The Hamilton journal. (Hamilton, Ga.) 1889-1920, May 31, 1889, Image 8

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Hamilton Journa 1 J sr=r-^rt=_ PintXID EVKKV FRIDAY. * S8Ki>CK:PTH}N $1.«0 A YEAH (. 1.. [>KNN'IS, PROPRIETOR. H A MILTON GEORGIA, May 3». 18 S 9 CENTRAL RAILROAD of GA , I'OUIHBIIN & HO.HI-: BltASCH. Schedule No 26, in effect February ‘24th ’89. [Standard Time '.Kith Meridian.J 71 Mail. STATIONS. 172 Mail. 3 05 p in I.v Columbus, Ar)] /■) a 3 31 p 111 ! xi- Nances, J* c 55 a 3 40 p m! vr Korthons, Ar c 40 11 4 05 p m A r Catatla, Ar c 19 u 4 20 p m Ar Kinghboro, Ar; -x 00 a 4 35 p ill Ar Hamilton, Ar! x III 47 a 4 50 p m Ar Chipley, Summit, Ar Arj * cc 10 a a 10 p m,Ar a 0 26 p mlAr White Sul Sp’gs Ar -4 50 a 5 37 p ml vr Stinsons. Ar -1 40 a 6 15|im|Ar Greenville, bv 1 * 00 a Departure of Trains at Columbus. Mobile & Girard 7 10 a til—2 35 p in—0 & W —7 10 a in -1 20 p m—So Western-12 05 noon —7 10 p m. For further information relative to schedule, ticket rates, best lontes, etc. write, or call upon. K. 11. Gam 2 kl Agent Hamilton Ga. W. II Md lintoek, Si it. L’olum bus Gil. l-:. T. Chariton Gen. pass. Agent Sa vuimah Ga. It Hill Fay You. If you contemplate making Bast, a trip to and any point m die North. South, West, yneUaiiJngl'ioVfarTsliMVi/tdocs'it^costv fmiV^iiVi'rtVfiVeof ct!a ge,"n'y'Ini'munation W des.ied If von are a non resident, kindly ad Vis • ne-in of \our depaituic and 1 will ,,.,. that you are ticketed tli.ough and all Jj 1 aiigeinents 11 aile for the cheeking ol berths. your bargu engage y»u sieepirut into car Ti,u-e "isliim: to form s imya e excursion parlies will be visited if desm d, an 1 inhumation chei-rliill. given. I o ladies and cliildern, and those travling without es cort, I will give letters to the conductor en rou e. who will see them safely through, and render any asBlHtanct* possiliL* for their com fort un i welfare. For ticket rates, map. sche doles, or anv information, do not hesitate 10 .. ........... i,'ie. No ti mil do to be aee.oininodat Trav. I’ass. Agt.,Central KiiUroaifof Ga.Sav.Ga Local Mention* Mr. VV. T. Barr, of Columbus was in the city Tuesday. Cupt. W. C. lohnston went down to Coiutnbus Monday. Mis. M. L. Copeland visited Co¬ lumbus this week. Dr. Robert Bruce, of Columbus, spent several days in town this week wnn relatives. Mrs. J. VV. Gamble spent Friday ami Saturday in Colutnims. Miss Mo lie Barnes returned from a visit to ColuuiUut Satuiday after on For all disease and deformities of the eye. ear. nose, or throat, consult I)r. O. J Short, Specialist. Columbus, Ga Ot fiee li-iti'u Broad M. th Shiloh s Catahuii Remedy— a port tive cure lor ( auiri h, Diphiln ria »ndt an¬ ker- Aloutli. For sale by Riley & Mis. Copeland, mother of Mr A. F. Copeland is in town, t e guest of Mis. G. R. Copeland. I lie county school commissioner i exu'iiineil several applicants fer teach ers places Wednesday. Dr. S G. Riley’s residence is re¬ of - ceiving a new coal paint. 1 Prof. ). W. Do/.iei, of Macon, was shaking hands with his many tiimds here yesterday. ! ‘TIackmetaok,” a lusting and tragrant nettuiiiv. 1’rio 25 and 50 cents, fir •ale by ltiley & Williams. I Miss Mattie Iruettls rtl-| tlives, m Columbus this week. Mis. E B. Gamtnell spent two i days in 1 lie q leeu city this week. j a liss vlatue Atvierson, of Shiloh, j is the guest of Mrs. FI. G. Hariis this j j week. 1 Mr. Eugene Leonard, a popular tjrmnmer ut the Cemr l city was in Uie city Monday night. I he excursion train 1 uesdai, cai ried down a numbet Iruui this place to Columbus lo see the hi emeu’s iru 1 - n *nt. l or l>ysrt;i' 8 iA and liver complaint you l ave a printed gumaiitee on < very liott.e Shiloh's Vit iLzer. It never tails to gure. Fur tale bv ltiley & Williams. '1 he Ji’kv. Geo. 11 . I hater, of Bour tp'ii fed., says: “B'-tli myself and wit',* #we our lives to Shiloh's Consumption CT’uk.” For »ale by Kiley & v* uiiauis JUr. Frank Hadley went toColum l » i'uesday to take tu the firemen’s |. rude, and buy some stiecl lamps. T he meas'es has about run ns <ouist here, , nd the children are a.l returning t j school. Another spelling Bee next Tuts- 4ay night. T he ladies wish to get better iignts for