The Hamilton journal. (Hamilton, Ga.) 1889-1920, August 09, 1889, Image 8

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Hamilton Jouiw. PC8UNII1II) I5VUHV TIH'BSbAy. SUBSCRIPTION $1.00 A YEAR. J. L. DRNNI3,. Pkohrirtor. HAMILTON, GEORGIA, August 9, 1889 CENTRAL RAILROAD of GA. (Ot.l'JIBl'S A ROME BRANCH. Schedule No :tl, in effect June •i'ltll _ ’Ml. [Standard Time ‘.Kith Meridian.] 71 Mall. I stations. 72 Mail. Cl p m I.v Columbus, Ar in 2.'> a III 1 li m Ar Nanws, Al Vi U 111 : Art y 40 m M p m Ar 1-ortsons, a « p m A r (lata tin, Ar j It 111 a m ji m Ar Kingslioro, Ai: y Oil a III p in Ar Hamilton, Ar; x -It; a in 4 p m Ar Summit, Ar s 31 a m (i p in Ar niipiey, Sul Sp’gs /1 Ar 8 7 fiO 10 a a m m p miAr White 7 ; M p injAr Stinson-, Ar 40 am r- p in| Ar Greenville ’__ Lv 7 (JO a ni Departure of Train* at Columbus. Mobile & Girard—7 85 a m—2 4o p m—C & W —* go a m—124ft p in—So Western—12 i. noon —7 Ofi p m. For further information relative to schedule, ticket rates, best routes etc. write* ckII upon* K. B* GAMMKL A Rent Hamilton tin. W. It. Me< Unlock, Sunt. Colum¬ bus (in. K. T. Charlton Gen. pass. Agent -sa¬ vannah (fU. It will Pay Von. If vou contemplate South, milking East, a trip West, to and nnv point in tlif North, yourself with the routes be¬ wish to acquaint is it? AVii-t does It cost, fore starting llo-w far cheer¬ etc., I o Write I o Me. 1 will at all times fully furnish free of charge, any information desired. If you are a non-resident, kindly ad¬ vise me in ntivimce of ticketed your departure through and and all l will s'-c that vou arc cheeking of ■'•our arrangements made for the berths. baggage engage you themselves sleeping into ear piivate Those wishing to form desired, excursion parties will be visited if ladies midinfonimfion cheerfully given, 1o and cliildern, and those travling without es curt, 1 will give letters to the conductor cn route, who will see them safely through, and render any assistance possible for their com¬ fort and welfare. For ticket rates, map, sche¬ dules, or anv information, do not hesitate to command me. No trouble to tie acconimodat jng Clyde Bostick. Trav. l’ass. Act., Central Railroad of fig.8av.Oa j,ocal Mention. ] eautiful moonlights nights have been tie rule this week. Prof. James Phillips, of this coun¬ ty, was in town Saturday. Mr. Edgar Mitchell, returneu to his home in Columbus Wednesday. Mr. A. J. Howard, of Dawson, is in the city on a visit to his brother, Mr. F. S. Howard. Mrs. J. L. Pollard, of Hurtsboro, is in the city visiting her sister-in-law mis F. S. Howard. Miss Mamie Cameron, of Colum¬ bus, has been visiting relatives here the past few days. Capt. L. L. Stanford and family, returned Friday from a two weeks visit to relatives in North Georgia. Mr. J. H. McGee, of Talbotton, spent Wednesday night here on his re¬ turn from Mountain Hill. Mr. C. T. Johnson, traveling sales man for J. K. Orr & Co., Columbus, was in town Tuesday. Mr H. C. Stern, of Columbus, was displaying samples of merchan¬ dise here Wednesday. Miss Alice Lovelace went up to Greenville Tuesday afternoon to be present at the Veterans re union Wednesday. Mr- W. F. Glass and Mr. Will Pierce, of Chipley, passed through the city Saturday On their way to Cataula Ca.npmeeting. Mr. Henry McKigney, proprietor of the Chipley hotel, was in the city Saturday. Ordinary’s court was very dull Mo. day, so said J udge Williams when accosted by the editor for news. Prof. E. C. Mobley, principal of the Ivey Street School Atlanta, has been here this week on a visit to his relatives, Col. J. M. Mobley and family. Our Central Academy friend .... re numbered his promise, and sent us a nice ! ,eat ernes .tj He as our t an s. Miss Lula Mobley returned Mon day from a very pleasant visit to her sister at Griffin. She was accompa nied home by Master Ben Kimbrough, Heavy rains fell the first part of this week, accompanied by much electricity. 