Newspaper Page Text
Habit of Snuff Taking.
,ve had a very considerable acquaint
srith snuff takers of every degree.
whose acquaintance I made
pfentleman living at I Reading Eng
many years ago. was
the way in which the old gentleman
d his nose from a supply he
m ... ‘d Ins that vvaistcoat his . , waistcoat . pocket. , , pocket 1 T afterwanl .
[with I leather for the better keeping
snuff, and also that he had a little
a table standing by his bedside with
pff box, from which he refreshed
ilf in his wakeful moments through
tv was about one pound per week,
lasted, hich I should think at least half
for from his chin to his shoe
Us you could not teU what color of
es , he wore they ,, were all „ so . be
kled with Hanison s Brown.
other phenomenal snuff taker that
|)\v well used half a pound a week,
lid not scatter it about. He told me
lie had an affection of the lachrymal
of one of his eyes, and he found
relief from his snuff taking. Only
A I spoke to a snuff taker of twenty
standing, whose consumption nver
about five ounces a week. I have
snulf taking myself for two
First, I was told I could not
I f^lt sure T could, and I did:
ft ftded second, I found my speaking voice
by the particles of tobacco get
■into my throat. I once took a pinch
■ a friend’s box which caused me ex
■te torture, setting up an inflamma
involved my whole face and
■me from business for a week. That
Btvhat Rfwas adulterated. I have seen noses
disfigured by the too long con
®d use of Irish and Welsh snuff.—
S\ Crows as Pets.
fege has sprang up this summer al
feu of the country places for crows as
1 those who have adopted the
Kd IjjtouUaiuk-s The 'of 6 has this^much proved
i| crow
®re ea«ify domesticated. Once his
^|t clipped and lie is well fed he
I g> very far away. Though at
These Vo iiay exhibit signs of timidity, in
Its leave him altogether and he
one of hLs chief characteristics
l^e lere of company. Wherever people
|t he will prefer to be, and in this
is not unusual for him to become
bance. B%iief, He is, moreover, an incor
The and will carry away every
Kg can lift with liis big beak, pre
\ those things which are bright and
to duller objects. He is a glutton,
p,nd a piece of meat held at a tantal
■ distance from the bird will mvari
provoke a loud and demanding
fv.”—Philadelphia Bulletin.
■ people of the United States use about
■000 lead pencils a year.
C old earth of ours travels over 11,000,
VO miles every seven days.
|t764 St. Louis was laid out in town lota
t8|settlement commenced.
Jpries VII of France in 1445 established
modern standing army.
schools of the United States
to 320,000 teachers.
* cold cut iron nails were manufac
in Cumberland, R. I., and it is said
tpfere the first made in this or any other
Good Advice.
be too eager to show- off your tal
son. Keep dark. Many a man has
eputation for himself by just doing
it all. As long as a man doesn’t try
thing people are ready to believe
le Is equal to do everything. When he
san attempt and fails in one direction
jehu eved to be incapable in all direc
—Boston Transcript.
Reviving Persons Apparently Dead.
At scientists a jpeeting this of the subject last congress discussed, of Ger¬
man was and
Dr. H. Frank mentioned that there are but
first is considered dangerous by him, us it
may easily destroy the last power of contrao
tion remaining in the organ. But what is
termed “pectoral concussion” is decidedly
preferable. Dr. F.’s method is as follows:
Ke flexes the hands on the wrist to an ob
tus^.angle, places them both near each other
in the ileo-caecal region, and makes vigorous
.strokes in the direction of the heart and of
the diaphragm. These strokes are repeated
"r a 10 ss*
trikes the chest over the heart repeatedly
with the P alm of bis hand. In favorable
“ 8e «. this me ‘ ho !* j s «>riy successful, and
*”“*“?!. angles of the f, mouth appears . <* with llds surprising or . «">
rtt idity as the first sign of returning life
As soon as the symptoms aro noted, the
simple manipulations above described
must be earnestly continued and j>er
severed in from half an hour to one hour,
for, with their cessation, the phenomena in¬
dicating beginning return of lifo also cease,
Generally the face assumes a slight reddish
tint, and at the same time a faint pulsation
may be felt in the carotids. Bv this method
Dr. F. has seen life return in fourteen cases,
among whom were such as had hung them
selves, drowned and asphyxiated by carbonic
oxide, and in one case by croup. lu. three
cases of asphyxia by coal gas and in one case
of apparent death by chloroform the method
described alono succeeded.—Medical and Sur
gical Reporter'.
