Newspaper Page Text
Hamilton Journal.
Paper in Every Home in Harris County where a Poll Tax Is Paid
Dr. J. A. Wynne, of Cairo, will
preach at the Baptist church next Sun¬
day, March 7 11 am. He is a strong
preacher—a eliristaio gentleman of
the highest type—Every body invited
to come out and hear him.
The big government road is near¬
ing the mountain now, the construc¬
tion of a big fill at the foot of the
ridge being almost ready for the top
Mr J C. Moulton, of the Butler
Herald office the past many years,
spent Tuesday in town the guest of
The Journal.
iVl r. O. n. Barnes proposes to put
in abou, #1,000 worth of needed ma¬
terial as a starter for a company to
launch a
At the last regular meeting of the Hoy
Scouts it was decided that they would
build a cabin down on the Mulberry
creek. 1 uesday Mr. Johnson went
down with them and a site about two
hundred yards from the dam at Mr.
Mobley’s mill was selected. ’I he place
is beautifully situated on a knoll of
pine thickets, and is an ideal spot for
camping. Mr. Mobley was so kind as
to give the beouts all the trees they
needed; and V\ ednesday, armed with
axes and saws, they went down and
began work. In only half a day’s w ork
the cabin was put up* four logs high
The rain has prevented further work
but they expect to go down as soon s
possible and finish it.
Now who will come forth with the
balance of the needful? Spaulding
county has a cannery aud tbe tanners
up there cltaied $4bb.bU an acre
last year just off of peppe rs—a plant
ns easily grown as cotton.
Toe schools w ill open again next
Mcuday, so we are intormed by Cor.
Hardy, President of tbe city board o;
Mr. Mrs J M Kimbrough return
ed ' onday night trom New Orleans.
Allot' Mr. John Frank Thompsons
family are sick with flu except hiui
Bel* and wile.
M r s W. A Farley left Thursday
foi Seal>, A.a* ama to vi$it her sister.
Miss Fiances Carter who school is
closed on account of the flu is spend¬
ing a tew days with her parent Mr.
and Mrs J. C Carter.
Col. and Mrs J R. Lunsford and
and Miss Jessie Robinson motored to
to 1 olumbus Wednesday.
t The people of Hami'ton were de
lightfully entertained on Tuesday ev¬
ening by the Bonnie Lassies.
M s Id’* M re has :he fl i
M sJ. Muijtiy an* Mi L r»
M ■ 11 n were shopping in Cni t ley
one iiay last week .
M >s Min.. R hertr visited home
fo ks recently
M s N. J Thompson is conv«
ie>c> in *nter >*n attack of flu.
M . L Hadley’s Cotton h.*us*
burned down one d»y la-t week.
A 1 Ms beans Cotton seed, nea«,
meat, etc were consumed. H -
New Ford was also badley d;.m>*g
Mr Murphy and sister Miss
B* u'ah spen the week-e id at E m
Mr. Reuhon M*>oi who has been
on the sick list is convalesc nt.
% M N .than Thompson wa
called to H >ui t*»n Thursday hv
the illn-sK of his mother M s
Laura T omp-oti and nieces Misses
Curtis and R e? el Thompson.
Mr*. Harry KaiffHt
The many friends of Mrs. Harry
Knight were shocked to learn of her
sudden death, which sad event oc¬
curred at the home of her neice, Mrs.
Willis uosely, in Atlanta Tuesday
morning at six o'clock. Mrs. Knight
was well known and much loved by a
lagre circle of friends rn Ch.piey and
the community, having been born and
reared near here. By her sweet,gen
tie, lovable disposition she made
friends wherever she was knwon The
remains were brought down and car¬
ded out to the family burial ground
and tenderly placed b the side
her brothers who had preceded her.
"• p,, ““
the home of her parents and was con
ducted by her former pastor Rev T.
T. Davi* who in a few days short
words voiced the sympathy of the
large concuonse of loving friends who
had gathered to spend the last hom
gge to this their dear departed
E very body has a enulily invi¬
tation to attend preaching set
vices at Biii ham ch >ps! Sued *
ni‘>rt,in; r nt 11 a. m. also Sunday
7 p m. IT v Johns n wil fi i
■ e Pu pit.
1 lie heme of Mi. and Mrs A. J
Gordon v us destroyed by fire la
hursdtv afternoon.
Otir school has been cloetd f. i
he past two weeks on account ■
eptdemic; we hope to op*
•tonday m- ruing with fu I at**** >
lice we are glad to see several •
•flu” patient out again.
Miss Odessa Gordon <4 Atlanta
was called to the bedside of he •
sister, Bonnie, w ho has been set -
ill with pneumonia, has r -
turned home.
Mr. A. J. Gordon Jr. of Augus¬
ta is visiting Ins parents heie.
Vlr W F Richardson has retur.
d to Durand to continue ‘h
M - Mnr'in of Coltimnus is ex
peeled her* S to d.iv to vi-il In
d ughtei M 8 P. v\ Richardson
Sr M'i-s ItliOgene ..i * J bn Gr ran
R ebardson of C > uuihu r- v - -
rig their gran* patents Mr. an*
Mrs J. G. Davis.
