The Hamilton journal. (Hamilton, Ga.) 1889-1920, October 04, 1889, Image 8

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H li*l4liLlUi »«11 m oUUl \mW ■ . ____ I'tfHUMli;:) lIVKttV TUI H*l» VY SUBSCRIPTION $1.09 A YEAR. 1. L. DsHKiii......... Proprietor. — HAMILTON, GEORGIA, < XT, 4, • • • • 1 ^9 CENTRAL RAILROAD - LA. n T* 01 fOU MBirn St ROME DIM VI II. tichednle No 31, in effect June 2 lth ’SO. /Standard Time 90th Meridian.] STATIOXS, 72 .Miiif. p in Lv Columbus, Ari a m p roiAr Nances, n m p in j Ar C’atatlii, Kortaons, Ar Ar a u m 111 p miAr p m.Ar King s!/oro, Ar a m p ml Ar Hamilton, Ar a tn p m|Ar Chipley, Summit, Ar Ar, 2co3 a a m m p in Af p in Ar White Sul Sp’gs Ar a 111 1> m Ar Stinsons, Ar a in m Ar Greenville, Lv a 111 I>cpn.rt«tre of Tral**# *t Cmlawbu*. Mobile ,t Girard—7 3.7 am—2 45 pm— 1 C& W 2i>:» m-1245pm—80 Western—12 2') noon —7 Oft p m. For further information relative to schedule, ticket rates, best routes, etc. write, or call upon. K. B. Gammkl Agent Hamilton (in. W. II. MeClintock, Sujit. Coluni tiuslia. IT. T. Charlton lien. pass. Agent Sa¬ vannah (In. Lornl Mention. Mrs C A. Brooks returned to her boot • in Americus Monday. Airs. j. A. Hunter, went down to Columbus this morning. Mr, J. H. Hogan, of Chipley, was in the «iiy Sunday on business. Mr. Ben Hill, the efficient Marshal of Chipley, was in the city Tuesday. The Misses Wamble are the guests this week of Miss Leila Latham. President J. W. Wilson will organ¬ ize a new sub alliance at Central Academy th s afternoon. Mr. jas. Callaway, agent for the Macon Telegraph, one of the best pa¬ pers south, was in the city today. M . S. H. Pitts, who has been hete several days with relatives, re¬ turned to Salem, Ala., Wednesday. Mr. Jim Hodge brought Jerry Nel¬ son, colored to town Monday, and had him bound over to keep the peace. Miss Joe Williams, aftet spending sometime here with relatives, return¬ ed to Columbus Wednesday. Judge J. F. C. Williams, Col. , 1 . M. Mobley, and Capt. H. W. Pitts visited Columbus Wednesday. Mr. |. L. Dennis made a flying vis t to his old htine this veek, to look aittr tne Journal. IF YOU DESIRE to save money and satisfy your boys, purchase their suits, hats & Pearce Columbus, Ga. We havo surrendered our space to advertisers this week, and have not as nuuT. local news as usual. j Tnete were no <cgal sales here Tuesday, and nothing of special in terest but the alliance meeting. Messis R. O. Bulloch and J. T. Tucket, of Chipley, were in the city Sunday. THE BEAUTIFUL SHOES cx-I hibilbd by Chancellor & Pearce Co- i lumbus, is attracting a sensation They are a large shoe business. Close prices and fine goods will tell. Rince Jordon, colored, was shot and killed bv an unkown party Weil nesday on Mr. Sam Trueus Mace, The loiontr went out Thui&dav tu hold an inquest, but we had 10 g to press befote wceould learn the vo diet. WHEELER & WILSON Impro* ed No. gScvking Machine for sale a the Hamilton Hotel. Cheaper lhai ever. We are proud of our college. It u a credit to the town. The pupils an well disciplined and well taught, the patrons may be assured that they are under fine mental and mora training. “It goes right to the spot,” sa/l an oln man, who was rubbing in Dr J. H. >!'■ Ir an’s Volcanic Oil Liniment to relieve rheumatism. The coliege palings were sold to the highest bidder in front of the court house yard Saturday. The bid ding was lively, and about $11 00 was realized from the sale which will be used for repairs on the college. Gus. A. Dubois, a well known resident of St. Louis, says: “I have used aeveral bottles ot Piieklev Ash Bitters for billions ne s and malarial troubles, so p eva ei.t in this climate, and heartily recomm nd it 10 all afflicted in a like manner. It is hte best remedy I ever used.” There was a meeting of the coun tv alliance here Tuesday, and the 1, officers elected for the en suing year; J. VV. Wilson, president Flynn Hargett, sr., vice president, T. A. Little, secretary; W. H. Dean; u ta » re ,;W.W. Arnold, chaplain, M- G. Reams, doorkeeper. 