The journal. (Hamilton, Ga.) 1887-1889, November 23, 1888, Image 2

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Tuesday and Wednesday were ivs full of interest and excitement. he interstate drill, the fine racing the baboon ascension were among the attractions that kept the nousands of visitors pleased and in itsted. Govenor [no. B. Gordon viewed the military on Wednesday, id as he rode in front of the grand :and, the air was rent with cheers from hundreds of his enthusiastic ad rmrers. The agricultural displays in nery Hall are magnificent, and the resources of Harris Talbot, Russell, Hancock and other conn ties have been freely drawn upon to iurnisn forth a fine display. A good matured spirit of rivalry exists ‘ etween some of the counties, and o course there is a fervent desire upon the , | art of each to be awarded it $1000 premium, but if old Har does not win the prizi it will not be because she is one whit inferior to he sucessful competitor. No other minty can claim a greater or finer anety of field products, numera ] s n a nufactures, woods and products of - nest ic econemy. She has on ex Litton, sixteen varieties of corn and m cotton speciments show that no ' here in the state can such fine cot >n lie produced as upon the red mis 0 II in is. In preserved fruits, :ck!es, vegetables, wines, etc., her play cannot be excelled. ag visitors all pronounce Mr. Bob trier’s wines the finest at the ex¬ position. The art departmens is beautiful, ml is an evidence of the skill intel¬ ligence, and culture of her women. The pictures are all good, and the fancy work of Mrs. M. B. Parker, ji J Mrs. F. H. Williams will corn pare favorably with any on exhibi ■ lion in the fancy work department f the main building. Harris should have the blue rib hope the judges will tlu 1 discrimination to award her the premium. Mr. R. E. Fort, the secretary the county fair association, has labor¬ ed with zeal and energy from the frst to get up a creditable exhibit, and to his effort much of the success hieve 1 is due. He has teen assis t d by other public spirited citizens whose county prid • made his heavy labors pleasant. We hope to give a full report of ihe exposition nezt week ♦ 4 ibies cry because they suffer; arid the st reliable remedy for the relief ot their discomfort is Dr. Bulls Baby Syrup. Only _ . , bottle. 25 J cents a travel all climates . 10U may in thout fear, if you have a supply of r lor to guard against malaria 1 rice only 25 cents. Local Event*. Rev. W. W. Arnold filled the Rap list pulpit Sunday morning and preach¬ ed to a fine congregation. His sub jeet was “Mvraeles” and lie treated it in a masterly manner, He lias ac cejited the call to the pastorate of the church here, and few men have ever returned to an old work to find a people so united in fits favor as Mr. Arnold finds the people of Hamilton. In serving our people here two years ago he did good work and his return is hailed with great favor by its every well wisher. The stewards of the several e-; composing the Hamilton circuit meet at Waverly Hall next day. Both the old and the new hoards are expected to attend. This . the . last , , . , before „ ri Conference „ is session and what is commonly designated as the “hide and tallow” meeting. It is important that all should he ent. Our delegates to the General senibly, Messrs Williams, Mobley Jenkins, an d the chaplain of house, Dr. I. P. Cheney, were Saturday, the legislature having journed for a day on account of death of one of its members. Miss Patsie Williams has been confined to her bed for tile past two weeks, having continued fevers. Dr. Riley reports her symptoms as more favorable to day, and we hope soon to hear of her convalescense. Dr. Morgan, of Bainbridge, in town last week on a visit to his daughter, Mrs. M. S. Johnston. The bones of Chiud Livingston’s broken arm are rapidly knitting to¬ gether, and he will probably soon be out again. Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Brooks, Americus, arrived here Tuesday ever ning. The doctor left this morning for New York, to take a post-gradu ate course in a medical college, and perfect himself in the healing art. Mrs. Brooks will remain here, the guest of her mother during his absence. The Journal has shipped this week four hundred pounds of matter printed on its steam press. Is that not pretty good work for a country printing office, Altogether the weather has favored the exposition. Next Saturday, a week from to¬ morrow, is the day set for the nomi nation of county officers. It will be seen from the announcements in an o(her colutnn lhat tUere is plenty of worthy material. Economy ,, is - wealth ... Go to M. } J)jrker - 3 and get olle of those flour holders You will find it one of tbe most conven j ent ,1,^5 you ever had about your cook room, one soon pays for itself in saving flour, time and patience. Try