The journal. (Hamilton, Ga.) 1887-1889, December 09, 1887, Image 6

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FRAZER & DOZIER, Wholesale and Retail HARDWARE, Columbus, nlVllLilUn Ay 'I MM uUUJ llOIlRNAl liiAljt PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. SUBSCRIPTION $1.00 A YEAR. |. L. l>fi.N?sl.S,. . ... Proprietor. HAMILTON, GEORGIA, December 9, 1887 For the Hamilton Journal. UNCLE BILLY BARDEN. In the pine belt of lower Georgia there lived a noted character named William Barden, usually called uncle Billy Barden. Uncle Billy was an unlearned man, ot strong native in¬ tellect and very firm in his convictions and opinions. Though of advanced age he had never learned that he w as ignorant, but thought that “he knew it all,” as he expressed it. Uncle Billy kept the only hotel io the vil lage and was at the same time “de facto” ferryman. On one occasion a runaway couple came to the river and called loudly and earnestly for the ferryman. Uncle Billy served them and while crossing they inquir¬ ed for a hotel. Uncle. Billy told them that he kept the hotel, and he conducted them to it. They were quick to inquire for the ordinary’s office to get a license to marry, Un cle Billy toid them that he was clerk of ordinary and the next necessity vvas a minister ot the gospel and un cle Billey was.not slow in telling them that he was a minister, and in short order he made the two wi ling hearts happy bv performing the ceremony for them. Uncle Billy was fond of telling what an accommodating man he was, how he ferried the couple over the river, issued the license,mar ried the couple and entertained them in his palace hotel all in the same day, and besides he gave them some good and wholesome advice, that is, always to pay the ferryman, pay the hotel man and pay the preacher well and liberally, and good luck would always follow. Uncle Billy was very proud of his hotel and oft en boasted what a splen¬ did house he kept, but all knew that its popularity was due to that pretty little woman who presided over its management. Sales day or the first Tuesday, as uncle Billy always called it, was approaching and he was on the alert to have a fine dinner. Just then Tim Toney, a noted huntsman and a great gourmand, A made k; uis e ap- an pearance with a large turkey gobbler and soon uncle Billy was bidding for il One dollar was too much. Tim - declareu that he would hot tak± less but after much talk he decided to take 75 cents on condition that he was to have Irs dinner off the turkey, an d so the tiade w..s clu&ed. The first Tuesd ay came and ’inn was present. Tim tiersuaOed uncle that he was the bea carver in the world, that he could show how to make a great display of the turkey? and would eat his bite and be out of the way of the otler boarders, So when the first bell rang Tim was ad¬ mitted and the fine turkey brought and at it Tim went. In he mem time uncle Billy was outside hinting in loud tones what a,fine dinner he had in store for them. When the second bell rang the visitors, with uncle Billy in the lead, came in. One may guess his surprise when he be¬ held Tim finishing up the last of the turkey and only the bones remained, “ Mr. Toney, where is the turkey meat?” “Why,” said Tim, “I eat it according to contract, and I think 1 can hunt a week on this dinner.” The boarders took in the situation and roared with laughter. Uncle Billy did not buy any more turkeys giving the seller the privilege of a dinner off of it. Lena. Mulberry Grove Dot*. Miss Eva Hunt, of Decatur, was the guest of her uncle, Mr. G. w. Gordon, last week. Mrs. J. T. McLeroy and family visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Gordon. Mr, J. M. McLeroy, of kee, Fla., has been visiting his uncle, Mr. George Gordon, for weeks. He has been sick, but are glad to note that he is rapidly im proving. Mr. Sharp, who was thrown from a wagon eleven weeks ago, is slowly improving. Regina. Brace Up. Yon are feeling depressed, yonr «ppe tite is poor, you are bothered with Head* aobe. you are fidgetty, nervou«, and gen¬ erally out of sorts, and want to brace op. Brace up, rot with stimulants, spring med cines, bitters, which have for their basis very cheap, bad whisky, and which stimulate yon for an hour, and then leave yon in worse condition th*n before. Wbat you want is an alterative that will purify your blood, start healthy action of yonr Live and Kidneys, restore your vitality, and give renewed health and strength. Such medicine yon will find in Eleetrio Hn< j 0D jy 50 cents a bottle at Cook Bros. A man who has practiced medicine for 40 years ought to know salt from sugar; read what he says : Toledo, O., Jan. 10, 1887. Messrs F* J. Cheney & Co.