The Hamilton journal. (Hamilton, Ga.) 1889-1920, November 29, 1889, Image 4

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Hakim J :i! iuiivv ■ j — — iviw.imu.o n. •• v t ;r ■ ;>.vy. flij^ ^.TT'.-TY- aiPnoH V' ...Li-, a ykah. i(Lv | j .m • ' ------. 1 Hamilton Georgia, . K ”V . ‘ 3 . • • 1 h '-Q jQEUTRAfj RAILROAD of GA, j eouMiBt .; .t noun huaxck. N«» 4. ivi cfft-t i S( >Y. M s ' 80 . f [r^andarfi Time ;'Dth ! ' [[■_ 71 M-iil.j STATIONS. \‘- ■'* 1 2 i't j* iu L/ < ':»! U 11*1 XtHl, . i »t m I ii i i i» nr .tv A r i D u so 3 3 M T 5 p j’. in vS Ar \ r Cat V'Hi at Li, yVi A j * I ‘.I *.i Jt» 5 D n a lit ni j '■i-iM ;i m Ar n A t! i ‘.I 03 a 111 i 4 J* in /Vr IIan ilio,-,,- A i) : K U> a iu ! 5 4 ;» f» i.t'Ar Hjutuiit,' A At! >' 8 31 M» a in I f» uj ]» ui Ar a in I -% p mjAr V. t*j‘in iiitc ..‘t, Ar- Ar 7 7 r/j !i» » r.i in j r» ;t i }> i»i!A r a (; |!S j> >t|iAr Or» vttviih*. 1 . v 7 ()*.i a Wvpwriar, of VvUa* nt ........... — -^L! l VHmitV 5 VV l i:! , T u imiit.m ik‘hv.“i'i "-.'t, iinfoch, < -mm t«m o i. k. '« v . ciiiimuii«<•«>. Viiiuiah (J... it nni Fi»i von. ^,‘w!*-i? vabimwl; lik-V/n'S!. h.-iitt 1 !,";;" ;:;'•( Lii:»tfy*t<t t! if-. hi ph* :• m 11 ri ig* in, vi>p wll »nv ih«t hi vAvitiii vom sin* c of ticketed \<mit «h*iGtitunt tnroMgH and n»»jl nil • ^•ni««tr.*oM>rd.4mao( s'*** tor tin- ciic-kii-g r >/* « L; , 8S!;mK:;;L.;:;.!;];:i til,..... lovi.n,- i ; 1 vii,...,,! ..,,,1, i.-rn, nr.1 s» t .•Iiil.-r «ttJtwJS.WKr ny ..IM-Iaii' ■ i>"- .1 I ■ f"i llirlr cum a tiprt ui» I W*’lf»iriN Pur lift <• t rati--, n»H|). Helm <1 ,1* h. «m nnx inf'*’ mu, tb'it do not hc-ltatc !•> <• oinuiamt w. R """ um ‘ ,Jut y'fiiv. funs. Agt., t.'U.rvl Iti.llJuuJ of '• itt.Svntin tsavml Miss Leila Wcy made a - hopping ^our to Columbus 1 uesduy. Mr. Tie dell Parker, of Columbus, Spent San lay night wi.h hiu mother iin tiiifi city. Cant. L. L Stanford and Mr. I W. Stgnfoid spent Mpuuuy in Co lumbus. Prof. A. \V. C 'r.'irt, of Waver’y j if.ill, spent severaj days with friends in this city during the past week. Mr. G. Johnson, of Columbus, was in the city Tuesday, receiving the pogratulations of numerous tr ends. The percentage of church mem j bers who attend the social meetings cf the churches, does not indicate a yery high standard of piety. Qn\te a number of our citizen* have attended the ra< es at kxposi (iop Ibuk in Columbus this week. They report some fine racing. MissSallie Grggs, one ol our brithtesl college girls, s| Cut files \iay and Wednesday with homtfoiks a\ I’el'.wood, Whatever tei'.b to inerenae usefuliu nv Vy biuii.liing pain ami *ull’vi ing, will car ta nly uccure nntiio ai d apprcval. tie allude to Salvation Oil. 1 n,ure your, life for 25 cenU aanin»t all the danger of a Cnn»iim|ttivu'* death by Lei ping a bottle id Dr. Hull a Cuugli Sr r ‘ ua convenient. Jt is the li st. The gen al face of cur fellow ti wn-1 tn»t\ Mr. B. 11 . WO too was wi eathed I in smiles Tuesday morning as he an-j $0,titled f° ns that it was ., boy. Hand* i GO and SEE ABOUT 11 '. fotnely Engraved goldets at .‘,oc. s*. t. i Itvgular price every where s<!. Go i ■ ^o the New ctockery stoic ami see about it. Mis.i T.u’i Mobley who 1 ms been a visit t > her sister, Mrs. , 1 . M-; Kimbrough near (iriffin, C«a, re time l horn*; M »n liy ot this week. Mrs. H. W. Pitts went on a visit to her sons at Cedartown. She will lenmin until after the see don ot the Notth Georgia conference. Aunt Seilla Beil totaled was par lu'ly paralard on Monday last. Scid.i Shej is tlmught to he better. Aunt well krowu, and respected by white and colored. | It you aii‘ v< wait until c*oj livpIU’M bf’Ct'lHC •lil’Ttl, but t;*ko Laxudor at *>tue, reguhirljf ft »*4 purfisd vnth uutil u>u ftie cured. ]>n not poise n jr»*ur liuk one# with par Ptftiric, laudanum *U'„ but tiNf Dr. liuU'# J*.ahj -Syrup i* cuutaiuft notha g u jutiou* lo |li. iijfcii! syiteni. Jud4ej.n1. H. Hays, father cf Rev, V m. ami IVof H.A. ilayvs, »S U ft r city on a visit to h.s boo t Prof lye Uncle Jimm v’i many friends gic a,wt)8 see huo. V« U 4’ft^ROt JICl ’4 :>li-h »try work or bt^impk** y*m !