the Methodist churiti. Come out and have a good time. Just locts. T he Columbus District conference will convene here on the 24 th of June. Hamilton is preparing tc give I er visitois a warm and hospitable welcome. The Teacher’s Institute will meet in the court hous: tomorrow. Im¬ portant questions on education will be dicusted, and interesting papers lead. The public is cordially invited. Work on the Methodist church be g;in Monday and is progressing rap idly under the supervision of Rev. C. I). Adams. It is expected to be neatly finished and in proper order to receive the district conference. Shiloh’s ' War Will You cough when Cure will give immediate relief. l‘rie 10 cts.. 50cts„ and $ 1 . For sale by Riley & William. 1 he rain began falling , about dark on Wednesday evening and comm ued through the night and yesterday. I 1 came intime to save the crops ; from much injury from the drouth. { they would take Dr. J. H. McLean's Sarsajiaril llgo^dli^itr riU<:88WOUMgiV ° PlaCCt0 | No linin t.-nt is in better repute or more wide ly known than l)r. J. H. McLean’s Volcanic I Oil liniment, it is a wonderful remedy. i Mr. VV. N. Maddox, ,’ of VVhnesville ’ lost , ... his barn by , c fire c Saturday , night. • , He had . cut and j stored . , in it / all .. the oats from twenty acres of ground, and his corn, and everything in the forage line, was consumed. He h*d nothing u feed his stock next mornm^. No insurance. Mrs. Mary Hutsell and daughiei. of Eldorado Spriugs, Mo., is in the ; the family of Mr. A. b. city visiting T ruett. Mrs. Huiseli is a sister ol Mr. Truett, whom h has seen only once since he was two years of agr. Sue will spend the summer in this state with relatives. - Persons advanced in years feel younger and > stionger, as well as freer front the infirmities of age, by taking Or. J. H. .McLean’s Saisi pa l illit. of I)r. J. H. McLean’s Little Liver and KW taken at night before going to » ea, will win move move the me bowels uowus. the tne effect eneet will win as- as luruHU JOU - ^ llOVcl feature Will l>e introduced iit ... spelling o Bee . riH'SClAV r ; u. | he fitst class will be drtssed 111 ‘nacky Cns u lies, anti 1 add 1 , to .1 the tun r of tile Occasion by their comical ap pearance. Alterwards every one who dtsire to spell can enter the class. It will lie rich, and no one in town or out ol town should miss it. Harris to the front. Mr. L. W. Stanford was selected as one ot the senior speakers of the state Un v< rsi ty and received notice from the 'acui¬ ty to hasten his return. As sp -akrrs, Mr. Stanford at Athens, and Mr. Kimbrough at Emory, will reflect credit on their county. Don’t be decii Vid by firtitions or paid for certific-ntes. All P-Mimonials printed in our paper concerning the merit of B. B. B. (Botanic Blond Balm) are true and genuine. Write Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga., for * Book ot Wonder.” \i iss Nannie Howaad a compcst , orin ,| 118 0 ffi Ce? ^as among the tmm j )t , r 0 f our c j ]z cn s who saw the mete, or last Friday night. She says there was a brilliant flash, like an electric light, wnich causer! fer to look up in t j me lo see a gi eat ball of fire ex plnde, scattering sparks like a sky rocket. It seemed very near, but no noise followed the explosion, A large congiegation attended di¬ vine service at the Methodist church Su"day morning. The sermon by Rev C. 1). Adams was earnest and spiritual, and made a deep impres¬ sion upon the attentive hearers. Ti e Lord’s supper was adminthieied in evrmi an( j was partaken ol w,, , h SOiimnlty. of you who are weary ami heavy *»•> sickness and care, wnghid down wih tin* intit mi ties that beset i tie human systim can find the one tiling nee* -sary to restore y< 11 to bright buoy ant health in Sherman's PricklyAshBitter It invigorates and strengthens the debil ated organs, aids digestion, and uispels the clou ,| 8 rising troma diseased liver, T„ e Commencement sermon of the West Georgia, A. & M. college w ,jj preached in the college chap on the third Snndaj ( 16 th) of June, by Rev. VV. L. Lloyd, of St. Paul’s Methodist church, Co'umbus. The literary address will be delivered by Rev. R. H H irris, of the first Bap list church