The journal. (Hamilton, Ga.) 1887-1889, December 21, 1888, Image 2

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clothes stained with the blood of wife and the holiest pledges of her affection, to don the suit of a bride¬ groom, presents one of the most ble pictures in the sad tragedy. The three beings killed that she might be come the prize of this fiend incar nate, are beyond the reach of our sympathy, perhaps beyond its need, but this girl lives to hear the anguish of an act hut too common in these times, the marriage with a man of whose precedents she was nof fully informed. | For The Journal.] CURRENT EVENTS. The congress of the United States assembled on the 3rd with the usual ceremonies. # * The democrats claim one majority in the next house of representatives. The “rads” claim a majority of three. * #- * President Cleveland’s annual mess¬ age is an able, lucid state paper, and superior to most of its predecessors. *■ * Speaker Carlisle says in an - inter¬ view that the senate tariff bill will not pass the house, if it does the senate. & * It is said that Mr. Mills has an “abiding confidence that the great work of tariff reform will go marching on.” Not while the north has the money power. * # * Senator Boyd’s bill to provide for an appeal from a traverse * ury to., a special jury passed the senate. # * * The Brady bill has been reported to the house with a majority and mimority report. This Lull ought not to pass. * * -*■ The appropriations are under con¬ sideration, and there is great danger of extravagance hereabouts. * * There has been a heavy frost in Florida %s low down as Fort Ogden. The prince of physicians has come at last and the danger is over. * Perhups the; only female ergineer in the world is Mr». Rebecca Bout w ell who runs the engine to pump water ou the East Tenn., Ya. and Ga. railroad below Eastman. She controls the Hancock irispiri tor which supplies the boiler with water e nd repairs when necessary. The Iveely motor company has been re-organized after some litiga¬ tion, but why this long delay if the invention be a success. * * * j It is thought that the Whitechapel i murderer has been caught. -;*r * safety m handbag. * * I The forestry congress met in At lanta last week, The subject of tree ! planting ably discussed anrl »vas much valuable information elicited. Arbor day ought to be duly observed, * * * The effort to get an expression for “free whiskey” by the Georgia legis¬ lature utterly fails. * * * A saddle colored negro claiming w to be a lavvyei from New York ar¬ rived at Powder Springs a few days ago, and on the strength of Harri¬ son’s election told the negroes that he was sent out to buy up all the lands he could and sell them to negroes on twenty years’ time at 6 percent. His charge for inspecting a farm was from $10 to $12, which everyone that wanted to buy had to pay in advance, and he was to meet them in Marietta Saturday and make them deec s to the farms. He picked up a few hundred dollars ano skipped. Reader. ■ »B—■ - Local Mention. Fresh oysters at the hotel day night. M. and Mrs. S. R. Murphey were at home for a few days last week. *• Mrs. Jane Ely, has rented Mrs. Cowsert’s house for another year, and has moved in this week. The flour holder sold by M. L. Parker, wii 1 hold fifty pounds ol flour, a,id is a great convenience. Try it, and you will not be willing ‘ to be without one. Everybody is invitep to be at the hotel Tuesday evening. The table wdl he la len with Christ¬ mas delicacies, and you can get your choice of an. thing you wish to eat from, 10, to, 50 cents. Dr J. O. Hunt will shortly move to the Woffson residence on College avenue, which he has rented for another year. The company of gipsies that were encamped near town last week, pass eel through Tuesday on their way to other parts of the country. They were apparently harmless se?, and their short stay here has not been to the detriment of any one, or we would doubtless have heard of it. However no one regrets that they have gone in search of new scenes. .live in your contributions to the ladies to repair the Methodist church, at the hotel next Tuesday, and get in return a good dinner. Fifty cents fot gentlemen, twenty five for ladies, and nfteen for children. Let us be all there. The sheriff of Chambers county Ala., war in the county Lst week hunting for the murderer cf M. Dantford, a farmer who lives near LaPayette. The negro he was lock¬ i ing for was captured in Atlanta and confesses the crime. He conf sses also to being the principal in two ether smi hr erin: Sunday schoo l exercises, was poned until next Sunday when it j hoped that the weather will be 1 favorable, and a larger number : hp nresent n Lapt. tt H. w W. t>‘ ruts u has a tine fi j ply of meat for another year of ! own raising, and should there be j “corner” on meat, it will ncu j his equmimity in the least. He has i"killed ten hogs, the net weight I which was 2700 pounds. Three j these alone weighed 960 pounds. j farmers would raise theii own and other home supplies, they soon become independent. It is rumored that the brother will meet here next to put out full ticket for j offiers. Please do’nt forget to member to go to the polls one j from Wednesday and vote, j Mr. J. A. Norwood was at on a visit to his family this week, judge williams has received j b anks for holding the county bon and desires magistrates