The Hamilton journal. (Hamilton, Ga.) 1889-1920, November 29, 1889, Image 5

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VOL. XVtt. EDITORIAL NOTES. m The pension Lift will doubtless be revised. The siltHir sat-y occupy the attention of congress. m WiU this aengrTT give us the cot¬ ton tax hack. A destructive clyeloue swept over Jteauford county. N. C., the first of December, The f^^iican press does no' eulogizv the president's efforts at massage writing. Blair's Educational bill will he be fore the present congress. Th. ,J^eo yie south are much divided oil .bis Wit The hoavy lews of shoes, atfd slfoe irraterial by the Lytia fire, will affact the huvin cos of the country. $7,000,000 is no small loss. The Virginia legislating'Accepts the donation of the R. E. Leetswerament, from fire Lee Association, which is »sariy completed in Paris. The Osage Indians are said to be worth $9,000 per Load for every wo¬ titan. man and chihL TLtis-boing trj» they are the richest people on the glob*. 505 WIls were introd m eon* greswf on t£e first day against 598 th* first day of the previous ^mgresn. Most of those were bills winch failed to pass in the last congress. -s Rev. Mr. Dale alias Nutall a tn called Ilantish div:M, of Atlanta li%s met with trouble on amount of too many names, and a wife for each Dame. He is undergoing ait invest! jjation for his alledged enmos. 'Phe Atlantic., Atlanta & Western Taitroad from {5av*r.ah to Atlanta! will be built right away, says Capt- . ! Fry. This road will from an iude pendant Use eonnettmg with many of the iin}x»'taiit roads in Ga. & Ala. Edward .Sttews ..., of thT), . | . y Vc> e i* k .. . VcnreSenfAtivcs, has sktpjmd T* wilii ! • $72.(tOO of die congressmens money. Stoiliug is not confined to tha poor, but officials in high places arc faking the lead. Cleptomania seems to l>e |>revale.nt in high p’.-.cas. The world’s fair is still a matter contciA’ .n Vi.itween vivid cases claiming it- Tin.- prospects loom «]' at in ia.-orof 01m stud them at other. It iVould scorn that >V ashmg to?) city the Notional Wot.b) be the moat appropriate pl.u-.c for this national exjkisition. Congress will take action on it vu presume at !Ui car’v day. Ja Lye Bleeiley. of the supreme court, ot Ga-, lms rendered a d-em sion which requires a!! properly to he taxed alike. He says that it is m of constitution of J5< - violat on the 1 to tax real estate at a per root differ jug fcoin that levied Oil personal property. The case originated ;n tiic village of Summerville. II011 JefiferBOU Davis De:ul The news of Mr. Davis’ death has reached everv nook and corner of the United States. It was flashed along every telegraph wire iu the union. 