** r * * ** i. It you lvvi t se*i u - - irvd out- ukv )r. d. il. Lei.n* 4 h wiii .at h Sir> a. 5 fsvi? you ami vnan.y. ui Im K*na Tai’cy t : 1 1 ne«l San i\ »y momwg iium Warm Spti y\Ji re she has ha<* cnaige ot a pros pcunlS school. Miss hft'a s Vkany 1. ei.d® a.r gf*cl 10 welcome her. The citizens of HatuUum and vi $ mi y w ill lake noTict lhal VN cd t N (ill the slay oi J)ct:cn*hrr has l.t-en a|ip<*intrt! .o uirt-t at the ceiue Very, an l repair arul ckraa up san»c* }>e sure 10 come or send a hand u * <»*k. II iitfvi from *<*? »'U •i >n V \ :ti»!»*«r »‘ o Ml ! t*fu’». Mill lit Hilt. *< v 1 me. take Dr. J. il. .VJtL^uNN. i* tilt*. lit a!bv pa i •*. c ««r till cf afl i id* v ti ij.f*Mtory t, ’ t .-M r* 1 n ’ 1K ' IS " 1 * b "A "*) out cf this original .capital a»- be or she could was requested lo take fit • en < enls return it with die accrued profit at the end t I ife jcr. the puiceed to be used tor missionary purp*)hcs Last Sunday the pupils lender X t I ,| wir stcwar j an d t |„. au j ,|,rev dollars u «1 grown to $ ;o.->o. ThisK good wt.ik and the exjicnuicnt j*. he icpciieu next year. M .rv Ross a Rindyrotig'i tc.ibzc I $»o.'-. and will teceive ihe pu.-e offered l.rn the ! Ji e t amount rnurned f-». all m. in ten years. Nannie Lou Pius reciev c 'l the prize far those over ten. w. w. c. \\ ooMridi^v’s W.m.lerfu! Cure i-; now on s ,| e al RPcx \\ illiams Cook Bros. This gieat medicine has a ...ost supjiLntc i nil other Blood I'urificrs where ever it has been tioduced. if you have Bl<x*r i r *i 'o. Rheumatism, Kidney ,; *i * 1 or Indigestion, vL>t**1 give u»> uutil i on have given W IV. C. *t tl il fur if taken by do redans it will cure \ou. Mrs. M. y, N iv’, who hast for s YU(?nmc j.»i$t c.’ '<1 he edao li tt dc i anment \-f the Joua.'.i. to- k icr t i v. Mrs Ncjptr^n will cut 1 a r.’y c* IMS: y thr reidefS -if Ike Jot’KNAM. Cv locals * '-BTv’-r n. m 're. This editor d K" OOt c'A'IU be her couaL Not mf wiii :< a A readers iis^ her, bm x\ c y lr, ihe S‘w | | He w ! Ov 4 r CSi WiS’lCS w ,1 At raven* richest 3 ■r. While ■ • M-i IV c jT'f** Nrt '«- . The H Ji r i a. u; 4 *<>u .uniry 47 f> i• 4 • ( r 1 ^ T.'.i! > in.ui Ham’ii» »!| TV he .o|i! eii a5 i n lo /• i!*l <'. i’. S'. Bits; !;, Hn.-m ; Tr i Vr* ii ;nk. Aii.o t tin. I _ . Mi j. A. No. wood t>ars Ivcn !■ c- * ted auiisii.ii oitLet the (inter bttjsof the |Httce lock out, lor lie’ll lie on them sure. I re is a geo I mar ,hal and the ciiy will do well to keep hi,n * The public mvited i i ; 1 wvs ‘“ c Sv v J day to vit.ii t coin,/' utd wilm s 0 the extminati >rt of Gasses in the j morning and lister, to t! 1*. i lama- ‘ lion, recitations and «omposisi .'t.s cf the students in the aCteincno. I he | olansts in every depart,n/mt showed the effect cf gocri trr‘f:ing an i i thorough instruction. The exercises ; in the afieiricoi: i tl . c'e I liiuch c.v.l it the i upon ae we;l as their. Ti, e v»h < availed the:., «1‘X» cf tfce c re is.mi wee hi,,d y ontcrtaiue.i and i>rea y p'e is-.d. It is to I e regretted ,h,t u.oie of our citizens do not a t n.d these public M!!,L,l,0ri . . . v( lkc * * 80:1,1 p f0 i?reiS - T< > THF - vakmkkj. w e v ? m that , It I i a / ir t U ni n e^Cj f'n;r<j Chl- 1 Cl Scft is offnr **1 .11 it !h in., » Nr v .. , . Ciockefy Store, of CnJuwb'1* for the largest and he.i*itst pumpkin ra might ! s ^ (I.J \ n Well * h « tr, wc send ‘”T. ill ° the jr weight »«*;■ ill t)r luve. • - 1 w It is Win >««............ 