Colnmbus, on the Thurs day following. Examinations will be gin W ednesday morning. On 'lhu.s day night there will be a musical and literary entertainment, at which the following question wi l be debated: “Ought governments to furnish free education bv tax rtion to all classes of its citizens?” Aff. Pierce Tucke Neg. Ed Brawner. t'onauinptioii Surely Cured. To ’Hu* KirtTOH— Please inform your realtors tlmt I have a positive remedy tor the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shall be c' ad to send two bottles of my n n idy FHKK to any of your readers via have om. sumption, if they will send nn- their «x press and post-office addr ss. lsflwst y ASLocim " M * ‘ • N.Y The spelling Bee Friday night was a finat'C al success and the larger crowd present ha I the worth of their money in fun. Mr. B. H. Walton gave o» t the lesion. Judge J F. C. Williams, who s said to be the best speller in town, had the honor of re- ceiving the tin horn for missing the first word. “S h-r-e-a-k s” of laugh ter, and rounds of applause greeted his exit from the class. Mr. R. A. Russell was too sympathetic to per¬ mit him to go alone, and followed at the next word, receiving the cheers of the crowd with composed^hn-e-i-n.” The class finally narrowed down to two, leaving Prof. Hayes. and Miry Truett, a young college Miss on the A hard word carried the Prof, f rom the scene of action, and, Miss Mary Truett stood triurnphtly alone, having spelled down a ciass of about Ui« prias *»«<W ... . box of flowers which Col I. M. Mobley Presented with a complimentary speech. I hen Judge Williams was ca.led to the front and presented With ■ , h »« it rccnicd metkly , , a»d . ,ne ' ,rn - it said . he would it to little give y son who , should , . , future‘‘toot . . , his . , in papas r 1 ^ Pickett, Louisans. Nov. 11. I 887 . Messrs A. T. Shallenberger & Co. Rochester, Pa. (Lent-.-The Sample bottle of pills you sent me last Ap-il I gave to a neighbor lady, and it fused her of a very obstinate case of third day chills, which every other remedy fail¬ ed to do. Truly yours, John Pickett. Mr. G. A. B. Dozier, one of the oldest and most lespected citize s of this county died at his home in Cataula district Wednesday. He was a Christian .Mid a man of rurperior intelligence who was well .vorthv, of tlie respect and afif ction, he received from his friends and neighbors. His death is a great loss to the communi ty in which he lived, and his place in life will not lie easily filled A Woman’s Discovery. •‘Another wonderful discovery has been made and that too by a lady this county. Disease fas'ened its clinches upon her and for seven years she withstood its se verest tests, hut her vital organs weie undermined and death seemed eminent. For three months she coughed incessant¬ ly and could not sleep. She ! bought a bottle ot 1 >r. King’s New Discoveiy for Consumption and was so much relieved on taking first dose that she slept all night and w th one bottle has been mira¬ culously cured. Her name is Mrs Lu¬ ther Lutz.” Thus write W. C. Hamr ck Co., of Shelby, N. B.—Get a free trial Ait. Bilky & Willi aus. Chipley lioculs. Miss Sue Surles made a visit to Columbus this week. Lamps! Beautiful lamps!! at the Chipley Drug Store cheap. The Mayor and Count: I had an entertainment with si-me extra charg¬ es Monday. Mrs. VV. vV. Arnold and ch ldren have returned from a visit to te atives in LaGrange. Mr. Geo Ndsou, neir Cochran’s, has the finest oats sve have seen tins season. Rev. W. W. Arnold was in his pulpit at this place Saturday and Sunday. His setmons were very instructive, Mr. Anderson Irvin and wife, spent Saturday and Snnday with relatives near Warm Springs. Prof. S. T. Phillips has closed the exercises of the first term of his school at Shiloh, and he and his wife are spending vacation at this place. Messrs. Jim Hopkins and Will Hadley two nice gentlemen and pros¬ perous farmers were in our city Sat¬ urday. Capt. J. J. Tucker and Rev. J. H. Eakes went down lo Co'umbus one last week and bought nice plush pu’pit chairs, and good carpeting for the Methodist church. Mr. Ernest Surles. Profs. Johnson and S. T. Phillips made a visit to Columbus this week. The absence