The journal. (Hamilton, Ga.) 1887-1889, April 06, 1888, Image 2

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the trade centre of Heard county. The alliance men trade where they please. Is not this one brick out of the mg building? Will all go? * * * Brunswick uses from her water¬ works fOO.Oorf'gtf s ot water per day. Reader. fioral and Pergonal. Grain is looking remarkably well. The spring time is here, Gentle Annie. ( otton planters are now in great demand. Harris superior court convenes here next Monday. 1 )r. Riley is having an ice house made under the drug store. I t’s a real luxury to get up and go about the duties of the day without having to kindle a fire. At another dove hunt yesterday the boys flagged ninety birds. Dr. Cheney- beat the record with a score of V: ?. Miss Lanie Whitman, after a pleas ant visit to the family of Mr. R. B. Mobley, returned to her home in West Point Monday. Suppose the alliance try cornering the cotton market by plantiug a short crop of cotton and a long Crop of other truck. Miss Woodruff, of Rome, who has been spending a few days with the family of Mrs. Georgia * Copeland, returned home Monday. \ Rev. W. D. McGregor was called home from Waverly Hall Sunday to the bedside of his wife. For several hours she was in a critical condition but we are glad to repoit that she is now considered out of danger and convalescent. 'The Journal's subscription list is not exactly booming but it has a good healthy growth that we hope presages a healthy boom. Since last April court the average increase has been two subscribers a week. Speak a good word for it and its cir¬ culation will soon be what it ought to be. Prof. BerreR, the elocutionist had a very slim house Tuesday evening, I'eCause of the threatening weather and, perhaps, the evergreen memory of Greenville’s great tragedian, com¬ edian and elocutionist. It would be unfair to give a criticism of Professor B-rreli’s performance under the cir¬ cumstances, but we would like to see him before a full house. The purchasers of sewing ma¬ chines want the best there is on the market. They should not buy be¬ fore visiting the new furniture house of Barbrey & Jarvis, 1 ti 7 Broad street, in Columbus, where you will find the celebrated New Home, the leading sewing machine of the day. - This house retails carpets, furniture and buggies at wholesale prices. Hundreds of members of the far mer’s alliance were in town Saturday to hear Rev. R. H. Jackson, presi¬ dent of the state alliance. The morn¬ ing was consumed in a session of the county alliance and the public ad - dress was not delivered until the af¬ I ful. - ternoon. he court room was and the speaker met the expectation of his most ardent admirers. The alliance has a high and noble duty to p er f orm an( j r |iinks it is destined to perform it. We regret our inabil¬ ity to give a full report of the able speech. Mr. Jackson made friends for himself and his order by his visit here. School Change. Pi of. J. VV. Dozier, owing to his health, tendered his resignation last week to the board of trustees the West Georgis A. and M. College and at a meeting last Monday after¬ noon it was accepted, The board then elected Prof. H. A. Hayes of Lakeland, Fla, to fill the vacancy. Prof. Hayes comes very highly rec¬ ommended and we hope will be ac corded the hearty support which our best inte tests demand. The school which numbers about forty pupils will continue without entermission if Prof. Hayes arrives this evening as expected. Prof. Dozier has been here for three years and it is a matter of general regret that he is to leave us. We can most cordially commend him to the people of Perry, where he will reside, as a gentleman worthy of their highest esteem and confidence. First Class Clothing. A striking characteristic of the clothing trade in this country is the high grade of ready made clothing to be had in some of our stores. There is nothing like it in the old country and it may be called a strict¬ ly American innovation. Its advan¬ tages are worth considering. A few days ago we were shown through the stock of Thomas, the no shoddy clothier of Columbus. He has suits that he sells for $30, that would cost if made to order $50. In buying his $25 suits you save $15, and so in all purchases. The make and fit of the goods he handles are equal to and even superior to the special order suits. If you want a special order suit he can can get it up for you, as he has a splendid line of samples and ample facilities, but after look ing through his stock you will be apt to conclude that his ready made clothes are * superior and cheaper. In hats he handles the Stetson which is the best hat for the money on the market. EVENTS IN OLD HARRIS, PERSONS AND THINGS NOTED BY OUR REPORTERS. Chipley Items. Spring time is with us. Capt; J. F. Jenkins was in our city Wednesday, Politics are quiet now. Resting up for court