The journal. (Hamilton, Ga.) 1887-1889, December 14, 1888, Image 2

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CURRENT IplNTS. - [Last unavoidac^crowded weekY ifte following notes were out.—Ed] Thanks-giving day, Nov. 29th, was more extensively observed than for years past. A good indication. * # The legislature almost in a body visited Augusta on thanks-giving day. # * * H. W. Grady, was warmly wel¬ comed to Augusta, and made a cap¬ ital speech, the bnrden of whieh was to show the importance of a solid South. # * The bill to increase the salaries of the Judges of the Supreme and Superior courts was virtually defeat¬ ed by a re committal to the commit¬ tee. So far so good. * The committee reports that it will cost $75,000 to furnish the new capital. He * The tide of emigration is turning to Texas from Georgia, and large numbers are going. The sad fate of many former emigrants fails to warn them. Stick to Georgia is the true philosophy. 'Fhe legislature is crowded with business, and a long session will te necessary. A new industry has been started to maufactu re paper from the cedar chips of pencil makers. The paper js said to keep moths from carpets, wool, furs, &c. A Georgia Chautauqua is to be held at Albany in March next, 'fhe enterprise is headed by by able and competent Success to it. #■ A boy 13 years old is the efficient Telegraph operator at Fort Caines Ga. How many such little boys h is Georgia ? The papers record an unusual num er of marriages, and so ma rriage is not a failure. Col. J. J. Bull of Talbotton, has been ill of fever for three weeks but is now reported convalescent. A tattered Confederate flag was displayed at the Exposition at Colum i us by Col. L. F. Garrard. The his toric relic attracted much attention, It was taken from the battle-field by Col.Garrard aftev a desperate fight. The City Treasurer of Macon has defaulted in the sum of $17,000. These instances are becoming fear fully numerous. * * Some enterprising citizens of New nan have started a soap factory This is a move in the right direction. # * Small industrie build up town sand make the country prosperous. The Manufactures record, reports new cotton factories at Ashville and Llufl Plnff Citv City, W.U N C Winnsboro WinnsDoro and and New- «ew town S. C. and Cedartown and Ma con, Ga. May the time soon come when the South will manufacture her own cotton. The Steamer Nacoochee, went a shore on the N. C. coast, a part of her cargo was ten tons of oranges from Fla. Reader. State of ohio, city oe Toledo, Lucas county, S. S. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of die firm of F. J. Cheney &Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaib, and that said firm will pay the sum of one hundred dol lars for each and every case of Ca tarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALI/S CATARRH cure. Frank J. Cheney. Sworn to before me andsudsenbed in m/ presence, this the 6th day Decembe.1 A. D. £ 86 A. W. Gleason. J seal l Notary public, (vy ^jj Hall’s Catarrh Cure is takeb inter nally anb acts directly upon the blood and mucus surfaces of the system, Send foi testimonials,free. F. J.Cheney&Co Toiedo, O. J8@“Sold by Druggist, 75 cents, Beech Spring Bubbles. The rain came Sunday j as mild as a lamb. Mr. Joe Bass of Alabama is spending some time with his friends in this community. 0 Miss Emma Robinson from near Hamilton is spending some time with Mrs. Jos. Robinson. Mr. J. E. Spear, left last Saturday for Atlanta, Ga. we wish him well. Rev. C. A. Martin, filled his regu¬ lar appointment at this place Saturday and Sunday. Last Sunday night was a livly tune on the serenaders. We thank Mrs W. F. C. for our supper and wonder what our friends though about the cow. Mr. Ed. Booker, who is clerking in Columbus, paid a visit to his kin people near Whitesville last Sunday. Mr. Elisha Pearce, of Texas, has returened to his mother’s home. We welcome Elisha home. A. P. N. > 4 Shallenberger’s Antidote for Mala ria destroys the cause of disease, wmch . - , ^ Quinine and other •• lemetiies do not pretend to <lo. It effectually neutralizes the poison in the system and thus prevents the child It con tains no arsenic or poisonous ingredi ent of any kind, and may safely be given to an infant. Sold by Druggists. I've been suffering fos the past-three weeks with a strained wrist. I tried Salvation Oil and find myself, after having used one bottle, entirely cured Chas. Keyser, 199 Mulberry St., Baltimore Md. Ellerplle Notes. Mr. B. H. Walton, of Hamilton, and Mr. Wiliam McKay, of Florida, were in our town last week th “ gUeStS ^ ^ r r Carlef They left later f or Talbotton.