Messrs 11. is. H ris Wilson
tieams and H. J. Binns were in
H-mi t* n 1 uesday.
M. M L. Richardson made a
business trip to Columbus last
Ft iday.
Mr. and Mrs L*>y Goodman, ol
Midland moored here Sunday
Master Curtis Smith lias return¬
ed to Atlanta aftei an exiendt a
visit with i is gr»nupuients Mi
and Mrs T. P. Richardson.
Mr and Mrs Wilson Reams an
daughter L >ve are visiting here.
Our farmers are busy plowing
here we hope the good weather
has come to stay awhiie with us
On the lax Receiver’s 2*1 r >U <1
the dute for Buiioc. 0 vilie in M rch
12 Dur.tiiu March 13
Mr. Barry Johnson and sister,
Alins Bt-rtha, of LaGranue an
, spading this week wan M . and
M R (j lartn( . e Bryant,
^ , Ke y ud8on) ol LaGmnge,
( wwk . t . nd wilh her parent
K , meUlber Mount Hope th.
second Sunday, encourafe Broth¬
er Bmwn with your resent.
Eig iteen children at M .H**p*
school have been ,,eaent eyery day
“uring January and February,
| Special services at Bethlehem
. the •
wil| i“ u18 as being on ■
P rr, K lam -
0. K. Stout was over to La
Grange last Saturday to see h* r
little grandson, born to Mr and
Mrs S. M. Stout, February 26.
Atlanta, G>*. March 8--“A
man may be down, but he’s never
out?”. Known and indetified
with the Salvatien Army wherever
that organization operates, this
stirring slogan which become fa¬
mous during the Salvation Army’s
liist home seivice fuud appeal last
year, again has been adopted for
the second home service fund ap¬
peal scheduled for May 10 to 20.
Announcement this slogan
which so aptly expresses the atti¬
tude of the Salvation Army to¬
ward the man generally accepted
by the werld as ’down and out’, is
to be used again this year in the
campaign to raise funds with
which to aid the destitute aud the
fellen at home, has just been made
uere by Brigadier A. W Craw
ford, commander of the Salualion
my in ilie sou. her states,
“l’lie Salvation Army never
admits iliat any man is ‘out’ 1 ,
s.yn Brigadier Crawford. ”He
may be down, but he is neve*- so
ar down that he can’t get up
.gam. We have lifted up ano
el on lileii feet too many men
mark* d as ‘down and out’ ever to
e ourseives bedeve that any mm
HSl redemption.
Discussing th’ Salvation Army’s
oi h urn ng ilit needy at h >me
.u i e l.icissny lor iunus wall
• cb to cairy on its work Bnga
. er Crawtoid eavs:
“The |>ubi ic has come to realize
ub, the Salvatien Army perfoim
*i a very important work in the
amps and cantonments at home,
oehind tin fighting lines in for
■ ign fiekis and with our navy on
ire seas. That fame public also
scorning to know ilmt the Sal
vaiion Ami) is poi forming an
vent greater task at home.
“With Uemobibzition came new
• nd greatei duties for tbe Saivu
ii'ii Army ut home The Army
will continue to be, as ie lias been
-inci its l'oimaiion, an orgu'niz -
iion if tue poor people and for
be poor people It will continue
o hit up those who a.e distressed;
• t will bind i he wounds of the in¬
jure* ; 11 will teach men and wo¬
rn* n win* have sulfeted reverses to
luio I hei'' facts again to the ea“t
nd to enew their heuits with
nope, for ’a mao may bo down,
tu he’s never out. - ”
HOUi* ES —For Sale- 84 In,uses
at North Highlands, Columbus.
Right by 4 big cotton mills. Will
t ke liberty Bonds at par. Charles
Phillips, 21C3 Hamilton Avenue,
Columbus Ga.
Singer Sewing
When wantinu a good Sewing ma
chine call on or notify P. V. < louch.
at < hipley, and get a Singer; cash or
credlt< t2pd
I will have cabbage plants about
March 4 35 per hundred.
Geo Walton
„ * on nu thasiks
We desire to thank the good people
of Chipiey and vicinity who have
shown u.-> so many acts ot kindness,
and charitable deeds, during the long
weary months of suffering and death
ol our devoted husband and dear
sweet papa. We especially thank
kis physician Dr. Bod die tor his taith
tul services rendered ouring his long
period ot sickness.
Also Dr Parham and nurse Mrs
1 Hopkins for their untiring efforts so
! them.
M rs \V alter Robinson
j and dauggter Mabel.
j 'l he weather man got us in
j shape again this week-end,
. t he paper.
On Sunday morning it was discov¬
ered that Mr. Cook's store had beei
entered during the night and robbed
of two suitcases, several suits of cloth
ing, an overcoat and other articles
Otis Hayes, who robbed the store once
before and served a term on the gang,
was at once suspected of being the
thief. He resides in Columbus now,
but was hero on Saturday.
Sunday morning Mr. JkV. D.