111 yieir attention. ; This place of business is across tine street Iroui the Central Ilotcl. A meeting of citizens held at Mountain Hill on tlie .’7!h, lo express tl.eir comic «nnr lion of the la vicssm ss iliat lias lo some extent preva' cd in tint j Hirtiing com mu nil ics. M j. FUun I large.t w.i, called b» ihe chair and in pointed words stated the olject of the meeting, it was the tmmimous sentiment of t!«e meeting that steps be taken to unit out the oflCndeis and bring them before t ! e law. Suffh ier t cvicinc'c was obtained to authorize arust. I’aitii s will be ar rcsic(] *o >o and fJo* invali¬ dated before the law. The meeting reccommendtd rewnda by the stale for the ofleiidi'Ts. I n ry umal citi¬ zen of the cviity w ill IM I i * ! Ihe action < I this meeti i(. , ,and more, it is the duty ol eveiy c ,i/.en to <l » H I ill ins power to arrest ibis spirit of Jaw •esMie&s. Pickett, t.nviMan*, NV, ! i, 1 8es7. Myasn A. 1 , 81 * ilU nheryci' X 'u. It'ieliuxtcr, in. Qisit I In* .ilnipli' lietile of 1 pilN y, ii sent tnu l.ut April 1 gave in h lu.tfiiimr Lnly, and it cured her of a very obatbciie cave of third day chill* which every utter remedy f. tied to do. 1 'i roly youra, )<•!! • i'll'M i i. 1 In the beginning of ihe pre.-ent ycai Rrv. W. I >. McGregor, pastor i the M ill i list cl,urc Ii a! this pV.ce last year, gxve one dollar to the j Methodist Stti.d ,y school, to which j Rev. C. D. Adams, the p. 4 *M.‘I a pas-1 tor added two dol'.u K teh n ; il ; ol.l.^.-p.e lift or hersrif to j ! Mftny “O-c tlit* 1 ‘ I'.rcrs” are m t mod ici v! *' inlt : * n M ‘>' Hitters s* t..^u eu ” evade thy law in prohibit on » ton.. ThU »> nd the ease wir-x t’n lT:4‘K»ey A<h I’itiets. I i? pu , y i v. e j, ; ii.*', acting t*n ti e In* r niul blooL s;j l by roasoa ofi its cathur i. o be U'cd .*:< si b'vot It bhu'jUl bv* i:i tv hdUKh >U. roe I ’7 *r* s of |«n ( more CT b* rt * part<.t >1 ti <\ Fa it y e«t t- . 1 1 par t 1? X 51 a ; t >1 uinsUy Mu-oo?«v n >w M r i t\ » 1 . It ltiiidod as toi nv»r{li c v\ u rtrar; fin ll* U,* I Bu¬ I Vu! *■ rv ra" ? , * thoti wfftt t' start lo and _ f rv Vein Mki S. F. Vo: no. ('(uunnuitldu JSurvty* futr.l. ihe fi ; I roll—FLu-e n urra u r S W 'V 1 t v ir t x- 1 K speotta v. 1 . A. if , -«:1 St V V !.. L. STANFORD Attoruey-iii-Tnv. HAMILTON, V r n. ■.■'ey f or*]*. M s i ; M il M :>s }., time- a ..ri visa lo Mrs. V>’. ii.-r, » nli.-.- Genic Davidson, of Gre. r •» *tie guest of :n this city. ‘• ,. on i ”~" r i) "’ , ,0SR , f , ., ’• f .. * „ - - r? r >k.I > <••-«:■i:i'y a ^en' an r 1 vitondid conductor A--. I>. \V. Di«»mG\ an j>’• h; i- -1 I ,y. .,j near iluj-.s Gil ' v. a"* ' in f he oily in si wet k, Mr. D W. S.iri.;s has returned 'Hinic after sever il weeks visit t< ■ Lumpkin, 15 a. Tf r . IV !) WMom. of M : s was ir i f.w days ag i. Hi fit i -1 i ff-end.s in.rc ;',re uia-.i I es i i n. 11 you .sm, . r f, om .ml , ,-ti m A n is th. cnly oimstion, vl.v u-t nvr a dice s bt i liy ukirg GU-s’ live, pills. Recorder K. S. C->ilon has V nosted th e usmd Section r, t e, (Mr se- ! ledion of a mayor a , d counn] f. 1 r another year. The elcrMrou will be «>»*■ - 1 'vcd„-..i. y i« i> c « The Glass Pi 1 C.r, is ko(?j>in£ |»*aco with the Hrpziilu.n revolution *>y *<-vo , utipnizmg . the pul , business. - Selling pi’ls on any otl -r pirn than | a thing ,* of the rast and irdu''td - ) } . ...... And ths -J.'