The journal. (Hamilton, Ga.) 1887-1889, December 09, 1887, Image 5

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+ G. + RHODES + & +CO., THE iSOSS FURNITURE DEALERS! submit a few which we cannot and will not be duplicated by any dealer in this part of the country: Genuine Silk Plush Parlor Suites from $35 to $45. Only $45 for a 10 piece solid Walnut Marble-top Toilet suit of Furniture, A 10-piece Maple Marble-top Toilet Suit for only $38. Only $30 for a 10 piece Imitation Marble top Toilet Suit. 250 good, strong Bedsteads from $1 50 up,(and not made of pine either.) 500 Chairs, all styles, from 25 cents up. 12x20 German Glass, onlyj$5. o<||>os-s WE HATE :-:c<l [> Wardrob’es, Sideboards, Hall Stands, Wash Stands, Safes, Tables, Cribs, Cradles, Baby Carriages, Clocks, Pictures, Look ino- Glasses, Chamber Suits, Tin Sets, all of which we will guarantee to sell you 20 cents cheapef than any other in the country. WILL do this is because buy for (17) seventeen Furniture Stores,scattered through The reason we CAN and we our from the Southern States. We frequently place orders for $50,000 worth of goods from factory, when small dealers buy $100 to $150 worth at the time. All of our purchases are made on the same plan, and you, as a man or lady, know that buy cheaper. So look to interests and don 1 t buy an article of Furniture until you get our terms and prices. * we your A. G. RHODES & CO., 1017 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. PERSONAL PICKINGS. The rheumatism has left Prince Bismarck. Consul General Waller has sailed for Eng d. ‘SSK&’ France, 18 a devoted Charles Dickens and his wife were guests f Mark Twain in Hartford, Conn. Mr. Dwight L. Moody, the evangelist, is on : preaching tour through the west. Senator Cullom is one of the most accom¬ plished billiardists among the politicians. - Archibald Forbes will pass the winter in Washington. His health is improving stead fly. J. Randolph Tucker is to receive $5,000 for the efforts he made in behalf of the Chicago Anarchists. Vice Admiral Viscount Kalayama, of the Japanese navy, and four members of his staff flre in ^ ew ^ or k Ben Butler is to present Colby university at Waterville, Me., with a handsome silver foimtain for its grounds. John Wanamaker, of Philadelphia, car ries an insurance on his life to the amount of $600,000 and pa vs a premium of $110,000. Gen. Middleton, of Kiel rebellion fame, has reached the age of 52 and mil be reared from the British army on a pension o $ , • a }£ar. Norton Chase, of Albany, will be the young¬ est member of the New York senate of 1888. Ilia boyish appearance does not belie his years. Rev Abiel Leonard, of Atchison, Kan., wbo had been elected Episcopal bishop of Utah and Nevada, was graduated from Dart college in 1870. When ex-Attorney General Brewster takes his walk abroauh* likes to hear people say that vucto he ue looks as though & he had just stepped o an o pic ure. Mr. and Mrs. James G. Blaine, Jr., have taken a pretty apartment in New York. Mrs. Blaine, who, by the w'ay, seems to get prettier every day, is an inveterate matinee A perfect world of Rockers, from 65 cents up to $16. *50 Imitation Marble-top French Dressers, 17x30 glass, only $8. 50 Marble-top French Dressers; 17x30 glass, only $[4. 250 well made Cotton top Mattresses only $2 50J 300 Bed Springs (12 styles ) from $1 25 up. Full Size No 6 Cooking Stove, complete, only $6 50. Full Size No. 7 Cooking Stove, complete, only $8 50. The full name and title of Owen Meredith, Robert Lytton Bulwer Lytton, G. C. B., G. U. S. I., C. I. E. The grand rabbi of India won first prize at lnarter of a mBUoo . Rev. Dr. R. S. Storrs, in his letter accept ing . the presidency of the American board, fully approves of the recent decision of the board that there is no opportunity for re¬ pentance after death. Cardinal Gibbons told a friend at Mobile that he owed to his grocery store experience and .training more knowledge of human na¬ ture and other useful acquisitions than words will ever be able td express. Miss Phoebe Couzins is no longer United States marshal for eastern Missouri. She succeeded her