3 ■* r at- . ad cahlod to Europe in a moment ter the hero breathed his last. ILs death has been the occasion of much comment by editors and writers. His history is known almost by all the children of the .south. They rever his memory and it will live as long as southern chivalry and southern patri ptisiu aniiuaws the bosom of the southern jteople. The north in many instances . . elides filed to LLid-pn blacken Ids ttu name., a id hiur the escutcheon of his lair fame by the cry of traitor This can never be done. The gen . unborn t Will ... yet accord j to . «*•*• erataon Davis the merit he has been denied. Tliat lie was a patriot, statesman an.lchrL tian his record amply proved That he wiU live in the heaTut . ot f au ii men time will vpr fy. The cause re presen ed still lives ia the hearts nitrn. lie war the true representative man of the south, anil the oat!i mourns, ana .ought to mourn. Slw loved him. for he was made tie* vi carious sufferer fur all her allege?! crimes. He bore them for us, ^ore them like a hero and a i c he was. Let the south •com ms tfcie hi-i death, aud defend the titr l>! ed hon «r of his name. It was ;; my little for .on¬ gre-^t govern to deaiy ... :u.- *.—o f If rtf' -*.-*, i'vv 1 fc.V I i * ia 'll r?a f % lVSVJr ,j ? . -?• ftl S' :.- fill* : ii / v r < >V, A. 1- AHLKY. •>v •wen are ———kt****. at Us® helm. WEJWOR^'SE’iKIOB^rAT ■>*“-—-—— THE ML! HO DUST idr CHURCH ON D *%AV!S- Ji*F#E8SON iA large apScmrse of' people .*♦* seuit.lcd at tie Methodist churcii IVsiltis^day to participate in the ms mortal services, at, srtgested by the gallant Gordon. Governor, Of Ga Services were introduced with song by choir, followed by reading the 90th Pst," n by Rev. W. A. parley, prayer by '&}*,$. D. Adams,. fetsiuford After these services Cept. L. I., was calledfo ’he chair, and Rev. W. A. Earley secretary and the .following cot) unit tee on resolutions appointed Judge J. F. C. Williams, Rev. W. \. and Col. J. M. Mobley. The commit tee reported resolution winch were offered. Pending the resolutions the meeting was addressed bjr Col. Mob¬ ley, R. A. Russell, Rovs. J. W. Wil¬ son, C. D. Adams, W. A. Farley, Judges W, I. Hr ^son, J. F. C. liaius, Don. Ii. Lynch and L. L. Stan far J. ‘TFif speeches were short, bui feeling had full of vepn .tioa for the dead and jympcihy for tha family. The rosidotwns were Bien ail opted by a runng vote, yCeieh are aa follows: WhorcM, Almighty God by his providence hath removed from the orld to brighter realms above, tlw Honorable Jefferson Davis, the trust¬ ed leader -of the people of the st*te oi Georgia, and the southern states in tiie four darkest years of tbuir histo¬ ry, and whi-ieas, oar pe'-plc rc g**d hi.-- jnemory with .'eelingS of hlgfc« respec^esteem a#nl , affection. H We fill citi/.eps of Harris county, for the purpose of manifesting our high appreciation of Ida exaulted character and distinguished services do hereby ^Joj,* the following resolutions. p'irst, That in common with oar fvllour citizens of -the aouth wo eom mingle onr sorrow aud deepest grit-f & t the demise of oar fallow citizen, J .tf.-rsou l£'M-vd>nr trusted eijaiftuin add !<■':. ho ' f..ur daot.v.L.yaai'S of «nn«i. o' the;! doc trines of state rights: tha vicarious sufferer for the action of his people; the embodiment of the highest typo of fideii^ to priucjjdc; the 5»>.<ishc:l patriot, statesman and tittti sentient ut; the ex -president 3i) . l j,|; e .. ! , cor.fodeisicj’. R’.-cusul, Th;it hi.; metuory will t-i8.