The Hamilton journal. (Hamilton, Ga.) 1889-1920, October 04, 1889, Image 7

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WASHINGTON, D. C. MOVEMENTS OF THE PRESIDENT AND HIS ADVISERS. APPOrXTSIEVTS, DECISIONS, AND OTHER MATTEB3 OF INTEREST FROM THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. The board of the navy yard, the com¬ mandant, appointed to investigate the navy purchasing system, has adjourned after deciding that the present system is efficient and only minor changes in the direction of reducing the number of vouchers checks, etc., can be made with¬ out detriment to the service. The secretary of the navy decided Friday to revoke orders command! ig the Ossipee to convey Minister Douglas' from Norfolk to Hayti, it having been repre¬ sented that the Ossipee’s boilers are not in condition to make steam. The Ker sarge, now at New York, has been or¬ dered to perform this service. Governor Fowle, of North Carolina, in reply to the letter from the secretary of war, suggesting the removal of the In¬ dians at Mount Yernon barracks to the mountain sections of North Carolina, ex¬ presses disapproval of the proposition, settle¬ as that section is iu process of rapid that ment by the whites, aud suggests abandoned the Indians be located on the lands of Vermont. The secretary of agriculture, Rusk, has returned to Washington after au inspec¬ tion of mills for the manufacture of su¬ gar from sorghum cane by the new difu¬ sion process, which was lately subsidized by congress by an appropriation of 180,000, to encourage experiments iu the aew industry which now has about a dozen establishments in the United States. Secretary Rusk reports that the process looks like it will be a failure, and unless some improvements are made he is very doubtful about the profit of making sugar from sorghum cane. The Postal and Cable Telegraph com¬ all pany will open offices simultaneously over the soutli on Thursday. The com¬ pany is ten years old, and has fifteen or twenty thousand miles of wire, reaching from Portland, Me., to California. It has forty or fifty lines from New York to Chicago and has invested altogether $12 000,000. It is owned by McKay, the California bonanza millionare, whose wealth is estimated at thirty millions. The other leading stockholder is James Gordon Bennett, proprietor of the New York Herald. Postmaster-General Wanamaker has issued an order abolishing the postoflice at Luverney, Aia. A colored man was recently appointed postmaster, and the citizens, it is said, showed their appre¬ ciation of him by boycotting him in every way, and finally in burning down the old building which he had succeeded, with great difficulty, in securing for a postoffice. In view of these facts, Mr. Wanamaker decided that the 500 inhabi¬ tants of the place could go three miles for marl and do without a postoffice for a time. The president on Saturday appointed the following named postmasters: Charles C. Sbeats, at Decatur, Ala., vice L. H. Grubbs, commission expired; Fe¬ lix G. Lambreth, Florence, Ala., vice Bessie McCalister, resigned; Columbus, Browning, at Dalton, Ga., vice Jefferson T. Whitman, removed; JosephP. Smith, at Thomasville, Ga., vice H. M. Sapp, resigned; Thomas W. Hicks, at Hender¬ son, N. C., vice R. B. Henderson, re* moved; Mts. Ada Hunter, at Kingston, N. C., vice W. J. Barrett, removed; Samuel II. Vick, at Wilson, N. C., vice N. M. Gay, removed; D. J. Taylor, at Pocahontas, Va., vice J. L. Deaton, re¬ moved; John II. Blunt, at Ashland, Va., office having become presidential; Portsmouth, Am¬ Va., brose II. Lindsay, at vice W. A. Fiske, removed. A HUGE COMBINE. TENNESSEE AND ALABAMA CAPITALISTS TO UNITE IN A BIG SCHEME. A number of prominent Tennessee and Alabama capitalists have for several cays been iu consultation in Nashville, Tenn., with a view to organizing a mining and manufacturing company, which will