Newspaper Page Text
For Ordinary.
I hereby announce myself a can¬
didate f«r re election to the oflibfc
of ordinary of Harris county, sub
ject to the Democratic primary
March 24. Will highly apdreeiate
the support my fellowcit’zens.
J. F. C. Wl U.UM8
I hereby annouce myself a can¬
didate for re-election to the office
of clerk of the Superior Court of
this County, Bubjeet to the aetion
of the white Democatic primary
to be held on the 24th day of
March and respectfully solicit the
support of my friends and fellow
citizens. A. F. Truktt,
To the voters of Harris county:
I hereby announce mveelf a
catiidate for the < dice of Clerk
of Superior Court of Harris coun¬
ty, subject to the action of Demo¬
cratic Primary to be held March
24th. Will appreciate yrur vote
and influence. If elected, I prom¬
ise to discharge the duties of th 1 -
ofllee to best of my ability.
Roy Burrs.
J beg to announce my candidacy
for re-election a» Sheriff of Harris
county, subject to the Democratic
Primary to be lieid March 24 1 h.
During my term of office I have
tried to honestly and faithfully
execute the duties of the office of
sheriff, nnd I wish to take this
opportunity of thanking the good
people of Harris County for theii
loyal support and assistance. II
honored by the voters of the coun¬
ty with an endorsement I p’edge
my best eiforte to do my whole
duty in the future «&, 1 have it.
the past. Youi votes and influ.
ence will be greatly appreciated.
G. H.. Williams
“to the votersof Harris county.
I am a canidate for Sheriff for
Harris county subject to the De¬
mocratic Primary. I solicit the
support and influence of my
J. J. Hadley.
I am a candidate for Tax Re¬
ceiver of Harris county, -subject
to the Democratic primary to be
held Marcli 24. Your vote and
influence will be highly appre¬
ciated. Zeke Robinson.
I am a candidate to succeed
myself os Tax Receiver of Harris
county, snbjeot to the Democratic
primary. Will appreciate the sup¬
port of the people. If relected 1
promise a faithful discharge of
the duties of the office.
Ha Kins Stevens
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate fo Tax Receiver Harris
county. Primary Wednesday.
Mareli 24 1020 If elected! promts*
u faithful of the . I
pertaining to Said office and wif
appreciate the support and
ence of the votersof the county
thanking you for the
given me for Treasure of our coun
Very Respectfully,
,Tno Frank Thompson
I heieby anounce myself a can¬
didate fer Tax Receiver of Harris
county, subject to the Democratic
primary March 24th. I will u p
preciate the support and votes of
the people. Respectfully,
ii _" ’ Gordon.
To the voters of Harris Co.:
1 hereby announce ntyself a can¬
didate, for Tax collector and will
highly appreciate any and al
support. Subject to i] )e Demo¬
cratic Primary March 24th.
'J' It. Stripling
Having .. . been custom , in the past
to indorse county officers after)
serving one term; thereby announce
as candidate for re-election to the
office of Tax collector for Harris
county, eubjeec to the Democratic
Primary ’ to be held on ...... the 24th —....
t , ay o arch, 1920. _ I place j
. my-*
•elf n, tlie hands of the voters of
the county,should enough of them
tee fit to rote [ot ate aud elect me, I
program arranged for big
j MARCH 24-26
Brief News Of Importance Gathered
From All Parts Of
The State
Macon.—The complete program has
been announced for the fifty-fifth an¬
nual convention of the Georgia Edu¬
cational association, which meets here
the latter part of March simultaneous¬
ly with the Georgia school officials’
meeting March 24-2,6, while the Geor¬
gia Educational associations opens the
twenty-fifth and closes the twenty
The program for the state school
officials will he opened March 24,
with a complimentary dinner at 6:30
o’clock at Mercer university. The first
general session will be held at eight
o’clock Wednesday evening at the aud¬
itorium of the city hall, with Prof. M.
L. Brittain presiding and Prof. M. L.
-Duggan, secretary.
At this first session welcome ad¬
dresses will be made by Dr. R, W.
Weaver, president of Mercer univer¬
sity; Dr. C. R. Jenkins, president of
Wesleyan collage, and J. Ellsworth
Half, member of Bibb county board
of education. Responses will be made
by H. M. Kaigler, superintendent of
KQuitman county schools, and Chan¬
cellor D. C. Barrow, president of the
board of education, Athens, Ga. The
address of welcome will be made by
Gov. Hugh M. Dorsey.