< in the horrU of ton sets'll ej: , j»ooph' and the hri'dEnt tesoru eventful p ihlle gj i.e cltetdched by them to the gitncrufion as the inspifatiun of - ]s i,_,, giarul and glorious. Third, l int we tender to the a.l family of our distingijished our l-.eart felt condolence and thy in this their hour of b rulest fre-.ts. Fourth, That this preamble resolutions be published in tiie iltox Journal. ASti-r adoption of resolutions meeting dosed v.-i h song anil by Rev. J. W. Wilson, by [lev. C. 1). Adams. To School Teachers. There will be an examination of ants for teacher's license in Hamilton on 2ml and 3rd of January j JS90. W hite applicants are required to attend on the 2nd day of January, and colored on the 3rd. Meet prompt jy g o’clock as only 01 e day is al- j | lowed. 'Teachers whose license have expired will be required to attend t j, e examination if they want to he Ucelis<jd . j \V. A. Farlf/y, C. S. C. i -j- J— nt ~" | l< one wtiici i* guar.-mL-ed to brine you : sabsf.ct TV rcuits, or ill ci-e of taiiure a j r( _ t . irll , j ,j h »-e p.-icc. On this safe |Jan you can tiuy from onr advert:*.-: i Drueeist a Lot !c of Ur. Li u> New itii t .«r-ry for < ' it is anarmteed to firing relief in every esc, when used! f r :»i;y /ill’ cAioti oi i nroat. Lnn*^ or ! . st , ..c-m-ii n, 1 nllamu Lung*, Br»a. lutis, A-tfinni. etc. i: tVcyoping pica^.-in: Cnujfit. •' rouu.etc.. is n ,, _. r . tl . t :,-,i sn si» avs fie iepeuueu ui u-i. 1 rwi icu tic ^ true b i ' u lL ,~ y & Willi *,m>’ Dr«" Store. Cltri'Toi;ta at Ufiiplcy. M it. Ebitoh.—T he lailits of tne parser, Aid S:i:-lety of the Methodist char' ll will -j- rivo an enter takv.nent CHiLtm.v; lay and night at .j, e 4 adei.v-'. IJj*! open at O j J( .} te <. Admission free you pay for v,Riu.t von get. A bonatif il j [ thin * ii be A. • t •aioon »weei HAMILTON, GA ,i DEC., 13, 1889. ~ trirtthte* fcwrtortstt and will lecture at Shiloh on ;Ue .evening •*.»"«*?«** Shiloh tn;«< «ny fund. It you *«»h “ to ; chMf'e ay the blues and prepare tc enjoy a happy Christmas; if you W ;& to Uugj^ as you n*¥h* -h*n> move, back your buttons and couieout p, hear this lecturer. Bring your wife, children, and guest. This is a chance perhaps 1 in a lifetime to see aud hear this great lecturer. Every citizen of tbeJSf mmtmity and 'neigh¬ boring eomswsSdtics, should enlist himself to msb this occasion a grand SUCC-OvSS. , r,„ The fMLo ...,* . were ap¬ pointed by the boa id of trustees. Entertainment, A. |L Crawford,M-D. Gaorge Cook, Wm. Moran. IiiUoiirction, Col. EHison, M. F. Barnes^ Dr. Rush, Petor McDowaB, Robert Fryor. I). Jenkins, J. E. Taylor. Order, Green Anderson, Jr., G, T. McDowell, A. D. Anderson, jL. A. Smith, J. J. Cook, G. M. Atidcrson. Door-keopera and Ushers, A. Kollvr, T M. Neal, J. C. Ellis, W.,^Col!i«r, Jr. , Ad vi:*sion single tiniest SOcts, Two tb ketj to same party 7o “ Three “ “ “ SI. , Childern under 12 and over 5 years 25 cents Special rates to families of ovor 3 and reserved seats can be obtained by applying to J. T. Stapheuson or G. T. McDowell. Every body come, and bring every body else. »v State LucascouktVjS. of ohio, city Tourto S. } Frank J Cheney makes oath that he is ibe senior nar'ner of the firm of F. f.