The Hamilton journal. (Hamilton, Ga.) 1889-1920, August 30, 1889, Image 8

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Hamilton Journal * j Pl'ltLISnhU EVEItV THEBSDAY. SUBSCRIPTION $1.00 A YEAR. J. L. Dennis, Proprietor. t __i ' lli! !* HAMILTON, GEORGIA, August 30, ................... 1889 (TFNTRAT. UtiiN IJiAL RATT/ROAD KAiLUUAD of 01 ftA UA. rOMlMBPN * SOME BRANCH. Schedule No 31, In effect June 23th’89. [Standard Time 90th Meridian.] TffialiT STATION*. 72 Mail. m Lv Columbus, Ar 10 23 a m m Ar Nances, Ar 9 56 a in in Ar Fortsons, An 9 40 a m m Ar Catatls, Ar 9 19 am m Ar Kingsboro, Ar 9 03 am tn Ar Hamilton, Ar 8 40 a m 4 m Ar Summit, Ar 8 31 a m m Ar Chipley, Ar 8 10 a m m Ar White Sul Sp’gs Ar 7 50 am m Ar Stinsons, Ar 7 40 a in m Ar Greenville, Lv 7 00 am Departure of Trains at Columbus. Mobile & Girard—7 35 a m—2 45 p m—C & W —8 20 a in—1245 p m —80 Western —12 26 noon —7 05 p m. For further Information relative to schedule, ticket rates, best routes, etc. write, or cull upon. K. B. (Iammkl Hamilton (la. W. H. MeClintock, Supt. Colum bus Ga. E. T. Charlton Gen. pass. Agent vannah (<a. Local Mention. Miss Scarbrough, of Ellaville, is the guest'of Rev. ami Mrs. D. Adams. Mr. A. F. Copeland made a busi niss trip to Columbus yesterday. Miss Mamie Griggs is in the city this week, visiting relatives. Mr. J. L. Riley spent two days in the Queen city this week. Mr. C. I. Hudson «tnd daughter, Miss May, were in town this week. Mrs. Win Jenkins is visiting her aunt, Mrs. .John Leonard, of Talbot ton. Miss Belle Gammell has retur ed home from a visit to friends in Co¬ lumbus. Miss Fannie Harris retarned Tues day froyi a visit to relatives and freinds at Shiloh. Mr. E. N. Mead, representing a Phil., Notion house, was in town this week. Miss Lula Brawner returned ves teidiy from a visit to her sister at Mountain Hill. Mr. M. B. Parker and wife left for Warm Springs Monday to spend sev¬ eral days. Meriwether campmeeting begins Friday evening. A number will at tenu from this place. A wagon load of cotton was brought in to town yesterday and car¬ ried to Mr. O. S. Barnes’ gin. Misses Emmie and Carrie Sparks, of Columbus, visited their mother this week. Mrs. W. O. Johnson and children, have been theguesis of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Cook this week. Distress after eating, heartbilurn, sick head Kobe, and Indigestion are curel by Pr. J H. McLean's Liver and Kidney Filets (little pills.) Persons advanced In years feel younger and stronger, as well as freer from the infirmities Of age, by taking l)r. J. 11. McLean’s Sarsapa¬ rilla. Sunday was an ideal campmeeting day, and an immense crowd were on the grounds at Salem. Mrs. R. B. Mobley expects to leav for Griffin, Saturday on a visit to hei sister, Mrs. J. M. Kimbrough. Dr. E. H. Williams has rented, and wid Dennis’ occupy house for the college present My. J. I,. on avenue. Mr. J. T. Holland, deputy sheriff, left here Tuesday in pursuit of a man in the lower part of the county. Capt. W. C. Johnston and daugh¬ ter Miss M ry, attended the Central campmeetinj at Geneva this week. Mr. M. B. Kimbrough is moving his family to town, and will occupy Mr. Appier’s residence on college avenue. Pimple, boils and other humors, arc lahle to appear u lien the blood gets heated The best ion,, >;y is Dr. J. H. Mel.ean’s Sarsaparill it you 1. et unable to do your, worn and have that tired feeling, take Dr. J. H. McLean’ Sarsaparilla: it will make you bright, active aud vigorous. Miss Erma Cotton, of Columbu s > spent the night here with Miss Lul a Mobley, on her way to Salem camp meeting. Mrs. A. J. Burt, of Cataula, and Mrs. E. H. Whiting, of Hawkinsville, were in town this week visiting icla tives. Dr. E. C. Hood, of Lake Weir Fla., who is spending his summer at his plantation near Mulberry Grove, was in town last week. Mr. John McR. Williams represent ing Francis, Chenoweth & Co., Hard ware merchants of Birmingham, was in town this week. The council has met twice since c k«6t reporQand which added had two $3.00 uniropor- the t. nt«ases, to t easury. Many people habitually endure a feeling of li asitude, because thej think they hare to. If 1 ey would take Dr. J. it. McLean's Sarsaparil lathis feeling of wearine.