The journal. (Hamilton, Ga.) 1887-1889, September 21, 1888, Image 2

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[For The Journal.J CURRENT EVENTS. General Harrison’s Letter of Ac¬ ceptance of the republican nomination has been published. It is a weak re¬ ply to President Cleveland’s able state paper. * * * Hon. Lambert Tree, now Minister to Belgium, lias been appointed Min¬ ister to Russia in place of G. N. Lothrop, resigned. * * * Augusta has been overflowed by the water of the Savannah river. The water was 15 feet deep on Broad street. Several lives were lost and great damage to property. # * # A water-spout struck Hot Springs, Ark., and did immense damage. Nine lives were lost and houses all ^long Central Street were undermined and will have to he re-built. -* *■ * Our worthy fellow-citizen, Flynn Hargett, is a candidate for messenger to the senate. A better selection could not be made. * * * I)r. II. II. Tucker (former editor) has purchased the Christian Index for $11,000. The Dr. is one of the best writers in Georgia. * # * The great telescope has been put in position at the Lick observatory, California, and wonderful things have been discovered and an assembly of astronomers are to make the disclos¬ ures. # * * There are 1566 convicts in the Georgia penitentiary; 205 under sen¬ tence for life. * # * There are still living 806 who serv¬ ed in the war of 1812 and get pen sions. The war ended 73 years ago. * * The Mormons continue to hold meetings in the country around Ath¬ ens and are making more converts than one would suppose possible. Two elders have been ordained. * * Texas made 1,381,522 bales of cotton. The crop of this year will he larger. * Treasurer,Hardeman reports cash in the state treasury $383,573.50 and the bonded debt $8,753,385, which is less than the value of the state road. A registered package containing $10,000 lias been stolen from the registered mail pouch which reached New York post office last Friday night from Portland, Oregon. The FELDER POU. DOZIER POU. MANAGER, POU BROTHERS, 7 --SUCCESSORS TO- ~WTT .T ,T <Sc POTT, --IN THE SALE OF THE * AND THE “OLD HICKORY WAGON.” As above stated we are sole agents for the Genuine Columbus Buggy and the Old Hickory Wagon, arso thi Cincinnati Buggy, which was handled so satisfactorily by Williams & Pou for the past two years and by J. A. Walk er for three years prior to his retirement from business. We guarantee satisfaction, with prices at the bottom. Call on us at 1017 Broad Street, Columbus, Georgia, And we win show you as pretty a line of Buggies, Wagons, Carts, Whips, ^Harness, Saddles Plow Gear, Lap Robes, &C., &c. as was ever brought to this section. Will sell on credit for sixty day at Cash Figures. Be sure to see us before you buy. We will take much pleasure in showing you our goods whethc you wish to buy or not, for then you can tell your neighbor where to buy to the best advantage. POU BliOlHEllS, 1017 Broad St., Columbus, Ga. government is not responsible for reg¬ ister 1 paekago. * An artesian well, sunk under salt water in New York Bay on the Jersey shore, furnishes pure water in abun¬ dance. Reader. IN MEMORY Of Mrs. Lizzie Askew, Born l>ec. 25th, 1807, Died Juue 22d, 1888. Whereas, An all-powerful and all¬ wise providence in the infinitude of his wisdom and benevolence, has seen lit to remove from us all that was mortal of Mrs. Lizzie Askew. Resolved 1st, That in her, woman¬ hood has had a pattern of modesty, virtue, purity and Christian spirit; that the community has lost one of its choicest women, the grange one of its most valued members, the husband and child a loving and faithful wife and mother. Resolved 2nd, That we extend to the bereaved husband and child, mother and family of the deceased our deepest sympathy in their sorrow and commend them to Him who shall wipe away all tears from their eyes. Resolved 3d, That a page in our hook of records he dedicated to her memory. of these Resolved 4th, That a copy resolutions be furnished the husband and mother of the deceased and that they he published in the Hamilton Journal. Antioch Grange, No. 317, August 25, 1888. J. W. Cline, J. S. Smith, J. A , Williams, Mrs. Georgia Moultrie, • Mrs. Eliza Davis, Committee. Beech Spring Rubbles. Fair and cool. Farmers are very busy gathering their crops. Misses Leila Davis and K. T. Had¬ ley, of near this place, are spending this week at the Blue Spring. We wish them a pleasant time. Mrs. T. S. Davis, of this place is at her fathers, Mr. Gus Moore’s, quite sick. There will be three converts irn mersed in the pool next Sunday morning at Beech Spring. A mad dog passed through this community Sunday. It bit a fine bird dog of Mr. J. H. Nelson’s. Mrs. Judge Spence is slowly im¬ proving. Mrs. Greer is quite sick. It is thought she must soon leave this world to go to the better. A very large rattlesnake was killed last week b/ Alex Glass, which had twelve rattles. The same darkey lost a cow the other day trom the bite of a snake. Why should we start and fear to go if we are what we profess to be. If we are Alliance we ought to prove it. If the merchants will not take the cotton in ducking we can keep the cotton. We would like to know why the cotton goods will not do as well as the jute bagging. If it will protect the cotton as welt and the manufacturers will receive it why should the middle man object. A. P..N. Good IVews to All. The t best and , cheapest place , to buy furniture of all grades and de scriptions is at the new furniture headquarters of Columbus,iNo. 1117 Broad ,- c Street, where . A. . ~ K Gibbon Co., have recently opened up the largest and best selected stock; of Parlor and Chamber suits from the eastern and northern markets. Their prices are the lowest in the city and will compete fairly with any other markets. Their immense stock war¬ rants them in saying that all can fc e pleased with prices and quality. . With their efficient corps of polite salesmen and low prices they are determined to do the principal, busi¬ ness of the city the cornrng season and make their competitors weep Ly declaring war on high prices. The y guarantee a saving of twenty per cent to all their customers on a 11 goods bought of them. Everybocy is invited to call and get prices if they would consult their own mter ests. Don’t forget the place—1117 Broad St.—four doors above Estes’ Hardware Store. A. F. Gibson & Co. I L o g*Cabins are fast going out of style as fash onable residences. Log Cabins will, however, all " l 'v^ iiP way shave a place ;n Vouac Amercan history, tht as v were the most prominent feature of onr country’s early social life.. The P 10neers were strong, rugged, healthy. Warner’s Log Cabin Cough and Con, sumption Remedy is a reproduction one of the best of the old time and and , , herbs , remedies, .. which .... kept roots them we „ Everybody praises „ Ti pecanoe ,. as a st0lnach tonic Moffett a Indian Weed, if taken darin, the change cf life, great suffering aui d^iger will be avoided.