The journal. (Hamilton, Ga.) 1887-1889, September 07, 1888, Image 2

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Experience is a good school for states V * ,) *. Hon. W. 1 . Northen has been re elected president of the State Agri cultural Society Ad Hon. R. A. te has.hoen'pihcted v ,4 Secretary. ‘ ,v 4 ,. r V*. V ' # A terrible affair has occurred at a / f v Baptist association in Jasper county, A family feud had long existed be¬ tween the Malones and the Iveys, and it culminated in a fight at the church door in which two Malones and one Ivey were killed. Thirty shots were fired. Another Ivey has since eied. The pistol ought to be banished. * * * A new enterprise has been starten in North Carolina to make carpets out of pine straw. The sample in the Alliance office shows well and is cheap at JO cents per yard. Local and Personal Items. For other locals see last page. Our motto;—“The blut ribbon or bust.” The wet spell will hurt the bag¬ ging trust. Miss Mary Norwood is visiting friends in Greenville. Miss Genie West, of Columbus, is visiting Inends in town. A large crowd was in town Tues¬ day, but no property was sold. Misses Georgia and Wiilie Brooks, of Lumpkin, a»e in town the guests of l)r. and Mrs. T. J. Brooks. Miss Mary Johnston, after a pleas¬ ant visit of several days to friends in Columbus, returned home Thurs¬ day afternoon. Miss Bennie Crawford, who has been the guest of Miss Mobie Lowe for several flays, returned to her home in Columbus this morning. Tor all disease and deformities of the eye, ear, nose or i roat, consult Dr. O. J. Short, Specialist, Columbus, Ga.— Office 1140^ Broad St. tf. Until about January 1st Dr. E. II. Williams will be found at the Drug Store during the day and at the residence of his uncle, J. F. C. Wil¬ liams at n : ght. Sweet potitces, sugar cane, peas, and ground peas are doing their bes^ and a fine crop of each will be made. While hurting cotton, the rain has helped these crops. The county grange held a meeting here 'Tuesday and tackled tire bagging question. Their session was secret, and the result of the deliberations has not been given to the public. Mr. J. B. Mobley has our thanks for some fine grapes, which he sent us this morning. They were taken from a box which he received f»om his wife, who is visiting m Perote, Ala. Attention is called to the card of Pou Brothers, who have opened up .a fine line of buggies; 'wagons and harries.; at 1017 Bfoad Street, Coluin bus, where they will be glad to serve /<W if in peed of anything in their line. They are young men experi enced in business amt will be g'ad to serve * you. farmer’s alliance ' whips _ the If the bagging trust it will be glory enough for one year. Bust the trusts is a cardinal principle with the alliance. If Liverpool doesnt object to the cotton cloth bagging, the trust is gone- Eight ounce osnaburgs on the outside of heavy straw paper is a better and cheaper covering than jute cloth any day. Mr. B. A. Stribhng & Brother have purchased the rights to Stagg’s French Coffee Distiller for Harris county. They were in town Tues¬ day delivering goods and left a sup ply with Mr. Floyd, who will deliver to parties who hav2 already purchas¬ ed 01 to parties who wants the best coffee pot extant. A ripple of excitement was created at cmnpmeeting Sunday when the rumor spread that a young c.ouplewere to be married in one of the tents. A large crowd soon assembled in front, and witnessed the nuptials of the contracting parties. 'The happy cou¬ ple—whose names we have forgotten —went on their way rejoicing. 'The firm of Williams & Pou, of Columbus, has been dissolved and Mr. Williams is now associated with Mr. O. S. Bullock, at the old stand in the Webster building. They have a very fine stock of buggies, carriages and wagons, harness, &c., and will take great pleasure in serving their friends everywhere. 'They are gen¬ tlemen well known to the trade and will serve you right and cleverly ev ery time. On the completion of its consolida¬ tion, the Savannah and Western rail¬ road will have practically in operation 335 miles oi railroad as follows: Columbus to Birmingham, 157 miles; Opelika to Roanoke, 37 miles; * Co¬ lumbus to Greenville, 50 miles; Eu faula to Ozark, 61 miles, Americus to Buena Vista, 30 miles. It will have under construction the road from Bue¬ na Vista to Columbus, 35 miles; and 'under survey for early construction, Eden to Americus, 1S0 miles, and Greenville to Newnan, 20 miles, miking a total of 570 miles.