The general subject for discussion
at the meeting at 9:30 o’clock Tues¬
day morning will he "Our Vocational
Work—How We Succeed.”
Waycross Will Bid For Orphanage
Waycvoss.—In the interest of es¬
tablishing a home in this city for or¬
phans and children of poor parents,
Agnes Neva McKenna, south Georgia
superintendent of the Georgia Chil¬
dren’s Home Society, was in Way
cross recently, She stated that head¬
quarters for aiding these children
would be established in the eleventh
district within the next tew weeks,
but it has not been decided as to
whether Waycross, Brunswick or Val¬
dosta will he selected. A committee
for Waycross has been formed, and
definite steps will be taken soon,
$ 50,000 Damage Suit Filed
Dawson,—JJ, H. Waters, former sec¬
tion foreman, has filed suit in Ter¬
rell superior court against the Centra)
of Georgia railway for $50,000 danv
ages for injuries he sustained when
ho fell from the handcar on which he
was riding several months ago. He
claims to have been totally and per¬
manently disabled and charges that
the occurrence was duo to the negli¬
gence of the company in failing to pro¬
vide him with a safe mods of trans¬
Begin Work On Bridge
Albany.—Work has begun on the
new $263,000 steel and concrete bridge
to be erected across the Flint river
at Albany. Announcement to this ef¬
fect was made by Chairman A. J.
Lippett of the board of county com¬
missioners. Representatives of the
contracting firm which secured the
main contract and of a firm to which
certain portions of the work were sub¬
let art here to look after the details.
Big Cotton Warehouse for Atlanta
Atlanta.—A six-acre tract of land
lying at the foot of Houston street
ftnd belonging to Mrs. Andy Stewart,
j WM , W ently purchased by the
ton Warehouse company and the an
nonneement is made that this
P“y «»» begin Immediately to erect
an expenditure of several hundred
| r 1 will ,„,u make „ , the very best servant
1 possibly can; Feel as well quail
fied physically to do the work as
1 did four years ago; will greatly
appreciate any favors my friends
will show me in the race.
R. R. Harris
1 hereby atinunce myself a cadi
date for office of Tax Collector of
Harms county, subject to the
action of the Democratic primary
be held on the 24th day of
March. 1 realize the
of tiie ofliee to which I aspire and
I promise, if elected, to give it
the attention it deserves. I be¬
lieve the election of officers to
serve the public ip a business
matter; and I base my candidacy
011 01 J fitness and ability / to per
forxn the dllties required
.. , .
' h CUNE
1 hereby announce for re-election
to the office of County Superit;
dent of Schools of Harris county, i
subject to the Democratic primaty
March 24. Respectfully, j
Tom Wisdom
NOTICE. Apply to G. L. Cham¬
pion, Chip ley.
lumber, Shingles. Gemenf, and Builder’s
General Mercandise. Cotton, Cotton Sect
and Cotton Seed Products.
($88, Oils, find Auto Accessories.
The J. P. Champion mill is still
turning out plenty oi that beatest,
health-giving graham flour. Graham
can be mixed one-fourth to one-half
cornmeal and still make fine “buck¬
wheat’ cakes or muffiug. tf
Chipley, Georgia.
C OR BEST Shingles
1 Flooring,, Weather
Board, Celling, Sash,
uoore, Doors, Blinds minus Including including'
frames lor same; also Oil
and Paints. W.ite or See
thousand dollars, a storeage ware¬
house that will cover the entire six
acres. It is also stated that the pro¬
posed building with the present plant
of the company, which covers about
three acresof ground just across the
tracks ct the Southern railway, will
make perhaps the largest storage ware¬
houses in the South.
Big Office Building Planned
Columbus.—A fifteen story office
building is proposed for Columbus in
the near future, the cost of which
will run very close to one million dol¬
lars. The J. A. Kirven company re¬
cently purchased the Lips property
on the corner of Twelfth and First
and js to make the place a
home for the concern, it is announced,
and. in addition to the building oi
a great establishment to house tin
dry goods house, it will put up
great office building above the store
Booze Found In Car; Driver Arrested
Atlanta.—Paul B. Gilstrap of Du
luth, Ga., is being held under bond
of 6300 following his arrest at Camp
Gordon, when military authorities
discovered 24 one-gallon tin cans ol
whisky in a touring car in which he
was riding. It is thought that the
whisky was to have been, sold to sol
diere at the camp. The whisky was
brought to Atlanta and poured into
the booze sink In the office of D. J
Gantt, supervising prohibition officei
for the gulf district.
