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I trust that you in your wisdom
will be able to arrive at some practi¬
cal conclusion and will be able to
plan and establish a lecture system
through which our people can be
reached. I can only recommend
now that you permit and encourage
reorganizations by the payment of a
stipulated amount per capita, a part
of which ought to go to the State
Grange, a part to the organizing dep¬
uty and the balance remain in the
subordinate Grange reorganized. organiza¬
There are other farmer
tions claiming and asking the support
of the agricultural people, and while
we may be satisfied that ours is the
best adapted to the farmer's wants,
yet I trust there will be no antago¬
nism between us, especially f rom our
side, as I believe they will soon see
the conservatism pf our order, and
after considering that ours has stood
the opposition for more than twenty
years, and that we have this long ex¬
perience as an advantage over them ;
when they learn no good is to be ac¬
complished by advancing theories
that cannot stand a test, or by oppo¬
sing other industries, occupations
and professions; when they consider
that the system and principles of co¬
operation adopted by them belong
to and originated in the Grange;
when they learn that their organiza¬
tion originated from the disappointed
members of our order, and that many
of their rules and precepts and much
of their organic law belong to the
order of Patrons of Husbandry;
when it is shown that they are not as
cheap as may seem at first glance,
and but little improvement can be
made on our order, then they will
come in and co-operate with those
who for the past twenty years have
worked to advance every interest of
agriculture. Then permit me to re
mind you that we have no time to
fight or oppose any one, our duty be¬
ing to build up; to work for our oc¬
cupation, our families and our coun¬
try. We have greater difficulties to
overcome, then let us put our blows
where they will do more good.
It will be your duty to vote on two
constitutional amendments. Your
action will be reported to the Secre
tary of the National Grange. I rec¬
ommend their adoption and believe
the first named will help in the work
of reorganization.
ist. Amend Article VII by inserting
in lieu thereof the following:
“A State Grange shall have the power
toregulate the lees for membership with¬
in its jurisdiction, provided however less that
the minimum fee shall not be than
one dollar.”
Under National Grange, section 2,
page 14, Seventh Degree, 1st and 2d
lines, strike out the words: “National
Grange, who have served one year there¬
in,” and insert the words: “Order, who
have received the Sixth Degree;” and
11 the third line, after the word “elec
tion,” add the words: *tupon the pav
” '
ment o. one one /kvLLar W HUr.
Our hearts are made sad when we
realize the tact, - that , two Ot c our 1 ue
loved members are no more with us.
Bro. A. Moffit, who SO long was en
trustecl * With *Ko the Uuc Keys nf Ot t lir iroacnm t easury
and sister Roberts, of Dawson Grange
have both passed over tile river. It
is perhaps unnecessary at this time
for me to say more of these, as you
will •n doubtless u. l^c set aside a Q cnorioiu.r special hour
for I'-'* memorial service and give all an
. - j -
ODDOrtlinity of expressing their appre
of these departed members.
The death of Bro. Moffitt caused
a vacancy in the office of treasurei.
It was my duty to fill the same. After
careful consideration I asked our
worthy secretary to fill his place as
I trust this official act of mine will
meet your approbation.
With this session closes the consti
tutional term for which I was elected,
I have not done what I desired or
probably what many expected I would
do during my term of office. I visit
ed several of our Granges during the
some by private, others by
conveyance, have written during
year an answer to every letter receiv¬
ed from members of our order,a good
many others to business men and to
the members on business, making a
total of more than five hundred, do¬
ing what I could to advance the
terest of ou* order with as little
pense to you as was possible.
I cannot close this report
asking the privilege of returning
heartfelt acknowledgements to each
and all of the membership for
uniform kindness extended to me,
assuring you of my appreciation
the same, and hope ever to be
to cherish with fond
the many pleasant hours of
spent together, and trust you will
able to find one better qualified
the position of Master; one who can
do more for our order than I have
been able to do, that he will receive
the co operation of all, and in the
near future we will see our
tion (and through its effoits) the far¬
mers of Georgia in more
Brethren, I desist by begging
you to be faithful, be true, be zeal¬
ous, be just and fear not.