1 he days of sunshine that followed were as welcome as flowers in May. Congressman T. W. Grimes, came herefrom the Veterans re-union at Greenville, and spent Wednesday night. He is very popular among h.s constituents in this part ol the ,ih rlisirirt ’ The inmates of the hotel were aroused arnns-d from from slumber Slumoer Saturday Saturday niffit mgJt by sweet music. It was a party of sereoaders. No liniment is in better eputeor more widely known* than Dr. J. H. r Me Lean's Volcanic iNi liniment. It Is a vrondttrfal remedy. We thank our Florida friend for an elegant basket of fruit sent us Friday, Our Hamilton friends keep us under constant obligations for like favors. We did not get to the Cataula cimpmeeting, but the Journal was well represented there, We learn that several of our reporters were present. Mr W. F. Tlass, tne handsome handsome and popular druggist, of Chipley, gave us a pleasant call Monday morning, as he passed through the city on his return home. Mr. A. T. Adams, of Mountain Hill, called in Tuesday, and gave us a ‘ wheel’’ foi the Journal. We hope his example will be followed by others whose subscription have expired. Miss Fanrie Lon Williams, the young daugh er of Dr. Chas. Will aims, of Columbus, is visiting her cousin, Miss Patsic Williams. Sheriff Kimbrough, and deputy sheriff Holland are doing their whole duty, and evil doers cannot escape their vigilance. They are wide awake and Lw breakers may look out. Mrs. M. B. Kimbrough is still con fined to her bed and has very little use of herself. She is slowly improv ing, and her physicians think she will eventually recover. A number went down to Kingsboro today to the Alliance picnic. A good time and a good dinner were ex ,,ected. We will go to press before getting a report from the picnic A wagon loaded with sixteen bar¬ rels passed through the city Tuesday. As this is strictly a prohibition town they attracted attention and excited some comment. Their destination is unknuwn. Mr. T. J. Brooks, who spent the past week here with his mother, left for Cordele Monday morning. Some of our blushing yonng maidens have been looking quite pensive since his return to his home. The city council met Monday in their council chamber and disposed of a number of important cases. Sev¬ eral were fined for fighting, and the finances of the town council were re¬ plenished fourteen dollars. Plmptcs, bolts and other humors, are table to appear when the blood gets heated The bestrumodv is Dr. J. H. McLean's Sarsaparill The Misses Crichton, who have been visiting here several weeks re¬ turned to Columbus last Friday. They were accompanied home by Miss Belle Gammell, who will spend some time m the city Mr. G. F. Wt fine, arrived here Sunday afternoon, and was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lovelace Sun¬ day night. He came for his wife, who has been visiting heie several weeks, and they left for home Monday morn ing. A lot of land near Chipley was sold at sheriff’s sale Tuesday to the highest bidder. There were 272 acres which brought the sum of $810. Other sales that were published to take place were stopped by claims. A fruit festival Friday evening at the residence of Mr. J. H. Lynch, and croquet party Saturday afternoon at Mr. J. M. Hudsons, were among the pleasant social events of last week. Both occasions were much enjoyed by those who attended. The corn crop in this section is very fine, and a bountiful harvest is assured, unless there shonld te a sea¬ son of heavy and continued rains and damage some of it in the ear. Sam Robinson was delivered up to the sheriff Monday by Mr. B. H. IValton h» bondman and .as placed “J ? 