The Hamilton journal. (Hamilton, Ga.) 1889-1920, January 02, 1920, Image 1

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The Hamilton Journal. Volume 49 BUBLIC SALE. I will sell at my faim two miles north of Chipley on Wednesday, Jan. 7th, 1920, at 10 o'clock the following property: About four hundred bushels corn, Hay, Plow Tools*Gear, Corn and Cotton Planters, John Deere Stag Ridirg Plow, Riding Cultivator, Hoosier Ectble Dist Grain Drill, Reaper & Biuder. These Machines almost as good as new. Wager, Fattening Hogs, Registered Duroc sews ar.d gilts, one registered herd boar. Seve¬ ral head cattle including milk cows. One fine Rtgistered Red Polled Bull, Four fine young mules, cne mare and other things belonging cn a w ell equiped farm. If desired will give terms on mules for good bankable notes. J. H. HOGAN. CHIPLEY, GA. COL. PEAVY ADMIT LEO 10 LAW PRACTICE. The many friends of Col J. B. Peavy will be pleased to learn toat he has successfully passed the StaUBti Examination and has been admitted t<> the practice of law in Georg.a He has formed a partnership with his brolher-in -law, Col, A L Hardy, and will be located in Hamilton. Since coming to Harris County, Mr. Peavy’s career has been re¬ markable in many "-espeets. With¬ out co lege training, he volunteer¬ ed to enter the training camp at Ft M< Pi'trson at the beginning of the late War, where lie won a Com nwssson as Second Lieutenant" He went from there to France, where he was twice wounded, gassed once; was recommended for a Cap¬ taincy more than once ; was recom¬ mended for a Majority by his superior officers; won the Distin¬ guished Set t ic- Cross for valor and aeqiuitted himselt with distinction as a soldier from this County. Mi Peavy has spent not more than six months reading law in the office of t ol. Hardy ; and it is considered remarkable that he stood the examination for the Bar aftergoing through the experiences of War, which, to say the least, were cu cuiaied to drive out the memory of law and every other study save that of the stern thought of duty as a soldier. He stood the examination belore Judge G. H. H ward in Columbus. I he publishers congratulate Mr. Peavy on his unbroken successes j since coming to Harris County,and we bespeak for him rapid and con-1 tinued success in his new field of endeavor. He will Continue to make friends and we prophesy that he will yet he heard from in a larger and more promouneed career. SHILOH Mr. Leonard Ftetman, of Cut 1 ) bert, is visiting friends at Shiloh, this week. Mr. O. E. Grant, of Birming¬ ham canie home F'lday evening to spend u few weeks with home folks. Mr. and Mrs H" mer Moon and eon, Binot. *.f L Giun t e, spent a few days very pleasantly w^ h home folks recent.y. Among the boys and girls who have been home from school for the holidays are Mie&Lenm M on. froro Milledgeville, and Mr. letfe Fuller, from Oxford. We wish lo call attention io the HAMILTON, HARRIS COUNTY. GA., FRIDAY JANUARY 2, 1920. Paper in Every Home in Harris County where a Poll Tax Is Paid TliAhKS CHIPLEY. ; Mayor, Council and Good Citizens of Chipley : We have received your kind amounting to 1535 00, and this superbly generous con¬ tribution coming closely upon the heels of everything that the good people of Chipley have done, sim¬ ply overwhelms us, and we are at a loss to adequately express our keen sense of gratitude. \\ r e are not unmindful of your assistance in the darkest hour of our dire and it is hardly neces¬ to say that you transfused the very life blood into our arteries. Your innumerable deeds of kind¬ ness shall forever be emblazoned upon the hearts of our people and we shad always regard the citizens of our sister city with peculiar reveience and abiding affection, Sincerely yours, W. H. Hoff, Treae. G00DVIAN-BRAWNER [Owing to a mi-ssprint the follow¬ ing marriage notice is reprinted from our lust week’s issue.] Married: Dec. 25, 1919, Mr. C. R. Brawner and Miss Laura Good¬ man., Rev. E. A. Ware, officiat¬ ing. The ceremony was at tlie home of the bride’s sister. Mrs At a DeLoad—a quiet widding on account of recent bereavements in Mr. Brawner’fi family. The publisher extends with sincerity the season’s greetings with a word of blessing, peace and g> od will to this new home. Mrs Brawner has long been hafpily connected with the News and eariie with t fie Journal as' Dixie.” and it is with regret we sever the connection of 1 he Harris County press with this most highly esteemed co-worker, Every home in Chipley and the ladies Bible class, especially, will