Newspaper Page Text
J. L. Dennis, Proprietor.
Tills I niO rfirCH DADED maybe P.Rowell found & Co on New«pap< do at Ow.
Advertising * r
Bureau (lOSpruce St.),where in adverts*
»ng contract*may be made for It NEW YORK
December 23.................. 1887
€. «fc R. R. R. SCHEDULE.
Columbus....... W VA y m. 6 10 a. m
Leave Hamilton ....... (A *o m. 8 is a. m
Arrive Greenville........ Ol y m. 9 50 a. m
Leave “ p 10 50 a. m
Leave Hamilton ........ 00 » m. x 00 p. m
Arrive Columbus........ o » a 35 p. m
Local Page.
Returned to Hamilton Circuit.
Rev W D McGregor has been returned
to the Hamilton circuit and will probably
fill his regular appointment at the JJeth*
odist church Snnd<y. Ibis will be his
third year on tbe ciiouit and we trust it
will be even more fruitful of good works
than the preceding years. He will board
his family at the hotel.
Tbe news of the marriage of Col C J
Thornton to Miss Lon Oalboun in Colum¬
bus Tuesday morniug reached our town
before the close of the d »y. He is well
known this county as odc of the most
successful members of the Columbus
bar, and he has numerous good wishes
from friends here for his future happiness
with the lady of his choice. The couple
left immediately after the ceremony fora
bridal trip north.
A Card.
DrM O Hunt having located in Hamil¬
ton for 1 be purpose of practicing medi¬
cine offers his services in all the different
branches of the profession. After thirty*
one years of flattering experience he feels
justified in saying that be is prepared to
successfully treat any curable disease in¬
cident to our climate. Charges reasona¬
ble. Office south of court house nea
printing office Residence next year
dwelling now ocoupied by Hon H 0 Com*
Dec 2lst, 1887.
Conference Appointments.
Columbus district—W. M Hayes, pre
siding elder.
Columbus —St. Luke, A. M Wil¬
liams : St. Paul, W. F. Lloyd; Broad
street, J. G. Maulden; City mission T.W
Dai ly; Cusseta circuit, E. R. McMicha
el; Beuna Vista and Brantley, B. S. Sen
tell; Marion circuit, J. B Wardley; EI
laville circuit, C. D. Adams; Schley
circuit, W. W Tidwell; Butler circuit J.
T. Lowe; Crowell circuit, supplied by
J. 0. Greuer; Talbotton station, H. R.
Felder; Talbotton circuit, N. D. Moore
house: Geneva eiremt,’L H Green; Ca¬
tania circuit, H. €. Button; Hamilton oil*
enit, W D McGregor, Tazwell mission,
W. M. Watts, Central cirouit W. E. Mum
Juocal and Personal.
Mr S R Murphey spent Taesd »y in Co¬
Re? Jas A Davis,of Macon, was a guest
of the hotel Tuesday.
Mr J G Bloodsworth, of Savannah, was
registered at the hotel Monday.
Mies Mamie Manll intends spending the
holidays with friends in Chipley.
Mrs W S Robinson,of Coimubu*’, is the
guest of her sister, Mrs 8 R Murphev.
Prof R B Brooks, of the Gordon Insti¬
tute, B<irce»sville, was in the city Toes
Mr M b Johnston will leave Monduy
for Bainbridge to spend a few days with
Mr T H Cowsert, of Columbus, came
np Wednesday afternoon and spent the
night with relatives,
Judge J M Mathews and R M Willis,
prominent legal lights of Talbotton, were
in town Monday on legal business.
Mr C E Johnson, of Greeuviile,a form
er resident of this place, was shaking
hauds with his f rieuds here Tuesday.
Mrs H C Cameron and her little daugh¬
ter Mamie, returned last Saturday from
a several weeks visit to relatives in Co¬
lumbia, Ala.
Rev W A Farley will preaoh at Chipley
Sunday. He will change his appointment
to the third Sunday, so as not to conflict
with Rev I P Choney, who preaches there
on the foarth.