I have just recived a car load
of cement. Plenty on hand to
supply my customee.
Henky Mobley
For immediate shipment, extra
fine stocky plants. Early Jersey,
Charleston Waktfie’d, Succession,
Flat Dutch. J5y express 1,000
$12.00, 2000, $3.50 5000, $T.50.
Prepaid mail 300, $1.00, 500,
$1.50, 1000, $2.50 Send for
price list Sweet Potato, Tomato
nd other plants. 4-20
Attorney* at I, t*
Will practice in all eouits of tbs State
Hamilton, - Ga.
Phono 1844 - . Columbus
Over Brown & Leverette
All kinds of shoe repairing at reasonable
prices. Work done by machinery. Shop at
the. Hastey old stand.
R. B. Durham,
General Merchandise.
fancy Groceries, Specially.
General Merchandise, Implements and
—— -----
I | FYI N/ 1 VZ A_7 S Ac I* LtC I ZbxF L LZ2X** L\*| C?
For use on ^ our w iftdc tv r rill oartf. n i ut tin m on yourself. Prices
2 inch. 8 J each ; ;] inch 12 ' uch; and 4 1.2 inch I5c each postpaid.
INOVUty N! ivnives i and J m ixazors
With your name, address; photo and ledge emblem made
order and --- J guaranteed. -------’ From v ' $1.50 *’ ' A up.
Stuart M. Stout.
P. 0. Box Printing
375, LaGrange, Ga.
Wi ite or call at Sa'csroo 108 Depot Srieet
The oldt st Fire Iriiruce I
Company in America. ....
Tfcs ««»dest Fire Insurance Com
pnny !r the World,........... |
L W, ILL! ORD, Agt, Hamilton, Georgia
Whether Coiter Pin or
Complete Overhaul
You can get it in our authorized Ford
Sales and Service Station. In our stock
room, Ford we carry every part (hat gjies into a
car or Ford truck. They're genuine
| Ford parts too—each made of the same
j tough, durable Vanadium steel as its coun¬
] terpart in (he Ford car.
I Our shop is equipped with specially de¬
signed tools and up-to-thc-minute machin¬
ery so that repairs, adjustments, or complete
overhauls fer Ford cars can be handled
promptly and efficiently. Our mechanics
understand the Ford mechanism and know
the right way to tune it up.
We are part ot the Big Ford Family
and not only repair Fords but sell them as
well. We have more than a passing in¬
terest in your car. Drive in when it needs
Authorized repairing. For scJety’s sake have the
Ford dealer do it.
Insist on Genuine Ford Parts
—hi it —ii ii ,
/Etna Insure nee Co.,
of Hartford, Conn.
1819—One Hundredth y—1919.
Cash Capital, $5,C0ti,000.
Surplus Reserve fer Policy-holder?, $13,904,032.69
for Re Insurance, 14,852,438 38
Resetve for Unpaid Losses, 2,303.307.08
Reserve for Other Claims, 1,015,000.00
Net Surplus:'
Losses paid in 100 years?
Dayton Calhoun, Agt, Hamilton,' Ga
• vtvtvtttutv. \\ j
The Mail
While the Salesman Wait#
We can 'urniah you the kind of
printed sales letters end circular
will get your message in the righ
W*y to the man who can bu*
your goods.
Use more printed salesmanship,
Ask us.
The Rightof Way
Printing is the Saletman
Whn ho lias Nr,m the tkrn Right £>.-„!.* of 11/ Way
Your sales letter in the United States !
n\ai! has the right of way straight to your
customer’s desk. I
Strengthen of your appeal by using a
paper know i quantity — Hammennill j
Bond — and good printing which will
attract your customer’s attention, end
seU your gooas.
I hat s the kind of printing we do and
the paper we use. !
Uj« Mort Printed Sale!month ip. Atk at
VV hrkeas, A. c. Hobbs, administrator
j of the estate of Sim Jenkins, represents to
the Court in ffis petition, duty (Bud and
j entered on record, that he has fully admin.
! istered Sil “ Senkius* estate.
rills »8. therefore, to cite all persons eon
jeemed, kindred ml uTai^ffiLged' aud creditors, to show
administration, and receive Letter* of 4
| Dismission on the first Monday ‘ in Am if,
| 1920. j
J F, C. Wn.ciAxis, Ordinary. 1
Administratrix’ Sale
I>.v virtue of a special order granted by J
■ Court of Ordinary ot Troup county. Geer-,
j gia, April will tie sold on tlife first Tuesday in
j next, in front of the eouit house
door of Harris county, Georgia, between
, described the the liigheit legal hours bidder of sale, for cash at piibiic the following outcry to %
, property, to-wit:
Eighty acres of land, more or less, situ,
ated in Harris county- adjoining ihecitv
limit of West Point, Ga., and hounded as
follows: On the west by the Uliat'ahoo.
cbee river, south by lands of W. R Book,
er and Chattahoochee 1 iver, east by lands
of W. E. Booker and Roy Freeman and ou
the north by iands of the estate of J. D.