—Col urn bus Enquirer. Last Monday morning Judge J. F. C. Williams entered upon the third decade of his service to Harris coun¬ ty in the capacity of ordinary. In the , twenty yeais that , , he , has , been . in office he has not failed to be on hand a single time on the first Monday in each month. His fust official act was to set cut the beautiful oaks that now adorn the court house yard. They are fine trees and just as they have taken root in (he genial soil in which they were planted, so has he grown in the affections of the people he has served Each is a type of the othei. May they live long and pros per. Warm Springs campmeeting closed Wednesday. It was a very pleasant and profitable meeting in despite of the rain, which began at the opening and continued to fall in showers with sometimes a few hours interrflission, until near its close. Sunday morn¬ ing dawned dark and gloomy, but the threatening weather did not pre¬ vent an immense crowd form assem bling on the grounds. The hospital¬ ity of 1 he tent-holders was taxed to the utmost to entertain such num bers, but they J seemed equal 1 to the occasion and we suppose all found provision for the inner man. Some of the eldest ministers of the state were present and assisted in the ser¬ vices. Numbers were converted and made application tor membership in the church. The meeting was a great spiritual feast, and the holy influences set in motion may continue to grow and strengthen, until the result can be estimated only in eternity. Hints on Calling 1 . Do not linger at the dinner hour. Do not lay aside the bonnet at a formal call. Do no 1 fidget with your cane, hat or parasol. Do not make a call of ceremony on a wet day. Do not turn your back to one seat¬ ed near you. Do not touch the piano u lless in¬ vited to do so. Do not handle ornaments or furni tare in the room. Do not make a display of consult ing your watch. Do not go to the room of an inva lid unless invited. Do not remove the glove when making 0 a formal call. Do not continue to stay any longer when conversation begins to lag. Do not remain when you find the lady on the point of going out. Do not make the first call if you are a new comer in the neighborhood. Do not open or shut doors or win dows or alter arrangements of the Do not enter a room without first knocking and receiving an invitation to come in Do not walk around the room ex aming pictures, while waiting for the hostess humcs*. I)o not introduce politics, religion or weighty topics for conversation when making calls. Do not prolong the call if the room is . crowded. It is better to call a day or two afterward Do not call upon a person in re duced circumstances with a display of wealth, dre^s and equipage. This is to certify that our little girl « about two years of age, had an attack o Urn measles last year, and it settled upon h bowels, and for several months, although we gave medicine and called in a physi cian to attend her, she leceived no benefit at a l,and we were about to give up in de¬ spair, when » friend begged that we would try SHAKER‘8 DIARRHEA CORDIAL; , prepared by J P. Turner. We dul so,and from the first dose we could see a decided improve ment in the condition of her bow¬ els, and in a short while she was perfectly well of all bowel affection®, and we have so much confidence in it that we try nev-l er to be without a bottle in the house, \ya eousiderit ft perfect curefor allbowel affections in children, Wry respectfully, Mrs. T. B. Howard. Columbus, Ga. Of Interest to all. Never alio# yourself to suffer from of ihose distressing bowel affections as Diarri oe Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Colic, Pains in the bowels or any bowel affection, when for twenty five cents you can procure » bottle of bhakers Aromatic DitrrL ce t Cordial, a remedy so pleasant to take ibat the smallest child will i*y take it. So different is this fui cordial from the manufacturing com®--' pounds administered in these complaints. Shakers Cordial has cured a number of chronic bowel affections of several years standing, tbal had resisted other treat¬ ment. Far superior to Teething Powders or Sooth ug Syrup for teething children! and much pleasanter. Give Shakers Cordial one trial and you will never be^ without it in the house again, Sold by all dealers a! 25 cents per bottle. ----- J M< ffeti’s Indian Weed, if taken during the ch»rigo of life, great suffering and danger will be avoided. « SHAKER’S The wonderful remedy for All Bowel Troubles, --SUCH AS— \ Diarrlioo a, Dysentery, Cramp Coliq Cholera Mot bus and all b- wel affect ions, matter of how h>njr standing. The g* nrl* remedies for teething children. Pleasant- tJ take, mre guaranteed, and only 25 cent* below is the \erdiet of those that hav* tried if; 1 l W AH ffiespie. White Sri; hur Spring R«y«. “I know the formula of Shakci and ch.,cit„ll y endorse it. I u.-e w ith t-uecjs* in K1 y practice. I D r . Thus. D. Goodwin, Oakland, Gal hav* no tamij v should be without it. I ' Cordial witl.o.l lwommen(I shako , s In-Kitition to any one suffering with bow* uf trouble as F know the formula and t 9 r '^' 11 ." Greenville. Ga mr ill | Have been presoibing Shaker’s o TV reliable tor several remedy years »8 and consider be had it tor as safe ;i; orJ <] can any suffering wi'h bowel or sun»im*r c m plait ^ Dr Jno. W. Cameron. CnDinhi-s, Ga , “1 have never bee- d!sa f po nted m -i single instance in prescribing several Hedo rs c. 9 iv din 1 and have u*e<l sane* 9 vc-ir -. Hon. T. A. Atkinson, Greenville. Ga , say*, ‘T recommend Shakers Ct.r.lial (or | all com pi--lints for which it is intended li I used it wt h li»ppy icsults.” A .1 Hinton. Ordinary Meriwether Co m savs,“ It comes nearer being what is elaimj ed for it than any medicine in the woiid.1 It is a splendid remedy’ fl Manufactured only by 1 JOHN P T TJ UN Eli & llliO COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. Sold bv D-- Cook S. G. Bros., Riley, \ V Hamilton, Ga. S. R. Murphey,) <t Bros • 9 Chip ley, Ga.