of rain at this place j s beginning to be alarming We are „| a( ) n ,,te that 'lie country below has enjoyed some good lalus. Mft>sta j. X T a ,- ke r and R. O. | Bulloch went over to Shiloh Friday to attend the closing exercises of Prof. S T. Phillips, school. Fine ice cold soda water at the Chipley Drug Store. Mi. R. A. Burner has dore a neat job of painting on the new church pews. He deserves special mention for tl e c&re he used in drying them qmckley . . have them . so m omer to for use at the quarterly meeting, which is row in session The ladies met at the Methodist church Monday ami arranged tnc carpet for tacking down. The carpet cover* the isles' and chancel and around the pulpit. It presents quite a neat and pretty appearance. Mr. Burt Cook. < t Hamilton, was ' n ,own last week, It has never been our pleasure to meet a more peasant gentleman than Mr. Cook. He ha* as many fnends m Chipley as there are people. Triple extracts, the very purest to be had at the Chipley Drug Store. The chandelier at the Baptist church was badley mangled by a fall last week. Rev. Dennis Miller, the sexton, was surprised when night he went into the church Thursday to light up for prayer meetiug, by noti¬ cing the globes shattered into frag¬ ments. He accounts for the damage by the sliding of the attachments. Six or seven dollars will repair it: Mrs. Culpepper, an aged iady living near Bethany, died on Saturday night last. Her remain* were deposited in Bethany graveyard Snnday. Rev. YV. W. Ar-mld conducted the service. Mrs Culpepper has been help'ess in bed for five years, and no doubt death was a relief. She lived close on to a century, Sue was a good woman. Our sympathy is with the bereaved. •» St L iiiih, Mo., Po-t- dispatch say> ‘IndlMi- women are pr< veibinliy bealibj iud strong, o'ten umrehing for days wiib heir 1 *hcca upon ib ir backs In fact bey fnqnen’lv go 'he dsy before aud nto.-r e.m tioenn-ni, wi’ti tbe'.r tiit es upon 1 he rnsreh. These women acquire ibis greft' -treiigth sod power of endurance : v using a weed ibut grows in their lucid* ity, out of which a medicine is now hemg m«iie, aud kept by the druggists, nndel tie iirtiiiB Iudiiti Weed (Female Miid icire.) Weed (Female Medicine) ha “Indian proven a great bles-'tig to the weak, de 1 icate. over worked -women of our hrg cities, for it is said ib-tall who use « ke- p robust and healiy. Hrs ltiley & William- & ’V. F. Glass Cjdeyseil 1 For Sales. Two acres ofland, with J room dwelling ginh«'U8e. 50saw gin feedr-r and condenser, steam press. 8 horse power engiu., end platform scales, ad in first class running order. Apply to J. H. Brawner. Gaines¬ ville, Ga. or L. L. Stanford. Hamilton Ga. iVotiee School Teachers. An examination 01 npplici nt- for tear h ers license will be in l aniiltonon the 2 !)lh day of May 1889. All who tailed to at¬ tend m January w>L have the last oppor¬ tunity in May. W. A. Fakley. r’ounty School Cone’s *•* MONEY To LEND. LongTimf! Low Rates! CAMERON, Fasv Terms! yplyto THORNTON ft Attor torneys at Law, Columbus, Ga., or v B.H. Walton, Hamilton. gggjgr BROWN'S IRON BITTERS j | ri^Nen^ousneM?»nd it. All General’ dealers Debility. sell it. Genuin* Physh cians recommend red lines has trade mark aud crossed on wrapper, Many Persons Are broken down from overwork or household cares Brown’s Iron Bitters rebuilds the system, aids malaria. digestion, Get the removes ex cess of bile, and cures genuine. TT D W Hr POOL ’ DEy VIST, Office In Webster Building. All Di seases of the mouth and Teeth treat ed in thePest manner. Please take Xoticr. Customers purchasing goods of ure will consider their accounts due 1st of Octo ber as I shall have demands at that time that cannot be delayed. Thanking my friends heartily for their kind favors in the past, and soliciting a continuance. I Remain Most Respectfully. Y\\ F. Glass, Druggist, Chipley, Ga. m* Harris County Sheriff Sales* Will be sold before the court house door in the town of Hamilton, Harris county. Georgia, within the legal hours of public sales to the highest and best bidder, for oath, on the first Tuesday m uly next, the following property, via l-.ts of I and number 2 in the 18, Dist. of Harris county Ga., and bounded on the north by lands of T K Brewst r, on the east by lands of Benjamin Buchanan, on the south by lands of .Joseph B Pate, and Thos. MeClung, and on the west by land of Thos. MeClung, levied on as the prop¬ erty of Thos. MeClung deceased, in the hands of John M Hudson as adm’r to be administered as the estate of said Alc Clung, to satisfy a fi fa is.