1 he al; nance endorsed the Olive bill by res olution, and the resolutions were lor warded to the commitiee in Atlanta 1 Saturday to re« em instructions from lb- t’ouon oxc: v ; e. If V, " vfct 1 o<n *;■ sorts.’ cross anil wi 1 acquire new zest. | Don’t irritate your lungs and w itli effective a stub¬ born cough when a pleasant Dr. J. 11. Mc remedy inay he found in 1 bean’s Tar Wine Lung lialni! I Some whiskey was smuggled into I town an <j sold here Saturday night. 'I he city council are looking into the matter, and if the party is found who ] has thus bid defiance to the laws he ; will have to pay heavily for his pre¬ sumption. This indian summer weather is lovely. It is the time idealized by po 1 ets and writers of fictions, but they ! have no* drawn mere fancy pen j sketches days. of the cool, delightful indian ; summer The most complete line of school j suits, hats and shoes in Columbus can I . 5 , : found at Chancellor & Peace s. See their $2.00 and $3. suits. They are beauties. Great mistakes are often made in trying to economise. It is a safe rule to follow that the best is always the cheapest. A 1 cheap physician may cost you your life. ; If v«" *»» v e Malana in your system, you i will not only be miserable, hut unfit ■ > I work. Lost time is money lost. Ono dol lar spent for Shallenberger’s Antidote will cure you ill twenty-four hours. Sold by Druggists. Tnere are 73 cases on the civil ducket for trial at the fall term of court, 28 on the appearance docket, 114 on tne criminal, of which 43 are felony, and 71 misdemeanor. There are 8 prisoners in jail and 32 under bond. Court will convene here next Mon day week. We hope all of our sub setibers who owe us, will call and set tie up during Court. We cannot give you a good county paper if you do not pay for it. Remember this, and sustain it by your money and your influence. Notice. All persons indebted to us th^i wishes to avoid being dunned are re quested to cdl at our office and set tie. After the 1st of October we wil* have a collector out and he will bt sure to see you and ask for a settle ment. Riley & Williams. Don’t suffer from weakness and debility. Don't let gloom and despondency take possession of the human heart. Get licaiili. get strength, get power of endu¬ Blood rance from using B. It. B. (Botanic Balm.) If you are suff ring with weak inflam cured'ty^ushi'gDr^ e .J Mefean’ ,:an About eleven churches from the Baptist Association, and seven from the Western, will meet here in the Baptist church next Wednesday morn mg to form a new arsociation. The body will be in session probably two dajs, and arrangements are being made to entertain them. Severs 1 eminent divines are expected, among them Dr. j. H. DeVotie of Griffin. Many of our citizens visited the college Friday, and manifested much interest in the exercises. The speeches, recitations and compositions were good, and ^ome were especially interesting for thur originality. Pre - ident H. A. Hayes cordially invites f'tquent visits from the public, and ;s '^ased with the interest taken m his chcol. irsud Hsliy l»»y at the ColoredHetbo dist church. Sunday was the grandest day in the istory of our church. Rev. G. E. homas, of Augusta, preached at 11 1 clock, and Rev. S. M. Gray, of vtinson, at night. A large crowd was iresent. 1 he fol owing clubs were ppointed to make collections, “Ham ion hints, l’res. J. C. Ciook, vice •resident Rena Smith; raised $35.64. he ‘Georgia Friends,” Pres. Bose >l«.Gee, vice president Lou Mobley; used $36 75,—total $7691. We re urn thanks to our white triends who :ontributed so liberally. J. J. Hollis, Pastor. A man who has practiced medicine for 40 years, ought to know salt front sugar; read what he says. Toledo O., Jan. 10 . 