The Hamilton journal. (Hamilton, Ga.) 1889-1920, June 14, 1889, Image 8

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Hamilton Journji I 1 — n'lU,IN)li:i) EVERT Fttiuvi. ~ SUBSCRIPTION $1.00 A YEAR. J. L. Dunnih,......• *PkopriETOR. * “ HAMILTON, GEORGIA, June 14 , 1889 CENTRAL RAILROAD of GA. fOUlMBTS <t ROME BUISCH. Schedule No 26, in effect February 24 th ’89. |Standard Time 90th Meridian.] * 71 Mail.) STATIONS. 172 Mail. 103 pm Lr Columbus, A r 10 25 a m a 31 p m Ar Nances, Ar| 9 55 a in 3 4'i j. m A r Fortson*, Ar| 9 40 a m 4 05 p in Ar Cat at la, Arj 9 19 a m 4 20 p in Ar Kingsboro, Ar; 9 03 a m 4 US p m Ar Hamilton, Ar 8 47 a m 4 50 p m Ar Summit, Chipley, Ar Ar 8 8 31 10 am 5 10 p m Ar a m b 26 p miAr White But Sp’gs Ar 7 50 a m 5 87 p ml Ar Stinsons, Ar Lv 7 40 a m a L r '_Pjn I Ar Greenville, 7 00 a in Ili'imrture ot Trains at Columbus. Mobile & Girard—7 10 a m—2 35 p m—C & W - 7 10 a m—1 20 1> m—So Western -12 05 noon —7 10 )i in. For further information relutive to schedule, ticket rates, best routes, etc. • rite, or call upon. K. IS. Gammkl Agent ' ttinilton Ga. W. H. Met‘Unlock, Supt. Colum isGu. K. T. Charlton Gen. pass. Agent Sa aiinuli Ga. It Will I’ny You. If you contemplate North, South, making Fast, a trip West, to and any oint in the ,'isli to acquaint yourself with the routes be iro starting llow far is It? Win t docs it cost? te., To Write To Me. I will at all times che.c.r • illy furnish free of charge, any information cvred. If you are a non resident, kindly ad Ise me in advance of your departure and I ill see that you are ticketed checking through ay\d all l angenients made for the of a, our agginre engage you themselves sleeping ear into berths, hose wishing jiarties to form piivate ■ jceursion will lie visited if desired, id information cheerfully given. To ladies ud eliildern, and those travling without etc ort., 1 will give letters to the conductor en utile. who wili see them possible safely for through, their and under any assistance com >rt and welfare. For ticket rates, map, sehe iles, or any Information, trouble do not hesitate to uiiiiiand me. No to bo accommodat 55, Clyde Bostick. ■av. I’ass. Act., Central Railroad of Ga.Sav.Ga Local Mention. A friend sent us some delicious peaches yesterday morning. Mrs. L. L. Stanford went down to Joiumbus Saturday. Mr. W. T. Barr, of Columbus, was in town Tuesday. Read Moore Bros, advertisement m this issue and see what bargains they offer the public. Mrs. j|. E. D. Shipp and family, arrived in town Wednesday afternoon on a visit to her mother. The party who went to Atlanta Lv t week to see the “Last Days of I’ mpeii” returned Friday evening. ! iey repoit a delightful trip. The Methodist church being under iair, the Baptist pulpit was kindly ndered Rev. C. I). Adams Sunday ■,:ht, and he held religious services there. Mr. and Mrs. Dan McCulloughs, * Waveily Hall, were in town tnis . ek the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. 1 vinnston. uncoil.s Catarrh Remedy— a posl • cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria and Can - Mouth. For sale by Riley & Hackmktack,” a lasting and fragrant i» fume. Price 25 and 50 cents. For oil 1 ) by Riley & Williams. Mr. M. S. Johnston, wife and in E i t son, left tins morning for Bain biidge, to spend some tune with rel atives in that city. Miss Jennie Gamble, of Columbus, ati 1 e up Tuesday afternoon to at c the funeral of little Willie Gam¬ ble, her nephew. Dr. J. ' . Mitchell returned ednesday night from Atlanta, iseie he had been to attend the Medical convention. ■>r all disease and deformities of the ey '“ar. nose, or throat, ct suit Dr. O. J. SilOl , Ga—Of- 140)v* Broad St. tf. i of. A. N. Cozort’s school at Wa ve 1 fall closes to-day. 1 Prof H A Mayes of the West Ga. A. & M. col¬ lege will deliver an address at the use of the exercises of the school. '- nee receiving the new coat of : , Dr. S. G. Riley’s residence is at the most attractive homes in . It is the perfection of neat- 1 . inside and out. rs T. J. Brooks went to Colutri Saturday to meet her daughter, - '-E. D. Shipp, who passed ugh that city enroute to Cusseta. t. C. A. Brooks and wife, were niuned here by telegram to at the bedside of Mane Copeland v has been very