father, after performing the duties eff the oflice during his sickness, and is j )C succeeded by a ward worker named Emerson. "Rev. w. H. Cobb, who has been pastor of t j ie Congregational church at Uxbridge about ten years, and is also superintendent , of the schools in that town, has received the appointment of librarian of the Congrega tional library in this city. In commenting upon the character of the ‘ fc ^ wor( , „ a Bhort 0 „„ wouM we jj au ,j never took a foreign word that hud an equivalent in her own language.” John L. Murray, of Westport, Conn., is now in his 88th year. He is a tailor by trade, and worked side by side with cx-Prcsident ^ , Andrew Johnson. Mr. Murray says tluit Johnson gained his educat ion by having a iKXik in front-of him while working at lus trade. Governor Waterman, of California, upon assuming his seat recently, had ail the money A the state treasury couutcrl, nesting upon ever) scalof e'tit ba„ l,io.ui ' monev. 81,100.(XK), was all there: and the governor ga\*e an elaborate dinner to all who had a hand in the count, ! Mr. Gladstone, like all incu who get through any amount of work, is evidently very methodical. Not only are his books arranged I in the most orderly and convenient way, but i ^ which he conducts his historical and Homeric researches C0UI1 ty p a . in the midst of a sermon the ) paused, leaped out of 0 ther day he suddenly an open window, and u moment after earn© ko director of the Mot^politan nllmd tendered Mr. Calvin A. Richards a banquet at the Algonquin Club house recently, Ho has been connected with the coiqxjration since 1875, and through his untiring efforts has put the road in the positiou it now holds, lie was present with a bronze statue which was recently brought from Puris. Th<- marriage of Miss Marion Palfrey and Mi 1 E. P. Motley at the residence of Hen. . Palfrey, in Boston, the other evening, was an ovent which brought out a large num her of society people. Over 1,200 invitations were issued, and the house was well filled with friends and relatives. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Phillips Brooks. Thirty-eight years ago two brothers, James M. Gilman and W. H. Gilman, left the old homestead in Tuftonborough, N. H. James went to California and William became a g^j ^uiider, and later a hotel keeper in Nova The brothers met in Boston five ago for the first time since their sepa ration. "They arranged for place a gathering Young's of relatives, which took at hoUl the evening. About 1* pe^on, were present. The Paris Gaulois has this news item about &n American family abroad: “Mr. and Mrs. Vanderbilt, the American millionaires, after having their portraits painted by Carolus Duran, and their .daughters’ by Chaplin, are alx)U t to leave Paris. They will go to Vienna, whc>rc t [ l0 y will remain some time, and then ^ Trieste, where their yacht awaits them lor a cni ise iu the Mediterranean and Bosphorus. They intend to visit Egypt, Athens, C’on Lord Kinnaird, of the British . jieace depu- * tation, is a Bcottisli i>eer and memlier of the house of lords, as well as his father l^efore him. , lie it IS *„ p . o:»*dtnt of ox the utc Young iouu^ Men's Chilian a f K-mUon of London, of the Turkish iLssioa Aid association, copper-* atin „ wit h the -American board, and with his L.vo si-‘ f v *Lo accompany him, warmly c ,.operate ! wLU Mr. Moody in London. He is aouplj interested in reformatory in do* ** A “■ t. -- AND - CONSUMPTION USB y> 2 M W •? i - W iM & t S c J\ Qi , \ -Mr V: .. Uv* ¥a / ' / a. Yf SI wi y / j * ■ • s. \ f y y \S\ • R -v. . \ * * v •/a ss. JP ■ r ' '?//V . v **» » -r J OF SWEET CJtK K3ULL.E5W. .K5 'T’fcr r-weet a-' rather*?*! it >»»s «■ '* g, a«< name. gro«r|,^ - loi-rf the »i»*U Vht So»ilh-rr 8inu-s* aUivuUelnif *ii»| * thwt l«K>«H*ri3 !»** SuoiiiK the wri" u>*r uu<f j*njuuia-e the to ar\»wetfibt taU» in cr«*up Rnti whooa .«M *• f*L li. WlMNI Willi 10 lim , i t- •* i-n^pViJn ">e m*«h«tn pui.t • nu Mi’i' theflnc*nt Knownrens#*f P* table, am oh.' » H vi i ."..J" k y u drn«rt-t r«<*9**' *q.i ^ t fUlg DAQrO H l kJJJS ' : AdvertktlnirBar*^ai (WBrnmet)’h*-nd fa t^cuntrncum^u? mounlon*. *si.w