* would give place to rigor add vitality. Mr-. George Pierce and children, of Columbus, are in the city to spend a few weeks. They are boarding with the family of Mr. E I). Long, Another train will be put on the C. & R. Sunday, leaving Columbus at seven o’clock. This gives all an op port unity to attend Meriwether camp meeting and return on the Sabbath, Rev. Jno. W. Heidt D., D. presi¬ dent of Southwestern University, Georgetown, Texas, came here from Sa , em cam(jmeeting Sunday after noon, and preached in the Methodist church at night. Many people think the word ‘ Fitters” can be used only in connection with and intoxicating beverage. 'I'his is a mistakes as the best remedy tor all diseases ol he, blood, liver, kidneys, etc., is Ash Bitters. It is purely a medicine and every article used in its manufacture is of vegetable origin of known curative qual iies. The fall term of the West Georg a A. & M. college opens Monday. president, Prof. H. A. Hayes, will be assisted by Prof. Chris C. Dick, a graduate of the De Pauw University, Indiana, who comes highly recom mended. Every friend of the college ° and 1 able v, , worthy .. • 1 its and P re -- ( > should rally to its support, and ma.Ec , next Monday, an auspicious opening of the fall term. Mr. B. H. Walton has bought a good mowing machine, and tried its merits in the court house yard, in the presence of a number of interested spectators. He has very fine bermu ba grass in his fields and expects to save a good hay crop. Disease lies in amnusfi tor tne weak;a feeble constitution is ill adapted to encounter a malarious atmosphere and sudden changes of temperature, and the least rebusi are 11811 ' ally the easiest victims. Dr. J. H. McLean’s Sarsaparilla will give tone, vitality and trenglli to the entire body. Dr. I. D. Williams’ tent at Salem camp-ground, seemed to be head quarters for the Hamilton party Sun day. The doctor and his good wife did all that was possible for the en tertainment of their guests. Mr. S. I. Smith’s barn, near Woitesvil'e, was slruck*by lightening Thursday night of last week, and burned. He had two horses and a mute killed, and the loss falls heavily on him. A subscription has been started for his benefit. Prof. Dick, who was expected to arrive here this week, has been un¬ avoidably detained and will not ar rive before the 5th of September. This delay will not interfere with the organization of the school, and every pupil should be at the college Mon¬ day morning. More strength and power lies in a sin¬ gle dose of B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) than in a hundred doses <f sarsa¬ parilla extraca, and other so cal ed blood remedies. Rea l of its miraculous curs iu other parts of our paper. Richard Marshall colored was ar rested in Columbus last week, by our efficient sheriff, and brought here and lodged in jail. There are seven now at sheriff Kimbrough’s hotel and he says as these retire others must come. A number are out on bond to appear at the next term of court. A large party of Hamiltonians went up to Salem Sunday and trie day was one ot religious and social enjoyment. The sun veiled his face ,n the early morning, but came day. out in all his splendor later in the The atmosphere was delightfully cool and pleasant, and not a ripple dis¬ turbed the serenity of the party until they were safely at home, Sick heartache is the bane of many live Tliis annoying complaint may be curedand prevented bv the occasional use of Pr. J. 11 McLean’s Liver and kidney Fillets (little pill. No liniment is in better eputeor more wid known than Pr. J. H. rMcLcau’s Voter OU liniment. It is a wonderful remedy. We call the esspecial attention our readers to the advertisem in this issue of D. F. Willcox & £ general insurance agents of Colt p bus. It is the oldest agency in Ge gia, and has been for thirty y v paying losses in this and adjoir counties, and is the largest a: strongest American and English * panies. Why cannot our citizens put heads to gether, or what is mo the point their money togethe start some industry thic will good interest on the inves With a little mere interpr might build up industries that attract people here, and bui’d town thereby increasing the v; property. Think of it, talk ii r streets and see what can be Miss Nannie Howard brou Leconte pear this week, gro' father’s garden, that weigr pound and four ounces, largest we have seen this yea Williams gave us a pair grown on the same stem tl day, that were nearly as larg .3 been clearly demonstrated that this pear can reach s. ie perfection here as in a dims . south. Mr. ( old lan ed awa town " \ zen, a n. chara' i a »t c a £ e ° )Ur mten he bi round ernei et-ves farni: by - >een in j. at : Larch this S an< rut N i H< ork • th, Cl i _ e 1 <J , ippheants ft tie re¬ c< f 2 ri V d 091 f ie master. - -.L in le-mua-.