The Hamilton journal. (Hamilton, Ga.) 1889-1920, January 18, 1889, Image 2

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I For » Thk Jol’Rnai..] CURRENT EVENTS. 'The discuss on of the tariff con tinues in the senate. Senator Brown ( ) ( (Georgia votes with the republi* c ms m favor of protection. He can net longer lie considered a democrat. * * The radical senate refuses to act on nominations to office by l resi lent Cleveland, m order to get in radicals under Harrison. “Shame where is thy blush.” * * #• The recent session of the Georgia legislature cost the state $57 ; 5 2 7- 8 7 # * ■ Col Williamson, president of the (Chattanooga, Rone & Columbus R. R., met the citizens and business men of Columbus on the nth. He asks terminal facilities and $100, CJ oo to bring this road to Coin m bus It is in order to extend the C. & R. to Newnan. “So mote it be.” ■its * ■% A terrible cycioie passed through Pennsylvania on the 9th. Beading an 1 Pittsburg were in its track and suffered feat fully. Many lives were lost. =* of • nso’vent list state tax tn K co nnty amouuted to o< ly Good, vo y good. Can her county say the same? # ■ • e are 3064 languages in the > < l ■ t • to iiihuLuilclUa pi ulcaa uluic. do religions. ♦ *■ -*■ - present rate of State taxation >ia is 27 cents on the hun (! His. In 1889 it will be 32 , 1890 34 cents. There -> be a special capitol tax next the completion of the build if furnishing throughout, in uu 1 burglar and fire-proof vault . mg the state’s money. * * I i ( il mill at Elberton is making ■me thousand gallons of oil per ‘ also gets about two bales of >n per day from the seed, < v : suppose, will about pay the ;u! expenses. About thirty five ' hands are employed. * # 1 Ibany Guano Company ex ave their buildings cample begin the manufacture of K i the last of the month. I make a standard grade and their works will prove *011 to the manufacturing in v * the city. From the Centropolis, Kansas City, Mo., December ist, 1887. There is nothing so valuable to us health, but we do not realize this mtil we are deprived of it. How nany of our readers awake in the morning with dull pains in the back and head, and find it a hard task to perform daily duties? Thes'e are symptoms of Malaria, and we know X( >m pcisonal trial they may be com eieiy eradicated by Shallenberger’s ntidote for Malaria. It is a simple id effective remedy, and we advise • r ert'lers to try it. C’hlpley Locftl*. Mrs. Evelyn has returned io Obipi ley, and is occupying the residence rect,nl| y cccu P ie( ! L Mr. W. D. Wisdom. Miss Ida Dunlap, and little Mittie Mosr, are visiting Mrs. Caifip at Pucketts S alion. Buy your garden Seeds and onion setts &c, at the Drug store. For onion setts, irish, potatoes, ® ar( j en see( y s & c g 0 to the Drug Col. L. C. AvefeU’s father and family, have moved to this country and are now living at the Bryant place recently bought by Coi. Aver ett. He has sold out his mercantile interests to Flournoy & Allen, the old firm, and will occupy his time farming. Mr. R. S. Shepherd was very un¬ fortunate in having his house burned down Monday morning, His little son was maxing fire in the stove, when a spark fitw to a large bunch of straw. All was ablaze in a few moneuts. All furniture, &c. was burned. Misses Willie and Mattie Thomp son visited Miss Georgia Bayfield. We invite your attention to tho c e German compound neiiicincs. Fv ery bottle guarantee 1, or moiey re funded. M r. 2 F, J. Kimbrough, Cataira, Messrs Crawford eg Hol land, Cochrans, F. M. Talley & Co, Whitesville. They can also be had at the Chipley Drug store. 5 ? liss Juha Glanton, c.f LaGran n , VIS eel Has Dottic IL-i/ly’am we a Mr. Taylor White and family, moved from this place to LaGrange Tuesda.i. Our best wishes are with them. Mr. J. T. Dunlap moved to his farm on Thun day. Mr. Dunlap one. cf our most popuDr and enter prising townsmen, and we regret to lose him. We are glad to note his farm is only a few miles fiom town. Mr. W. \V. Moss is busy on his farm a few miles from town. ‘ AFTER SWINBURNE.” “Mine eyes to my eyelids cling thickly, My tongue feels a mouthful and more, My senses are sluggish and sickly, To live and to breathe is a bore. My head weighs a ton and a quarter, By psins and by pangs ever split, Wnich manifold washing with water Relieve not a bit. After Swinburne these lines may > be, a long way afte for that n i but what a description of the man whose bowels are costive, liver dis¬ ordered, blood out of sorts. Such an individual needs Dr. Pierc’s Pleas¬ ant Purgative Pellets. They are plearant to take and powerful to cure. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription cures all these peculiar weaknesses incident to females, Is Pricklfy Ash BItters good for anything? Read what Trank Griggsby, of Dodge C ity, Kas., says: “For three years I suffered from a disease that my physicians pronounc ed incurable. My friends had given me up to die, when I was innuced to try your remedy- l took it for three months and have gained 82 pounds in weight. * A a well ,n and prickly Ash P 5 i life. I am under life-long obligations to tlrs medicine, and will never cease to re¬ formed it.” • 4 - School Teacher* Talte Notice. An examination tor Teachers license will be held in the Cv;uit house in Hamilton on the 29th, 30th and 31st days of January, inst. No other days will be allowed for said examination. Public School Term will begin on the 1st Monday July. Teachers of other schools than Pub¬ lic Schools can receive information as to receiving pupils on Public funds by con erring with the udersigned. W. A. Farley, County School Com’r Harris Co. January 2nd, 1889. ♦ Consumption Surely Cured. To the Editor—P ieuse inform your reader* « I r »av> a positive vernecy f r the ah ive named disease. By its^ timely use thousands of hopeless oases been permanently cured i -ha’J be glad to send two bottles of my remedy free lo any of yonr readers who have coansump tioa if they will seu i me tbeir express an i host offi ;e address. Respectfully T. A. Si ccum M. 0., 181 Pearl st., N. Y. <£> HE SALUTES YOU. i W bcena usaasal w Anndc nisdgdsdctbo eddcfiesdcttFfoaeeddcdlsiiiiiisbcoioeoi siieeibehkleeearFtanorrgcrataasMasai esdheenblsohffiosfa9eeDeoseheeouteg HTu\vs0fcdBdnfcce8theerhheaacrsitr9a Mhiasshektscai-fiseoessffaa3flesoioig5i hObcewdchtTtbdeecneesqeieheanddRa Sdbtedttddiho’ffcdeeiddnncbcrcdsrbiae 00 ffieeTiihAneisieeeiecbdfrDeaeeelObeiss esMleipdsddfianfi*eeeerlso2eerotiwsT doiossecsreeiiifieieateroiiinfciicnwiagd2 itseedicds.ircl-iciritrei Which in plain English moans: The fall stock of G. E. Thomas, the noshoddv cloth er, is the handsomest display of line clothing to be found in the south. It has been select¬ ed with very great care and the prices are guaranteed to tit like the clothes do—that is always perfectly. It affords 11s pleasure to call your atten¬ tion to these goods and to sa¬ lute you in behalf of Thomas, the clothier, and to invite you to call at the Emporium, one door north of the RANKIN HOUSE. J. W. HOWARD & CO ■» 1441-48 1st Avenue, Columbus, Ga. -‘BUY- * RAGS AND HIDES 1 Old Cotton, Baggings Furs, Beeswax,Old Metal. Ootton in the Seed and Cotton Seed — And dealers in— Stationery, Wrapping Paper, Paper Bags, Twine, Etc. Orders Promptly Fi ll ed, HELP IFj TiME OF NEED. When a man is drowning he will grasp at straws, ; but straws will not save him. Extend to him a : life-boat and his rescue is certain. Mr. James A. Greer, of Athens, f ra., (jn-'.orsedby I the editor of the Athens Banner-Watchman) makes the following statement: j “1 am (irst cousin of the late Ex-Governor Alex ander H. Stephens, and have been postal clerk on different railroads since 1868. Lor ten years I U. s ! been a sufferer from a cancer on CANCER my face, which grew worse until the discharge of matter became profuse and very offensive. I became thoroughly disgusted with blood purifiers and pronounced them humbugs, as 1 had tried many without relief. Finally I was induced to use Botanic Blood Balm, (B. B. B.) The offensive discharge decreased at once and the hardness disappeared. It became less and less in size until nothing remains except a scar I gained flesh and strength, and all who have seen me bear testimony. J cannot say too much in its praise.” A. H. Morris, Pine Bluff, Ark., writes: “Hot Springs failed entirely to cure me of several terrible, indolent running ulcers on mv legs, with which I have been troubled for many years. Sever a l doctors also attempted to cure me but failed. I HOT SPRINGS have only used a few bottles of B. B. B., (made in Atlanta, Ga.,) and the effect has been truly magical, as they have all healed and I am cured after everything failed. My general health is also improv¬ ing, appetite and digestion good. I sleep soundly, and never felt better. Doctors told me that I could not be cured. I refer to every ma -chant or professional man of Pine Bluff. OUTLlny one inter isted who desires to know mor% about the wonderful merit of B. B. B., will please send address to Blocd Balm Co., Atlanta, Gru, for their illustrated “Bojk of Wonders.” ( 2 ) Dobbins’ Electric Soap THE BEST FAMILY SOAP IN THE WORLD. It is StricUrPnre. Uniform in Quality. T HE original formula for which we paid $50,000 twenty years ago has never been modified or changed in the slightest. This soap i» Identical tn quality to-day with that made twenty noth In yean that ago* in* TT A contains a can bright¬ Jure the finest fabric. It ens co’ors and bleaches whites. TT washes flannels and blankets as no other soap A in the world does—without shrinking—leaving them soft and white and like new. READ THIS TWICE INHERE is a great Ravine of time, of labor, J of soap, of fuel, used and according of the fabric, where direc¬ Dob¬ bins' Electric Soap is to tions. rtXE trial will demonstrate its great merit. It ^ will pay you to make that trial. J- IKE all best tilings, it is extensively imi¬ tated and counterfeited. JSeware of Imitations t A m JNSIST upon Dobbins’ Electric. Don 1ft take Magnetic, fraud, Electro-Magic, because Philadelphia is fipvJectric * or any other simply it cheap They will ruin clothes, and are dear at any price. *. 4 sk for ---o~$ DOBBINS’ ELECTRIC and take no other. Nearly every grocer from Maine to Mexico keeps it in stock. If yours hasn’t it, nc will order from his nearest wholesale grocer. T5 EAD carefully the inside wrapper around each JA each bar, and be careful to follow directions on outside wrapper. You Cannot afford to wait longer before trying for yourself this old, reliable, and truly wonderful Dobbins’ * Electric * Soap. DR. W- T. POOL, DENTIST, OVER COLUMBUS BANK 5 ^°All Diseases of the luvsuCu ana Teeth treated in the best manner.