1 He was up before court for fight,ng a year or two since and has been out under bond up to this time. The annual convention of the County Sunday School association at at Mountian Hill Wednesday was at tended by a large delegation from the majority of the Sunday Schools of the county. The speeches were all but the annual address, deliv ] by Mr. J. H. McGee was the ea tuie oi the occasion, and has been bv competent critics most excellent.Reports of the Sunday work were generally encourag ing, and show that there is life and sufficient in this work for the of much good. The meeting is voted a success. n Dodge rtl w * & ^handler Chandler, ot of r*n,h. Cambria, 5 . Mills, \t;iic wrote . >. hallenberger: ^ . Ue ' 1 pTi^h.V^v.mrs lll8 bu ‘- v l? tlie ead ^ i other , ’ trying »U remedies our c. turners invariably tall on bhallen berger’s Pills. They never fail to effect a cure, and living in ihe midst of a Fever »>"! . Ague countiy, we we sneak speak trnm Iroui epex- enex rience. A ratile snake was brought to our j office for inspection Vue^lav which was killed in the road near Mr. J. H. Mobiey’s residence. It was four feet and three inches long and had eight raiders. It must have required 1 age to attack such an ugly looking monster. it you teeiunable to «to vour, worn anris ility.- that tired leeiing, take i»r. J. H. McLean’ sarsaparilla; and vigorous. it will make you bright, Mr. A. J. Thomas, ol the Lower 19U1 district, while hoeing cottou in his field last week, was bitten in the hand by a ground rati'e snake. He corded his arm tightly, and sent for a physician. If any of the poison entered his system it was counter¬ acted by antidotes, and he soon re¬ covered from the effects of the bite. We call special attention to the advertisement in this issue of Messrs Carter and Bradley, the enterprising cotton merchants of Columbus. Ttiey make cotton bagging a specialty and propose to help the farmers whip the bagging trust. They are clever reli¬ able business men and the farmers of Harris may find it to their interest to give them a liberal patronage. Many people think the word ‘’Bitters” can be Used only in connection with an intoxicating beverage. This is a mistake, as the best remedy lor ali diseases oi the b.ood, liver, kidneys, etc., is Prickley Ash bitters. It is purely a medicine and every article used in its manufacture is of vegetable origin of known curative qual iies. A colored wonan evangelist, who is said to hail from Pennsylvania, has Deen attracting large congregations of colored people to their Methodist church. She lectured Friday night on the subject, “Dignification or the Elevation of the Ethiopian Race. Her learning and eloquence made a profound impression on our colored population and the presumption is she went away well rewarded for her visit. Five converts were immeised in the pool Sunday morning After the baptising a good congregation assem¬ bled at the Baptist churcn to hear the sermon by the Rev. W. W. Arnold. At the close of the services the con¬ gregation voted for the meeting to continue this week, but it was jdeci ded Monday morning to close on ac¬ count of the various meetings of a so¬ cial, business and religious char acter already arranged to take place du¬ ring the week. The following is a list of prisoners in the Harris county jail, with the crimes for which they are prosecuted. Joe Robinson, assault with intent to murder; Harry Lowe simple larceny; George Crolls, vagrancy; Isham Bil liuglea, assault with intent to murder; Amos Hodo, two bills, one for play¬ ing and betting the other for roisde meanor; Will Shorter, assault with intent to murder; Sam Robinson, as¬ sault with intent to murder. Sufferer from dyspepsia and liver com I plaints feeling weak, nervous anddebilita ted, should not use remedies that physic the bowels. Such treatment does more harm than good. They should use B. B. B. (Botanic Blond Blood), a remedy that will stregthen the digestive organs, hear the diseased surfaces of the stomach liver and bowels, purify and cleanse the blood and restore perfect health and strength to every part of the body. The Veteran’s association assem bi P( j at Greenville on Wednesday, in a large numbers. The assembly was estimated at about 4.000. Gov. Gor don addressed the people in his hap¬ py and felicitous style. His speech was truly eloquent and