1887 . Messrs. F. J. Cheney & Co..-Gen le men I have been in the gi neral prsetice of medicine for most 40 years, and would *av that in all my practice and experience have nevei seen a pr< paration ihat I could prescribe with as much confidence of sue (actured b you. Have prescribed it a itreat many times and iis effects is won a "d would say in o nciusion thatl tnY n^cure,"?* ffl^ouMukeVa^ i< * g to directions. Yours Truly. L. L. GORSUCH, M. D ' Office. 215 Summit St. bl'T. "2 iTh Vri catarrh Cure. 'I aken internal*. Address. F. J. Cukket 4 Co., Toledo. Ohio ’ Sold b.vDruggist, 75c. C'hiplej .\Jr. VV. A. Poer, of IVesi Point was n the city Monday. Mr Taylor White, of LaGra. ge, was on our streets the other day. W« **« indebted Mr. T. S. Me Gt uder lor a nice lot of apples. Golden Machinery oil good at the r- .)rug . Sto 25 c.. ga Ion. Mr. Z. T. Hardy, of the Atlanta Constitution was in the city at his home Sunday. Mr. T. M. Hogan has moved out of town to his handsome residence near the Scott plantation. Call on F. J. Thomaston, Cataula. Ga.. for Glass’ Improved Cathartic and Livet Pills. Lawyers, R. A. Russell and B. H. McLaughlin, were in the city last week attending court. Mr. R. A. Burner, our popular painter has recently finished a nice job of painting for Mr. T. M. Hogan. Messrs. J. T. Tucker and R. O. Bulloch visited friends down in Har¬ ris county Sunday Mulberry Grove. Sweet Flowers, “toilet soap is the nicest made, price 25c., ai the Chip ley Drug Store. The Hntchinson farm near here has been bought by Mr. VV. H. Lay field, as we are informed. The farm is an excellent one. Mr. S. T Phillips who has been leafis"m7w h 0 S h counters ‘of be hind the Hogan & 1 hilnp,s .... of , whom . , he is a partner. The cotton crop is good and there is no doubt , about it. Then t e e IS v no kird of vegetables or frutts but what has been a success this year. We should feel thankful Shenff Kimbrough Tr . , , . the . . was tn city 'ast week on business concerning his office. He has nine prisoners in jail <vud has secured about 40 bonds of appearance. He is in fine trim for court. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, The best salve in the world for cuts burns, sores, ulcers, tetta .chapped, hands ■‘alt rheum, fever aores, chiblains, corns, and all sk in eruptions, and postively cures piles, or no pay reqired. It is quaran teed to give perfect satisfation or money refuunded. Price 25c per box. For Sale by Rilet & Williams. Hargett Hot*. Mrs Lula Layfield, the belle of An¬ tioch, has treated herself to an ele gant new buggy. Mrs. A. B. King, has been quite ill for the past few weeks and we are sorry to state that she is no better. Capt. W. V. David’s many friends in and uountl Hargett mourn his loss. They know that a good and useful man is gone. Mrs. Sarah Brawner, who fell out >f the door and broke her leg a few weeks since, is rapidly improving to the delight of her many friends. The circulation of the blood-quickened and enriched--bears life and energy o every portion of the body; appetite r - turns; the hour ot rest brings with it sound repose. This can be secured by taking Dr. J. H. McLean’s Sarsaparilla. For rheumatic and neuralgic pains, rub in Dr J. H. McLean’s Volcanic Oil Lini¬ ment and take Dr. I.H. McLean’s Sarsa¬ parilla. You will not suffer ong, but will be gratified with a speedy and effective cure. Mr, Jimmie P. Graddick, a popu¬ lar dude of Antioch, called to see our httie Postmistress a few days since, and subscribed fot the JOURNAL, OUr 1 spicy little county paper. October with its bright, cool mor nmgs, wnich always brings a fresh cheery feeling that seems to infuse new life and energy into our beings, w