All Broken Up.
Charlie Knickerbocker—What’s tho mat¬
ter, Gus? You theme all bwoke up.
Gus Snobberly—Yeth, Chollio, I'm .1 pwe
feet wreck. Cawt cold lasth night.
“Gweatheaventh! have you been expothin
“I went to the opera, Chollio, and the
scoundrelly usher gave me a pwogwam that
had just been pwinted, and it w.T-h tho dem
moist and damp that I got cliiiicd Urn and
ttai. -Texas .Sifti ng s,.........
Canada expects to furnish homes to u large
number of Iceland emigrants this win^t
At Gardiner, Mo., at a recent wedding, thi
groom was but 19 years of age, while his
bride was GO
Mrs. Jay, 05 years old, was married to the
Rev. Mr. Sargent, 26 years old, at Camming,
Ga., recently.
A genuine sensation was caused recently in
Sheboygan, Wis., by the announcement of
the marriage of Mr. Joseph Keller, aged 73
years, and Miss Mary Baucknecht, a charm
tag damsel hailing from Man itowoc, aged 10.
Remedy for a Black Eye.
There is nothing to compare with the
tincture or a strong infusion of capsicum
annum mixed with an equal bulk of
mucilage of gum arabic, and with the ad
dition of a few drops of glycerine. This
should be painted all over the bruised sur
face with a camel’s hair pencil and al
lowed to dry on a second or third coat
mg being applied as soon as the first 1
dry. If done immediately after the in
jury is inflicted, this treatment will al
most invariably prevent the blackening of
the bruised tissue. The same remedy has
no equal in rheumatic, sore or stiff neck.
-St. Louis Medical Journal.
Brace Up.
Yon are feeling depressed, yonr nppe
tile is poor, yon ere bothered wilh Head¬
ache. you are fidgetfy, nervous, and gen¬
erally out of sorts, and want to brace np.
Brace up, not with stimulants, spring
medicines, bitters, which have for their
basis very cheap, ba<^ whisky, and which
stimulate you for an hour, and then leave
you m worse condition tb»n before.What
you want is an alterative that will purify
vour blood. staTt healthy action of yonr
Live and Kidneys, restore your vitality,
and give renewed health and strength.
Such medicine you will find in Electric
Bitters, and only 50 cents a bottle at
Cook Bros.
We must eat or we cannot live.
This we all know. But do W6 all
k >T that we die by eating 7 It is
said we dl o onl * graves With OUT
teeth. How foolish this sounds.
Vet it is fearfully true. We aro ter
riiied f at the npproach 1.P 1 ° ttcn ° of r the tlio ciiolera cholera
nlld huei, , yet there
is a 018
ease constantly at our doors and in
OUT houses far more dangerous and
destructive. Most people have in
i heir own stomachs a poison more
^ but m Tr thegerms
of those maladies \ v Inch sweep men
mto eternit 01 ' by thousands without
warning demies. in But the it times of great epi- if
is a mercy that,
we are wfltckful i i r t »•«“» tell ; when ,
" r e are threatened. , The following
are among the symptoms, yet they
do not always necessarily appear in
the same order, nor are they always
the same in different cases. There
is a dull and sleepy feeling; a bad
taste in the mouth, especially in the
morning; the appetite is change
a fil e sometimes poor Olid again f* it
seems as though ,, , the patient ,. could , ,
not eat. enough, and occasionally no
appetite at all; dullness and slug
gishness of the mind: no ambition
to study or work; more or less head
ache and heaviness in the head;
dizziness on rising to the feet or
moving suddenly; furred and coat
ed tongue; a sense of a load on the
stomach that nothing removes ; hot
an( j dry skin at times; /. yellow tinge 0
m -lx the eyes; scanty l and liigh-colored , , ,
urine ; sour taste in the mouth, fre
quently attended by palpitation of
the heart; impaired vision, with
epcts that seem to ^ SV vimiiimgin
the a ir before the eye«; a cough,
' vlth » greenish-colored expecto
ration; poor nights rest; a sticky
about the teeth and gums;
hands and feet cold and clammy;
irritable temper and bowels bound
up and costive. This disease Imp.
p UZZ ] e d the plivsicians and still puz
zles them. It is the commonest of
a ;i mentg anf i J V fit th« most cnmnli. n P“
1 ’
filled , , and , mysterious. . Sometimes
it is treated as consumption, some
times as liver complaint, and then
again as malaria and even heart dis
ease. But its real nature is that of
constipation and dyspepsia. It arises
in the digestive organs* and soon
i.u„ ^1.1 1 11. n , ough 1 the ,1
corrupted - and A poisoned blood.
