James A. & A* W. Grant vs.
Charles Waters.
Also, at the same time and place, 3,000 pounds of
seed cotton, more or of less, 20 bushels of corn, more
or less. 500 pounds fodder, more or less, one two
horse wagon and one ctw and calf. Levied upon as
the property of Bob Benning to satisfy a mortgage
fi. fa. issued from Harris Superior Court in fewer aC
James A. & A. W. Grant Vs Bob Bennitg.
F. M. TALLEY, Sheriff.
VX as, Mrs E A McCalla having applied
for a twelve month’s support out of fhe
estate of J L McCalla, deceesed, «D(j th e
appraisers having made Heir return to
this office as the law r< qmre 3 .
Tnerefore nil persons concerned are
bereoy notified to show cause, if any they
have, by the first Monday in January
Dext, why said return should not be al¬
lowed and stand the judgment of this
Given under my hand and official seal
Nov. 25tb, 1887.
J F C Williams, Ordinary.
VX Tncker an , executors of
the laRt will and Testament of Thom?
Hall, late of said county, deceased, ma i
application for letters of dismission. T,
All persons concerned are hereby m st i.
tified to show cause, if any they have, 1
the first Monday in March next, why let na
tera of dismission should not be grante
said applicants.
Given under my band and official
nature Nov 25th, 1887.
J F C Williams. Ordinary.
Allie Wm Hansford. Hansford VS I Libel Superior for Hams Divorce Court. in
It appearing to tbe court that the de¬
fendant Wm Hansford has not been serv¬
ed, It is ordered and adjudged by the
court that said case be continued anc sers
vice be perfected by publication in the
Hamilton Journal, a newspaper pnblisn
ed ’D said conntv. R A Russei.l,
Plff’s Attorney.
Tbe above and foregoing is a true ex-.
tract from minutes Harris Superior Court
Oct. term. 1887.
A F Truett, CSC
BftM,y^oks R al C J n «L°.^
of crath BpfSi'ESSmtfoofLMt
D.bmty, a