be the largest in the south, exceeding even the Tennessee Coal and Iron company. The o-entiemen interested left for Ala bama°Friday, to effect a corporate The deal organ¬ ia the ization of the company. occurred iu most important which has that section. The plan embraces the con solidation of the LaGrange, -Stria, and Warner Furnace companies, the Roane Iron company, of Chattanooga, the Wayne County Iron company, and other properties, feix furnaces, now in opera¬ tion, are involved in the deal, and many thousand acres of fine ore lands in Hick¬ man, Stewart and Wayne counties. Th: main object is to manufacture charcoal, iron and” steel on a big scale, and to es¬ tablish a steel rail mill. The ultimate object is reported to be the consolida¬ tion of all the charcoal furnaces in Ten¬ nessee and Alabama in a tremendous combination. It is said that the amount of bonds to be issued with first instal¬ ment will be $3,000,000, and $6,000,000 of fitonks__ A BRIDAL COUPLE KILLED. AMBUSHED WHILE RETURNING FROM THEIR WEDDING TRIP. On Big Heart creek, Lincoln county, = Brumfield and his newly W. Va., Al married wife were returning home after a brief wedding trip, when they were ambushed by a man who shot them both. Mrs. Brumfield died in a few hours. Brumfield is dying. He claims to have recognized his assassin,but refuses to say who it wa 3 It is believed that a former . suitor of Mrs. Brumfield, who failed to win her. is the murderer. THE STORM IN FLORIDA, A DISASTROUS STORM VISITS THE LAND OP FLOWERS—DAMAGE TO PROPERTY. Reports on Tuesday from various lo¬ calities in the state of Florida, indicate that Monday’s storm was a disastrous one to property. At West Jacksonville, four or five miles out in the country from the city of Jacksonville, three or four houses were blown down and two churches wrenched from their foundations. Through the outlying country for many miles, fallen trees were encountered everywhere, many of the monster moss hung oaks, which had withstood the storms of a hundred years, were pros¬ trated. At Switzerland, Panama, Park, Scotland, May port, New Berlin and sev¬ eral small settlements on St. John’s river, houses and trees were blown down. At the Sandhills hospital, made memo¬ rable by the epidemic of 1888, the main building was wrecked and the whole scene is one of ruin. CHICAGO’S PLUCK. HER BUSINESS MEN DONATING LIBERALLY TO THE WORLD’S FAIR FROJECT. Friday wms a red-letter day in the sub¬ scription department of the Chicago, Ill world’s fair project. F. J. Lehman, drew a check lor $50,000; John V. Far well followed suit to the extent of $25, 000, and James II. Walker, Carson Pierie, Scott & Co., and Mandel Bros, each, put themselves down for a similar amount. Seigel, Cooper & Co., Slorgan than, Labold & Co., C. W". & E. Par dridge, and Schlessinger & Mayer, be¬ tween them, put up $50,000. This, with the subscription of $100,000 by Marshall Field, makes a total of $300, G00 subscribed by the dry-goods $100,000 mer¬ chants. It is expected that additional will be secured from other houses in the same line within a day or two. A BIG SALE. COAL AND IRON LANDS IN DADE COUNTY, GA., SOLD TO ENGLISHMEN. A trade with New England laud parlies and for 10,000 acres of coal and iron a town site, at a point on the Alabama Great Southern railroad in Dade county, Ga., known as Morrison’s, fourteen miles from Chattanooga, Term., was closed on Thursday. $50,000 of the money was paid down, and the papers were filed through the Chattanooga National bank. The purchasers have applied for a char¬ ter of incorporation for a company to bo known a9 the New England Land, Coal, Iron and Manufacturing company, of Dade county, Ga., and they will organize just as soon as the Georgia legislature shall grant their rights. ST. LOUIS IN THE RING. EFFORTS MADE TO HAVE THE WORLD’S FAIR IN TIIE METROPOLIS OF MISSOURI. A w*ell attended meeting of