Often the who e body—including
the nervous system—is literally
starved, even when there is nc
emaciation to tell the sud story
Experience has shown that there 1*
t one remml J that ca „ c „ rtain ] J y
cure th ‘ a disease v in . all n its Mages,
namely, , Shaker , Extract of Hoots or
Mother Seigel s Curative Syrup. II
never fails but, nevertheless, no time
should be lost in trying other so
called remedies, for they will do no
good. Get this great vegetable
preparation, able (discovered by a vener¬
nurse whose name is a house
hold word in Germany) and be suit
to get the genuine article.
Shaker Extract of Roots or Sei
crOQ el's Syrup has raised me to good
ealtli after seven doctors had given
me up to die with consumption.—
So writes R. F. Grace, Kirkman
ville, Todd Co., Ky.
“I had been about given up to
die with dyspepsia when I first saw
the advertiaenwnt of Shaker Extract
of Boots 01' Imitfiss Sei el’s Syrup. After
using four I was able to at
tend to my business as well as ever.
I know of several cases of vhixls and
fever that hum been cured by it."
So writes Mr. T1106. Pullum, of Tayv
lor, Geneva 00., Alt...
Mr. Thwmus P. Evansz, of the firm‘
of Evans 8: Bra, Mercimntfi, Horn‘
town. Acmmm-k (30., V9... ‘xn'ites
that he had been sick With digestive had
diserdem for many years mu’i
tried many physicians and medi
cines Without benefit. He began to
£1533 Shaka Elxh‘myt, of {touts 0r Sei
gel‘s Syrup about the lat of Jan.
1887, and was so much bettar in
three weeks that he considered him
self practically a well man. He
adds: “I have at this time one hot
tle on hand. and if I could not get
any more I would not take a ten
.tlodar billfor it." ' , 1
W», Imme 3% ,1
1 iV i fl iWrll E 9 SKI
Aft«r Forty years'
T eiperionce in the
preparation ot more
BW than Oue Hundred
Thousand appUeattons for patents in
the United publishers Stales and of Foreign the Scientific coun¬
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Drawrings and specifications prepared and filed
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The advautagee of «uoh a aotioe every patentee
understands splendidly Illustrated
This large and newspaper and
ie published WEEKbY at $A 0 Oa year, is
admitted to be the beat paper devoted to science, and
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in any country it contains the names
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week. Try it four mouths for oue dollar.
Bold by all newsdealers. write to
If you have an invention to patent
Mnnn A Co., publishers of Scientific American.
•61 Handbook Broadway, New York. mailed frees
about patents
* -•
Wanted For This Week
15,000 able bodied msb-mers lo buy
Boots and Shoes at W H Bedell’s, and to
indooo you to ootoe 1 will t»»ke yon the
following liberal offer : \Vijp>le stot k k<p
boots, double sol®, long legs and solid,
$2 25, arid a good hoof solid $1 75. Dou¬
ble sole brogans $1 25 xnd a good one.
whole stock at $1 00. A women's f
ho<* foi $1 50, and a good one for $1 25
and $1 00,
We would call eepecittl attention »o our
Gent's calf, senmless Congress and Bal¬
morals at $2 99 and our Ladies K <ugaroo
button at $2 49 and $2 00. These ehoen
are warranted and every pair ih made to
order and for retail trade. ' My stock of
shoes is larger than ever and I would ess
penally invite my friendqfnd the public
to an inspection of it.
W. R. Bedell,
1130 Broad Street,
Columbus, Ga.
JBucklen’s Arnica Salve,
The best Halve in the world for ents,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
s’>res, tetter, chapped bands, chilblains,
corns, snd all skin eruptions, and posi¬
tively cures piles, or no pay required It
is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction,
or money refunded. Price 25c per box.