sick this week, i y arrived in town Tuesday after ' bo 1. r Dysi-kpsi* and liver complaint you • : a printed guarantee on every bottle nll °For,\iSt*» ; Viv v ,ails t0 Vko ’ i n- Tn Thk rev I t myleit' bon. Inii.,««ys • "lUth ewe our lives to Suiloh’s Consumption Cork.” For sale by Riley & Williams We are glad to report that Marie Copeland, who has been so sick this week, is considered past the critical period of her illness, and will probab ly soon recover. Our friends will piease bear in : mind that the is printed Thurs j | paper day afternoon, and is out early Friday morning. Any notice must come in prior to noon Thursday to insure its i insertion. Notice is hereby given that a local bill will be introduced in the adjourn ed session of the legislature which convenes in July next to prohibit the sale of seed cotton in Harris county, and for other purposes. Correspondents will please send in their communications early in the week. If we have not space tor all, we give preference to those that come in first, and the others have to wait their turn. Interest in the forth-coming commencement exercises have been overshadowed by sickness in the town and preparations for district confer ence, but now that it is at hand, our citizens should encourage our faithful teacher and pupils by attending all the exercises. Don’t be deceived by fictitious or paid for certificates. All testimonials printed in our paper concerning the merit of B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) are true and gi nuine. Write Blood Balm Co., Atlanta Ga., for ‘ Book of Wonder,” Miss Belle Gammell has been very sick the past few days, but wus much better yesterday. We hope for her speedy recovery. Good rains have fallen here this week but it does not seem to be gen¬ eral. Hon. B. H. Williams said yes terday that he needed more rain at his farm three miles from town. The ndications now are for more soon, Application will be made to the legislature, which convenes in adjourn ed session in J uly next, for a bill or an amendment to an act to prohibit the sale of spiritous or malt liquors in Harris county, and for other pur¬ poses. The school at Central Academy, in charge of Prof. A. P. Mathis, closed last Friday afternoon for a short va¬ cation. He will resume the first Mon¬ day in July. He will spend the inter¬ vening time in Stewart county among relatives and friends. Those of you who are weary and heavy laden with sickness and care, weighed down with the infirmities that beset the human system, can find the one thing necessary to restore you to bright buoy ant health, in Sherman’s PricklyAshBitter It invigorates and strengthens the debil ated organs, aids digestion, and dispels the clouds . rising from a diseased liver. The work on the Methodist church is neariing completion. Rev. C. I). Adams lias closely superintended the repairs, and that is sufficient assurance that the workwillbe substantially done, and the church neatly finished. The ladies will find special pride and de¬ light in giving the inside a thorough cleansing, putting down the carpet and giving the various little finishing touches that adds so much to the gen eral appearance. By the close of next week, we will have an edifice to which we can point with pride. Curtis Beall laid on our tab'e yester¬ day, some apricots, a fruit that it is said will not grow in this climate. They were grown in his garden, and at the time he planted the seed his friends told him he was wasting time as the fruit would never come to perfection. It is rare here and Cur tis has reason to be proud of his sue cessful effort in growing it. He has our thanks for the delicious fruit. The reading public ha c reason to be dis gu-ted with any medicine which claims to cure everything, Shailenberger’s from a corn to eon sumption. Antidote for Malaria is simply what the name imports, if you have Malaria in your system a few ,io8es W U1 ,le5tro r u immediately. So far as now , known it is the only antidote lor ibis poison. Sold by Druggists. The commencement sermon .vill be preached in the college chapel Sunday morning by Rev. W. F. Lloyd of St Paul’s church Columbus- He j S known to many of our citizens as an able, and earnest divine, and we bespeak for him a large