prominent officials of roads centering at St. Louis, SIo., revealed the fact that great interest is being taken by them in the World’s Fair and that active efforts will be made by them to have it held in that city. Au assessment of $1,000,000 on the rail¬ roads will be promptly subscribed and in all likelihood that sum will be exceeded by them. A meeting of newspaper pro¬ prietors also brought out subscriptions assessed largely in excess of the sum upon them. The individual subscriptions of the daily papers are: Globe-Democrat, $20,000; Republic, $20,000; Post-Dis¬ patch, $15,000; S*ar , $5,000; Chronicle, $ 2 , 000 . BLACK BART FREE, TnE NOTORIOUS TRAIN ROBBER BREAKS JAIL AND ESCAPES. A dispatch from Bessemer, Mich., says: The Gogebic stage robber, Rei mund Boizhay, otherwise known as ‘•Black Bart,”' together with from several the other prisoners, made his escape county jail here Friday morning. He was brought hero from Republic, where he was arrested some days ago for hold¬ ing up a Gogebic stage and murdering one of its occupanls, Mr. Fleishbein, ot Illinois. The sheriff lias called a to pursue the fugitive, Citizens are much excited, and are turning out m lame numbers to iom in the man hunt. WILL TEST IT. THE ACT RESTRICTING THE COINAGK O* SILVER TO BE INVESTIGATED. The Colorado Mining exchange, ai Denver, adopted a resolution on Monday to investigate the constitutionality of the act restricting the coinage of silver, aud appointing a committee of thiee, with authority to employ the necessary legal counsel. The committee propose to visii the mint at Philadelphia with a hundred ounces of silver and deffiffbd that it be coined into dollars. Thi^ffceing refused, directoi they will bring suit against the of the mint for damages, thus bringing the subject to the atention of the United States supreme court. A DESTRUCTIVE FIRE. A MONTANA TOWN VISITED BY THE FIRB FIRE FIEND. A million dollar fire occurred Saturday at Butte, Mont. The district bufned ia ia the bu*in®ss porlion, and aptong the buildings burned are the Bowes block, the First National bank, Hennessy's dry goods store, Babcock’s hat store, Bernard block, Lamie’s shoe store. Several smaller establishments were also burned. Catching Lobster*. Formerly when lobster* were England plenti fnl inshore on the cdust of New they were readily hooks caught in the gre at end num- of here by gaffs or of whieh on they poles, by means from beneath shelving rocks. were hooked ont Another form of apparatus used in fish¬ ing was a small hoop pot or circular net over which a hoop was bowed. The net was two and a half or three feet in di¬ ameter, but was suspended the from The the hoop over the oontre of net. fisherman went out in his boat aud set several of these pots. Where lobsters were plentiful he had simply to go from one pot to the other, and, raising it up, find a Lobster in the net. Now, lath pots are used almost altogether in lob¬ ster fishing. They are semi-cylindrical with boxes, made of a frame covered lathing, with openings between the strips. The ends are covered with net¬ ting, with a funnel-sha'ped opening leading into the interior of the pot. Bait, generally a flounder, whose white side attracts the lobster, is attached to a stake inside the pot. The hungry lob¬ ster, spying the bait, try to enter the pot, and at length getting into the fun¬ nel, find easy access to tho interior. The lobster, however, cannot easily get out, as the small end of the funnel is on the inside. Many such pots will be set by a single fisherman, who will visit them during the day, haul them to the surface and take out the captives. In winter, when it is not convenient to visit the pots so often, another form of pot is used, which lias an additional pair of netting funnels inside. The lob¬ ster has to g® through two funnels to get at the bait. This greatly decreases his chance of escape. If the