—Mrs. Newsom, of Co¬ lurnbus, came up on a visit to Mr. W. H. McDonald and family a few days ago.—Mr. J. B. Glover, road master of the Georgia Midland, came up from Columbus yesterday and spent the day gunning in the fields around here. Mi. Glover is a good shot and bag¬ ged considerable game and returned a happy man.—Miss Mary George Ashford, of Greenville, Ala. who has been on a visit to her uncle, Dr. T. R- Ashford, returned home last week, —M fS - Robert Carter recieved a tel egram last T uesday anouncing the death of her sister Mrs. William Me K- a /> °f Florida. Mrs McKay was well known in this section and has many friends who mourn her early demise.—In the midst of life we are death. Mrs. T. J. Hamilton dfe parted this life last Sunday morning about 2 oclock.. Sue had been an invalid for some time and her death was not altogether unexpected. She was a consistant member of the Bap tist church and left bright evidences of her acceptance with God and was completely resigued to His will, She leavs a grief stricken husband and several children to mourn her death, who have the sympathy of the entire community. Mrs. ITenry F. What Some Substantial Citizens Say Waco, Texas! May 9, 1888. The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga: Gentlemen—Knowing that you appreciate voluntary testimonials, we take pleasure in stating that one of our lady customers has regained her health by the use of fyur large buttles of your great remedy, after having been an invalid for several years. Her trouble was extreme debility , caused dy 1 disease peculiar to her sex. Willis & Co., Druggist. -♦- Montport House, Wills Point Texas 5 I5 ° 5 * Ihe Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.: Gentlemen.—Our baby when about ttvo weeks chi was attacked with a scrofulous affection that for a time destroyed her eyesight entirely, and caused of her J •- * us to despair *—■ e * Sue was treated by the best cians without benefit. We finally gave her Swift’s Specific, which soon relieved her completely and she is now as hale and hearty a child or ihrec 55 can Le fyuu<1 an >' whe,e - Treatise on I on ai Skin Dis eases mailed fre The Swift Specific C o., Drawer Atlanta, Ga. ; 3, ■J r TEACHEk Vv m iSi 1 ED. A teacher is wanted to take charge of Central Academy, three aud a half miles nor.h west of Hamilton. Apply to J. A. WlNCHeSTER. W. M. JoNas. J. A. Brooks* C. P. Murrah, J. T. Robinson, Trustees, Hamilton, Ga. Sufferers from dyspepsia and liver complaints feeling weak, nervous and dedilitated, should not use remsdies that physic the bowels. Such treat¬ ment does more harm than good. They should use B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm), a remedy that will strengthen the digestive organs, heal the diseased snrfaces of the stomach liver and bowels, purify and cleanse the blood, and restore perfect health ami strength to every hart of the body. Election JNotice._ Notice is hereby given th&t the regu j ar eleotton for Ordinary, Cleik of the Superior eourq Tax Receiver, Tax Col j j ector? County Treasurer, Sheriff, Ooua < gnrveyor and Coroner of said county ; wlll bt> he n on {llQ first Wednesday (2 A > of JaDtlarv< J 1889. Also the j r ffor n6 Ju , tice cf lb . Pp;i( . e aRd f ^ 0t , nMhleft ia , ach MiJim ; District will he held on ihe Sr»t Saturday ( 5 th 1 iv) of tTamvny, IS89. J. F. 6 . William^, Ordiuiirv. r t- - —— - Prudent people always have Laxa dor convenient. It often takes the place of a doctor and costs only 25 cents. For sale everywhere. Uncertainty may attend business ventures and enterprises, but it never attends the prompt administration of Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup. Price 25 cents. HE SALUTES YOU. The fall stock of G. E. Thomas, the no-shoddy cloth er, is t he handsomest display of fine clothing to be found in the south. It has been select Wiui ’VCiy gl eat care and the prices are guaranteed to fit like the clothes do—that is always perfectly. It affords us pleasure to call your atten t j on ^ ese goods and to sa lut<J you in behalf of Thomas, th(J dothier glM J to invite you tQ ^ &t the Emporium , one doo „ nQrth of the RANKIN y[OT ygjr “Your babies” will always be good if you give them Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup while teething. It is a reliable and sure remedy and costs only 25 cents.