deeply miss her social arid church work and follow her with best wi lies. iact that among other blessings the dear Lord has sent us he lias blessed us with beautiful weather for the holidays. Mr and Mrs \V. S. Williams, of Bessemer, returned home Monday after a ten days stay with rela¬ tives and friends in Shiloh and Manchester. | Mies Henrietta Cook, an aged ladj of lh i, place> d-ed Thursday J night law, Mrs at the Helen homeof Cook ar.d her sister bur- in I was j ied Saturday morning at Shiloh, i Mrs Sidney Johnson, of Bull' ch spent Thursday and Friday in Shiloh. Tne entertainment given at the CHIPLEY LOCALS. | Mr. Wiley Wisdom spent Tuesday in Atlauta. MrsE. L. Howard spent Friday in Columbus. Miss Bessie Miller is spending the week in Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs Henry Mobley went over to Forsyth last week. Messrs Jim and William O’Neal spent the holidays with home folks. Quite a number of visitors have been in Chipley during the holidays. Miss Frances Johnsou is rapidly recovering from a spell of pneumonia. Dr. and Mrs Lamb and children visited relcatives in Alabama recent¬ ly Mrs H. A. Middlebrooks and fami¬ ly visited relatives in Heard County Friday. Miss Pauline Ferguson, of Macon, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs C. P. Murrain Mr. and Mrs Fred Miller, of At¬ lanta, were guests of Mr. and Mrs E. T. Miller. Mr and Mrs Hoy Askew spent a part of the holidays with his mother at Folkjjton. Mr. and Mrs W. R. DeLoach and little ion, Ralph, Jr., spent the end in Chipley. Miss McIntyre and Mr. Tibbs were the guests of Mr Elias Holt and family. Mr. and Mrs Luther McGee Mr. Howell McGee spent the holidays with the home folks. Mr. and Mrs Wall, of Columbus, were the guests of Mr. Mrs S. L. Durham this week. Mrs Kverheart, of Arkansas, is spending the holidays with Mr and Mrs E. T. Miller. Mr. and Mrs II A. Middlebrooks spent Friday with his mother, Mrs W. H. M iddlebrooks, of Franklin. Our girls and boys will be leaving for their duties in the class rooms ot their respective^)!ans learning within the next few days. Good luck. Mr. Chipley, hn electurecal eer, came up Wednesday to consult with our mayor and council relative to surveying for water works. Every thing in this direction is hailed with delight by the people of Chipley. Mrs Ilettie White and Miss Fran¬ ces White entertained a few friends at dinner Sunday at their hospitable home on Harris Street. Their charm¬ ing hospitable delicous dinner exquis¬ ite dccorati ns were thoroughly en¬ joyed by each and every guest. Mr. and Mrs P L. Hopkins en¬ tertained with a house warming Fri¬ day evening of last week at their new homo recently purchased arid remod¬ eled. Theirs is an ideal home for an evening of thorough enjoyment since they both enter so heartily into every¬ thing that would add to their guests, pleasure. The entertainment given by the Orpheus Form at the Auditorium Saturday night was all and more than had been anticipated by our people. Every number rendered was heartily enjoyed by the large audience. Much of the credit due to getting this splendid attraction for Chipley is due to tlie enthusiastic untiring efforts of •Mrs N. V. Bobdie, president of the Civic club, under the auspicies of which the entertainment was given. The ladies of the W. M U. are wide awake and doing good work with a targe attendance and interest iDg program. They held their regu¬ lar meeting Monday at the home of Mrs E. L. 1 loward. Hot chocolate and sandwiches were served. home of Mrs Dart Chapman Tues¬ day night wai quite a success. Mr Jack Johnson, of B'lorida, is among lel&tivcs in Shiloh and i Bullochville for a few weeks. Mr. R. Colley shipped several shorts and hogs this week to a party at Bartow. They were regular “Black Beauties.” Mr. J. H.Hogan has sold his farm to Mr. Boddie Dunlap and makes a public sale of farm tools, etc., next Wednesday. \ Among these entertained at Tur¬ key dinner during the holidays were, Mr. ana Mrs Neal Kimbrough Miss Janie O’Neal and Miss Emily Wis¬ dom. Mr. and Mrs Lenn Wilson and lit¬ tle son David Miss Geraldine and Messrs Aaron and Edmond Floyd spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs L. K. Floyd. Mr. D. P. Olive, (he Central's manipulator of the pumps at water¬ ing stations, spent that breezy last Monday ou the heights of ihe tank at Meriwether White Sulphur, mak¬ ing repairs. A stiff breeze with mer¬ cury so near the ugly 32 doesn’t make the steps to a tank look very inviting. We are glad to note that