patriotic. Hon. T. W. Grimes also addressed the multitude in an eloquent speech, re¬ viewing the memory of the past in a pleasing manner. fashion Then all partook of an old barbecue prepared for this occasion. Order prevailed an( j no one was drunk or boisteious. hack Frid / filW ^ .!, Mr chas Tall , s w s h a merry ^ partyof ° ‘ ^ hj 6 b d Th • arri<;d s c their picnic baskets well filled with the refreshments needed for an ele gant lunch, and the dinner hour was not the least enjoyable part of the day. Mrs. E. B. Gammell and Miss Joe Williams chaperoned the party. Those who attended were, Misses Georgia and Sarah Crichton. Belle Gammell, Imogene Thompson, and Dedie Farley, Messrs F. O. and W. W. Williams, E. F. Mitchell, Will Crichton, T. T. Brooks, J. L. Riley, John Talley, Ed Cheney and Ben! Williams, consumption surely cored. To The Editor—P lease inform your re *den that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely) use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently bottles cured. I shall be glad to send two of my remedy FREE to any of your readers who have con¬ sumption, if they will send me their ex¬ press and post-ofliee address. Kespecttullv. T. A. Si occm,. M. C. 1S1 Pearl St. N. Y. chtpiey locals, p^ ev \y ^ rno ij returnec l f r0m Hamilton Sunday Turnip! Turnip seed! at the Chip y Drag >tcre ' j ^ r - J- T. Gilbert, of Columbus, is . s»ting his family th's , v| at place. Mrs. Idoz er and mother, are visib¬ , j ng ° Mrs. M. A. Crawford, | A series of meetings will begin at i « h = Methodist church Wednesday n1 ^ Mrs. GaTy, of Columbus, is spend ir»g the summer hotel, months at the com tnercial A large delegation will go up to Greenville Wednesday to attend the Veterans re-union. Mr. Jas. T. White has been visit ing relatives and friends in Tn u_) county. Misses Carrie Crawford and Stella Bulloch, ha e been visiting Miss Exa Cox, of near Mulberry Grove, in this county. Rev. J. H. Eakes was called from his protracted meeting at Whitesville on account of illness in his family. He returned Tuesday evening. At the regular meeting of the city councii Tuesday evening, Capt. L, L. Hardy was elected to fill the va¬ cancy caused by the resignation of Capt. Tucker, the former mayor. Mr. B. F. Hill, wh® was suspended a short time ago, was re-elected to fill the marshalship. It was our pleasure during the week to attend the camp meeting at Cataula. Ministers, Adams, of Ham¬ ilton, Lloyd, of Columbus, Fetder, j of Talbot ton, Wade, of Shiloh, and the Presiding Elder Rev. McGee | were in attendance. They all deliv I ered excellent and impressive ser¬ mons and much good resulted. We are under lasting obligations to Mr. Jesse Cox and family for their kind consideration. Education of Girls. A good sound education to a girl is a priceless heritage, and all parents fully realize it. To give such an edu¬ cation and embrace all the different branches at a moderate cost has been the study and desire of all educators we believe. The Athens (Ala.) Female College under the supervision G. of that eminent educator Rev M. Williams has solved the problem’ and our readers who desire to give their daugters a thorough education at a moderate cost should write for a catalogue. For all disease and deformities of the eye, ear. nose, or throat, consult Dr. O. J. Short, Specialist. Columbus, Ga—Of¬ fice H40H Broad St. tf. Annual Announcement of tlie West Ga. A. <fc M. college, Hamilton, Harris county, 1889-’90. We are prepared to do college work of the highest grade; while our primary department is in charge of a teacher trained in the Peabody Nor¬ mal college, Nashville, Tenn., with four years successful experience. HEALTHFUL LOCATION; EXCELLENT SO¬ CIAL and religious advantages. Board in good families from $8.00 to $10.00 per month. Tuition $1.50, $2.00, or $2,50, per month, according to grade. Incidental expenses' for fall term 50 cents, spring term $1.00, pay¬ able when pupil enters school. Tui¬ tion, due monthly in, will be charged from the time the pupil en¬ ters to the close of the term, and no deduction except in cases of protract¬ ed sickness of three weeks or more. All charges are payable to Mr. A. F. Tiuett, Treasurer of the Board of Trustees; and no pupil can be enroll¬ ed without a certificate from the Treasurer. Fall session begins Sept., 2nd. It is very important that pupils enter the first day of school. For further information address, H. A. Hayes, President. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, The best salve in the world for cuts burns, sores, ulcers, tetta .chapped, hands salt rheum, fever sores, chiblains, corns, and all sk in eruptions, and postively cures piles, or no pay reqired. It is quaran teed to give perfect satisfation or money refuunded. Prica 25c per box. For Sale bv Riley & Williams. FRAZER & DOZIER, HARDWARE. Columbus, Ga. AGENTS FOR THE, White Mountain lee Cream Freezer. THE BEST IN THE WORLD, S. A, CARTE*. W. C. BRADLEY. CARTER & BRADLEY, COTTON FACTORS, AND COM - * MISSION MERCHANTS. Fontaine Warehouse. Columbus, Ga. Mr. Chas. Allen will again repre¬ sent us on the streets as buyer and will sustain his old reputation for HIGH PRICE and LIBERAL DEALING. Cotton Bagging a speciality; as we propose to aid the Farmers in their fight against TRUSTS and COM¬ BINES. Special attention given to the stor-^ age and sale of cotton and liberal ad¬ vances made on all consignments. A shaie of your business solicited. Faithfully Yours. Cartbr & Bradley. Bargains. at MOORE BROS, 5000 yards best checked home¬ spuns at 5 cents. 5000 yards Sea Island homespuns at 5 cents. 4000 yards celebrated Arlington gingham dozen at 7^ cents. 200 ladies* full regular made fast black hose at 18c. worth 25 cts. 200 dozen ladies’ full regular, fine quality, fast black hose at 75 cents; reduced from 35 cents. 25 pieces new satines, French de¬ signs, at 10 cents. 30 peices 34 inch satines, choice styles, worth 25 cents, at 15 cents. 50 pieces wool dress goods worth 15, 20 and 25 cents; as long as they last at 10 cents. xoo dozen Moore’s perfection cor sets at 50 centi. Best and most per¬ fect fitting s°cts. corset in the world. 100 dozen celebrated French wo ven Broadway corsets at 75 cents; cheap at $1. 2500 yards linen de inde at 5 cent; reduced from 7 cents. 200 misses’ and children’s fancy parasols at half price to close. 500 yards figured union lawns, choice styles^ black, brown and white grounds, at 5 cents. hemstitched Swiss 25 pieces 45 ineh flouncing at $1; worth $1.50. damask 10 pieces 68 inch bleached at 75 cents; worth $1.25. damask, fast 10 peices 66 inch red colors, at 35 cents; worth 50 cents. , 100 white ciothet quilts, full 10-4, at 88 cents; worth $1.25. plaited bosom 10 dozen gents’ shirts at 48 cents; worth 75. 5000 yards 34 inch sheer plaid or¬ gandies lovely goods, at 10 c. cheap at 15 cents. MOORE BROS. 1103 Broad Street. Columbus Ga* For Sale*. Two acres of land, with 3 room dwelling ginhouse. 50saw gin feeder and condenser, steam press, 8 horse power engine, and platform scales, all in first class running order. Apply to J. H. Brawner, Gaines, ville, Ga. or L. L. Stanford, Hamilton Ga bt Louis, Mo., Post- dispatch say ‘Indian women are proverbially healthys with and strong, often marching for days their babies upon their backs. In fact they frequently go the day before and after confinement, with their tribes upon the march. These women acquire this great strength and power of endurance by using a weed that grows in their local¬ ity, out of which a medioine is now being made, and kept by the druggists, under the name Indian Weed (Female Med¬ icine.) Weed (Female Medicine^ ha “Indian proven a great blessing to the weak, del¬ icate. over worked women of our larg oities, for it is said that all who nse i keep robust and bealty. Drs. Riley & Williams <k W. F. Glass Cpiley sell it. DR W. T. POOL DENTIST, Office in Webster Building. All Di seases of the mouth and Teeth treat¬ ed in the best manner.