-ing 0:1 lil ‘ : ' rare '. uL ' t L- J in rson’ _ ; er , for n-in ■ jfferent; bu >/, Ienberger’8 A.- ! I«i' oy it in the system in every case. IS ,r are suffer ing /tom Malaria you will know it, and this medicine will certainly cure you. Sold b y Druggists. _ ___ Dr. Heidi’s sermon. R e v. p r Heidt, President of the Southwestern, Umversity, Texas, preached the 11, c’clock sermon atSa j em campmeetiug Sunday. His text vvas <>j vvi 11 not leave you comfortless, “This text said the preacher,”is a part ofonr Lord’s last words. Every thing in this chapter shoull be cherished as the final statement of our Lord It is as though he said unto us, I will soon be gone. My Kingdom is not rf this world. It is expedient that I go from you. I go to prepare a place for you, but I will not leave you ta ’ therless. .1 1 My Xi , gang • , sha cK „i, not affect „cf or ,. our relations. You shall still have a father, mother, and elder brother all three three combined combined in in one one sacred sacred rela- rela tionship. The first item in my will is the leg¬ acy of faith. Ye believe in God, be lieve also in me. If men were offer¬ ed the gold of earth, or faith, the ma jority would decide for gold. There are men in hell to-day who have been lost through th^ir love of getting money. If Christ be God, and faith your only means of salvation, you had better dispense with everything than faith. I may have nothing, and may be a vagabond, bu{ if I have Christ I need nothing n.or<j. Christ is a fact in history, or life. Everybody hand¬ les him—the Christian and the atheist. He is the hope of the world. I had rather have him shine resplendent in my soul than to have tne world. Item No. 2, in the will is the lega¬ cy of work. No man will say aught but that the best acts of his life made him happiest. I n the matter of toil we are co-partners with the Lord. The greatest work of men is saving souls. It is a bigger work than Jay Gould accomplished when he bought up all the Union telegraph lines. I give in the third place,access to a throne of grace. Whatever thing ye desire,when ye shall" pray,believe that ye receive it,arc! ve have it. I will g „ ve you a Klank Lank rherk l e k tn ote filled out by yourself. Legacy number tour is,“I will send you another comforter, I will come to you.’’ The last legacy is,“I go to prepare a place for you. I give and devise unto you my children, mansions in The abo' f, disconnected thoughts fr. L. ey Bros., ate'e ting ' . y establishment and wid j re d in a few days to serve no. F. Jenkins left Monday for Atlanta, to take charge 1 gislative duties, after a few osence. . . J. H. Eakes will go up Fri - /ening to be present at the Mer er camp meeting which com ces on Friday night. /e understand Mr. A. J. Erwin. Chipley, has accepted a position f h ruitt Bros., of LaGrange. Mr. is is an excellent business man. Levs. R. H. Harris, of Columbus, Dr. Normally, of Macon, and C. C. Willis, of near Columbus, filled the Baptist pulpit at Chipley during the association at Bethany. Lemons! Lemons!! at the Chipley Drug Store. Mr. Allen Little, says of the Glass’ Improved Cathartic and Liver Pills. It is the best liver pills I have ever used, and I reccommeod them to the public. ‘‘For sale by Pee & Miller New Hope, Ga. The campmeeting at Salem church c'osed on Tuesday eveniug at 3 o’clock. The ministers present were Revs. T. F. Pierce, Austelle; C. D. Adams, Hamilton; B. H. Sassnett, West Point; J. H. Eakes. Chipley, Dr. Heidt, Texas; M. T. McGee, Chipley. The Columbus Baptist Association met at Bethany church near here last week. A large number of delegates were in attendance. able and distinguished minsters were present. After three days session, during which important business was transacted, the associate adjourned to meet next year at Sardis, Talbot county. ---—►——— »therof thefollowing engraving#, the Evangeline,” Glen” or“The “ Bayard,” forst Step,” “ Monarch without of advertising with on them, size 20 x 24 inches, given one 50 cent or two 25 cent bottles of Ideal Tooth Powder. These are not cheap lithographs, but works of art. Idaho, A. D. Bowman, Dentist, Nicholia, says, I am using your Ideal Tooth Powder, and find it superior to all