/UUMAL h;n^cd liand i. \S " h ive in.iny kind w > ds Hr those th at hive left it. T <>ey • shown the wtitcr nianv favors, ' aiy,f which we apiucci ,(« Hit Lb we look into tlie future we sec sou.e H ii*y brght f tr the J«»r.;v.\i.. 1'hi re ls n ° r ahettfrji>hice for a county p.ip"i l.nMj) coatitv is a huh aliead of Han is in popu'ation and ; weraith and sh.i has tim e | apt-rs j Hucct-ss to the ritwv man 2 mcnb i 1 5 0(> should be a small : ! |sl - There is about 17003 m the county, IHifI s; !:*?gs Arui(;a Sulvf, T-ho bt*At aalvn in tli woml , i r cut burns, »t irvSf ulcer.*', ictt.i cl h .|.(| S Halt rheum, u ver ».»r<*a f chib*.m.a, I urns, nn»l nil «k in ciujilion.s, aiui posii.c*y curve piles, or no j ay Haired, il \» ju n ,n ten! lo j'ivv j'cifvcf aMH^ftiuit. or moiifv refiuundid. Frieo 25 c per box. For N il bv IGu.v ii luuj.oi ;, For lkc iU i.ot m ) VK.NAi. ——«* * -- f l’i li» nt «? »»f i» «yocl.i. . Whereas, it has please I Almighty God to call foil, this ettrtb'y taber nai !e loa house not made with hands eternal in the lieavt i s, the oldest menibci cf our Sunday school, One wh > ha I l ien true and faithful for a time, though he was slow ( f s; each, "‘his words were always like apples o; gold in pictures <•( silver." There fore be )i icseolvcd, Fiisi, 01 ill*- e uh of bi- uh t r ft anton the New fl.ipc* S S lias f st faithful an I useful ' me infers, and the church an excin phry c! As lender, becond, I hat h s niraie' v wi;l ever b ■ if r lo in, and his examples be a; a light along the shore to guide us unt 1 him >*, h ;s able save unto ; : the utter-mort. 1 Thrid, That we pray God ihit 1 i mantle may fall on wo:.!,) sh. that will heir it as lie has born it. J.?at the , rourin, we assure family of our sympathy in their bgteave me ds, and commend (hem lO Uie God „f c tr s. voion. \ l’dh, That these resolutions he spread on our book of icro»<"ls, ami l bcy he published in the Ham u cos Ji'u&MAt, and i copy of the s.i me be furnished to the family oj -, the ucceaseu. G. W. POEH ) j Committee. ! J. W. T i \RWKM ! J c M • ii. Tin- rorav y w bee fv.i- l* j* * v r!! knov. a and :-0 i i | ii a r t< • KCl li HO i»J!I <*1 m* :i I O . All Kill, ll 1 * U v cilEl uuic jsiiii s n:iu Ik sain-? iif pr>; -‘ .-A j ircr u.cdiuil." d o- it-xs • xi t jh « d b K up t- id u •,> vlo nd that is cinltnod. I/'cciric lii tcrs V I ( uro id! dif 'Gwt s of iho I.ivw a»> i Ki ’nt vs. na ill tcum vo Vimpies, B i $ Sa t Rheum and « lht»r iiC.'vtmn * t iui.*ed by iraj.tue Uloud.- \\ iH drive Malaria I <‘C s\ sfeiu urd t- N < ,i noil as cure Mahiii.-F Jcv« r For cure o! Hi,vl- 1 !' 1 ' 0 ' (' ll l*ill and Indigestion try ILctriv Hot. s- Entire s'.di.'factioa cn: r HUt Cii. «' » Ik* ’ *D r-'in'ici!—I’rici ,-,(l v s $|.0*i i>*.-r LAdo h: i,li.i i .cIV n.:.i a.. is ‘ ),u ' !,h-11. DU Si.’? H N. d< 1 I * OJ’K.N S ldN’t! SPHUKON'. Pc. form, a’l uperatijna in Surj-r.v. II.!' Dread St. Cohimlnn, Gti. GLASS TIC and LIVER pH r iLl-o 1 Q ! i ijiiii* V.J. 1 TT'.S T‘ MOXIAI.^ T. Pub* ki i,. 0:1—1 have exam ve i ca I i I ' Mm K. A I't ‘ 5 R V* »ir f or, r } i;i!ev. .--J bn\ *G r> v v d a n! o rtU'd. T fv art* a th I cun fir.*! for I TiUT's U ' Cs.—Tbe ( . « '! I .*. > < h;;'.:v. ftlmv 1 n rucc. ur 1*5 \ m \ A { . ^ i 4 : I'XD. VT’> AUor ter uilto u t ♦ r i r\ r w V • -L . <_* . - . * *rt I f J All l ii FA 5 uih and Teeth treat ra DfT. riO rFETT’S ? 3 Srhsbk-y&s Elf . r EM-M-C ?tiED!C!NF-^^S ^trenctheuinc .wd wr* r > and ffprer*.’ health* !to, ,> • s* I *. - li WEED ab'e> PI’ isst u ia * h# a >t • i ‘L.