Haw kins went to Columbus on 10;20
train. At Hines crossing here came
aboard the suspected thief. Mr.
llakins brought the fellow back thai
evening. His two suitcases—their
value included—contained four suits
of clothes and other goods to th*'
value of $187 Go.
Some sweet day Otis will certainly
get to help the county commissioners.
Miss Inez Smith was called home
by the serious illness of her father
Rev -J. W Smith.
M. Will Wisdom is tho guest of
his mother Mrs. Clara Wisdom.
Prof Ingram spent the week-end
at Waverly Hall.
Miss Janie Oneal has returned to
ln-r school duties in LaGrunge after
several weeks ahscence on account of
M r. Laban Rogers was the guest of
Mr. C. P. Murrah and family last
v\ ednesday night.
Mr. Parham of Odessa spent Wed- |
nestlay of last week with Dr. and vlrs
Parham carrying his little grano
children Gleun and Mildred liomej
with him for a visit.
'The Floyd and Hill company are|
among (he interested hog raisers in j
t'hipley. They have aline herd of
Duroes. Mr. Floyd claims an irn
portant discovery on the feeding o
velvet beans. Ask him.
Miss Dovie Lee Colo spent Sunday
with Mr. J. P. Reynolds auu lamily
Mrs. A. II. 8 Bugg was the guesr
of Chiplty friends tnis week.
All of the flu patients are conva¬
lescing at this writing and we are
hoping that the epidemic is over,
AlayorS. A. Goodman spent Sun¬
day in Columbus, the guest of Mrs.
M. J. Sullivan and family.
Miss Jenelle Strickland was called
home by the death of tier aunt, Mrs.
Harry Knight.
Miss Pat Davis spent Tuesday uight
and Wednesday with the home folks.
Mr. Julian Whitehead is spending
some time with relatives here recuper¬
ating trom a long spell of typhoid
1 Mf E L McKee and daughters, of
G 0 | unl bu8, an d Mr Bartice Goodman,
0 Atlanta, were called here to attend
the funeral ot Mrs. Knight.
Mr. lom Ransom continues very ill.
Mr, Farrell Daniel, the son of Mrs^
L,lll ° rimotb « rs > l ja88tid avv, D' at €am
I Dix last week aud was brought to
c upley, his old home, for burial,
p arre ]j moved avay from Uhipley
w ltj „ j lu ttas) j U ; le a small boy and
wtJ cou i 4 hardly realize that the cask
a m an ’ 8 in length, with Old Glory
wra pp e( j a round it, contained all that
wad ni ortal of the little fair-haired
bo ^ wbo lyR, here just a few years ago,
now a man in stature. We extend
| to the bereaved motuer, brothers and
sister our sympathy in tlieir sorrow.
j InexpreKgibly Bad ig tbe death
^ 7 ::;: »»
was taken seriously ill about a week
before his death. A funeral services
| was held Thursday evening conduct
ed by Dr. Cousins, of Columbus,
Messrs C. II. Cook and B. II. Wil
| liams, were in attendance from Ham-
| have to defer further mention of the
sad event until next week.
For seed sweet potatoes, at $1.50
per bushel, apply to 0 b. Barnes,
Pure Cleveland Big Boll Cotton Seed, Sack¬
cotton seed hulls, Best grade eottod seed
meal, Velvet Beans, and Virg’inia-Carolina
Co.’s fertilizers. j
J. H. HOCiAN !
IF YOU or Want t ate Sell See Real to Buy Es- !
LaURAXm <;a. J. J. & W H. MILAM
'Ve offerfor shipment at once Early Jerseys ar,c ( 1 i n iim i Wnk
Cabbage Plants (flop.* Lot fr l.ia. d seed) at the following prices:
By Fxpress charges collect,
1000 to 5000 $2 00........................ per 1,000
G000 to 10,000 *1 75 ........................... 1,000
By Parcel Post charges prepaid by us
500 for $1 50......1000 for $2 50
Satisfaction guaranteed or your money refunded. Poito Rico
plants April 20th, and on. 4 12
Coleman Plant Co, Dept S, Tlfton, Ga.
Note.- Pinnis netivtrt in 1919 fit m Coltman Plant Co, were eti
irely satisfactory.”—S M Stout.
Your Health
depends on the purity of drugs used
and the care employed in compounding
the prescriptions given you by your doc¬
tor. Sometimes it is even a matter of
Life and Death
Our stock of drugs is the best and freshest we
can buy. We use the utmost care in compound'
ing all prescriptions, as your doctor will tell you.
It is a matter of conscience with us.
Is deserving of the greatest care
and skill in Eye Examination—and
the best quality in glasses
If you are in doubt about your Eyes, or
or Glasses, see our Optrometrist,
Dr, Sherrill is too well known for us to comment on his
ability in refracting errors ot the eye. He has had many years
experience ana has always pleased the public in every respect.
Your friends can tell you how well They are pleased.
Dr. Sherrill will make regular visits about every 30 days.
Watch this Space for Dates.
I | Huling’s Pharmacy.
The 27 anniversary of ITev. W R.
Forbes, pastoral relation with the
Friendship Baptist church, Hamilton
Ga. Beginning on Thursday night
before the Second Sunday.