congregation. The commencement exercises will be gin Wednesday. Thursday morning Rev R. H. Harris of ihe first Baptist church, Columbus will deliver an ad dress. A literay treat is in store for our ciiizens, and a large audience will doubtless be present togtve the speak er inspiration. Willie, the little son of Mrs. J. W. Gamble, breathed out his young life Tuesday morning about nine o’clock, Only a few days since he was in ap parent health and the light of the household, but pnuemoma fastened on his vital organs, aud in a brief space lie was gone. Now he is safely anchored in paradise, where sin and suffering can never assail him. His bereaved mother has a treasure laid up in heiven, where, when the brief, feverish span of her own life is o'er S qe may again find it, and rejoice Wlt h a “joy unspeakable and full of ! g'ory.” The remains were intered in | the cemetery Wednesday morning, Rev. C. D. Adams conducting the services. j ^ To The Editor— Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for ; tl,e a * ,ove named disease, Iiy its timely permanently cured* 1 " 8 gild been ! shah be to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any of your readers who have con sumption, if they will send me their ex P Tspectfuuf °M C 18l Pearl St. --------—■ ■ -- Chipley Focal*. Mrs. Dr Pitman is visiting rda . LaGrange. tivesin 1 he little babe of - Mr. aud Mis. Everlin has been quite :ll this week. Fire Proof Oil at Chipley Drug btoie. 20c. The rains have been good and the crops are fine. Rev. J. H. Eakes was made thrice a happy fattier last week. A girl. Master Bob Key has our thanks for a nice box of hne plums. . Mr. J. S. Hardy, near Dalits’ Mill, ,s very seriously ill. Rev. W. W. Arnold went to Ham ilton Saturday and Sunday. Mr. O. D. Hardy, of Troup coun ty, was in town a day or two ago. Mr, R. B. Traylor gave a very in leresting talk on Sabbath school les son last sabbath. What do you think of fire proof K. oil 150c. lest at 2octs. Regular price 3°c. Misses Mary Moss and Ida Dun 1 lap, went into the country to visit rel¬ atives a few days. The boys are thinking of resurrect ing the ball game again. A reading club would be much oetter. Fishing is all the sport her; now. Several parties have gone out and caught a good quantity. A large fishing excursion is in store for some uate in July, at Hargett’s Island in the Chattahoochee river. Mr. J as. T White has arrived, to spend the summer. Chipley is an ex¬ cellent summer resott. Mr. Tip White, of Haggedarn &Co. of West Point, is off for the summer, and was in town a day or two since recreating. Here is something we want you to know. At the Ceipley Drug Store you can buy any shade of diamond dye for wool or cotton. Full partic¬ ulars explained to you in regard to them. A fifty dolki case just receiv ed. Mr. J H Williams says, The Ger¬ man Compound Liniment is the best I have ever used. Mr. W. B. Strip ling Jr. of Uuion says, I had a severe chronic cough and a bottle of the German Compound Cough Syrup cured it.” What are you going to do with this testimony. Rev. J. H. Eakes was at his ap¬ pointment here Saturday and Sunday excepting Sunday evening, Rev. M. T. tvxcGee filling his place. Mr. Me Gee delivered a good sermon. He is a minister of strong convictions and pr> aches the sacreu truths very forci bly. The Chipley Drug Store’s New Improved Cathartic Pills are on call at the following places. T. H. Kim bruugh Cataula, F. J. Thomaston Cataula, F. M. Tally & Co., Whites ville, Cra;vford & Holland, Cockran, Smith Bros. Oneal Mills, W. M. Flor¬ ence. Warm Spvings, |. D. Sutton & Co., Woodbury’, Ben Bowuea, Raliegh Parr & Miller, New Hope. Here is the sentiment of the mass meeting at the school house with one or two exceptions on Saturday eve¬ ning. “We are well pleased with Prof. Johnson and trust the trustees will secure his services.” A commit¬ tee wes appointed to solicit subscrib¬ ed pupils in order to meet the condi¬ tions of acceptance as demanded by Prof. Johnson. Here is something all agree on. That the property used now as the public academy and almost exclusive ly owned by eight men who are its trustees, be purchased by popular subscription and deeded to the com munity. If money is too scarce r.ow : let it not