-J ( . plSELf m 1 BITTERS j ! One cf H>3 nee! imjmrtari organs of lha bi.n-.a3 body is the LIVER. WHm it fails lo rrmrlv carferc. Us functions tha tnlira 1 fcecwaa icranqtd. The BRMS. moSEYS, 5 TCSSACH, CO»ElS,aH refuse tapsrfornitfecirvi'ork. DYSPEPSIA, COM* ■ STiPAHON, RKSar>;AT! 3 : 4 , KIDNEY 013 - CASE, eta.,are tho results, ualsss same* Ling is dans to 2S's;i b v urc *n throwing c8 tho impurities caused by tha inaction Cf a TOKriD UY'-it. This assistance so neebssary will to ic-und in S*r!s ¥/] k.h Bitter®! It acts dirf'CJt'y on ihg LIVER, STOiVlACH tr.d K'EfiE'/S, and by Hsniid aridcalbartis cSectacd genera! turds quanUes restore* thjse to a Mur -1 healthy eondition, a-.d cures arising Loin these ettuscs. It Pv'iiirtES Tlic BLOOD, tones an the system, snd restores perfect Jtcallh. , f year drugaistdors not kwp Hack him to erderlt for you. Send 2 i stamp tor copy ol “ WE KORSGTRAiKER.»r. a fc ? i*cd b, as - F 3 IDKLY /i£?J 35 T 7 E 3 S SO., L-zli 1‘iopr iot/DIS, ST. LOUIS, 110 . ' '■ ('TD * •’•ri t: ■ Ijc ;* -.'".r ( ;t’v : # •Vftc. •a d- ; r . t:id r: t « ^ k'. *- lr Y its. n. . - t k ’ V! l r ' »i " .V , ■iy £ !• r : a* ’ t • ' . .L 1.0 • i ,e )f r.iOlX). K * , t>j . ^ \\vnu arc con-tii .• t• d bavn 11-* 1;• - h< . • r ;'>-** <.! ap Hiif, J:ii-«- Dr. J. H. ’ ;<•! , ;»I *9 ' ' v r n i Ki r.' V l i Is; they .in* : li b.- <Li:t . t ;IU 1 M '.1 CU' 0 VgU. l y m have m c»- i;.f* 1 > <>f fatffrii’' • !» (1 ym»r <b «it*■ irk s ' hup, tak Dr j. }f. 1 el >it h S'lrsMta^ii'i*. It will brace vow tit* lirabe you s'r"'> r an i >i ’'«r>'u-L J-*i*r w k Lftrk. L-iifid. Dr J. II. M.-r em'w \v i n;!e11 • *i H alin^ i’la-tcr (|.oroii-.) ------ --------- ( koRCi b ’ I \ HA V MIS corb TY. J Niv.ce . IS h-Hiv i (over, to , *11 ,i per sons having c!s-.tis against the estate rv i isnu s T. McGee, late of said county deceased, , , to p*event them . as requvr h-. law All piea« pe ons wnt-bted to aaiJ estate will ; ‘-ftbe at c-ncc. * l//.*, hi: nr <’Gee. ' • ’ ! y* < to. >.i* (»i-»-:. V. \ m ’ h \. ;»ic(iEE, - ^ ‘^' ,K * • M. , * Ij. ’, MtliU. s * '} ‘ *' hE * - X ? i-‘ !t*t'. A” parb i,.f cm tax wid p’case ii. r* and settle by Dei emb i I t - tve cost. f st Cook, Mcyor, L B. Mott't A • I have ]. rate ii H in.iuton to >r ;U t:c • the | It- 'on of mrdd iue a 1 > * l bo or* lo have a 5 f her iibcia! -t ,-re .-f * he pan **r .-><«' • p«< i j ( . and ti i»m ol the s irroundirg r mtry. e iS n* x: door to e Drug Sl;u- -vrere 1 rrn be s< t n tin r ? o»jr ihe U-.V. Kc (b:t:v v that, cour tti by |. 1 , D; ii * • is. AU c .11 is w-f i i»riMU! i t'y attGr.dcu. R. spvi. Hivr.ii :> M. 1 ). ll A jib IS cc;Li>• TV—j. * Li. i'i -ii. h?..*? app’ud for 4 XvlUplif U r.f pe -* , r,?:() ! v,* i) pn»$ ujam f be >:s:ne .it ray n the Hh d*y ul U?cvmb. r next at Id G*> i«*k ii, I!) J. 1 . 0 . V.'illiamk, Ord’y. ( ; EQKOIA, IIA PR! S COUNTY- Mrs. • Living Mon iTtakts .jpjeatio-s for letls ( f adtiiinir‘rniion on the estate j of' •*. I* I;, cn, late t f raid county | dt’co used \i per one < oncemed are h°re by no- ! tilled ‘o ri*o m < au.-o if any they have, bv ti.e li st Mondy i'i ,fr.i;uary next vhy lct tei’-f («t a ruin,"-!»i- ii si.ouli ta t not be grants <i .-aid uppiicant (jivt n f.ntb:; niy h nland cfileial si^ liatiue. Nov. 1 ^. i 8 - 0 . J. K (:. \\ i li. iA:-is, Ord’y \ | \. n muds ' } il. rii a iiiln'btr itor on thr c*Mte I f*T Ib*vn H. Harris Into of sun! county fb’<j. *« b. makes aj j>bc -1i« n r.-r ]• tiers r»f .)i!-ni! >ioji. all pcisfibs conccrm’tl are Lf fVv to 'ftcuse it any they bftVf* by ihe first 3 -onnay in >'*•! rb ary r.cLt u !;y U tters of"!i>mission shouM aot I f' yrai.rt il s’tid nj-yil'cant. (iiven iiutler my han l an official signa ture Oct., i6tl», lbO. J. K. C. Willi ms Ord'y. F.XECUTOjrS 3 A LE. Tn ;H'i (,r.faiien wilii 'ho la t will .'inn T< st moot <>f Airio .'