ordinary pot was used and not visited for many hours the chances are that the lobsters would get all the bait and make their escape. With two funnels to go tlirough, after passing through tho first, they are likely in their groping struggles to get free, simply to retrace tlicir steps aud pass back into tho central compartment through the hole they have come out of. —[Washington Star. A Horse's Musical Sense. Investigations as to the .musical sense of horses, Lave shown that that sense is very poorly developed jn those animals. It has been proven beyond a doubt that horses have no notion whatever of keep¬ ing time to music, and that at circuses they do not dance according to the tune, but that the musicians have to keep time according to the steps of the animals. Other investigations show that horses do not understand military trumpet signals. It is only the rider or the animal’s in¬ stinct of imitation which induces horses to make the moves required by the sig¬ nal, but no horse without a rider, bow ever carefully trained, takes the slightest notice of a trumpet signal, and tlm same observation has been made on a large number of cavalry horses without riders. Bees as Ventilators. A close observer of the habits of the habits of the bee says: “I cannot say whether it it is generally known that in India, and I»believe in other tropical what countries, there are in every hive one can only descritm as ventilating bees. I mean that during tho hot season two their or three bees post themselves, on heads, at the entrance of the hive and fan the interior with the incessant mo¬ tion of their wings. They are relieved at intervals by fresh bees, who carry on the process. They are kept to their duty by a sort of patrol of bees to insure their ceaseless activity, 'lliis is a well authen¬ ticated fact.” Marriage I* but the stepping-stone to those divine insti¬ tutions, tho family and the home, which which con¬ stitute the very foundation on our na¬ tion rests; and upon tho health and strength and of the wdfe, and mother, depends the sunshine of en the Joyment family. of ti e home, and the wives, prowpi ri thousands ty Thousand* of Mat existence of in sijgle ladies, drag out aweary “fe¬ consequence of perplexing male disorders,” in total ignorance of the fact, that Dr. Pierce'6 Favorite Prescription is a stinate positive cure for tho most complicated and ob¬ oases of leucorrhea, prolapsus, weak back, “female bearin',!-down weakness,” anteversion, chronic retro¬ version, inflammation, sensations, congestion, dred ulceration and kin¬ ailments. Guaranteed to give satisfac¬ tion, or money refunded^ All druggists. Dr. Pierce’3 Pellets—cleanse and regulate the stomach, bowels and system generally, line a dose; purely vegetable.__ Flatter)* is a sort of bad money to which our vanity gives currency. Oreaon, the Paradise of Fanner*. Mild, equable climate, certain and abundant crops. Rest fruit, grain, grass aridetoek couu u-y in the world. Full information free. Ad¬ dress Oreg. Im’igra’tn Board, Portland, Ore. If afflicted with sore eyes use Dr.Isaao Thomp¬ son’s Eye- ivater. Druggists sell at25c per bottle. Entire freedom from inj rioas drugs makes “Tansili’sPunch”5c. cigars most popular. The Liver And kidney* ore organs which it Is Important should be kep®in good condition, and yet they are over¬ worked and abused by nearly everybody, unUl they become worn out, clogged up or diseased. Hood's Sarsaparilla cures all difficulties with these organs, rouses them to healthy action, and tone* the whole digestive organism. “I have been using Hood’s Sarsaparilla tor indi¬ gestion and liver trouble. It bas greatly benefited me, and I think It Is fully as good a medicine as claimed.”—£. S. Cbssbbbo, chief c-nglneer Are dept., Stonlngton, CL N. B.—If you decide to take Hood’s Sarsaparilla do not be induced to take any other. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Sold by ail druggists. $1; six for ®5. Prepared only by C L HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar OPIUM HABIT. A Val uable Treatise OlvliJK fuff information of an Easy and Speedy cun free, to the afflicted. Dr. J. C. HomtAS Jefferson,Wlsconuln . PEERLESS DYES Are the BEST. SoldbyDruooisis. 1 Sarah Bernl ardt. ■V is Rowing to America, and great will be the eiitidufJwm ifut, aroused ohr.pwn amongst her admirers, we harre bright star, Mary Ander¬ son, who will continue to hear off tho palm in the dramatic, as does Lucy Hinton in the great tobacco world. “The race is not to him who doth the swiftest Nor rufi. the who shoots with the the battle to man longest gun.” long tines count, and “the “All tallest the samoe,” gets a the persimmons.” gun If yon pole equipment for the are not satisfied with j'our bat¬ race for financial succe8S,or position write in the B. F. tle of life, take our advice and to Johnson & Co., Richmond, Va., and our word tor It. they will show you how to get a fresh start, with the best possible chance of winning some of the big prizes. _ Ain 0 ama 0 va £ ■ VI1IVVV 1 ll . , \ n|U L Y r. > ’ \ Aft III Uliw I < N A splendid |> SI Story fo r BOYS and GIRLS. m T The story is of a V hero who worked hard to earn his spending money, leeting with many "trials and triumphs, and how unselfishly he spent it. How deter¬ r ' mination overcame Vi poverty. A boy who could think how to earn money in spite of obstacles, and could act nobly, even at a loss of his own pleasure. A pure story—sent free to any boy or girl who will pay the postage—only a 2-cent stamp required. Curtis Publishing Ca.» Philadelphia, Pa Ft ag^J^ADFlELirS! FEMALE ^regulator menstruation m mm R CBmmajnmAB^ IF KJmvu X OU WISH A «SBg Jyi purchase One no Of the orated SMITH & small WEGHON i arms. Tlic finest arms the over manufactured and first choice of all experts. and Hln- I4BHSII Manufactured, in calibres :i2,3a Hammertoes 444(0. „ gleor double action, Constnictod Safety entirely of bout and quni- vzzy Target wroualit modale. carefully inspected for work tty stock, steel, they unrivaled tor finish, mansh'p and are Do not be deceived by durability mallonble and accuracy. east-iron imitations which chsar sold for tho genuine article ami are not are often unreliable, S>ut dangerous. The SMITH & onlv .Revolvers ail stamped the bar¬ WESSON firm’s are address and dates upon of patents rel* with guaranteed name, perfect in very detail. In¬ and are hawing tlm genuine article, * and if your sist upon supply order sent to address dealer cannot receive prompt yon an I careful attention. below Desorptlvecitaloime will «r!o an fnrnlshoi ap an i h upon plicaton. SMITH & Spviiitfflrl WESSON, l>Iaw«, gyMcntion this paper. d, BUGGIE S ROAD CARTS HARNESS mm i” No Price or 50% but Free. Wo manufacture none but the best and for fOBigunCIM ONLY. Write us for full par¬ ticulars how to get theae articles free of cor— CONSUMERS CINCINNATI. 1 CARRIAGE O. BO., Ely’s Cream Balm ^tr® “Vfl IS SUHK TO CliBU LDinH£N \ Apply 1 1 1 Balm into each nostril HSwKkrr‘ N ELY BROS.,56 Warron St., N.Y -v oOcl SSf JONES. S3 U I d 3? PAYS Ti THE Wagon FREYCHT. Hcules, / f Iron o Levers. n Bearings, Kteol Brass Tare Beam am] Beum Box for. 800. * Every «!zo this Scale. For free price 11st , mention paper and address JONES OF BINGHAMTON, BINGHAMTON, N. Y. FORA 4 l%M n ' S?lf-eockinf IUtoItpp*, $4.00* «t»mp for W-poffH Catatouue anfl *aro t& per teat, GRIFFITH A 8ENIPLE, 512 W. Main, Louisville, Kj, LADIES Amenagogue Pills For Irregularities. Safe and certain. Shonld not be taken if enclente Price per box of 100 pill*, 1 .OU Ga. Db. W. C. ASHER, 21M Mariettas*.., Atlanta, BRYANT & STRATTON Business College ^SSSFSSbSSS Sz rkS'& ZS&Z: LOUISVILLE. KY. C; TYLSCPS REMEDY FOR CATARRH.