-Cheney & Co..doing husinesi in thcpvy of Toledo, Ounty ami State afore said, and that said firm will pay the n of ONE HUNDRED DOL¬ LARS fin each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured try the use ol Hall's Catarhw Cuar.. Frank J. chlnf.y. , °TMM"1I jiilji~fai* IW T-1 1 in m’wbreseftce.’this 6th day of De A. 1>. ’86. A. w. GLEASON Notary Public. j ' v I j SC A L | H «u <s patarrh Cure ts-taken inter a4 >;y l!1( j ac t.s directly upon the blood and mucus surfaeer uf the sys te-r. Send for testimonials, tree. F. ,}. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75 cents. | i Mercurial — IMioumalNm « 1 — . j J Mr. J C. .Jones city nar.shal of Fulton, Arkansas, wrilcs: ‘ About ten years ago I contracted a severe case of blood poison. The leading physicians of the city were called in, and they prescribed medicine after medicine which I took without afford ing me any relief. 1 also tried mercu¬ rial and [Hitash remedies, the same unsuccessful result, but which brought on an attack of mercurial riieu matism that made my i:fo one o f un¬ told agony. After suffering for four years I gavi up all former remedies arid commenced taking Switc’s Spe¬ cific (S. S. S.) After taking several bottles I was entirely cured and able to resume wo: k, I consider Specific S. S. S. the greatest medl c:nee for blood poisoning to-day on the market. A t I; rODlpT a r*. 1 11. < • Two bottles of Swilt s Specific S. $. S. cured me ot a breaking out a 1 over my body caused by blood pot sowing. Victor Stewart. 2 4 S. Royal Street, Mobile, Ah’, For thirty years I was afflicted with b!oo(i f ,0 ' c ' )n from whlC11 1 sufTere ' ! untold I commenced 5. S. S., an aA-r ' ire u.ttie, J am entirely Cured, William Schenk, Flushing I.. I. I suffered for twenty years from . ' ” , ; som „-r F’ Three bottles of ' Specific . . -i. 0 „ . .* 5 vv f ts o. *5. curtn me cn t p e , CATHERINE Mo-iier, M OvO a, i,. rrea!s? on El tod and Skin Dis.a c:. iniiico S'.vL-'i SrtciFic Co., Atlanta Ga. If yf-.nfrom «!:•■*«-M cv lmpr-Tc If <>< «!. fU ?i as «cro it rhftlDl, nOTi-4 !■;. i; m*> •*, t- t *-r worujn. lake J. Vi. McLsaa'. sjareapi ill». To allay T»a r *»«. «uV*4u? nation fical f ml wrtrs ari-i ?ii m -bl prr m» • land #HiHnvi'jr re’“ 1 st nra; rlj' i -u g DV f 1 rug that H- remedy l)r. J. II. ^icLte :tn. V«l a Oil Y “ V . A f«rtl. tsr ^ nf j 8urger y j hope H hare a hl»eral thate t>f the Siam's ge of her people aud ihosc of the surrounding country. My office is ncT: door to Drug Store where I ran he seen during the day. Residence that, forms !y occupied by j. L Dennis, Alt calls w'ii Rrtrjictfftiily.. fie [Srotpptly feuded. Harold tV ij It,It ms, M. D. Tax WH’eC Ail parties du'3 city tax iwdl please call on J. B. Mobily aiulfsettle b) December ist, and save BukTCookJ 5 Mayor. J. B; Mobley, Sec. A m •y PL All and SUGiE-COATED. <1 TBSTIMOX Cfiifdfy, l A|LS. Gtt.—I Pk. Q. T, Puksem.. have etiiinined ti:e i >miu la ntfthe good above Piils anil recojuuicnd Uiem a: ca tlmrtic pill. A. Paintif. Hiiplcy, JVic. K. Bunsen. Ga.