.fy-hand deceased. 1 v\i\ .-*(-! ftefure the CQisrt house door iu tbr- tov. n of r anii!t^» hs 3’«1 county on the fir t 'fncrdny ift I)fc?T»*hcr next if not previously sold st niivuifo sale the fo!'owing f’*7/-nb(j Jflnd to the eslato ol snid decensi d to vit. I t of lftnc] nmn ?i or ] VA lyirir ?n the 5th district, of said county r. ntsdnin:r ?0*i 1-2 scroa more »>r less. Trrnis : ns* half cush balance payable in 1*2 months in interest. Oct. is! 18 * 9 . ( 7 . A. My hand. Executor of Alvin Alytuuid. ?Vo 4 ?ce. A 1 T>rr*r»»* ipd#b>d to t^o rtstn+'e of .To*-1 v Oirpovor d< jtr.d c**> fill c pd. Yrho t» ill bn dviVo cl. irrmo- imfi J I ' n*«* • sum* Tit. yd m in c t *nv 1 ps fitc tvi.i present ihcm n term." of the lr w. • T . Nf. Culpepper. Ad’mr, A dnibt‘strnt^r’s Rtde. A <rrec?»b! • to RB r.f#-v I f ’»r» ponrt Hf or tlinarv <f Harris ror.rr y. vriM bp ho 1«1 be¬ fore the '•our t (loo** of pfii*? oowntv with | on the Tws'lrt.y in J;vmiArv np^t J in the If* g 1 ’ hour* of stdo. th*» fol owin'? i ’(M( : ,be 1 t(»w*t: The ten acre* 1 t r 7)-ot)f r cv . nrt ^ f ^or. N r | r ‘ P f »» o *>. in th * fb-aricl of fl iifl pojintv. S/'M „ t , pe ] .'ulpcer de-• telu . ef i/ Terms en«h J. Jf. Cunire".. Adm'r. -- HiTflS f OUflty Sheriff SalfdS. i j Vfi'I bo $old hef thf* court bon^e ibf-.r in ibe loirn of Hamilton. Hsfrin j Georgia, within ‘he IcpM hours | nf public sn^s to the }i:srlioat an ! b;-st | /.itblcG for the* enph. fo.’lov on tli^* ir»8“ first TuesrHy j I )(•(». IK*Vb T T \U-rty. ' i ' ftpo hon•<* am! lf»t. sitnatccl in | ton. bonnrb (1 on the Ti*»r.tb > y lanrlft o* l bunc* M. Mobiev, cast by land f T. 7 . Sj arV$, on ?'>nth by Mviho< 1 ; .st cl uroh Jot. and on tlic w s- bv Columbus ai d Ifouii t* n road, sai l b ♦ c#>ntaiti'n^ I a: re. i i A-so 1 aero mo o or less with imp bound- t ve- j incuts fhereon, lyinjln Tf-mnlron. i ed cn the nor.h by Jawm* M. Mobley, t*HSf by Mr«. Walker sir! l r. l*a**n s, ; smith 1 v *.irs. Pop nnd and west bv T. I S. 8n rk«: r )*" 7 •rnOes ai d ’ hijbt V-v i |ior<- »rr«-U to v't: »mib* og»* (•.«> Jiybt moViNt* b.iy home «»1 d reny, ul j : < n -*r r* i ■ brtx* sum • nt\ ‘ t 'u b'f’.rk :! • i f (’i<f , on 1 r>l' :*c nr b S 3 : 3 O TH*t> l B HG fC<I HU-t? t '3 , f ..ore r,..-c or le.«; a!« O'fill.Hip's pmin*ioi find * *r !!»oro or!f h; h!s fou*- Inm tk * 1 round** f f int cot? n ore or l*?.; a’.si. nrio -dd iu. S*id v*r <v ]» y if-<! n i’S •j *‘r‘. * d‘T N. P irks t*« satisfy' PIT t‘X •fUtlGH I- i - - lit d fir* T’l 1 *irr:s Snpe; ior ctutd*. in fdvor oi Bi.ruO'* u SjM.-ks SI * lo iK’ j-iiher-GAe Tra>xVi*cCs a a;n t s.'si J ’. NT. S**ar!z*''. .•V ?<* * at ilia ssiifU'* tifio and rilaoe ti e rjv t jri-r'-ion <d I d ofi i-iDii S 5 m di-iritt oritfi’K'ilv Tr.n\p nv. H r. 3 4 *. Ill (v <• nt u ui- l'J.s .icres e.e • »r <*.« f. ti*: 1 dm :i> fh*’ probity o j!t*$-it» VA ill ms l.y virtue ot on*' fi. la iss’-e f:<*m Sl.-nris Suvrior court in fi. os i I'acifiC yuan'» cnipif y vs. vs-u H. •' i - ; liunis. X' » i‘*e idwn isi terras o? la». i J' ci.i r(v med out by VV. L. TathttEi ju.*in ilfi;u <}’• A»3 »i fc;r o time jd.foe Jut f*f Inial ^ M2 in- 2 fix*?rid «.♦ r-arri* county, k'viCxJ on the }»*Gpc-riy of A. F. 'J'ni' tt .u'uditi-trrK r of ;{ie *-st. t ■ < t J. M. Mc (’; fb-t'ua * d »•■.* rir'iit? « fi a m<tri*zit ?<3 fi. f.i. in fa. r ol !.. li Milner aguinat A. K. I E.i-lt y dminj*trator on the of j . ’xila ('.cceiVacd. Notice given iu tern $ or the law. Also at ti>? same time and place o ; e ho iinni d ••I-obby” bay colored d v f-aix ou] U ficd on as ihe prupprly « f T. \Y. St> pH’rfon t<» sat'ufy a inurtgr/u fi. tu.ic.