—Gen tiemen : I have been in the general practice of medicine for most 40 yrs, and would say that in all my practice and experience, have never seen a preparation that I could prescribe with as*much confidence 01 success I can Hall’s Catarrh Cure, nianu factored by you. Have pi escribed it a great many limes and its effect is wonderful, and would say in conclu¬ sion that I have yet to find a case of Catarrh that it would not cure,if they would take it accoiding to directions. Yours truly, L. L. Gorsuch, M.D., Office, 215 Summit St. We will give $100 for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured with Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Taken inter¬ nally. F. J. Cheeney & Co., Props., Sold by.druggists, 75c. Toledo, O. Notice lie liters or Buyers. I will rent or sell 200 acres of iscd lying on the waters of Mnlbcir,) creek, a part ot M C Farley’s, (deceased) land Any i for iuat on call on W H Luitreil or Q T Pnrseii, Cis'pley, Ga. A Good One From a Reliable Man. Vald ivi'a,* Ga., Oct. 20, 1886.—M\ boy is 1 :ovv eighteen years old, and has been aw k » 1 bis life, and not able to any work of any kind I thought he han dropsy Ms blood was almost like w-dev. He has never had any appefi'e or color, and was unfL tor anything, being in such an awful condition. I have during the last ten years expected hiin to die at any moment, he could not walk I(i0 witbont resting two or three times. In three or four days after giving him Briggs’ Nunnbetter Tonic Pills be did a whole days work in the field, beiDg so much improved. He now has a good ap ¬ petite ai d is rapidly improving in streg'h and color. 1 know the Pills have given bun a new loose of life, and I recommend them above every medicine on earth. My wife hai« also been in feeble condition for some tim<\ and they have improved also very much. If anybody needsjn ton ic, my a.ivice is, buy B ig&>«’ Nunn bet ter Tonic Pills R H Hutchinson. Sold bv Dr S G Riiev, call on him for few samples Nunnbetter Liver Pills, &a Lippman Bros., Wholesale Drugg sts, Wholesale Agents, Savannah, Ga. Their Business Booming. Probably no one thing has caused such a general revival of trad*- at Cook B os as their giving away to their customers of so many nee tiLI bottles of Dr. Kin'gs New Discovery for Consumption Their trade is simp y enormous ; n this valuable aiticle from, the fact that it always cure- and nev¬ er disappoints. Coughs, colds Ast' ma, Bronchitis, croup, and a 1 ! throa* and lung diseases quickly cured. You can test it before buying by getting a trial bottle free.large size $1. Every bottle warranted. The success of some cf the agents ern ployed by BP Johnson & Co Bicbmood va is truly marvellous It is r.ot an nnnsnal thi Bf 7 for their .gents to make »s high a- S20 end $30e day and soutetimes theirprofl-a run Up as high «8 !p40 aDd $50—even more But we hesitate to tell ion the whole truth, or you will scarcely we are in earnest. Write them and see for what vrib do for yoo. E 4 t 1 m ■’lit 9 S > I s 1 H When 1 say ( i t re I do not mean merely to Stop them tor a time, ami tlien have them re¬ turn again 1 mean’ A .RADICAL CURE. I have made the disease of FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS, A. life long study. I warrant my remedy to uUKE the worst cases. Because others"havo failed is no reason for not now and receiving Fkb Bottl* a cure. Send at once for a treatise a s >f mv Infallible Remedy. Give Express ind Post Office. It costs you nothing lor a ;rial, and it will cure you. Address H.G. ROOT. M.C. 183 Pearl St., NewYork > \ PRESIDENTIAL YEAS \ ft&ft TO KEEP POSTED ON POLITICS SUBSCRIBE FOR THE NEW YORK WEEKLY * HERALD, ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. GrCcltCSt aild ct Family Journal in the United States. AN IMPARTIAL EPITOME EVERY WEEK OF EACH STATE'S POLITICAL MOVEMENTS, THE FOREIGN DEPARTMENT Is UNEQUALED. LATEST AND MOST ACCURATE Cable Specials by the COMMERCIAL CABLES. Fullest Telegraphic Reports of all Ourrent Events. Special Features: Practical Farming. Advance of Science Woman's Work. Short Stories. The World of literature And Art. m Information on all Subjects. Address, James Gordon Bennett, New York Herald, New York City. H 0 L 1 MY FAftCY &OYELTSSS, GOODS, 0> HR3ST&5AS &T CARDS, Albums. Pdfcket Books, Pictures. Bronzes, Bi oues, PJuah Goods, sl? n » ^. j® jr .S-a’IL «r -»• Dressing Cass Jewel Cases, &If flEF? ‘SSmoW’Sets, U.sines, Musio Boxes, ■ U S fet : M Brass Goods, w ™ ~ A r list -aeri¬ als. Inkstands, Portfolio'-' JPeach Blow Glass, Bronze and Mirrors, Birthday Stationery. Cards, Christmas.— S^”C&oa, 7 Ri Js s* a gj a > W iwff»SL. Ml free. G xxte delivered - -4 e I EE by mail or express. LUDDEN & BATES So savan“ ahY caI 8 ®’ ^ ARE YOU CONSUMPTIVE _______ (rheumatism, Female Weakness, and all pains and dia of the Stomach and Bowela. 60c. at Druggist*. H IN DERCOR N S« The safest, surest and best curef or Corns, Banions ^Ao. tocure! 1 16 «nt»atHiscox &Vo., nJY.