to 1 J f thefti. or sen( or The Journal wishes its ; all a merry Christmas. I The Christmas tree at the j church Thursday night will bean oc i casion of much interest. On • sabbath morning names'will be ■ ten on separate slips of paper, i placed in a hat. From the hat J person willing to make a will draw a name, and he will on the tree his present f«>r the name he s drawn. In addition all w,5 , l > P ,ace P r “ ents on lhe tree ^ nd 1 we ho P e our S ,fts not more n " mer ° us l llan we can co » veniently take. , home. , For other locals see last page. licccli Spring Rubbles. We are having some very able weather at the present. Christmas will soon Le here. It is time every one was getting ready their presents. Mr Wallace Askew is the happiest man in our community (another boy). Mr. George Babb visited our neighborhood last Sunday night A. P. N. State of onto, city oe Toledo, Lucas county, S. S. Frank J. Cheney makes oath he is the senior partner of the firm F. J. Cheney &Co m doing in the City of Toledo, County State atoresaib, and that said will pay the sum of one hundred lars for each and every case of Ca tarrh that cannot be cured by the of hall’s catarrh cure. Frank J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and in m/ presence, this the 6th day ' December A. D. ‘86 < > A. \V. Gleason. K SEAL u Notary public. c > Hall’s Catarrh Cure is takeb inter nally aub acts directly upon the blood and mucus surfaces of the system. Send foi testimonials,free. F. J.Cheney&Co Toiedo, O. tsrs.'. oaLt m / 5 c rpnk cenls - '« n soMy or hum * y t a , s0 jnvariably keep timo ju my tep to th# mus i C the band is playing, and I find that helps me wonderfully in preserving my bal ance. With my own weight and that of the balancing pole there must be about 230 pounds bearing on the rope, which naturally gives considerably, this sagging being one of the chief difficulties we have to encounter in keeping our balance, i prefer to perform in the open air; for in a hall or theatre even of the largest dimensions the vitiated air found at the elevation at which my rope is always stretched is most unpleasant to breathe.— J. F. Blondin in Lippincott’s Magazine. Ugly Faces Made Handsome. It is no difficult thing for a dentist to press prominent teeth into place by rub¬ ber wedges and metal clamps without pain. The long upper lins which N. P. Willis derided so pitilessly in a woman because it is a sign of such a sullen te¬ nacity and coldness of nature, is more difficult to treat. But it accompanies a nose facial not so long as it should be, and the artist would remedy the lip by bringing the nose down. Do not deride or say impossible, for the thing is done. There are several physicians who refit noses and correct their deformities. The interior of the nose is deadened with co¬ caine, the lining or mucous membrane turned back and superfluous tissues cut away, and a splint or saddle fixed to the bridge to make it, while healing, the de¬ sired shape. When the large end of blunt noses becomes a deformity, he cuts them through with a thin bladed knife and applies the saddle. In no case is the operation serious, there is no scar, and photographs show nothing to be desired after the operation. Long, prominent noses are of all others the easiest to be taught the their duty, as all they require is splint without surgery. With a nos© In proportion tho lipa adjust themselves, and contract from necessity in most cases. —Shirley Dare’s Letter. Criticism of European Soldiers. I have been most kindly received by the king and Count Bismarck and all the officers at the headqur.rters of the Prus¬ sian army’-; have seen much of great inter¬ est. and especially have been able to ob¬ serve the difference between European battles and those of our own country. I have not found the difference very great, but that difference is to the credit of our own country. There is nothing to be learned here professionally, and it is a satisfaction to know that this is the case. There is much, however, which Europeans could learn from us—the use of rifle pits —the use of cavalry, which they do not use well. For instance, there is a line of communication from here to Germany ex¬ posed to tho whole of the south of France, with scarcely a soldier on the whole line, and it has never been touched. There aro a hundred things in which they aro be¬ us. The staff departments are organized, the quartermaster’s do ar * ment ^ ei T wretched , etc.—Sheridan’s er to rant ‘ A Protection Against Rorglars. A Connecticut Yankee suggests the nse of flash light photography as a means of protecting He “I bank vaults from burglars. says: would have a camera plaeed in a position where it would command in the field of tho lens a space of ten feet square or more in front of the door of the vault, and have the other apparatus so arranged that as soon as tampering with the vault door was attempted the wholo would bo placed m operation. My plan would of course include retaining the burglar headquarters. alarm connecting with police As soon as tho burglars had begun operations the police would bo alarmed, and at the same instant a pict¬ ure of tho men would bo made by the camera and flash light combined, so' that even ii' tho men escaped the police thev would leave behind them evidence which xroald ., very U^bably . .. eventually result in their detection.”—New York Su