-ii4’ I tr >r:i the Superior emit ot It ur rif f un’y in favor of W . J. Wtr. s & Aon Jig. * * rir t j. H*. phi-rson. \#S 4 > Of t> ■ same time an.! pDcc, nno hnjf limiiv iu. k\ interest in one Jmrdred , five end one »n;if a«. res mitre •v i. c i'.-t ot IrtHG No.—in 3t d id in t arris county, known as the Jw ( ip. ppcr home p .icc and bounded as f l vc.-. on he north by l:in* J s . f Tm\ i«*r an 1 Mrs. 1 ? ;j ? * hir» -or. <#n the It S I'l OK* stiTe cf John K. (■t '.'*1 o*. S* u:H i*y h i> Maritier ( ul- 1 i ;u t*r :i I L. H. .1 ukn s. ar.d » 1 st l.y il* S 1 « » ID It i . i. v. >v. ,t ! T ».Gi) # a** t'’ jirupvny nt J. ' 11 ! 1 i i-r to sa*.i>fiy t a o fi. fas. i-sued tr ‘ ti ha* i** >uperi in favor of M C. l - r te c'm. 1 Tr sf* r* d to Mur rah i ir. t J. M. 4 a pc p r the other ref the FiuiSe Gu«*i ct/inpKTiy >i j. M. « ulpf-rper. ri\- i I- of i ie • Dt V >t. of liitrriw IT 1 is Nos. 2 IS *: 1*4 SH id C* lit', J *nt e m rtf. by y.K 1 17 K. i»! t SHU of Geo Fan ’ 1 $ t w r MoGci e. .ni- Mi Cu"» ni (» ihe sot. f A 1. ii Tokr: e west by is Mrs. Sarah Vv ii/.ms LUi: iS:»T vc - **$ in< e s*. A *. ii b-wing described : ro er»y - iu *. and b »tur i*» I ■ t fc « f 4 V*' fol'ows. north bv la* ds 0 T by laud T»f dower of Mrs. A 1 ly Clark au< I 4 .- 1 « m !» :l v - J t r r ■- : ; ai Iw. 5 li ¥ J JL It Has Never Failed. Botanic F.loc^ Balm, (B. ii. B.) .taa 'urea oca* £red of cases of ScTfsluia, Eczema, ar.d other cor f j* V : .ous blcod diacises, after other treatment budbeea tried and faiNA You do ycuraeif and fainily great inj-r -; ,t nnless you givetMb ^acelfent remedy a thaw ivsnd to Blood Zaun Cvc t Atlanta, Ga., f ma iliurtrat-ed * book ot Wonderf filled with letters from pers ons cared by B. Ii. 3 . Mr. M. J. Ross max’, Greensboro, Ga., writes: “ I have a kidy friend who has been entirely cured SCROFULA of am ugly scrofuloui breakiog out of the skin, and the use of two hatlies of B. I>. B. ejected an entire cur a I know of several cases of blood diseases cured speedily by the use of B. B. 3 . E.G. Tinsley writes: My mother r.nd sister used ft. B. E. forscrofub and ulcerated Tors throat Mnp 7i!r p5T and receired more benefw vViito IfjiUihJ from Us use tiian ail other reraedies they ever used. A. Ii. Nichols, HO Gray St, Atlanta. Ga-, writes: ** My wife for several years has been suffering with Want physicians term Eczema, affecting her whale body, ar.d sczlp. It appeared that her wh.cle skin iroiild shed off in scales about ence a week, leaving the surface red and tender, and sometimes cracked open, tier general health failed, and for a while it was thought she would uie, as several doc tors and numerous patent medicines failed to give £.->-*•* • » * any relief. M y L*rother-in-law, M r. J. te'wXfelGtS E. Cummings, was seLing the B.B .3 and insisted that I should try it on my wife. I did so, and to our utter astonishment she commenced Improving at once, and three bottles, costing only 4*. effected aa entire cure. It is wood^rtaily quick In action. ’’ IX M. McRae, Waycesbom, Miss-, writes: “My P AH C s * 5t£r was dieted with boils which sadly 1/UiV.U inpaired her health, and she lost flea! ’ ar.d strength each dsy. One IxHtleai B B. B. : acted tie S4U£ic and produced a conpicte cur** «» J tsnmsnm\ - . mflp G ?-v ? .-. .i w. u.