The Hamilton journal. (Hamilton, Ga.) 1889-1920, January 18, 1889, Image 12

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l T flMILTGN 0 . I every fiuoav. .SUBSCRIPTION $1.00 A YEAR f. L. 1 J«NNIS,. . . Cd • umw*s'i %. 0 +mwn HAMILTON. GEORGIA, January 18 1889 I.ornl Mention. Mbs Mcllie Walton visited rela atives at Ellerslie last week. Mr. W. O. Scott, expects to move his family to Columbus next week. Miss Willie Hudson, of Hogansville :m the city the guest of Miss Lula Mobley. Miss Fletcher Turner left this morning for Atlanta, on a visin to her sisters. Mrs. J. A. Hunter leit Tuesday for Union Springs Ala. to spend a few months. Mrs. Patsie Truett, mother of Mr. A. F. 'Pruett has been quite sick the past few days. Mrs. A. S. Dozier, of Columbus is spending a few days with dvr family of her brother, Mr. C. H. Cook. Mr ]. M. 1 buker has been dis¬ posing of his house hold goods tin week, preparatory to moving to Fia. where he expecis to make ins home. 'idle attendance at the college is increasing rapidly, and we hope 1 lie school will soon be as full and flour¬ ishing as the excellent teachers desire . nd merit. Our streets have been enlivened this week by the music of the hand organ man. He was selling Light Ltnament, ami attracted quite a cioval around him. 'The ri.oon was in eclipse Wednes¬ day night, but the sight was obscured by heavy clouds, from which the rain poured. This, of course, pre¬ vented any interesting observations from the front gate. We often wondered what induced Dr. Bull to invent his celebrated Ba¬ by Syiup, but we understand now, that he was a married man. The newly elected city authorities are looking well to the interest of the iown. We are persuaded that they vili not only maintain law and ordei, but under their supervision the town will acquire a reputation for neat ness as well as sobriety. Pleasant to the taste, surprisingly quick in effect and economical in price—no wonder that Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup is the leading prepara¬ tion of its kind. Last Sunday was a beautiful day and we were glad to note that the attendance it the Sabbath Schools was much larger than usual. There seemed to be an increased interest and it was very encouraging to Su permtendents and teachers. Parents should not only see duU their chil dren go regularly, but should en <! eavor to be present as often as possible and give encouragement to the good work. 'The hour in the Sunday Schoof is excellent training for chi’drenand the religi¬ ous influences thrnvn around them will be of great benefit in the foim aiion of character for lime and ternitv. ✓ Dr. C. A. Brooks, who has been taking a postgraeuate course in a medical college in New York, is ex pected home in a few days. ,, Mr. Albert Owen . laibot county, d nephew of Captt o. C. Johnston, was in tovvn Saturday. Hon J. F. Jenkins, of Chipley was in town Wednesday, and drop ped into the JournAl office. Mr. Bedell Parker, came up from Columbus Sunday afternoon and spent the night with his mother. Mrs. JtiO. Buchanan, and Miss Emmie Sparks returned from a to Columbus Tuesday afternoon, Miss Lanie Whitman of West Point Who has been visiting relatives here, ’ left Monday for Mansfield Tex as to spend i some time with • . her , uncle, , Mr. Chas. Smith. “Oh! woman, in horns of ease, un certain, coy and hard to please.” With children hurt, long hours, she’s spent. Do try Salvation Oil, the liniment. 'The lovely weather of the first part of the week was succeeded by heavy rains Wednesday afternoon ann night. Thursday was again clear and the weather as balmy as a Spring day. Mr. Kimbrough, s’lcrdf, and Mr. 1 lad ley, treasurer, gave strong bonds i iiesday. Mr Murrah, tax collect or, gave ills Wednesday, judge J. F. C. Williams, says he does not remember who is on his bo .d but hopes to be able to renew it without trouble. Arlirul; , t thp Ha-.dlto-i hole! . the week hn«r eiuliii* laniuiv ivm i 7 th -H.S. H o Johnson, To Atlanta. Atlanta- W ra. r C, Miller, Cincinnati O.; Albert Owen ? Talbotton; W. )., Grogan, Grogan ville, N. C.; I - W. 5 arneil, Miiladel phia; Jacob Larnsberg, andS. D. Zu fcer, Atlanta; Rowan MilDr, Talbo 1 : J. H Watt, Columbus; Adrain Dick¬ enson, New York. As we have said efore, we are proud uf our numerous correspond ents. Nearly every town and hamlet in the county has had its reporter, and has been kept before the public through the columns of the Journal. Some of'these correspondents have been as true to us as the “needle to ; the pole,” and we regularly expect the weekly batch of items, and are rarely disappointed. We solicit a coutiu nance, and hope you will help us keep the Jounnal up to its present standard. Please send in your locais early in the week. An election for magistrates was held in all the districts Saturday. Mr. J. R. Livingston, was elected without opposition