p| S o^n be upon us. While I write a gentle rain is fall j,^ which has quite settled the du2t th at was disagreeable and oppressive to the inhabitants of this part of Harris ccuiity. Children who are troubled with worms may be quiekley relieved by giving them Dr. J. H. McLean’s Liquid Vermiluge. It kills and expels worms, The blood must be pu e for the body to be in perfect condition. Dr J. H. McLean Sarsaparilla makes pure blood and impart 'he rich bloom of hehlth and vigor io the whole body. closed Miss Ida Blackmon her school at Antioch last Friday, after a very successfu* term. She is quite aftable . , , lady , .and . . liked . . by an young is patrons and pupils, Mr. John A. Cook, who has been to Palo p ln to, Mineral Welis and other points m 1 exas on a prospecting lour, arrived at home a lew days since very sick, and is still confined to his The fine water gin and mills owned by Mr. H. V. Hargett, of Columbus, and run by Messrs. Mullins and Tid ««B, »« kep. quite bofl. OI .h« «Mte turning out the fleecy staple and grinding new corn and old in large quantities. Theyare ' kept busy day an( j n j g ht. Jhcck. ADMINISTRATOR’S i SALE. Agreeable to an order of the court of ordinary of Harris county will be sold at the court house door of said countyon the all of lot of land number 63 contaiug 202 X acre in the 3rd Dist. originally Bethany Troup nuv Harris county, except church lot in the sauih east corner of said lot being about 7 acres. Sold as the prop erty of Joel Culpeper, late of said county 1 deceased. Teims cash. J. M. Culpeper. Admr’. A Scrap of Paper Saves Her Life. It was just an ordinary scrap of wrap¬ ping paper, but it saved her life. She was in the last stage of consumption, told by physicians that she was incurable and could not live only a short time; she weigh ed less than seventy pounds. On a piece of wrapping papper she read of Dr. King’s New Discovery, and got a sample bottle; it helped her, her she nought a larger bottle, it helped more, bought another and grew better fast, continued its use and is now strong, healthy, rosy, plump, weigh¬ ing 140 pounds. For fuller particulars send stamp to W. H. Cole, Druggit Fort Smith. Trial bottles of this wonderful Discovery Free at Riley & Williams’ Drugstore. to For Sale. I offer for sale, in part or whole. The place better known as the old Moss home, situated four miles west of Chipley. It is a 8 ood P la ? e of 600 acres or and those wishing to purchase, would do well to c ill and see for themselves, right soon, W. O. Moss, Chipley, Ga. TUefinest farm In Harris county farrai8 a l,alfmile ? rom P hi Hey, dwelling, outhouses m good repair, land a high s t a te of cultivation, except 50 to 75 acres original woodland. The farm is well watered, and as much land for cultivation as you will ordinarily find on H f arm three times as large, not an acre of worn land on the entire 25o acres, A model farm and peculiar family cireum • tances alone induces the sale. Corres pondence mav ’ be had with me at La Grange, Ga. N. R. Hutchinson. For sale. 175 acres of land more or less being a part of MattC. Farley estate. Lots and part of lots Nos. 51 a 1 d 52 in the 21 Dist. of originally Muscogee now Harris county Ga. Bounded as followes, commencing at north east corner lot 52 measuring west to north west corner; then south to the creek; then up to the creek fork; then ud little M ulberry creek to north line of lot 51 • then west to starting point. For terms and further particulars address R. M. Young, LaGrange, Ga. Mrs. S. E. Young. GUARDIAN’S SALE. By virtue ot an order from the court of ordinary ot Harris county. I will sell be¬ fore the court house door in said county, on the first Tuesday in November next the following described land belonging to Otis H. Hogan, a minor to wit. One half undivided interest in