Respectfully submitted.
T. H. Kimbrough,
Master Ga. State Grange.
Printing. Lithographing, En gra¬
ving , Stereotyping 9 Book Bin¬
ding and Blank Book
The Largest Concern of the kind in the South.
horungtily equipped and oom pJtde wu h
in itnellcthe latent machinery and the
moat skillful woikmen.
Corporations. Manufacturers.
Banks and Bankers. County Officers;
Earmers, Business Merchants, Men Mechanics, Generally
about pi <eing orders for anything in the
above lines, from h visiting card to a
mammoth poster, o>- from « memorandum
book to a mammoth ledger, are requested
to give this hi use a trial.
J.H. ESTILL, Prop..
3 Whitaker St. , Savannah, Ga.
j Ordinary, December Term, 1887. Charles H.
Trammell and Otis V. Fuller, as executors of El : jah
Brakefield, deceased, BrakefielA having filed their petition
probate of Elijah Will msokma
and a appeanne that cnation should.issue to be
served personally on Jesse Homer Brakefield, of Brake
county, and on Ida, Effie, iPAaVu and John R£2?*
field and Sarah e., r a
tie*d%f ^unty!*" a
said is ordered’that the usual ci
tation issue to be served on be them held ten the days first before the
next term of this court, to on Mon
d‘y in January 1888, and that Martha Funderburk
da Brakefield, and the children of Ktziah Middle
tion, that they be cited and made parties by put>!i
cation once a week for four weeks in the
a newspaper published Ga., before in the the town January
Hamilton, Harris county,
Term, 1888, of said Court of Ordinary, and
that this order so published constitute such citation.
1- F - c - wiluams, o«iy.
1888 .
ii mi
jUi mm
The Mirror of Fashion,
4 aYEAR Mm
A Mods Engming to Eray Subscriber.
For Cash Commissions:
2 Copies, - $3 40
3 “ - 4 50
4 * with free to Club Raiser *7 00
5 “ copy *7
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6 9 00
GODEY’S, at the present time, is
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orior to any Ird es’ magazine in America,
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GODEY'S has arranged to give elegant Silver
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The wonderful remedy for
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below is the verdict ot those that have
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Dr W A Gillespie. White Sul; bur Springs
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Dr. Thus. D. Goodwin, Ga ,
says no family should be without it.
Dv. A- G Floyd. Greenville, Ga , says,
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Dr. B. F Hall, Greenville, Gi. says,
Have been prescribing Shaker’s Cordial
fo» several years and cornuier it as safe at.d
reliable rented;; v.s can be had for any one
suffering wi-h bowel or summer complaints
Dr jno. TV. Cameron. Columbus, Ga ,
HSJS. ••1 have never been disappointed in a
instance . prescribing •'■makers cor^
pimiJe in Severut year-’."
din’ and have used same
‘. r ' A Aik.ns.rn .Grenville. Ga.,
says, T 1 IfntliUinii nrt oU.lKeis Shakers U.ur.,ial fhr-ial for lor
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have wrth happv l esu'te.”
A .1 Hinton Oidmary Meriwether Co .
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Manufactured only by
Sold by
D*-. S- 6- Riley : Hamilton, On.
Cook Bros.,
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Bargains! Bargains!
I will offer for the next thirty days, AT
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Clothing, Overcoats and Boots
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I Have too Many in My House,
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Everything in the Dry Goods
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prices . Best Prints at 5 cents,;
Checks , 7 cents; All- WoolJeans
at 25 cents; 40c . Jennsat 33 1-3
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Dress Goods marked way down*
In fact, we will sell anything iri<
the house so low that you will he
astonished. No humbug about
this business Come in and get
my prices and you will see that
Very Respectfully,
Chipley, Ga.