--I have used tt.e unprov piils snvl know them to lie just as pfcm presented. They ure also the best tiling find for painter’ft colic. ,T. T. t 'ir.tsrhrt. Plilpley,’, Ga.—'The above pill l Hhv-c used. I can rceeonuncnd them very^iigbiy- aathfacto'.'ilv they with have tit ays act -:d very mos,' UR SETH X. .TOROAN OPERATING SUKGKOV. rerfornis nil operations in ^.urgery. 1137 Broad Bt. v. Coln&n% Ga. — „ , — — — — DIAMOD DYES \1! colors for silk wool apd cotton. DIAMOND PAINTS, for fancy works, Geld, Stiver Artist Black, Copper, Bronze, fkc. NOTE PAPER sr. a qmr% .4<ue. j quies for 2octs. At the Drug Riley & William?. W, F, GLASS’ SPFXIfLIIFS Wecall your Special Attention to the Following Meuiciw::-: Grrnutu Compound Vbuffh nyrnp [Not Borchce'v German syrup] conghs. A mu remedy for the relief and cu:e f olds cr.rnp, breti ' nisi whooping nought btgan ami all-dis'-sre J ot the n spirati.y uaml lungs. i'ri >• 5oc ju-ju Worm Stfi nji Asuru ,,. . ••u.Tr . bo. » iL-i.iir m... ttouble, and -t - ’ ■ r ‘ . 11 1 w orins-ev. :y lilue - 1,r ‘ - n °’ German Cor p and Fever and Apao Care. A gunrenteod rf*n»c*<ly for ( hills and Fe¬ ver. This w II postiv ly uro *ny case of Chills and Fever, if taken according t< directions, l’riee ffl.uu. German Compound Female Reg ulator. A sure cure tor n 1 diseases arising from irregularities of die “monthly si-- 1 r., love-1,.,at f is in fore buy i .g s>R> olin r -Female llt-gulawr.” l’riee 75c. German Compound Dyveuien Kemedy. Thin is n “positive” cure for Bloody Flux, Dysentery, Giiping of thu Bowels etc. If your bowels are not rigid, try this and be happy- l’riee 6Uc. German Compound Diarrhoea Cord in!. For Diarrhoea. Sit nutter Complaint*, Griping ami iclux.-d condition of the bowels. Brice 50c. German Com poontl JAidment. The most p iWiTtii! Liniment Eftown lor Neuralgia, liheuir.niism. Pains in tin back, BtUiuiJers, arms, legs; for Sprains, Bruises, an 1 for a’l eases where a Lini¬ ment is nee’cd for man or beast; two eize.s, 25 and 50c. German Compound Hair Be N lover. This ii not a dye, but restores the orig nal Color, Y r igor, Life and Beautr to ih Hair. Thorougtity erndiotes Dv dr.'t’ ! and stops the tubr froui failing out. Price ! 500. Thus y0 „ s( , e t)l( . se remrdiesare not j -‘cure ails." but each or. - is prepare i f • n j. i( ,,, r v , ncith.-r i- ti.cTvni.-ic Keeulator used for id .. in-a Imt ■ - 1 Medicine is a certain curt-r.r toed!.,ea;;ei j for wil i c j, j t u r c nun. iHi W. r. (te.AiS.S DruifuiHt. Sole ( y)l!pi( 3 iijil. Oneal Mill, Oa.. Mar. 2 1, V.). This is t > cntU . that ~ wa* in be«I with rheum:itifv!B a»:<l rvfter tryi-nif a bottle o! German Compound liniment, vhh a TV to be up and plowirur. I thoroughly awi j geieneioiuMy recooimcmi it Uj ali suf¬ fer Jig with rliemuati»zn» | W. A. TIustkr SATISFACTION OR TdONLY . REFUNDED. The ju*t»v r eelebrat-'i Gurni'in ct- m 1 poun'l rciiie*i5e» are .-vol'l at the ltiiiow iii}J I places: ' j (liipler I):*nsr Stor<* UlLl Y & VvJLU > V.H, IV \ aih<-n Ga. T. Il- Kiiiiiitouf.ii. ataiiia. Ga. , ( K\\VK' >R it&' U)l.L\it. (>«hr in G a. : y. i Aut-Y Wtiitcfivi Ps Ga. Smith H««m. Oiii'ai’s Mill, Ga. I!K. < l:AV. Cl i>. S*liUoh. i):i. .il.HX t %n*s 4'at^uta. Ga. F. I Thom Boa Ii: - t a:- u ]?