for the Hamiiton district, \ and will make a good mag ^trate. The race was excitiug in >, h ® X a, \ e >' Plamt .hstr.ct The can dijates Major I. N. Spark s, and Sqire Anderson, both made a a good race, the election resulting in a majority for ’Squire Spaiks. Rev. Base.on; Anthony, who was in charge of the Hamilton circuit a few years since, during his two years pastorate made many warm to whom the following notice of warm reception at Wanesbcro will be interest;—Th ladies of the sonage Aid Society of tVanesboro busy refitting up the parsonage ^' e reception ot Rev. fiasco.n thony, who succeeds Rev. J. R. Rev. Mr. Anthony is a y 0un g Ilian f or this charge, but comes highly recommended ss scholar and pastor. He will have important duty on hand at the the finishing of the Methodist church, which is only completed, and upon which work suspended on account of lack funds. For all disease and deformities the eye, car, nose or ti roat, Dr. O. J. Short, Specialist, Columbus, Ga.— Office 1140J Broad St. tf. 1 b 01 f ./ the tiectora, . . , col , lege . of , Georgia . met in the cba(nber Atlanta Monday, and cast their votes for Cleveland and Thurman. Col. J. M. Mobley this place, elector from the 4th dis trict was elected chairman, and dis patched the business of the meeting in his usual prompt and energetic manner. 'Pile Atlanta Constitiuiuii of Tuesday thus gives the personnel, of die electoral college. 'There were Tom Watson and John i emple 1 (craves, ’ the prize Georgia . beauties; . red-bearded James A. Bran nen, who came to cast the vote the fust district; fat. fair and hand some Tom Felder with a “Jr.” after his name; Gus Hawes, the of me last house; venerable Colonel Mobley, who presided with dignity; "Our Own” Jim C V r 1 U v, who Drou to- ht his deep voice and mgniu — woh him; Rodtey l >. Smith, of the sixth, whose raunu face showed that he apprec.a ted Ihe immor «,l the whole proceed i ings; V McConnell L. johnson, grave an si i ent save when he rose to points of order; John T Jordan and How ar 1 • W. Newman, the heavy weights of the college, upon whose shoulders fell all the heavy work; and Howard Callaway, who is somewhathandsom er edition of'Pom Watson than the original. o 9 e -c*-— State of ohio, city oe Toledo Lucas county, S. S. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney &Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State atoresaib, and that said firm will pay the sum of one hundred dol¬ lars for each and every case of Ca¬ tarrh that cannot be cured by the use of hall’s catarrh cure. Frank J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and sudscribed in nr/ presence, this the 6th day of Decernbej, A. D. ‘86 1 > A. W. Gleason. \ , SEAL Notary Public. J Hall’s Catarrh Cure is takeb inter nallv aub acts ' directly upon the blood - and surfaces Ot the , mucus system, c ouk. , n A f i n , i les.imOtiian»,irce. free F. J.ChENEY&Co Toledo, O. Jk-IT’Sold by Druggist, 75 cents. SK • CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. Best Cough Syrup. Tastes good. Use t in time. Sold by druggists. CONSUMPTION ■ Tr W m M. Art cvi ft The best Cough Medi¬ 3 cine is Piso’s Cure for Consumption. Children take it without objection. By all druggists. 25c. , .. VS t /5 m §|fi| | % 0 h if? t i a ^^ Sr^ Hi m fei fp. fH Isif 11 4P 1 ^aw ■ 1 3 , i 1" h — • Me mw COO LIVER OIL &E2 EYPOPSOSPHITEj &!r.ieeC as PeAaiableaa R8SII aigied* .. «!«• , a as*t»»iaicd , . .. by the mefe the co® bina^ioa eff the ©iiwith the HypopSto; 3 * ks Wnw u& staA §>a-a y v?' * ^ » 8COTTS EMULSION i3 acknowledged Sd ^2 C 059 BMK 3 PTI 0 H, 80 BOFU 8 .A. e 23 £R.Uii. DEBILITY, EMACIATION.# WA 8 TI 1 DISEASES. OOUOftS COLD* ar.d CKROMSO vJZJiTaMm aw Children suffering' from these destructable par; sytes can’t be relieved by so-called worm lozP ajers which only tickle Fahnestock’s the palate. Vermifuge, The time-| tested cure is B. A. J g you value and the incurable life of your sickness child, don’t seize it, wait but ii spasms this reliable remedy it fails at once; never ICURF \ 4 / s ■ i r When I sav Cure I do not mean merely to^ stop them for a time, and then have them re* turn agaiu. I mean A RADICAL CURL. 4 1 have made the disease of FZTS, ElPZXiEPS^T OP FALLING SICKNESS ^ life-long study. I warrant my others remedy havef to Cure theworst cases. Because curej^ failed is no reason for not now receiving a g e nd at once for a treatise and a Free Bottli oi mv Infallible Remedy. Give Expies an Q p os t office. It costs you.' you Address nothing for , trial, and it will cure H.C. ROOT, M.C., f83PsABLST.,NEWYDR iii?! 9:45? I believe Piso’s Cure for Consumption saved my life.—A. H. Dowell, Editor C., Enquirer, April 23, Eden- 1887. . ton, v; 7: q srj ISO’S CURE FOR CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. Best Gough Syrup. Tastes good. Use in time. Sold by druggists.