The Hamilton journal. (Hamilton, Ga.) 1889-1920, June 21, 1889, Image 1

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Site Hamilton © VOL. XVII. TAKE JtfflioHsness. Torpid Liver, Sick Headache, HOOD’S I3r’ Indigestion, Stomach Sour , EUREKA Dyspepsia Pal pit a tion, Dizziness, Sick Stom¬ ach, t'hills & Fever, FOR Languor, Blues, General Debility Depressed feeling Hood’s Eureka is without a rival in the treatment of all these affections. Such is our confidence in the preparation that we challenge all competitors to com¬ pound any equal to it. Whenever tried it has given nndounded satisfaction, and our challenge is founded upon the expe¬ rience of intelligent patrons. No remedy acts go delightfully an affec tureally as a household remedy as Hood’s Eureka. Dr. Hood —Dear Sir.—I have been using your Eureka in my tamily for 'he last three orfour years, and I regard it as a very efficacious medieine. It has often effected aim >st imme iiate to our children when they have be n suffering from complaints in¬ cidental to the young. We are never without it, da we desiae to have it always on hand in case of nees. Yours truly. Thos. Gilbert. Messrs M. D. Hood & Co.—Genil-enm —I have tried Hood’s Eureka Liver Medicine well,and j I unhesita.’ingly pronounce it the b 'St med c :ue I h ive ever use 1. So invaiu ible do I regard it that I keep ton h ind all the time. I heartily reromm nd it all s a most efficient, reliable and satisfactory house¬ hold medicine. Mayor Cliff B Grimes, Messrs M. D. Hood & Co—Dear Sirs: we have keen selling Dr. Hoo 1’s EUREKA Liver Medicine in;e its manufacture, and it has given umversa atisfaction. Tha demand with us has so increased we are now buying it in ten gross lots. We com- j mend it to all who are troubled with disease for which it is specially reccommend d. Columbus°Si „ Your N r o7ioand Bm™?.. and so>d Put up ir< liquid ami dry ionu, $1 bottle. by all druggist at 25 50 and a PATTERSON & THOMAS, Mfrs, Columbus, Georgia. i-J» T T -Aj* £2HT ^ -LxVTN A NTTmUFl P LfHL' Attorney-at-Law. Hamilton, : : GEORGIA. - I am prepared to obtain money tor fnr iners, on improved forms, with interest et « per cent, pays ,e STANFORD, Correspondent SATISFACTION OR MONEY REFUNDED. The justly eelebrated German com pound remedies are sold at the following places^ey^ p ruK g torej T. H. Kimbrocoh, Cataula. Crawfori>&Hollad, Cochran* F. M. Tally. Whitesville, Ga. g M « H 0n * MuRPirr Near Salem. Mrs. M. A.Handley, Warm Springs, Ramsom Bros, & Freeman, Troup Factory, Ga. goods C °TwdTrefund m^eyTnd* aVthor ize agents to refund when not just as rep resented. These remedies are deservedly popular now. Sole Agent 38 ’ Chip!fy Ga. Oneal Mili, Ga., Mar, 22, ’89. This is to certify that I was in bed with heumatism and after trying a bottle of German Compound Liniment, was able o be up and plowing. 1 thoroughly and onscienciousiy recommend it to all suf ring with rheumatism. W. A. Hunter. ft EORGIA, HARRIS COUNTT-J • \JH. Hogan administrator de bonis non, of James E. Hogan late of said county deceased makes application for letters of dismission. All persons concerned are hereby noti¬ be fied to show cause, if any they have, the 1st Monday in July next why letters of dismission should not be granted said applicant. hand and official sigua Given under my *ure. April 1, 1889. C. Williams Ord’y. J. F. (tu ATfnRriA li xrorris .fwSiw Pfil'N'TY_Mrs UMary v Tally widow • w deceased of William having Tally late of said county made application for twelve months support and appraisers havmg been appointed and having made their return as the law re qul r f,*‘ All . persons concerned . are , hereby , noti fled to show cause if any they have by ture June iivsr* 3rd 1889. !,g J. F. C. Williams, Ord’y. Fablle Sc ho*l Notice. The Public Schools of Harris county will epen on the 24th day ot June and continue for four consecutive months, or such time as the appropriation will admit. By order ot the Board of Education. W. A, Farley Co. Sh. Commis JOSEPH L.DENNIS, PROPRIETOR. EDITORIAL NOTES. The new capitol has been comple¬ ted and the stata officials moved in Monday. A railroad from Talbotton to Wa verly Hall, on the Georgia Midland is one of the possibilities of the near future:—Talbotton New Era. It is the time honored custom in this office to issue no paper the first week in July. We give our readers notice in advance that we shall ad here to the rule. We have been on doub’e duty a part of this week having to fill the place of editor and printer. If our readers imagine that to be light work, just “put yourself