one. Mrs. C. H. Cook left yesterday morning for the Augusta Exposition, She was joined at Fortson by her brother, Willis Fortson, and his wife. They will visit relatives in South Carolina before returning, Miss Mary Johnston came up from Columbus yesterday evening and is spending a day or two at hom~t. Mrs. J. E 1 ). Shipp and children, of , Americus, . spent day , two a 01 , here this , . week , with • , , her parents. _ 1 Log Cabins, lacking elegance, were yet com fortable homes. Health 1 ... and happiness were found iu them. The best of *QUNC TiP the simple remedies used are given to the world in Warner’s Log Cabin Remedies made by Warner of Safe Cure fame. Regulate the regulator with Warner’s Log Cabin Sarsaparil la. FROM TENNESSEE. Biistol, Tenn., July 5, 1888. The Swifts Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. Gentlemen.- -Four years ago was a residest of Des Moines, Iowa‘ and white there cotracted blood pois on. I had a remarkable strong con¬ stitution, and that with the aid of an eight month’s sojourn at Hot Springs cured me —at least 1 though} it cured me. This Spring pimples ap peared upon my face, and my health gave way. I at once aitribu ted it to the old trouble’ and was thinking another trip . to Hot Springs, wheu a friend recommend ed your medicine insteae. I began to take it, but must say w r ith some doubt. This was soon dispelled, my genera], health improved and the pimples disappeared, and now 1 feel mysefl again. Chattanooga,Tenn. June 27, >C c J. 1 The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga: Gentlemer.—In the early . part of the present year, a bad case of blood poison appeared upon me. I began taking S. S. S. under advise of another, and to-day I feel greatly im proved, I am still taki g the medicine and shall continue to do so until I am perfectly well. I believe it will -fleet a perfect cure. Yours truly, Doc. P. Howard in West Sixth street. The reading public has reason to be d is g uste d with anv medicine which claims to cure everything, from a corn to consumption. Shallenberger’s An tidote for Malaria is simply what its name imports, if you have Malaria is in your system’a few doses will de stroy it immediately. So far as now know i is the only antidote , this poison. Sold by Druggists. Some favor a tariff for revenue only, some a tariff with incidental protec¬ tion, and a tariff for protection, se; but a large majority favor the free use of Salvation Oil for cuts and bruises. An endless chain of certifi cates verify the excellence of Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup. Price 25 cents. ■m- 4 - STEAM PRINTING HOUSE. Last week we steamed up our new slcam en S in “ hitcl,ed °" our steam press, and the way we made things hum . Work had , was a caution. ac cumulated upon us for months, but a few days with the engine and the copy hook was cleared up surprisingly fast. The work we have will not keep the engine busy now, but if our job print ing continues to grow, it will not be long before it full time will be needed.. Now we have a reserve power and can do printing as it comes in. LOST—$10,000. The above amount has been los to the public by buying their DRY HOODS, NOTIONS, CLOTHING, Bent’s Furnishing Goals, Hats, Shoss, £tc>, Elsewhere than from our headquarters. We being headquarrers for die above fl ne of goods, and having facilities for buying cheaper than other merchants, therefore can offer our goods at less figures than any other merchant. To show the public that we mean what we say vve offer you the follow - j ng as a f ew G f oul CUT PRICES: Men’s and Boys’ Fur Hats $1.00; sold elsewhere at $1.50. Men’s aud Bovs’ Fnr Derbys $1.00; sold elsewhere at $2.50. All wool Flannel Ovetshirts $1.25; e ] seW nere at $2.00. All wool Flannel Overshirts $2.00; sold elsewhere at $3.00. Call and convince yourself by ex aming our goods. Don’t forget the p'ace. D. ROTHSCHILD. UNIVERSAL BARSAIN STORE, Columbus, Ga. is i s Sut do not use ihe dangerous alkaline and mercurial preparations which destroy your nervous system and ruin the digestive pewer of thestomach. Tha vegetable king¬ dom gives us the best and safest remedial agents. Or. Sherman devoted the greater part of his life to the discovery of this relia¬ ble and safe remedy, and all its ingredients are vegetable. He gave it the name g* Prickly Ash Bitter: l a name everyone can remember, and t: »ha present day nothing has been discovered i is so beneficial for the BLOOD, fc* tbi LIVER, STOMACH* for the KIDNEYS and for the This remedy is now so well and favorably known by all who have used it that arguments as to its merits are use less, and if others who require a correct¬ ive to the system would but give it a trial the health of this country would be vastty improved. Remember the name—PRICKLY ASH BITTERS. Ask your druggist for it. PRICKLY ASH BITTERS CO,, ST. LOUIS, Ma