—Best Easiest X to use. CTieapest. Relief is immediate. A cure is certain. For Cold in the Head It has no equal. CATARRH It is an Ointment, of which a small particle is applied sent to the nostrils. Price. 50c. Sold by druggists or by mail. Address, E. T. Haxeltihe, Warren, Pa. RAIN! RAIN! RAINf - * ^ Vi V *» V - \N lb i B ’s Vs HBW** If’s one net of men who appreciate a good waterproof coat it ia the farmer. ^He know* that a know it rains ) any garment made. Did you or hows one day in three the whole year through? A j “ Fish Brand Slicker ” makes every day a pleasant day to it* lucky owner. Go anywhere with it in , rain, hail, aleet, anew, or blow, it ia wind andf* water proof. Costa less than than rubber,^and rubber, and laata laata ten ten i times aa long. Rubber 1 is good " for show ' days, ‘ “ hot j in _ for for hard hard , will rip a week. If »ou you waat waat a a coat coat Brand •' ; WMF and (SUM IIMU hard weather, ' O** get the ’*■ “ Fish • - • • its imitation, so ware ot worthless imitations, every garment Don’t stamped with “ Fish Brand” Trade Mark. accept any inferior coat when you can have the Fists Brand Slicker ” delivered without extra eost. P»r<*e ticulars and illustrated catalogue free. A. J. TOWER, - Boston, Mass. m COJbJblGfr S 4 Mmwm aCji mm -y * * — :N» Learn Telegraphy and Railroad Business —AT THE— GEORGIA TELEGRAPH SCHOOL Young men, thisisarare opportunity for you. If you wants situation that, pays well, you oan got it If you will loam telegraphy at our sohool. The best equipped and most popular sohool iu the South. Eudonwdbjf railroad otfioials. Sond for circular. COUCH & LUGENBEEL, Senoia, Georgia. SSiSmii =« ccvrwTv i mm ► ^jjjijig’g gjy? g^jjo Act on the liver and bile, clear the complexion, our* biliousness, sick headache, costiveness, malaria and nil liver and stomach illsordors. The small size «rfe most convenient for children—very small and easy to take. Prloe of either size 25c. vVltKof per bottle. A panel »lr.o PIIOTO-GR A the above 2e. picture, “Kissing at 7—17—70,” mailed on receipt of stomp. Address the makers of tho groat Antt Blle Remedy—“Bile Beans.” J. K. SMITH dl CO., St. Louis, Mo. auk you thiN aim* OK BUYING A t:\ Cotton or Hay Press? . We manufacture a Cotton jj I Press and two Hay Presses. jj Will send Circulars and Pfioa List upon appiicuUuu. UOANOKK MtON ANI> i./ WOOD WORKS. CHATTANOOGA, TKSfN. P. O. Box 2*t. CHICHESTER’S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS J RED CROSB DIAMOND BRAND. J TN bare ao<1 always rollsblo. I.mllcs, 4 ask Hr uggiut tor Diamond Brand, la —-dfcjiaribbon. _HE\red, metallic Taka boxo, moled with blue SN4 Wjin no other. All pills' dangerous pasteboard boxes, pink wrappers, ar« ” nr counterfeits. Send 4e. V* ■ JCS I". Ilellef 1 *"!’'! for for I.aillea,” particulars, in Utter, testimonials anil mull. -Sums Paper, by return t'blrbesier them’! Co., Hadlaon Sq.„ UhlLa^Pa, Patronize industry! 1HJY HOUTHKltN—MADE PRINTING INKS -FBOM— FRANK J. COHEN, General Agent 23 Must Alnbninu fib, ATLANTA. (j,i. Dr. Lobb,...... After ALL others fall, consult 329 N. 15th St. ^ tVe Twenty y/bun i , continuous practice in the treat- treat. ment and/cure of tho awful rflcoln of enrty aud vice, treatment (Wtroyfn* for both month. mind and Five laxly. Dollars, Medldlno sent one observation securely sealed from to any address. Back on Special Diseases free. mmmm t “Swap 35lSSt^CiS l(IIT 4siooC5J6 < WkitoliaU BL — Bryant’s College, 457 Main St, Buffalo. N. Y. opium HABIT. Only Certain World. nod easy CI. T BE Ui the Dr. J. L. (STEPHENS, lA*anon,0 . ■ail ll | l | l iifc f I prescribe and the fully en sgppircoTMlB dome Big G as only e^eclficfor the certain euro X&a jS& OaereutKi not » y. ^ LKGKAJIAM, Amsterdam', it. D.. saoso Btriotara- N. Y. c!a lffd only by the Wo have sold Big G for fa&lTm CL^l GO. vRk Olnclnnatl.ffi^^o Atr$4 faction. DYCHE & CO.. Ohio. K. Trada^BH^^arklSl.OO. Chicago, III. Sold by Druggist* A. N. U....... ........Forty, ’89.