■ : om S «»re. <ia. .1 t. Hah: . (ju. NOTI.KT M ex V.'il: it It' (id. f‘ 1 'U| l.t'R. Ncv iiop v. (id. Vil;«. iBHi.r.. * S', . M. i >. : r .'OK r«!l!* u‘:v:l!e. (;a Tavi.os o, k n. f'r.iv- olvmbvrfi MksM. A: : . I;1.1:Y. » prngs Ga KaM.1 I n c ; n:tr n ■ s. i ii r I an «u>r. y/.e fun :V 9>H \t>\ ^ i : erve i y p q> > *■* o jr Tf>T r y n.i~K A r *i'’ :r:c r y .♦ /: •X/ki BARUETT’S TONIC. Tlu« Tonic Is prepared from Pura SetectW .Jamaica Giugur, together with o:4ier rout » an.I herbs, aivd forms m Tiyas ;;n. :in«1 Kiticaei tis Tonic as a cure for Ov>pfet»*ia, Near.hum. General Debility rtll» J as Mil \ iy. thief ills unexcelled. J£n iurt>v-d by i‘Ly*i-'ians. 'Jry it. AIauUt«ictutud by tiio Barrett P.-ug Co Anyusta. Ga Fur saia by liiuar & Wtu.ii ms. Tlia Cheaestp ; : FURNITURE and STOVE House in Coiumbus, is at T. F. Farley’s, i 1348 Broad Street Call and see torj ourself. ie aaa Rhodes a ■ iiisre v «» BRANCH HOUSES. A <’•. Ithodps A Co- S ivtnnab, Oa. A. G, lihodos A Co. AUcjita, A. A (r. d. Hhodos III.DUOS A A Co. Co. Montgomery, Mobile, Ala. Ala. - A. Q. Hhodes & Co. Chattanooga, Tenn. A. G. Rhodes & CO. - Nashville, Teen. A. G. Rhodes A Co. - Memphis, 'J'emt. A. G. Rhodes & Go. - Knoxville, Tenn. A. G. Rhodes A Co. - Charleston, b. 0. -MANUFACTURERF.S, W1I0LRSALKALI) RETAIL DEALERS IN— JBtI3Vtr>S OF 'O JF3L riiJ I "IF XJ TZ« Ours is the biggest Furniture bulsnflss in tha United States, and our ttalos antiually ire ovor a niTHionM<>‘! rrs. Besides manufacturing a large part of onr goods, we control the output of several of the largest fadort<$Mi> th* W cst. tV'hon small dealers buy from $100.00 to 150.00 worth of goods at. a time, we buy from iL-5,uW'.O0 t-» $50,000.00, FOR SPOT OABff, thereby getting from 15 to 25 per cent, better dixjouHl.S than t’wjy. u urn always willing to give our cualtoiaers the ben -fit of tint so big discounts, and save first-class v*»u from It) t-.» *0 per » fe,t- on every piece of furnititte you buy from us. Another advantage is, wo handle only good., and wilPguar .mice every piece wo sell you. Oar motto is “GOODS AT RETAIL AT WHOLESALE laiiOKBA To prove this we submit a few [trices and defy competition: 500 Bureaus beautifully finished at each. suits, large bevel glass, only 545.00 each. 8001 1000 Good Good Miong Strong Bedsteads, Bed Springs complete at 81.Vo at each. $1.50 each, 80 solid walnut frame, jtuiuabt silk plush d parlor suits, $!<S each. f«0 solid Walnut, fgll io.-u .......... y., in '"iWrlTajf SOW Pvene.b Blessing Oases, wi?r 20xb8 German m.uraoi/.elr glass i LO oa*-!. '•*, ...... <-naft%*50p yftw, mtiot, only I'Ooui smSi, top, 2o a “Walcott” cottage each. set* 28, (ronttan plate glass, #!0.30 each.' roomjaad BOO good, strong, walnut finish, Rooking Chairs, cane ’WT &U Ten piooe, solid walnut, marble top, tollut bod back, only §1 etoeli. , These are only a fow of the thousands of bargains we hnvo to offer you, at prices lower than other dealers )>av for tli. same goods. II we