-ued from the Superior court of Harris county in favor of jo.'iah Swett vs. John M Hudson s adm’r of Thomas MeClung deceased. Also at the same ime and place lot of isuti No 142 and hounded on the North by 1 nils of Seaborn Meadow , on the East by lands of Mrs. Livingston: on the South by Ians ot James Beck, and on the W st by lands ot John L. MtCalla; .Also lot of land No 220 and the South lot No 2i9 said lot a d half lot bounded on the north by lands ot G Porter and W Sparks ; East by by lands of W.Sparks and E. H. Henning, South by lands of Benning and J. b. Bryant, and West by lauds of Win. Copeland, all of the above described lands lung and being in 22nd Dist of Harris county Ga., and contain¬ ing 5 OC .14 acres more or less, levied on as the properly of John L VfcCalla deceased in the hands ot A F Truett adm’r to be administered as the esiat' of said John MeCa a deeeasrd. to satisfy an execution issued from the Superior court ot Harris county in favor of The American Frec ho d Land Mortgage Company of London Limited vs. A F Truett adm’r of John L .VcCalla deceased. Also at the s: me time and place the following property h ts of land > os. 57. 4‘J. 24 25 8 and 26 and factional lots Nos. 39 58 7 and 56 in the 21 st Dist. of Harris county Ga . and fractional lots Nos. 248 and 249 in the 18ih Dist. of said county, all ot said land bounded, on the north by Mulberry creek lands and 'and of Geo McGeheei Hamit, on the east by <f W P Geo. Hatnil, D P McCullough and G A B Ih>z>er; on the south by lands of A J Lowe ami J 11 Toler; on the west by land of E S ONeal and Mrs. Sarah Williams,, containing in all 1897 acres more or less-. And also, the following described prop e riy situated, lying, and being in the t-oum ty of Muscogee and state of Ga., to wit. 1 he 434 acres, more or less, in the 8 th Dis.ofsaid county, and boundtd as f 0 i ows. north by lands of J Autry, east | an d tl f dower of Mrs. A Pitts former ly Clark and die lands of R Dozier, south the Hamilton and Columbus ioad;»nd west by Brngett lands, J S Clark and J Autry all of he above described and containing in aggregate 2331 acres mure or less said land levied upon as the prop • eriy of J S L lark to sathfy an execution issued trom the Superior court of said county in favor of The American P'ree hold Land mortgage Company of London Limited against said J S Clark. VI B lit HB ft >0 OB Sh f FRAZER k DOZIER. HARDWARE. Columbus, Ga. AGENTS FOR THE. White Mountain lee Cream Freezer. THE BEST IN THE WORLD, _ Moore’s Famous Cash Store. We cordially invite the people of Hamilton, and Harris Co to call and inspect our magnificent new stock of, __Dry Goods, Notions &e,— Having just opened business we have no old goods or oft styles. °Every department the is ‘ choicest full to over goods. flowing with nothing but —Great Ribbon Sale.— We will inuaeurate next week, the largest Ribbon sale, that ever took place Georgia— 1,000 i»vs. all silk Ribho„-a!l width anp in every conceivable ,n about half actual value. I his .ot of Ribbon shade w)i i 1 «- sacrofictd at ti.e rd and th but L n, De on exhibition Fndav and Saturday 3 4 lust, This not on -.ale ‘he M'erial low price 1 ntil Monday 6 th inst., at S a. m. is cer at ‘ lay supply of Ribbon very cheap tanvy, a mD st excelle.u oppo tunny to ir. a Ladies you can't afford to miss this great Ribbon saie. Parasols, — Parasols. Parasols, just received in all tlie latest shapes, I.a Pargo, La ? -00 ne w in Silvertne, Oxo lize, Celiu'oid, and Rl 01 pirec'ore. Marquise, Cleopatra, prices. ch. Plain Gloria natural wood handles at an azinglylow ioo better 24 ii quality. Beautiful Silk Parasols at $1.00-, others at $2.50 for no long handles at 1 50 1-75 and $ 2 -°° 2 ’5 a <-nildren and misses ine ot from , $ Parasols beautiful styes 25 c to 2.00 MOORE BROS. Columbus Ga 1103 Eroad Street.