some of our public spirited men are consider¬ ing a chamber of Commerce for Chip ley. Why nol? with water, bights, chamber of Commerce a spelndid territory, goodly shore of public spirit a united citizenship, what is to hinder Chipley from taking her place along in the frpat ranks? Here’s hoping that the New Year upon which we are just entering will bo one of steady, solid advancement in every respect for our little city. If you can’t do great things your¬ self stand behind the fellow who can, next to actual work their is nothing that helps like whole soulcd encour agement. On the afternoon of Dec 22, Miss Ruth Jenkins and Mr. Alva fernitb, ace-* mpanied by Miss Bessie Jenkins, | Miss Lula Swint and Leo Mobley, drove over to Hamilton whore they were joined in the lovly hands of umtrimony by R ev j. W. Smith at j| )c . p aR t 0 rium. This young couple j bave been Teared in Chipley and .bear large a circle of friends who wish them a long and happy voyage through life. May their future life be as bright as the sunny- afternoon on whieh the solem words were spok¬ en that linked their destinies forever. They are at home to their friends at the residence of Mr. and MrsJ. M. Swint. MOUNTAIN HILL. Our community suffers a great loss in the removal of Mr and Mrs J. H. Calhoun to Hamilton, Rev and Mrs P. E. Weekley took Mr and Mrs A. P. Bell and Miss Whitman to South Georgia last week for a few days’ visit to home folks. During the absence of Mr and Mrs j Weekly the community visited their j and left bountiful supply pantry a i tor the holidays. | Mr Earl Davis, of Atlanta, isspend ' ing the holidays with home folks. j p r arl( i Mrs J. D. Zachry, of Brad i ey> came over tor a short visit to his pBr eDts, Mr and Mrs D. T. Zachry, dur ng the holiday, , Judge and Mrs I) uke Davis, of La- 1 , range, spent a few days last w< t with Lis father, Mr. L. T U. ,, Davis. Mr Lllis Calhoun, of Columbus, visited here last week. Mrs J. R. Mullins made a short visit to Atlanta last week. j Mr and Mrs Robt Brawner sneni ; the sveek with home folks at Lauett. Mrs Babe Calhoun is visiting in jj aml j lon Mr L. D Davis and daughter, Miss Opie, spent the weekend with his daughter, Mrs. P. I. Richardson, at Beal wood. Mr Winnton Clines lias returned from a visit to his brothers in Florida. Miss Kate Hargett has been visit¬ ing at Riveiview. NUMBER 3 t A vast amount of work now remains to be done which the intervention of war has necessarily delayed and accumu¬ capital lated, and the result is that • * * 1 * very large inter¬ expenditures ought _ _ _._________.j to be made to make make up up for for tne l—w ...» rail¬ v ruptions ruptions inevitably inevitably due due to to the the war, and to prepare the roads to serve adequately the increased traffic throughout the country. WALKER D. HINES. Utrttfr Gtneral o/ Kmilrtads* Work more — r~ I Produce more — Save more — But we can’t continue increasing our production unless we continue increasing our railroad facilities. The farms, mines And factories cannot increase their output beyond the capacity of the railroads to haul their products. Railroads are now near the peak of their carrying capacity. Without railroad expansion—more en¬ gines, more cars, more tracks, more ter¬ minals—there can be little increase in production. I3ut this country of ours is going to keep right on growing—and the railroads must grow with it. To command in the investment markets the flow of new capital to expand railroad facilities—and so increase production — there must be public confidence in the future earning power of railroads. The nation’s business can grow only as fast as the railroads grow. S r (m admtiAement i& published by the Stssociatipa ofShuluxuj %xeaitiwe&. Those desiring information concerning the railroad situ¬ ation may obtain literature by writing lo the Associa¬ tion of Railway Executives. 61 Broadway, New York. A Large Line of BeautyAids Every woman wants to be as attractive as possible. And it’s perfectly right that she should be. Actresses are more envied and admired, perhaps, than any other class of women. Yet they are not always the most beautiful. They attribute their charms in a measure to the regular use of good creams, lotions, etc. Werhave a line of the latest and most effect¬ ive beauty aids, perfumes, etc, to please the ynost exacting. CHIPLEY PHARMACY, CHIPLEY, GA, HOUSES —For Sale—84 houses take liberty Bonds at par. Charles at North Highlands, Columbus. Phillips, 21C3 Hamilton Avenue, Right by 4 big cotton mills. Will Columbus Ga.