Prof J W Dozier is making use of his
holidays in selling electrograph pictures.
He wa« in Macon last week and beard the
closing speeches in the famoas Waolfolk
Last Sunday was a cold day, but church
goers turned out in numbers to bear Rev
I P Cheney of the Baptist church. His
sermons are earnest and i npressive and
he is growing every day in the affections
of the people.
Mr J L Riley, a student of the State
University at Athens, came home Wed¬
nesday to spend the holidays with h:s pa¬
rents. Mr L W Stanford, who is aho at.
tending the University, is expected this
afternoon to spend Xmas.
Master Willie Dozier left Monday for
Teunille to stay with his brother who had
charge of the telegraph office at that
place. - Willie is learning telegraphy and
gives fair promise of becomiug a success¬
ful manipulator of the wires.
Dr J O Hunt has rented Mr H C Cam¬
eron’s residence west of the courthouse
for the coming year and will be given
possession about tbe first of January. Mr
C imeron speaks of moving to Columbus
but we hope he will find it to his interest
to remain in Hamilton.
The official board of the Methodist
church met recently and contributed funds
to repair the church. On examination
of the roof it was fonnd that the damage
was not so extensive as it was first sup¬
posed and the cost of the work will be
only nominal. The prompt measure of
tbe board takes tbe matter ont of the
hands of the ladies and the proposed pub.
lie dinner during tbe holidays has been
If you want to save money in you
foot wear aud at the same time get fiist
class boots aud shoes, call at the sign of
tbe big Blaot Bear, Columbus', Ga., and
buy from O. J. Edge.
School Gills.
Why do school girls like north eRSt
winds? It brings ch-ps to their lips.
Should it bmg colds to their , beads, let
them take Taylor’s Cherokee Remedy of
Sweet Gntu and Mullein,
The Ilf an In the moon.
How does the sailor know there is a
man in the moon? Because he has been
to (sea), f annd states that whenever he
has a cold he takes Taylors Cherokee
Remedy of Sweet Gnm and Mullein.
............ ——^»i m iffr — -
Malaiu does not always reveal its pres¬
ence by chills or regular shakes. Your
sy.-t< m may be full ci' it and none of these
symptoms be present. You will feel mis
e-iable, think you are bilious, take purga¬
tives anfkonly feel weaker and wovse. be
cause the malarious poISOn is still opera*
tive. A dos * of Shallenbergeis Pil’s will
show you next morning that you have hit
the real enemy, and a dose oi two more
will remoAs every vestige of the poison.
Thev never the stomach, do not act on the
b wels, but simp y destroy malaria.
See to it that Lax dor, the golden remer y
lor all stomach disorders is always in the
house. Sold by all druggists for ‘25 cents a
pa< kage. *
There is nothing 'n the world more beau
tifu] than a fine hea'thy baby. Keep it so
by using Dr Bulls Cough Syiup 25cents.
“Laws grind the poor, and rich men rule
the law. 9 9 But let us be thankful that any
poor sufferer enn buy with only 25 cents a
bottle of Salvation > ii.
The enormous sale of Dr Bulls Couth
Syrup has developed many new r m -<lo>s
but the people ding to the old rehab o, Dr Cough Syrup.
Notice This!
A little more money needed. If you have
not nettled \ our acc' unt you are in
dividually and personally re
quested to call at the Drug
Store and do so at once.
Ve*y Respectfully,
(jHS, CiiaU tfei.
—AND -
1 s AV 3
' ■$.
Y 11 m
Vk W
x\\ Ad
• *
m 2
a, t»
The sweet gum. as gathered from a tree of the
same name, growing along the small streams in
the Southern States, contains a stimulating ex¬
pectorant principle that loosens tbe phlegm stimulates pro¬
ducing child the early thro wolf morning the false cough, membrane and in croup
the to combined with the
and whoopir.e-cough. mucilaeinon? When principle in the mullein
healing plant of the old fields, presents in TAYLORS
LEIN the finest known remedr for Couchs. Croup,
W r ho-»pJnc- r.irhan'ies and So pala«
iLio, i is pleased t take it. Ask jour
l ace CAc. and •!.**<* Ta.