in our place” for once. _______ The Columbus Enquirer states that the Alliance Warehouse has made all necessary arrangements for supply ing the planters with cotton bagging for the ensuing crop. ; _______ Columbus has made grand prepara, tionsfor celebrating the Glorious Fourth. Harris always patronizes j ! enterprise , . gotten .. up v by ri Colum- i any be bug ’ and a large ?. Crowd may J ex pected from , this COUnty. . _^ __ The editor of the T lalbotton tu „ JNew \t„,„ Era hit the nail on the head when he got off the following homely com par i son; _Send.’ng abroad forsnpplies * 4ater in which takin out of the pot you are trying to cook greens: you de plete the volume of currency at home to svre i] the volume abroad. i . There was a sad scene in the At lanta court room Tuesday. Young Hayne was on trial for murder when the news came that his mother was when dead. he The recovered y oun S consciousness man , fainted went an( J into convulsions. Remorse for the misery he had caused that best of filiCK came too late. The image of a man’s mo ther should be his talisman to guard him from evil. " In the little town of Rockfort* Ill* lives a man in piincely style who claims to be Christ, who has made his second advent on earth. He is said be intelligent, and^eemsto be moral and correct in his deportment. The impostor, strange to relate has a large following and his infatuated believers have bestowed on him large possess i cns . The scripture is truly being verified “Many false Christs shall arise, and deceive many. The interest in the murder trial at Perry is universal, and the papers containing full reports are eagerly expected every day. The chain of circumstantial evidence against Wool folk is almost complete, and it is the general opinion he will be convicted. His statement Monday and declara¬ tion at innocence is not supposed to have had much weight. If Col.Ruth¬ erford should succeed in getting the prisoner cleared in the face of such convicting evidence, it would be one of lhe greatest legal victories ever attained. There is more catarrh in this section of the country than all other disease put ,to gether, and until the last few years was supposed ^ ;o be inenrab’e. For a great ** Q pronouuce P d it a local ’ d P crib ed local reme d : es, anfJ b X consta ntl7 Renounced failing t0 cure with lo tre atment , it incurable, Science hag pr0Ten catarrh to be a con gtitutional ^ disease, and therefore requires £ nstitationa i treatment. Hall’s Catarrh ure manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co mucus snrface of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimo¬ nials Address, F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. 5gjP- Sold by Druggist, 75c. MT BROWtrS IRON BITTERS Cure* Indigestion. Biliousness, Dyspepda, Mala¬ ria, Nervousness, and General Debility. Pnysi ciaaa recommend it. All dealers sell it. Genuine has trade mark and crossed red lines on wrappat. HAMILTON, GA., JUNE, 21, 1889. For the Hamilton |oi?rnal. CURRENT EVENTS. Hon. A. D. Freeman has been ap¬ pointed Judge of the county court of Coweta county. The Sunny South gives an interest¬ ing article on the Industrial school for girls. Buffalo Bill is creating a great sen¬ sation at the Paris Exposition and Gen. Boulanger is being forgotten. The Peidmont Chautauqua opens on July 10th. The programe is va¬ ried and instructive and will be very interesting. The deed to the Bates farm for the Experimental station near Griffin has been accepted, and work will begin at once. A cadet from Ala., in the Military Academy at West Point stands at the Lead of the graduating class. Hur ra h f° r -Al a ’ Miss Mary Davis an Oregon girl only 15 years old, can crack a walnut with her teeth, and raise a barrel of flour with her hands. The sp8GCD6S , of Messrs N, M J. T „ Haiti ’ Pope J* Barrow, John Peabody and Pat Calhoun ., have , , been published UV l I l* . 1 pRIDpIUet , , , 101 r ul f lor ulSLllOULlO distribution I. Calvin S- Brice has been elected chairman h i m o£ ot the the Nalional (National Democratic ljunocrauc Executive Committee, in the place of Barnum 350,000 people visited the Paris ex position on the 11, 36,000 ascended the tower one thousand eet blind Tom, the wonderful negro pianist, is reported to have perished ‘ n th® appi> ”A‘ig uisaster at Johnstown Ta- He is oife of the world s wonders. The Columbus Fertilizer Co. has £ h | hate bed in West Jt be examined and wiil babi be very valuable . Na . *» “ <»vMmhe~e. Mr T q Williams, of Wood sta t ion, says that be has a few sheep which pays him 50 per cent on his in vestment every year. Sheep culture pay better tluin cotton. Try it. -- Outside of the President’s mail, 500 letters come to the White House every day. It takes a large force of men to answer them. Halford answers the most important of them, dictating to Miss Sanger the typewriter, Jesse Clements, who lives near the Georgia Southern railroad in Dooly county, sold the timber off of 1,600 acres of land at $4,800. The timber man cut the timber. It is told of John Branch, of Ber rian county, that he offered to swap 8 yokes of oxen for the first locomo¬ tive he ever saw. He has learned more of the value of locomotives since then. Reader. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, The best salve in the world f >r cuts burns, sores, ulcers, tetta .chapped, hands salt rheum, fever sores, chiblains, corns, and all sk in eruptions, and postively cures piles, or no pay reqired. It is quaran teed to give perfect satisfation or money refuunded. Price 2oc per box. For Sale by Rile r & Williams. SATURDAY NIGHT. Mr Editor: A new version of Shakespeare ;>uts it thus, “Time untied waits for no man,” and Saturday night has come again. The great driving wheel now ceases to revolve. The noisy ma chinery of a thousand avocations is still, and with this stop, ends the toil of another week. A week is a life in minatuie. A week is a history. Ac¬ counts rendered and the history is made up. Courts, counting rooms and work shops close—operations of all grades minds are now unharnessed. Great and small, relax from heavy tension and sharp friction to pleasant thoughts of rest, which the weary minds and body so much need. Millions released from scenes of labor ONE DOLL/ STRICTLY IN and toil arc refreshed with thoughts of the Sabbath with loved ones at home. How welcome is Saturday night. A few hours of repose and oh! how sweet is rest to the weary, and then dream upon the world, the Holy Sabbath day. How like the close of a good man’s lift is Saturday night, the end of the week and the end of toil. The implements of life’s labor is laid in their place, the master closes life’s workshop upon re¬ tiring home-ward steps of the good man for his work is done. The bur¬ thens borne for three score years are no longer useful and like a heavy garment is thrown off. “His end is peace.” In this calm twilight of the soul’s “Saturday night” the good man’s thoughts peers through the coming night, and beholds a bright day beyond where the weary forever rest. Around him now all life is hushed and in this sacred calm he lays him down to sleep until the Heavly Sabbath dawns. Parvo. ...... .. ■ - paid Don’t be deceived by fictitious or for certificates. Ail testimonials printed n our paper concerning the merit of B. B . B. (Botanic Blood Balm) are true and genuine. Write Blood Balm Co., Atlanta Ga., for-Book of Wonder.” Mr. Editor: The following clip¬ ping from the Mercantile Chronicle contains so much truth that it ought to be read and re-read. Vox. LOVE VS. DIGNITY We sometimes meet men who seem to think that any indu'geuceof af¬ fectionate feeling is incwmpatible with dignity—that, indeed, it is weak and unmanly to display what they are pleased to term “sentiment.” Such men will leturn from the office, nay, even from a long journey, greet their families with distant dignity and move among their children with the '•old lofty splendor of an iceberg surround¬ ed by its broken fragments desolate home There is no mare than this, where all show of affection is frozen at its source. The husband and father would better extinguish forever the sight of his family than to thus crush out the finer feelings of their heart. Who that has experienc¬ ed the joys of friendship and values genuine affection and sympathy would not rather lose all that is beautiful and grand m natuie’s sceneryjjthan to be robhed of the priceless treasures of the heart? It were better to follow a child to the tomb than to rear it in the cold, grey atmosphere of a loveless home. Better, for the warm hearted, im¬ pulsive girl, wedded to such a nature, had she worn her bridal robes in a marriage death. home" of which That “home, sweet John Howard Payne dreamed and sang, can only exist where love holds undisputed sway, and dignity dare not to molest or make any afraid. Ridgeway »vr». Mr. Tommie Langford is danger¬ ously ill. Mr Zack Hudson says he has the best crop that he has had in six years. Persons advanced in years feel younger and stronger, as well as freer from the innrinitfe* of age, by taking Dr. J. II. McLean’s Sarsapa¬ rilla. One of Dr. J. H. McLean’s Little Liver and Kidney Fillets, taken at night before going to lied, will move the bowels; the effect will as¬ tonish you. The Enquirer-Sun furnishes stamps and stationery to its country reporters. ‘ Wonder if our folks will take the hint. No liniment i» in better repute or more wide ly known than Dr. J. H. McLean’* Volcanic Oil liniment. It l* a wonderful remedy. Mr. Bill Ingram died last night at his home near Cataula. His remains were interred at the family burial ground by the Masonic fraternity. Electric Bitter*. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special men ison. All who have used Electric Bitters sing the same song ot praise .-A purer medicine does not axist and it is guaranted to do all that is claimed. Elecinc Bitters will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Boi ». Salt Rheum and other affections eaused by impure Blood.-Will drive Malaria freta the system and prevent as well a* enre all Malarial fevers.—For cure of Head ache. Constipation and Indigestion try Eietric Bitters—Entire satisfaction guar anteed, or money refuned .-Price 50 de. and #1.00 per bottle at illiams Drugstore. m ce> and lins, s, He perfect of wood, ingenuity. . best telegraph t of the G. M. & most wonderful tal all the parts and pe. any kind of musical instrument, teaches his wife music by note. He is well informed on mos all subjects is a missionary Baptist oin tster of high standing and much bj. loved by the community in which ie lives. The persou 10 whom we re'er ij Rev. J. H. Moore. Mountain Hill Note*, Prof. Stanford will resume his school the ist day of July. Distress after eating, heartburn, sick head¬ ache, anil indigestion are cured by Dr. J H. McLean’s Liver and Kidney Fillets (little pill*.) Miss Willie Cline is spending a few weeks with relatives near West Point. it you loci unable to ao your, worn and* have that tired feeling, take Dr. J. H. McLean* Sarsaparilla; !t will make you bright, active and vigorous. Sick headache Is the bane of many lives. This annoying complaint may be cured and prevented Mcl.rean's Liver by the and occasional Kidney Fillets use of (little Dr. J. pill.) II. Miss Henry Lou Calhoun spent last week with relatives at Mulberry Grove. A large number from this place went down to Mt. Olive, and listen to a fine sermon by Rev. J. W. Wilson. lassitude, Many people habitually endure a feeling of because they think they have to. If they la this would feeling take of weariness Dr. J. H. McLean’s would give Sarsaparil place to vigor add vitality. Preparation is being mide for the annual convention. Master Laurin ■ne Cline will deliver the welcome .address and the rousyc will be excel¬ lent Disease lies in ammish for the weak; a feeble constitution is ill adapted to encount >r a malarious atmosphere and sudden chang ■* of temperature, and the least rebust are us i SarsaparilD ally the easiest will victims. Dr. J. H. vitality McLean’s and trength the give body. tone, to entire The most prominent feature of this section is the Sunday school. Your reporter can not chronicle all, but the classes of Mrs Fannie Smith, Mr. B. G. Whitten and a class of about a dozzen boys, apparently in their teens, taught by Mrs. E. C. Moultrie, are types of what will be. The bible class, twenty.fom in number, are si well posted on the scriptures, it shows that the young teacher Mr. W. H. Campbell has done good to his class, and honor to himself by being at his posr every Sunday. SCROFULA. is a form of blood poison that de scends from parent to child; some times it omits one generation to ap¬ pear in the next. It is taint which must be eradicated trom the system • before a cure can be made. Swift’s Specific drives out the virus through the pores of the skin, and thus re¬ lieves the blood poison. Mercury and potash mixtures dry up the sores of scrofula and other blood diseases, only to bottle Up the poison in the system, which of course is certain to to break out at some weak spot, as the throat, nasal organs and lungs. Judging from what I have seen, I regard Swift’s Specific the king pa¬ tent medicine of the day. I know several persons who have beei per manently cured of serious cases of blood poison by its use of afta* pro longed and unsuccessful use ol vari ous other remedies. James G. Patdn, Attorney at Law, Dallas, Texa:. Treatise on blood and Skin dseases mailed free. THE SWIFT SPECIFi; CO. Drawer 3, Atlarta, Ga* lr your BACK ACHK9 nothing Or you are ?rST!OTmV all worn out, really good for M Rood appetite. Sold you, and dealers give in a medicine. by all