The Hamilton journal. (Hamilton, Ga.) 1889-1920, January 18, 1889, Image 6

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mm Journai. ri'iti.isd i:i> uvmtY rmin v. Q II l> SCRIPT ON $1.00 A YEAR — L L. Dennis, .. . . Proprietor. U AMI UTOM, G EORGI A, January i8 1 y 18S9 PHYSICAL CULTURE. The modes of education have changed wonderfully in the past few years, but whether there has been much real improvement is queslion able. Orie feature is now attracting much attention and that is the phys ical development of the young. The papers tell us that Boston has established a gymnasium for wo¬ men und children, and of course the “Hub,” has struck the golden idea. Perfect womanhood and perfect man hood physically is to follow. It would be indiscreet perhaps to dis sent, but common sense will see things as they are and put away fan¬ cies and stick to facts. 1 n In sir I >ns habits will furnish a’l the physical culture necessary, C disthenics and kindred exercises are good as ami^t ments but nothing more. The world has long since learned that a s< mnd body and a sound mind does nv/l always go together. Some men of fine physical development have poorly developed minds, While it is not best to develop the mind at the expense of the booy, there is but little danger in this direction. The mind can and will expand the body, the body can not expand the mind. The better part of man, the mind is capable of infinite improvement, growth and maturity, while the body like the tree follows the law of its being, grows to maturity on healthy food without fine spun theories and sickly fancies. The best gymnasium for the aver¬ age dles boy is between the plough han¬ dil¬ or at the hoe helves, and if igently pursued will develop mind and muscle and make a rnan not to be ashamed of. The world needs to be taught that all labor ought to be useful, and mere physical exer¬ cise is a fancy. It is important that the mind and the body should con¬ cur in a worthy object, koi the ladies, young and old, a < ancc around the cooking. stove and the numberless steps in house-keeping will surely obviate any necessity lor a gymnasium, and the idle hour, if there Adam be one, Bedecr had David bettei^ Coppernelc. be spent on It is not the body that needs cul - t ure, but the mind and heart. Had health comes ottener from a disor dered mind and an uncultivated heart than from any other cause, 1 * e peevish and the complaining are noth sick and troublesome, and if any body needed a gymnasium they are the ones. Not A- BLIND FOR ELEVEN DAYS. Mrs. J. T. Love of Leesburg’ Ga., widow of an eminent an 1 succeseful physician, sa>s under date ef Sept. 20, rS88: My husband in a large a id lucrative practice used Swift’s Specific, and with it retsored to health many persons in wltUse cases all other medicines proved useless. One young man who had been treat¬ ed for six years for blood poison, his condition bad gradually grown worse, and got be horrible. He was help¬ less for twelve months and blind for eleven clays. His case seemed in¬ curable. But he was cured sound and well by S. S. S., and today is a strong and healthy man. PERMANENT. At the time I began taking S. S. S. my body arid arms were almost one solid sore, and I had been taking medicine for twenty-six years to cure blood poison. In less than thirty days my skin had all cleaned off, and I was a well' man. John B. Willis. 31 Washington .St. Atlanta, Ga., Oct, 28, t I OOO. o P Q Svv ft’s Specific cured me of ma¬ lignant Blood Poison after I had been in vain with o’d so-called remedies of Mercury and Potash. S. S. S. not nn ! y cured the Bioo I son, but relieved the Rheumatism which was caused by the poisonous minerals. Geo. Dovell. 2422 3d Avenue, N. Y. Swift’s Specific is entirely a veg etahle remed , a rat is the only medi¬ cine which permaneitly cures Scrof¬ ula Blood Humor, Cancsrs and Con¬ tagious Blood Poisrn, Send for book on Blood and Skin Diseases, mailed free. The Swift Specfic Co.. ■ > Drawer o ^ ? Atlanta, Ga. ► ♦ WANTED. A gentleman who has reached the age of discretion, and who miy be for a wife. He has no preference between bright black eyes or dan¬ cing blue, but a woman who squints need not apply. All communnica tions received through the Hamilton Journal. ¥ <J -4* Unfortunates who are seeking their } iea ] t h are m any. They should re mern b er that the very best advertise ment 0 f a re medy is the true testi mon y f rom people who have used it. Wri te to the Blood Balm Co., Allan- \ ta ^ Q r ^ f or ^h e ir “Bock of Wonders.” j t j s w ith convincing testimo n j a j s f rom hundreds who have used jg p p No other remedy has g rown s0 rapidly in public favor. In localities where its extraordinary merits have become known it outsells all other remedies. It cleanses, news and purifies the blood. It creates a. healthy appetite and a healths digestion. Duty demands that you give it a triai. HARRISON’S SHOE STORE 1182 BROAD ST., COLUMBUS, GA. Everybody is invited to call and look at our stock of BOOTS AJfD SHOES, REGULAR “ALLIANCE” PRICES ON EVERYTHING.' T. i. DUDLEY & Successors to HARVEY & DUDLEY, —Manufacturers of and Dealers in— Sash, Doors and Blinds, lunber, Builders’ Material, $ f &c •9 * Office and Factory 9 6tli Ave. Opposite Union depot, Columbus, Ga. Harris County Trade Solicited. SATIS FACTION GUARANTEED. PRICES REASONABLE. All we ask is a trial. SEW HOUSE! SEW HOODS! NEW PRICES. m. i. n»AnntrER, HAMILTON t GEORGIA, DEALER IIV- General Merchandise, Dry-Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Clothing:, Jiffs just opened at the Hudson <0 Johnston corner\a stock of fresh goods which low prices and courteous treatment must sell • CdSll pSIO TOP CoUfltf y PfOuLICB UniCkGnSj BllttSTj EggSj &C* T * * CO. PAID-UP CAPITAL STOCK, $‘100,000. CIKCIITNJi.TI , OHIO. $?ELE. AN3 Pleasure Vehicles Proprietors and Sole Users of Sechler’s Improved Perfection Fifth-Wheel All Work Guaranteed as JRepresented, SEND FOR CATALOGUE. > 4 ® fNsyl V r f If ' • ^ l l I . r i. . T7L AK SB* NJrv s / j jj / x Xi 1 / A N. "T - q—*• ' nummfl.