be forgotton next anxicus fal 1 . Thej present trustees are very to sell their stock at half value, and four or five hundred dollars will place it : in the hands of the people. until It is j frankly admitted by ail that this | smoothly. is done, our Now school citizens will of the^com- not run j munity, you see the necessity o» such j steps, and why not take them m the fall? The present trustees were very ; liberal in building the house and it seems to us that the community has grown strong enough to lift the bur¬ den trom their sheulders. »otn From non. j Refreshing showers have fallen and vegetation has taken on new life. Miss Gussie McCrary, of Fortson, who has been spending sometime at this place with friends and relatives, 1 “ aa returned home, much to the re gret of your correspondent. 1 The sabbath school at this place has resumed work the prospect prom ising quite an interesting school. Hon Jesse Cox superintendent, VV. A. Ware asst., J. T. Moncrieff sect. We regret to note the slow recov of Mrs. Robert Alexander froth her late illness. Mrs. Geo. Crouch is suffering verv Lie much at recovery this time but to her soon. The spelling bee at this place , was q u ^ e a success. It being regular meet j nCT ^ e ] even o’clock sermon was held immediately, after which the crowd was invited out to a spread of rich vians, which would meet the fas tidious tast of the epicure. The spcl ! in g was ^ int< - rest,n S an ^ en * joyable affair. Col. W. J. David and Sll . . - , £ c from t j, e c | ags was t0 g et a t j n CU p 5 the last to retire was to get a pound cake. The young ladies thijit distin guished themselves for good spelling were Misses Lula Biggers, Lee Ad ams > Vic Hargett and Carrie Davis; ^ * le CU P was awarded to little Laura Howard, and after a long and close contest between Misses Carrie Davis and Vic Hargett the cake was award¬ ed to Miss Carrie Davis. Rev. R. H. Builoch, who does everything in ele-j g nt and splendid style delivered the prize. The proceeds of the day were about $18. So much for the infallible efforts of woman. “It is woman who rvxks the cradle and woman rules the world,” but, I will not attempt to ex¬ tol woman’s virtues, for the words of philosophers and songs of poets have been but vain attempts. Bachelok. »♦ ~ Fleaae take notice. Customers purchasing goods of me will consider their accounts due 1st of Octo her as I shall have demands at that’’ time that canno^ be delayed. Thanking, my friends heartily for their kind favors in the past, and soliciting a continuance. I Remain Most Respectfully. W. F. Glass, Druggist, Chipley, Ga. Irresistable Bargains, at MOORE BROS, 200 Doz. Ladies colored bordered hem stitch Handkerchiefs at 4 cents each. 117 Doz. Ladies Lisle thread Gloves at 10 cents worth 25 cents. 100 Doz. Ladies Black Mitts war rented all pure silk at 19c. worth 25c. 105 Doz. Ladies regular madeBal briggan Hose at 15c. real value 25c. 97 Doz. Ladies fast Black Hose at 25c. worth 35c. 100 Doz. Gents Regular made Ba briggan Hose at 162 3 worth the work! over 25c. 57 Doz. Gents Plaited bosom shirts fine quality at 75c. sold elsewhere at ; $1. 500 yds. GOOD QUALITY 27 inch Check Nainsook at 5c. cheap at 8c. 34tnch White , . Lawn T at 4000 yos. 5C. Worth 8c. ^ 41500 { yds. 3 oinch White Plaid Or gandeis beauttiul -r 1 sheer \ goods j at 10c. can’t be matched anywhere for less than 15. J tooo \ yds. Linen De Inde one & one quarter yards , wide - , at . 10c. never offered before for less than 15^ JOOO Palm leaf Fans just the thing to keep v cool with at IC. each. yds. Bleaching . full yard j wide -j 5000 at 5c. J roDoz. Ladies Jersey Ribbed vest 4 Q . a*. 