*. . *» -— - — * &rnA&mi & wipt, HARDWARE 5 CJOLl MBITS, r.A. Will le MouniiiiuJce Crenm Freezer. r i l.e 1 cht in the world. Insure Tout Gins. We are prepared to furnish rcliab e insurance on Gin Houses and cou tent at ffjuttao.'e rates, as vyc have done for many years. All needed iu ciinaiion promptiy given. D. F. WILLCOX & SOX. 1 J IG,Bros <1 ^j'l ct Columbus Ga Follow (fee Crowds!! Join the solid procession of wise and discerning people to the palatial new three story clothing store. 0EAM0SLL0E & FSARCE 1132 & 13 33 Broad St. Columbus, Ga. Just opposite their old stand. This firm makes new customers daily. The merit of the best goods sold at the lowest price will tell. A Revolution In Prices 53 suits $9 00, Cost You $13.00 Elsewhere ICO “ $12 50 “ “ $15.00 (4 75 ** $15.00 Wei! Worth $20.00 44 ico “ $ 18.50 “ $25.00 44 2oo boys suits $2 oo to 3.50 on y>i $3.50 to $00 anywhere, haie the largest stock of men an 1 b >ys shoes in Combos ao l can save > 011 mnr.ey. Sec ou- $5 50 and $5.00 shoes. You can not duplicate them, wftnin $ 1.50 of 1 he piice. YV T o TVaut Your Trifle. Prices and Goods will Merit it CHANCELLOR& PEARCE Moore 2res. Q-raid Fall Opening Ait Entirely New Stock. Dry G-oods, Millinery, Shoes. DRESS GOODS DRESS GOODS MILLINERY Oiand Opening. More than i,ooo pieces New; Our millinery opening will take Dress Goods with trimming lo match P ,ace T u«day acd Wednesday Oct., each suit. i J5‘.h ami join. Eve rything new and stylish, no last AN EN PIRELY NEW LINE OF seasons goods. MILLINERY BROADCLOTHS, No last season stuff to resurrect Ladies’ doth, Colored Henriettas, 1 and sell as new goods. Nottiing but Priestly s'A warp Henriettas, Priest'y the'choicest styles. s"k warp vdes, Priestly silk w.vp tripes, Irr.poted combination suits, French Pattern HATS. isi ;.o;’ ’'rir.ted Elannels ..v-CBNTNG GOODS. During our opening we will dis¬ Flannel su»ti»--us, India Cashmers ' play hm.dieds t>f the lalest styles Ad' icc. a Yard Piaisian and Bonnets. roo Pieces India cashmers a!) col- . Everybody invited. ors a, io cents. At i2 i-2 a yard. Miens BROS f>0 Pieces Printed Sebastopol at i i 2 i 2 a ■ aid. 1103 BROAD ST., 35 pieces 40 inch RThiey Border¬ € DEUMBUS, GA. ed Henneltas at 35.:. a yard. re™ rrrs HARRISON’S SHOE STOKE, 11 *~» > BHOA.D ST., COLUMBUS, GA Everybody is invited to call and look at our stock of MOTS AN© SSI 0 ES * REGULAR. “ALLIANCE” PRICES ON EVERYTHING. s. G. RULE Y Pliy.k'iM. and Surg-ou, HIWHTxy wvnuu. Oi\ ■ hi the Drier (“tore of UlUy i Wil I’pm*. C'uila promptly KltcinJ.U day or Hi*:.!. 11 . H. P. I Is an old reliable fnmily medicine, that tven proven invuluaUe for Liver ami 3 -.,\vei oomplainle. guaranteed to i lire Si-. k I Rad io!'® Iiulige.tion, Dyaju-je -i.v -*' u 3 t., and Iloarfovra, 7 ■.xcn * reguriariy it wiii core iho tucst atubboru va-e of Habitual Con«t»pi>:ion. No t ure. no pay. Man’f by the lWr»-t Drug Cn. f or eaie by lirLEl & Wife mb. GILDERS UVfiRl' 7 LL 8 . Those Ejls are justly th.~ ira)U Cele bratcit and highly KvConufteintod of » .r on the market kular. Uentje but Effect* ve in their aciidSt, as a cure for Coatiya tiou, Liver Complaiav o'ju.-pas Biitouan* [nijiftestion. etc; they are ed. AH WV Oak is a trial, if yua tjf' suflcr tif from artv i f these Complied GUAKANTEEl). ami Djfv.4 Ma . Barrett t A ?* G«t, For sale by RiLeto* lX.LIi MS, J. W. HOWARD & dG., 1441-49 lit Arena*, Cnlaiabne, fin. -»uv RAGS AND HIDES Did Cotton, Bagging, Furs, Beeswax,Old Metal. Jotton in the Seed and Cotton Seed —And dealers Stationery, Wrapping Paper, Pane? Bags, Twine, Eto. Orders Promptly Filled, } l AlVi DYES c- Vrs fc<* c k wool and cetton. DIAMOND PAINTS, •r f-;nrv w«wks. Gold. Silver Artist CK. . Coiir.^r. Bror:e. &c. • - r. p \ PER 5 . a quire 5 qires for 2 acts. V» th# T)p»(* RruEY St VVtu-iA' 4 -%