bv bvying for IS large stores, In the enormous quantities wo do, cannot undersell email dealers, then the wholesale houses have no advantage over I ho little one horse dealers that buy a hundfull of goods at a. time. LAN T, BUT NOT LEAST, Among the many attractions is our CARPET DKPARTJIKNT. We cany the lai’p-sti , slock In the South, and our prices arc the lowest to be found. Those goods mo the latest d sign, and ni-wesi ehitdcs. Mail orders have our host attention always. Can soil you good Ingrain at50c per yard, host at Sit. Good Bruso-ls at 7», hirst 11.25. Make a diagram of your room, with exact mcasuremiuif, write us what kind of carpet you want find wo wiU g>i-‘r attfoc to please you. tVo cannot cut a.jrupJ ■» a» It takes fj-nai a yard to a yard aud a quarter to slio-.v th- i irure. ordet* Don’t buy an article of furniture until you see otir goods ond gut cur price;-.. If you caunot ijuine, scud us your by mail. W'e will treat you right and do our boat to please you, THE A. G. RHODES FURNITURE COUPANX, tea© Broad St. COLUtBBUS, GA. T T IT FT' > 1 u -3- JL -11 Ol ft .* v ^ [ hpt.~ -^ . >‘S ''g’SJibif— y •?" H. A. GlbCSrt '3 ;C8Slth3£ CE?: T. m.s CCpee :s .....E k-> 11 ' if ' l '"f : : " * .. - - - , ,-Fw v ' Our Stock is Large, 'Our Gcods Mow, Our Prixoo Mov/ We Malic a Business of Making Bargains in AETISIiOFUP ilITUEE .A.i<TO X-I 0 TT 3 I 3 I-X 01 LXD DEOOHATTONS. The Latest Stylos., the Fines: Q-i»lity, Uunoit in Variety, have been cemhiued by us in £ i! Uq ft a A 3 tui. Si 6 i LfrUHS FOR g D % % |e. Oar Fall and Winter CfFeriup Will Not aud Cannot bo Surpassed. There is a Limit below wii;< h Honest Goods Cannot be Sold. V/e [tiato oar 1 1 ices at tit® Low Water Mark for Safe ami lit liable Goods, Sold under Cura-antee. INSPECT US, CRITICISE j KNOW US. And ycu will find v.i Bsal Fair and Sava Y- oil Bdiiars. m BOin T> .T Tti? MUUii T~N TZ' r i ^ UR NIT URE STORE. i'5 • * c. \ ' ' r * H ***trj, C*.~';** j* 1 -* — 5» w ■ k . r*j STREET 1 ON£ DOLLAR A YEAR. STFIOTl.Y IN ADVANCE. AT HIS OLD STAN D! The Original “No-Shoddy” Clothier, 1117 Broad St., Next to 3rd National Bank, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. I am now located in my former place of business, at the above number, and asic all my friends in Harris and the adjoining counties to call and see my Stock of Winter Clothing. I am not advertising *!!0 suits for $10, but 1 feel sure I can soli you goods at is low figures as anybody. I appreciate the patronage heretofore given nu» and shall endeavor by fair honest methods to retain it. 1 have a iumpleta line of fall samples now in stock and will have suits made to order for thosi» who wish them, at very low figures. G. E. THOMAS. £3 tei mk a K iti a m : sr Cty m vs t a KO. 43 . BRANCH HOUSES. A. G. Rhodes < 'olunib' -, 5. 0. A. G. Rhodes & Co. - ’! < rre lin He, hi i. A. G. Rhodes A- Co. Kvansv itc, mi. A. G. Rhodes & Co. - - Oaiio, 111. A. G. Rhodes & .C'O. - Rnloikh, N. l L A. O. Rhodes A Co. - Yhdn.luu <T, .H iss. A. G. Rhodes A Co. - - Angus in, Gft. A. U. Rhodes A Co. - Lnuhvilte, hy. A. G. Rhodes A Co. - - Rutaula, Ala.