10c. wort 1 ^c. 25 Pitces 45 inch Swiss FlounC ing 0 at J 37AC. 1 Wurth 60c. i mail ... orders an<1 , Prompt attention prepaid to all cash express charges on orders $3. and upwards. | MOORE BROS. 1103 Broad Street. Columbus Ga- Eapepsy. This is what you ought to have, in fact, gandsT'ore Searching 11 for*'it^daily. found* and mourning because they have it not. Thousands upon thousands of dollars are spent annually by our people in the hope raa y be had by all. We guarentee tha; Electric Bitter, if used accoiding to di¬ rections and the use persisted in, wilt Sd'nita^TnsteaJEupep- Electric gy . We a eeommenp Bitters for Dyspepsia and all diseases of Liver, Stom ache, and Kidneps. Sold for 50 c. and 81 . Per bottle by Riley & Williams Druggist «►* ht. Louis, Mo., Post- dispatefa says ‘Indian women are proverbially healthy and strong, often marehing for days with upon their backs. In fact l hey frequently go the day before and after confinement, with their tribes upon the march. These women acquire this 8 reat strength and power of endurance whTch i^edloilTefa being made, and kept by the druggists, under the name Indian Weed (Female Mtd io ' n ®-) , ...... ^great , proven blessing to the weak, del j C ate. over worked women of our larg “ ‘ Drs. Riley & Williams & W. F. Glass ^ * DIAMOND DYES. All colors for silk wool and cotton. DIAMOND PAINTS > for fancy works, Gold, Silver Artist Copper, Bronze, &c. NOTE PAPER 5c. a quire 5 quies for 2 octs. At the Drug Store. Riley & Williams, *VV. T. POOL TiTTlKI J FT^T -L&J. 1 9 Office in Webster Building. All Di seases of the mouth and Teeth treat¬ ed in the best manner. Harris County Sheriff Sales. Will be sold before the court house door in the town of Hamilton, Harris county, Georgia, within the legal hours of public sales to the highest and best bidder, for cash, on the first Tuesday in July next, the following property, via The West 1261-4 acres of Lots of land number 2 in the 18, District of Harris county Ga„ and bounded on the north by lands of T F Brewster, on the east by lands of Benjamin Buchanan, on the south by lands of Joseph B Pate, and Thos. McClung, and on the west by land of Thos. McClung, levied on as the prop¬ erty of Thos. McClung deceased, in the hands of John M Hudson as adm’r to be administered as the estate of said Mc¬ Clung, to satisfy a fi fa issued from the Superior court of Harris county in favor of Josiah Swett vs. John M Hudson a« adm’r of Thomas McClung deceased. Also at the same time and place lot of land No 142 and bounded on the North by lands of Seaborn Meadows, on the East by lands of Mrs. Livingston: on the South by Ians of James Beck, and on the Wi st by lands of John L. McCalla; Also lot of land No 220 and the South halflotNo 2i9 saidlot and half lotbounded on the north by lands of G Porter and W Sparks; East by by lands of W. Sparks and E. H. Benning, South by lands of Benning arid J. B. Bryant, and West by lands of Wm. Copeland, all of the above described lands lying and being in 22nd Dist of Harris county Ga., and contain¬ ing 506)4 acres more or less, levied on as the property of John L McCalla deceased in the hands of A F Truett adm’r to be administered as the estate of said John McCa a deceasrd, to satisfy an execution issued from the Superior court ot Harris county in favor of The American Free ho d Land Mortgage Company of London Limited vs. A F Truett adm’r of Jolm L McCalla deceased. Also at the same time and place the following property lots of land Nos. 57. 40. 24 25 8 and 26 and factional lots Nos. 39087 and £6 in the 21st Dist. of Harris county Ga . and fractional lots Nos. 24« a " d 249 in the iSth Dist. of said county, all ot said land bounded, on the north by Mulberry creek and land of Geo. Tamil, on the east by lands of W P McGehee. Geo. Hamil, D P McCullough and G A J B Dozier; on the south by lands of A Lowe and J H Toler; on the west hv land of E y. 0 y ea \ an( j Mrs. Sarah Williams, containing in all 1897 acres more or less; And also, the following described prop erty situated, lying and being in the coun ty of Muscogee and state of Ga., to wit. The 434 acres, more or less, in the 8th Dis . of said county, and bounded as fol ows. north by lands of J Autry, east by land ot dower of 3lrs. A Pitts forme*- ly Clark and the lands of R Dozier, south by the Hamilton and Columbus toad ; and west by Bragett lands, J S Clark and J Autry, ail ol the above described hind containing in aggregate 2381 acres more or ] e . g ga j4 land levied upon as the prop erty of J S Clark to satisfy an execution issued ironi the Superior court of said county in favor of The American Free¬ hold Land moitgage Company of London Limited against said J S Clark. M P K'VBtoinp S I 'ff FRAZER & DOZIER a •HARDWARE. Columbus, Ga. AGENTS FOR THE. White Mountain lee Cream Freezer. THE BEST IN THE WORLD.