week. Insurance agents have been writ jng up severa , po | ic .; es ar0U nd th i s week. Miss Minnie McDonald, of White Sulphur Spring, is visiting Mrs. R. B. Traylor, her aunt. The distinguished farmer near Ho gansville, one Mr. Jones, was in the city Saturday and Sunday. Mr. B. H. Walton was in the city a few da/s ago drawing up contract between Flournoy, Allen & Averett. Dr. S. S. Pitman and wife are now keeping house. They moved to Mc Dougal avenue near Mr. Ed. Cotton. Mrs. Everlyn was quite ill Sunday from an attack of asthma, but we aie glad to note her at work again in school. Miss Avis Harper comes forth with her mountain sprout spring couplets, and snatcheth the wee dime out the small boy for repetition of same. Mess. Averett and Layfield have dissolved by mutual consent and the extensive business is now combined with the handsome firm of Flournoy & Allen. Mr. Layfield has and Mr. Averett has. been associated with the new firm which is styled Flournoy, Allen & Averett. Mr. Ernest Surles, while striking blacksmith a few days ago sustained •a bad wound inflicted by a pointed piece of steel flying from the anvil and entering one half inch into the flesh in his neck near tne vein. The steel was cut out by a physician and Ernest is now convalescent. The nice, pretty paintings of Miss Mattie MaGenter are on exhibition at the drug store and all parties de¬ siring crayon work would do well to consult her. She has spent much time in LaGrange in the art depart¬ ment and doubtless is perfect, having taken several post graduate courses. Rev. Mr. Jackson preached at this place Friday night at Bethany Sunday at 11 a. m. He was to have deliv¬ ered a lecture at the Baptist church Saturday, but owing to being wearied from overwork the large crowd .who gathered to hear him were utterly disappointed. He declined to lecture. It is whispered around that Mr.Jack son's tour was one of political ambi¬ tion. Speaking of combinations we only wish we could pen picture our noble instructors at the Chipley high school to that extent which they justly de¬ serve. Under their careful guide the school has come forth from infancy to a well developed giant. Thanks are due our teachers for their success. Everything is calm and smooth on the school line and progress is being made, Let all lend assistance to the school. Do you want some nice perfume, hair oil, &c? If so, you can get itat the drug store cheap and good. Wisdom^ Store Notes. Mr. Butts’ little son broke his arm last week, and Mr. Cars. Borders’ lit¬ tle son broke his arm to day. Both accidents occurred near this place. The weather seems more like mid¬ summer than spring. We are tempt¬ ed to throw aside our winter garb for lighter clothing, but prudence forbids. This heat forebodes bad weather. (’apt. E. G. Tucker has the musnpsi They are in L. H. Zachary’s family. One little 5-year-old miss said she did not know why the Good Lord let the folks have such mean, hateful things. We had the pleasure ot hearing the Rev. R. H. Jackson preach to-day at Bethany. His sermon was replete with gospel truths. Indeed it was a feast to the soul. The text was the 4th v. 17 th chap. John. We would like him lo come again. Yes, Robie, we are taught to shun the appearance of evil, therefore such pteces of amusement has an evil ten¬ dency, which you will not deny, but will agree with me. Do any of our correspondents know that our Saviour could cook as well as perform mira¬ cles? Yes, Christ prepared breakfast his disciples, who had been fishing all night and without success. Let us read and study the Bible more prayerfully and follow its precepts and examples and we shall be able to train our children in the way they should go. We agree with “Farmer’s Wife” in some things. We do not blame the merchants with all our draw backs; we are very much to blame too. When our parents were young they were brought up to make their living by the sweat of their brow. They were not ashamed to split rails,plough and hoe —indeed they would do anything that was honest. Now they will do anything else rather than work in the field. Then the wives and daughters would spin and we«*ve instead making fancy work. Then fathers and sons were as proud of their home-made clothes as the dudes are of their finest broadcloth. Now some do not even knit, pretending that its much cheap¬ er to buy socks and stockings. Again if you bought anything costly it would last several seasons. Now we are hardly respected if we do not keep up with the style; the consequence is some will go so far as to mortgage their crops to make a grand appear¬ ance. We are afraid it will be a long time before the old time sociability and confidence will be restored among the farmers. We may be wrong, we hope so, at any rate. Bess. MONEY To LEND. LongTimeI Low Rates 1 Easy Terms! Apply to THORNTON & CAMERON, Attor torneys at Law, Columbus, Ga., or B. H. Walton, Hamilton.