The journal. (Hamilton, Ga.) 1887-1889, April 20, 1888, Image 2

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ones, and counties I ges cheaper in the ’ jail has been a rs. There is no why these wants £n immediate tax. ! county is good and £<1 may be had at less. The necessary i distributed over any years, so that they may ;d gradually and without the present ta.v rate. We sures will be adopted iook > end. Oeneral Worrill has made ~d here this week as He has shown case *ng Our correspondent “Robie” seems to think that a typographic error spoiled one of our correspondent’s jokes last week. This may have been so, as it is almost impossible to avoid typographical errors, especially with a young typo in the office who is not beyond the a b c of the “art preserva tivr.” But too often our correspond ents fail to write their jokes so that they are intelligible to the general reader. It is best to avoid, as much | as possible, the publication of jokes, | and if the camel that ate Mark Twain’s overcoat and gagged when he came to the manuscript of one of that wri¬ ter’s jokes, should come across our waste basket he couldn’t swallow one in ten of them without choking. But a little fun now and then adds relish to our news notes, and we are <*iad to get them. A good rule is to v our joke and read it to some u nows nothing of the cir ’'roduces a smile, -'construct it. the dj syey y will w uOX. o»i the ^ n disc, Notes, J - W W I -— DrkEP . Cheney auA Personal. and Mr. C. H Cook left Wednesday morning ,? or Brunswick to attend the Bapt at convention there. They will visit Florid t before they rethm. Col. James M. Mobley went up to Greenville Tuesday evening and s P cn * a ver y pleasant night with his Masonic brethren there. Mr. Gid Ledsingei is again talking insurance to our people. Dr. J. M. Glass and Dr. S. S. Pit¬ man, of Chipley, were in the city yesterday. Messrs Thornton & Cameron, of the Columbus bar, after spending nearly two weeks Hth the Harris Superior court, returned home this morning. They constitute a strong team and the large practice they en joy in Harris shows that they are highly esteemed. Miss Hughly, of Chipley, returned -'me Wednesday afternoon after a 'nt visit to Miss Alice Love -chool commissioner will board of education on the commission ">iies arthat