the south part of lot of land number 344 (excep eight acres in the south westcor ier,) containing 152 th acres more or less, lying in the 20 distr ct of said county. Oct. 1st. 1889. J. II. Hogan. Guardian Oiis H. Hogan. The other half of the above described land belonging to Miss Lula Hogan will be sold at the same time and place. J. H. Hogan. Insure Tour Gins. We are prepared to furnish reliab e insurance on Gin Houses and cot. tents at equitaole rates, as we have done for many years. Ail needed u formation promptly given. I D. F. W1LLCOX & SON. 1149 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. 1 FRAZER & DOZIER. I HARDWARE, Columbus, Ga. White Mountain Ice Cream Freezer. The best I in the world. ‘ Follow the Crowds!! I Join the solid procession of wise and discerning people to the palatial _ three story clothing store. CHANCELLOR & PEARCE : 1132 & 1134 Broad St. Columbus, Ga. ! Just opposite their old stand. ) This firm makes new customers daily. The merit of the best goods at the lowest price will tell. )} A Revolution In Prices 50 suns $9 00, Cost You $13.00 Elsewhere 100 “ $12.50 “ “ $15.00 75 ” $15.00 Well Worth $ «• ico “ $18. so “ “ $25.00 44 200 boys suits a $2.00 to 3.50 cos. you $3.50 to $5.00 anywhere. ' ( have the larges* stock of men and in Columbus and can vou mot ev. See our $3.50 and $5.00 shoes. You can not duplicate ihj w j t hj n $/ to of the price. We Want Your Trade. Prices and Goods will Mon CHANCELLOR & PEARCE EXECUTOR’S SALE. In accordance with the last will and Testament of Alvin Myhand deceased. I will sell before the court house door in the town of Hamilton said county on the first Tuesday in December nest if not previously soldat private sale the following described land belonging to the estate number oi said deceased to wit, lot of land 113 lying in the 5 th district of said county containing 202 1-2 acres more or less. Terms one half cash balance payable in 12 months in interest. Oct. 1 st 1889. . G. A. Mthand. Executor of Alvin Myhand. p EORG1A, HARRIS COUNTY—L U. U Brawner has applied for exemption of personality, and setting apart and valua¬ tion of homestead, and I will pass upon the same, on the 7th dayol October next at my office. Given under my hand and official signa¬ ture Sept., 9th 1889. J. F. C. Williams, Ord’y GEORGIA, HARRIS COUNT Y-Jaa VTM. Culpeper administrator of Joel Cul¬ peper late of said county deceased, makes application for leave to sell the land he. longing to said deceased. All persons concerned are hereby noti fled to show cause, it any they have, by the 1st Monday in Oct., next why said order should not be granted said adinin t ator to sell said land. Given under my hand and official sigu* •ure. Aug. 19, 1889. J. F. C. Williams Ord’y. GLASS’ IMPROVED CATHAR¬ TIC-AND LIVER PILLS. PLAIN AND SUGAR-COATED. TESTIMONIALS. Dr. Q. T. Puxsell, Chipley, Ga.—I have examined the formula of the above Pills and recommend them as a good ca¬ thartic pill. hipley, M r. R. A. Burner. Painter, f Ga.—I have used the improved pills and know them to be just as represented. They are also the best thing I can find for painter’s colic, J. T. Champion, Chipley, Ga.—The above pill I have nsed. I can reccommend them very highly. They have always act¬ ed very satisfactorily with me. S. A. CARTER. W. C. BRADL EY. CARTER & BRADLEY, COTTON FACTORS, AND WHOLE one* uniiu GROCERS. Fontaine Warehouse Columbus, Ga. Mr. Chas. Allen will again repre sent us on the streets as buyer and wiM sustain his old reputation far HIGH PR CE and LIBERAL DEALING. Cotton Lagging a speciality; in as their wt propose to aid the Farmers fight against TRUSTS and COM BINES. Special attention given to the sto» age and sale of cotton and liberal ad¬ vances made on all consignments. A shaie of your business solicited. Faithfully Yours. Cartbr & Bradley.