Johnson, deceased, for the purpose of pay¬
ing debts and distribution.
This March 2,1920.
Flokencr A, Johnson,
Administ ratrix of estate of J.D.Johnson
Long time. Easy payments. Lf
interest rates. Home money. W.
Cecil Noill, Attorney at Law, Colum
bus, Ga. 2i>nj 1 j
! ot Nolice hereby giveu to all creditors
| ‘be estate os Mrs. Virginia Traylor, late
I of sale, county, deceased, to render in an
j j rtnuwra account of of said their demands to the admiui
estate within the time pre
j scribed by law, properly made out. And
j all persons indepted to said deceased are
j hereby requested to make immediate pay
| meat to the
This the 3rd day ot February 1920.
Tom Wisdom & W. B. Wisdom,.
: Administrators of Mrs. Virginia Traylor
; Gkohoia, Ha kris County.
i Notice is hereby given to all creditors ot
the estate of Miss Lucinda Thomason,
late ot said county, deceased, to rooler in
an account of their demands to the esc u
tion of said estate within the timdproscrib
ed by law. properly made out. And all
|>ersons indebted to said deceased are
hereby requested to make immediate pay¬
ment to the undersigned.
This March 2 1920.
J. W, Thompson,
Executor ot Miss Lucind , Thomason
Georgia, If arris Couxty.
To All Whom It May Concern,
Notice is hereby given that, that the ap¬
praisers appointed to set apart and assign
a year’s support to Jimmie Barnes, the
widow and seven minor children of Shade
Barnes, deceased, have filed their award'
aud unless good and sufficient cause is
shown, the same will he made the j, idg
ment of the Court at the April Term, Kr.v
of the Court of Ordinary.
This March 2. 1025,
J F. C, WILLIAMS, Ordinary.
Gaos at i, Harris County.
To All Whom It May Concern ; I
W HKRjjAs L. O. Storey Administrator of
the estate of J, 6,Storey, deceased,
sents. to the Conn in repre¬
his petition, d«ly
tiled and entered on record, that he has
(uUy administered J G. Story’s estate:
This is, there fora, to cite all
concerned, kindred persons
and creditors, to show
oause, if any they can, why said Adminis¬
trator shoid not be discharged f tli
ad ministration, ro!U .,
and receive Letters ol
Dismission on the first Monday in April,
<3. F, C. W ILLIAMS, Ordinary,
To AM W horn It May Concern;
Mrs. C, M, Kimbrough bai j„g ; n proper
form applied to me lor Permanent Letters
of administration on the estate of C. M.
Kimbrough, late of said county, this is to
cite all and singular, the creditors and
next of kin of said 0. M. Kimt,rough to be
and appear at my office by the Isc Monday
in April next, and show cause if any tiiev
can, why perwaget administration should
not h„ granted to Mrs. C. M. Kimbrough
on < . M. K'mhtough’s estate.
Witness my hand and official signature
this 1st day of March, 1920.
3. F. g, WILLIAMS, Ordinary,
WNRHRA*. Miss Willie May Alien admin¬
istratrix of the estate of Gordon Allen, de¬
ceased, represents to the court in her peti¬
tion, duly tiled and entered on record, that
she has fully administered said estate.
This is, therefore, to cite all persons con¬
cerned, kindred and creditors, to show
cause, if any they can, why said adminis¬
tratrix shoild not be discharged from her
administration, and receive letters of dis¬
mission on the first Monday in April, 1920.
This tlie first day of March, 1920.
•I. F .C. WILLIAMS, Ordinary.
kouoia. hakims county.
Notice is hereby given to all creditors of
he estat e ot j. K B„ g h, i ate „ f sa i,i
C ""' Uy ' tleceasetJ - to re "' 1,,r in au account
° 111 r demands to the administrator of
said . estate within the time prescribed by
a ”> properly made out And all persons
indebted to said deceased are hereby ro
quested to make immediate payment to
the undersigned.
This March 1, 1920
V ... ,, II. Baki
Administrator , of J. E Baugh.