others. The engraving “Evangeline” arrived safely on like the 24th Christmas of December, making it seem a gift. Trusting that Ideal Tooth Powder may flourish, I nest, remain, Denver, yours Col. respectfully, One of these Elois Ea$ ings without advertising worth engrav- $1 on it retail is given with each two 25 cent hot ties of Ideal Tooth Powder. _ How’s This. We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of ( atari j that can not be cured by taking Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props.. Tol- do O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 y ars, and be¬ lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi¬ ness transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Truax. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohfo. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists Toledo, Ohio. E. H. Van Hoesen, Cashier, Toledo 1 Na¬ tional Bank, Toledo Ohio. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken ntemally acting disectly upon the blood and mucus surfaces ot the system. Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold by a'l Druggists. I find Ideal Tooth Powder is without exception the best I have ever used, With its aid I keep my teeth very clean and which I was unable to do with any other powder I have ever tried before. So says Ferdinand E. Chartard, Baltimore, Md. otnmend *&*%aT"lfR£SS!5SjSS ^ ... , Dentist, . ,, Sa- , it. R. E. Nichols, lina, Kansas, says, Ideal Tooth Powder is in my estimation, just what its name 1 nd-cates ,u engraving 20x 24 is given wi cad v two bottles. Price 25 cent* T.r. -v ■ rant ms. Houses and con rs. All needed in¬ ti ■ olumbus, Ga. k m \fk 1 I 10Z1ER RI - } p ra. hZITr H V V MCU Freezer. S. A. CARTER. Y. CARTER & BRADLEY, COTTON FACTORS, AND COM¬ MISSION MERCHANTS. Fontaine Warehouse. Columbus, Ga. Mr. Chas. Allen will again repre sent us on the streets as buyer and will sustain his old reputation fjr HIGH PRICE and LIBERAL DEALING. Cotton Bagging a speciality; as we propose to aid the Farmers in their fight against TRUS S and COM¬ BINES. Special attention given to the stor¬ age and sale of cotton and liberal ad¬ vances made on all consignments. A shaie of your business solicited. Faithfully Yours. Cartbr & Bradley. Dry floods. Several cases of new goods opened Saturday will be on sale tnis week. Special attention is called to a choice lin e of Black Plaid Organdies, 12 1-2,15 and 18 cents. Owing 10 the great demand for these most popular goods, they have been very scarce. Ladies in search of choice patterns should call at once as they are rapidly. Cool Dresses d‘, lnch * ]gure Dotted 0 • „ J^ „„ 9 „ ^ g ]on las t This lot 0 f Swiss . es wefe fa ° ht at a closing out sale b T. our New Y ork buyer, and are , iP , e ren ts ner 1 vard Fast , Black ni , Hosiery. We are just in receipt of a large shiomcnt P G f the celebrated O H& r C - Hose Hnse every everv pair nair ot which w t,j c h are a e war- a ranted ABSOLUELY S TAINLESS. Don ’t be deceived by imitations. E y pair *• of q. H. & C. have a tick et , bearing the , following , ,, guarantee. We Warrant This Pair of Hose ADSOmteiy Ah^nlnFclv stainless stainless. Not to Stain the Feet or Dye the Undergarments. O H ", & C \ .... We will cheerfully , r refund , money on any pair cf Hose that does not come up to the above guarantee. At 25 Cents. One hundred dozen Ladies’ full regular fast black O. H. & C. at 25 cents a pair. Just think, Ladies, of buying a full regulas warranted fast Black Hose at 25 cents. Three Pairs For $1.00 Competent judges pronounce our 33 13 cents O. H. & C. Hose as fine as sold elsewhere at 50 cents a pair. O. H. Children’s & C. Full line of Children’s O. H. & C. Hose in Cotton and Lisle Thread Ribbed and Plain, sizes 4 to 5^ also a complete line of misses’ in sizes 5^ to 8^. From 25 cents up. We are cer tainly headquarters for Hosiery. Special Bargains. 12 yards Figured Challies for 50c. 10 yards good Checked Homespun for 50 cents. 10 yards Shirting Prints for 50 cents. 10 yards Sea Island homespun 50c 10 yards choice Dress gingham ?oc - Ladies; colored horded S. „ handkerchiefs for 50 cents, 12 Ladies’ mounring h. S. hand kerchief for so cems . _ - five This Week. , dred Silk and Gloria Is and Umbrellas, bought ■:nfice, and will be sold ur Own Price. are now m the north rn markets purchasing fall stock. We mist r our new goods, and offer will be refused or any summer goods E BROS.