. r.S A TAYLUK, At» v v
Operating Surgeon and Physician,
Broad St., Columbus.
C. J. Edge, the leading boot and
dealer of Columbus has reduced
on boots and shoes to meet your lessened
inoonue by short crops.
Their Business Booming:.
Probably no one thing has caused such a
general revival of trade at Cook B os. as
their giving away to their customers of so
many free trial bofties of Dr. Kiu’gs 15ew
Discovery for Consumption. Their trade
is simp y enormous in this valuable article
from rhe fact that it always cures and nev¬
er disappoints. Coughs, colds Asthma,
Br mcbitas, croop, and aU throa and lung
dig -ses quickly cured. You can test it
before buying by getting a trial bottle
freed are e size $1. Every bottle warranted.
Harris County She riff's Sales
Will be sold before the court hom e door
in the town of Hamilton, Harris county,
Ga , within the legal hours of sale to the
highest biddc , for cash, on ♦he first, 'lues
day in Jan 1888, the following desciibed
properly, viz:
Forty district acres of of Harris land, more or less, situated in the
17th thereon, county, with all the improve¬
ments bounded on the north by lands of J
E Appier, trustee, east by lands of W H McCullohs.
sout h by J H Byrd, and west by J H Byrd. Levied
on as the propety of W H McCullohs to satisfy a fifa
issued from Harris Superior Court in favor of T J
Pearce vs W H McCull hs.
Also, at the same time and place, two bales of lint
cotton, gathered 3,000 in field, pounds of seed cotton, more or less, un¬
35 bushels of cotton seed
pounds of C O of seed C cotton. Levied upon as the proper¬
ty and H Trammell and found in their pos¬
session, the same being: the property described in
and levied upon to satisfy a mortgage fi fa issued
from Harris Superior Court in favor of John M De
Lacy vs C H Trammell and C O Trammell.
Also, at the same time and place, 3,000 pounds
seed cotton, more or less, 20 bushels of corn, more
or Levied less, and 500 pounds of fodder, more or less.
upon as the property of Charles Johnston to
satisfy a mortgage fi. fa. issued from Harris Superior
Court in favor of James A. & A. W. Grant vs.
Charles Johnston.
Also, at the same time and place, 2,500 pounds
seed cotton, more or less, 40 bushels of corn, more
or I -evied less, and 1,500 pounds of fodder, more or less.
upon as the property v. f Charles Waters to
satisfy Court in a mortgage favor fi. fa. issued from Harris Superior
of James A. & A. W. Grant vs.
Charles Waters.
Also, at the same time and place, 3,000 pounds
seed cotton, more or less, 20 bushels of corn, more
or less, 500 pounds of fodder, more or less, one two
horse wagon and one cow and calf. Levied upon as
the property of Bob Benning to satisfy a mi* tgage
fi. fa. issued from Harris Superior Court in favor
James A. & A. W. Grant vs Bob Benning.
F. M. TALLEY, Sheriff.
as, Mrs E A McCalia having applied
for a twelve month’s support ont of the
estate of J L McCalls, deceased, and the
appraisers having made Heir return to
this office as tbe law requires.
Tnerefore all persons concerned are
hereoy notified *0 show cause, if any they
have, by the fir-t Monday in January
next, why said return should not he aK
lowed Hud stand the judgment of this
Given under my hand and official seal
Nov 25th, 1887
J F O Williams, Ordinary.
vX Tucker and John T Hall, executorso f
the last will and Testament of Thomas
Hall, late of said county, deceased, make
application for letters of dismission.
All persons concerned are hereby dot
tified to show cause, if any they have, by
the first Monday in March next, why let¬
ters of dismission should not be granted
said applicants
Given under my hand and < ffioial sig*
nature Nov 25*h, 1887.
J F C Williams. Ordinary.
HOLIDAY staaok
ggSHOPPIHfr^ PortfcJios. jJPeach Blow Glass, Bronze
logue free^ Goods delivered8 HfflMiL.
FREE by mail or express.